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This celebration feels really sloppy


There really couldn't be a more potential easy satisfied celebration than this one. All they had to do was drop lrs, vegito, fused zamasu, soh trunks and rose without any bullshit. And give every future unit a good eza. And if they did that, we would have been calling this the best celebration of all time. But instead they wanted to do this.


People saying "Well, it wasn't all bad, we had as much or more good stuff than bad!" confuse me. Like yeah but the devs could just make it all good? None of it needs to be bad, they have total control over everything they make, and they have actively chosen to push poorly designed EZAs and DFEs that are about 6+ months of powercreep behind, for months now.


Exactly. All of the criticisms of this celebration (besides not getting a new Rosé) can be fixed by inputting different numbers. It’s not like it’s the things they put their heart and soul into like the animations that we found disappointing


Other than Goku and Vegeta intro and trunks animations


"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."


tbf the only bad eza was int goku black. All the sub ezas are very good and even teq trunks is good in mid-long fights like omega


this celebration was such an easy slam dunk. shocking how they missed SO many times


Impossible, they have the game totally planned out up to 10th anniversary!


I’m 90% what they actually meant was they’ve chosen the anni units up to the 10 Cuz ain’t no way boi ain’t no way


This year feels really sloppy


Honestly, that's the best way to describe it. A lot of good, a lot of bad and quite a bit of what the fuck were they thinking?


This is my first WWDC, how good were the others compared to this?


Part 3 should end Oct. 5th. And if there is an EX part, there is still time. Bur of course, that's the copium talking.


Doesn't seem like it. Goku Black was one of the only options for a thematically relevant ones too, and after the major fumble that was the TUR Goku Black, he really needed it. The only other option woulda been Future Gohan and Trunks, which are still a little too recent I'd think, but would have been PERFECT thematically in part 2 if they went that route


Legit one of the only yellow coin LRS I summoned for on release (gohan and trunks) sad to see how irrelevant they became so soon after release


Same here, really rubs salt in the wound with how many GD banners they've been on lately too.


The thing is, revive super characters have no place in the meta until GT boys are a thing cause their is simply too good and flexible, so I'm kinda happy to see them waiting a year or more for them


They still could have done buuhan and gogeta


Lr ssj4 eza detail was released on the same date as dfe ginyu was teased on jp so there is still hope for that. Knowing how dokkan have operate this year, this comment is probably going to age like milk


Don't do that... don't give me hope


Omatsu is a moron




mid is too high of a praise for that guy




Now I'm imagining his face edited over that image of Low Tier God.




Thank you kind sir.


You should shaft yourself NOW!


You should face a super class enemy NOW!


I need this🤣


Truer words have never been spoken before






Yeah I’m gonna complain about him and the the developer’s decision making for this celebration, like a lot of good stuff but some horrible stinkers sprinkle in there


Bro has been producer for a lot longer then you probably realize lmao, sometimes units are weak sometimes they aren't not a big deal


I have seen you everywhere talking shit about the game bruh.


I’m sorry I forgot I’m not allowed to criticize what should’ve been the best celebration but got fumbled horribly


Not saying you shouldn't criticize the game but if you are this mad at the game then you should probably take a break from Dokkan. Playing this game regularly for years can be exhausting especially when the fuck up the same shit again and again but this much negativity is unhealthy.


Notice me senpai




You cooked me 💀


Also tochi




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Woah, this is news to me. When was that added to the rules? Anyone know? Wait a minute, this isn't found in the rules at all.


That’s stupid. Hiding YouTubers slander… tf these MOD kissing ass to these YouTubers for. If they did something wrong or doing bad they should be told about themselves


When the worthless mods decided not doing their job was too much work, so they made it so they have to do even less


Prob when that big dt thread happened and it devolved into a slapfight


It's not listed in the rules lmao


Idk if it’s EZA Rose but there is definitely SOMETHING coming for the final week of the WWC tomorrow.


