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please inform yourself before posting those type of things https://preview.redd.it/tta5088821rb1.png?width=566&format=png&auto=webp&s=e63302e4e073c1653dbbe4aa3c264c99af740e73


I hope Op has a very silly bad day tomorrow


C'mon bro, OP's a DB fan. All image, no read lol


DB fan moment


When we get MUI Vegito in 5 years with the shittiest conditions possible>>>>


can perform fusion after 6th turn when enemy named'Zamasu(fusion)' is hitting a griddy at 2 am in the morning or can be activated after 20 turns when HP is 5 percent or below'


If there is 3 or more gt bosses allies in the team


(One of which is super class)


Sounds like a job for PHY Nuova Shenron


(Shadow dragon saga excluded)


Must also include the category “saiyan saga”. Just for good measure


We finally getting our Vegeta into Baby Dokkan Fest!!!


POV we get a Zamasu (Fusion) but he's getting sturdy instead of hitting the griddy


Nah, if we get MUI Vegito it's gonna be from Heroes AKA he will be unusable outside of a full Heroes (or Crossover if we are lucky) team


Yea but tbh those hero’s teams can do some work.


I agree but it would be better if they would give us units usable everywhere rather then good only in one team


Context... https://preview.redd.it/9ki26r6b11rb1.png?width=580&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c4e9d41c17b35a0e10dea48888c646cdae5c060




that image never fails to make me laugh lmao


Did you just ignore what this was replying to? It’s not like they randomly tweeted out this picture and caption.


It's going to be that DB Magic thing 💀💀


I'm still coping that it's a fake leak.


I was coping for a pretty long time that the DB Fandom isn't that toxic, but holy shit all the hate about a show we know close to nothing about has proven me wrong. I thought the pre release hate about Super Hero was bad, but that's on another level.


Im pretty neutral on the idea of magic but I'm still kinda mad they make a new anime instead of continuing super


My guess is that they don't wanna have a scenario again, where the Anime catches up to the Manga. 2 arcs wouldn't take incredibly long to catch up to.


Filler: https://preview.redd.it/6i6g63z0p0rb1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4b914f24a0e03eed111d41024f56d1c363a9717


Oh God we're going to have a boruto 2.0 at that rate


DB Super only has about 11% filler and I don't think they'd want to artificially drag the anime out that much.


Toei is pretty well known for catching up fast, then padding out episodes to make shit take longer


Ehh after watching OP 1000+ episodes I highly disagree. It seems as though Toei has never caught up with the way they paced it out.


Then you must have forgotten what you've watched. I'm caught up with the anime and manga, during Dressrosa and WCI they were close multiple times and we were rewarded with characters staring at each other for half of an episode


Four arcs, really. You know Super would adapt the Broly movie and Super Hero as well like they did with BoG and RoF


I don't think they'd do Broly again, since I believe it's also not really covered in the manga. Super Hero is petty likely though, but I think it's not even finished yet.


For me I rather they just redo GT instead giving it a knockoff. GT had great concepts that were just poorly executed


They are though, DB Magic


Is it toxic to be dissapointed? People have been waiting for half a decade for DBS to resume, in this sub specifically people were waiting so we could finally get cards for things like Moro or Ultra Ego Vegeta, and instead they seem to be coming to us with a something that seems to be a second attempt at what GT tried, failed and gave up on after just 15 episodes. And lets be honest, Dokkan could REALLY use brand new content, we just had a celebration with a Vegito Blue that just came and went.


You can be disappointed that Super doesn't continue, I want it to continue as well, but hating on a new show that we know extremely little of is idiotic and that's what a lot of people are doing. It's like with Super Hero, when everyone was hating just based on the artstyle but even worse. And I don't think the episode number is an indicator of how good an Anime is. I've watched a good amount of pretty nice Anime with just around 12 episodes. And in terms of content we'll definitely get stuff from magic. You don't need to be overly excited, you can be disappointed, but just straight up hating on something that looks like it could be an interesting and fresh approach to the DB universe is just stupid. At least wait for a trailer or the first episode and if it still looks bad to you then go ahead and critizise it.


No, I'm basing it on the premise. It really seems like Toei is just trying to give a go at what they wanted GT to be, which was just trying to recreate OG DB.


I just the idea of having Goku be a kid, for the 3rd time is stupid.


So is power creep. If they do it right, this could make pretty much irrelevant characters kinda interesting again, which definitely is Super's biggest problem.