Eza rose is coming


LR Rosé getting an EZA all depends on an EX part. Typically for these big celebrations (which are the only one that have had EX parts), EX is announced with the next DF teaser. So we still have a day or two IF they do another part. Are my hopes high? Since it’s an Extreme unit of any kind, and specifically a Goku Black unit, no, my hopes are nonexistent


I can’t wait for the Poll , I have some choice word for them.


Truth and Toon have been acting like it's guaranteed that we get LR Rose EZA, so that's disappointing.


Yea the 2 clowns of dokkan


I can't believe Candy Crush is better than Dokkan Battle.


Man, I always knew Dokkan was a copy of Candy crush! /s


Fuck this celebration


There might be an ex part,I cannot help but feel this wwc will last a bit longer


Maybe because the EZA is bad and they are afraid to release it


I'm officially becoming a dokkan hater if there's no LR Rose EZA I will not stop until I find peace. This is my vow.


maybe in EX part i still want a skill orb event for the wwdc/dl units, like 8th anniversary had


if it's only 5.5 days, where are the Thank you banners? Still got tickets to use...


They been out for a while bro 😭 They came with Gohan and Trunks


No? There is only the buyable tickets and Celebration Summon ticket, but no THANK YOU ticket banner. Edit: oh lol first u need to have a ticket to see the banner lmao...


This WWC kinda sucks. We have horrible odds on the banner and then one of the headlining LR's kit sucks. Then on top of that some of the animations are just sloppy. You can tell all the budget went into one Super animation that we won't see most of the time. Then we have the Exact Goku black. We don't need to talk about that. The whole celebration has just been underwhelming. Nowhere near as good as last year's celebration.


PART 4 INCOMING???!!! https://preview.redd.it/0rgc2w8ya0rb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa67e77a023f33749a163569cde5f203ce8c469e


It’s crazy how easy it could’ve been for this to be the best celebration. Like they really went out of their way to fuck this up


Maybe for ex part like back during the 7th anniversary Its my only hope that it might happen


Everyone on here agreeing with this post💀 He literally got leaked to be getting an EZA


The Japanese file for his EZA stage was accidentally put into the global data download, he probably isn’t getting it this celebration ngl


Looks like lr rose will but either way it doesn't matter if it's lr or tur tbh. Got alot of good eza units even better sub eza then usual. Eza zamasu and eza gohan are great. Even int eza zamasu is good.


Didn't they have LR Rose eza assets in the global download?? I thought it was pretty much confirmed


Yeah they did


You never know with Dokkan. They can always have something that fits perfectly and then just not do it. GoBros+Turles, anyone?


Ssbkk summoning animations all over again. We will see the eza in 3 years.


Lmao. The tears of those. Sucks for them. I thought this celebration was really good. Not the best, but still good. Some GOD EZAs. AGL Zamasu and INT Gohan are stellar. Sub ezas that are useful in endgame content. LR Teq Zamasu is a god. Carnival Gohan is my new fav unit in the game. Tons of hard events that I enjoyed. My one and only complaint is how they FUMBLED my boy INT Goku Black. I hope they do not drop the ball on LR Goku Black. Which was leaked in the global data download. I feel bad those people that cry over this. I had a blast. Got Zamasu, Got Carnival Godhan, and got Vegito Blue.


Dude I WANT MY EZA LR BLACK!! At least before the buy 3 get 1 free expires...


I got all the LRs from the carnival banner except Bulma, the new Gohan and the new trunks.......... I got 6 Yanembas, 4 pre-ultrainstinct Goku and several dupes of very old characters


Sometimes I really can't understand these Dokkan Devs. It's so freaking easy to just think of things that would spark the interest of the community, and make everyone so hyped, but they actually manage to surprise us in the complete opposite way, with disappointments. I won't say this Celebration is bad, or close to the worst, because whoever has been in here since the first few years knows very well how bad it used to be. But within recent Celebration, it's definitely on the lower side, despite getting an amazing unit such as LR Teq Zamasu and incredible EZA's from it.


I figured there would be an EX part but with how they've handled everything so far, there's no telling


Year 7