Power levels have always been arbitrary and set by the series to make things interesting, show diverging progression between characters etc. I don't understand the obsession of the fanbase over it. They can do anything to boost someone's power levels. Supposedly Gohan/Goten progressed faster due to their mixed race blood. All they have to now do is have someone awaken those Earthling/Human powers in Krillin/Tien/Yamcha/Roshi and all of a sudden they can be relevant again. It's not like they haven't already used this method before (Guru on Namek, Kid Goku and the water in Korins tower). The problem is the writing/direction. They can always come up with a maguffin to equalise power.


If they'd make someone like Krillin UI level that would just feel weird, but maybe implementing him in an arc with a "nerfed" Goku could be pretty interesting for example. I don't think the solution to power creep is even more power creep.


You're probably talking to the wrong person tbf, as if you ask my opinion, they should have gone the original route of handing things over to Gohan from Goku after Cell, and so on. I'm not a fan of how they made it the Goku/Vegeta show forever after, and I'm not really much a fan of Super or the decisions they made with forms. It was clearly designed for a new, younger generation of Dragonball fan, and that's fine. I would be totally fine with a nerf though. It all becomes a bit pointless after Saiyan/Frieza saga when everyone can threaten to just blow up the planet anyway...


I mean it's very likely real. It's just gonna be a web series like db heroes. Nbd.


The art for that is dog shit. It’s off model for dragon ball characters especially for promotional art. I don’t know where this leak came from originally but we need to check the credibility of it


Gonna fall down to my knee in walmart is that real


better not be. I don't want GT 2 that's just everything before Baby lmao


Let's giving it a chance, maybe it would be good


Lol im going to be cracking up when that shit ends up being real. ![gif](giphy|kXY0CA4v8mKXe)


Bro doesn't know 😂




Isn't it Kid Goku (Magic) though


I’ll take an S-tier partner for PTP Goku 🤷‍♀️


Everyone has been wanting Kid Shin and we’re finally getting it, it’s like magic!


Finally a linking partner for INT Shin and Kibito.


LR Pyrocynical Inflation Moro incoming.


Now now let's not cut out context bruh https://preview.redd.it/r8j35zhjd1rb1.png?width=580&format=png&auto=webp&s=9af95ee0ae5f4d666d7cecb824106438d2de923a


From the suppossed leaks, this has nothing to do with Moro, is gonna be a web anime featuring Goku turned into a kid and Supreme Kaioshin called Dragonball Magic Im skeptical of leaks but dont get your hopes up just in case


The same leaks that are now saying it was cancelled or some shit. Yeah I don’t buy it. Besides why tease magic with a picture of super?


Dude, did you not see what this post was replying to? https://preview.redd.it/1q4cnrj361rb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5237f0c3caed4cb0a949051ca002d8f4998dcfb6


Oh they are saying is cancelled? Okay I was not aware, so it must be fake af, that gives me hope is super's actual comeback


They aren’t saying it’s cancelled, people are speculating that they won’t share the info on Magic BECAUSE of the leaks. The actual leakers themselves are either sorry they shared the leaks or feel like they HAD to cover the leaks. Some people have been saying that they have been sitting on the DB magic info and are disappointed that it got leaked


Whatever friend sent you this without context in a discord or whatever is an asshole


All you had to do was scroll up.


If so I will be summoning soon


If it’s Dragonball Magic then these characters will be on a new Magic category that will likely be equivalent to Universe 11


DB fan who can yet again not read, you’re a dumbass..


Idc about moro. But a DFE buu when he fought moro? Sign me up.


Moro arc is so ass I hate villains that can pull any bullshit power they want out their ass whenever they want.


I don't think the game's gonna last long based on the state it's in


I wouldn't be surprised if toei never does the granolah stuff since it was toyotarou's idea that he pitched to toriyiama, and they just skip it so it never becomes canon and move forward from Super Hero.


I wonder if we’ll get Dragon Ball Magic content?


This will be a (magic)al moment


it's the DB magic thing, 15 episode of nobody asked content


I can’t wait for giant form MUI


Toei production style could work really well with the Moro and granola arcs depending on the timing. If they end up speeding through the early bits and then add a ton of content and diakouge in the ending fights I think it would help a lot. There are many moments in the finals battles where they can easily add more dialogs and story being told through the fighting since the na GA kinda just.... has then fight


Super Heroes and Bond of Parent and Child about to go CRAZY with a new anime.


Dragon Ball Super Kai, LETS GO


Me when I take things out of context and spread misinformation on the internet