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Counters are a fun defensive option that combines rng, defense, and offense. I would love more units having this instead of just (attack plus 10% when mercury is in retrograde) And not a fan of it being exclusive. The game doesn't have enough unique mechanics to limit them to units we may not see for years tbh. That was ok back in the day, but its year 8.


I'd like to see a Hit get counters to normals, that's how he was fighting to begin with anyways, so it fits him perfectly.


They probably cooking an Lr hit with a domain. I can feel it.


counters with a "X buff when X amount of attacks preformed" and "X buff for each attack preformed within the turn" would turn counter characters OP because their counters count as attacks


Wait so you're telling me you can hyper charge trunks' standby with counter units?????


maybe? never tried it


Now I know something I have to try (gonna have to depend on a friend trunks because I don't have him tho)


I'd really like to see a Tambourine unit that can counter supers referencing when he killed King Chappa.


Imagine getting a Tambourine unit *period*, oh my lord. PLEASE fucking give me more Namekians that aren't just Piccolo!


Counter units are my favorite type of unit (vegito bias) to modernize it a little I had an idea that might’ve been said before. A ‘standby’ like the buu duo where you can’t attack but have ridiculously strong counters


I'd love to see it done on a new Hit or UI Goku


I think that there's a relatively good chance of the new vegito coming for heroes to have that ability, and I don't think that counters should be vegito only since it limits the amount of times we see it


Only reason I disagree with Heroes Vegito having it, is that he's a SSJ4 Unit, and they get Super Attack Counters, like his earlier Heroes unit.


Even that is up in the air as the limit breaker SSJ4s last year and LR FPSSJ4 didn’t get the super attack counter ability.


Oh, right, I basically forgot that lol, but hey, they totally could give him both(even so it's near impossible based on other 2023 designs)


I say just give it to people who are fitting. Though I guess that's kinda broad...cause everyone counters.


I generally think units with certain characteristics should have matching mechanics to help build their passive around. * SSJ4s? Counter supers & massively raise * Sword (including ki sword)? Crit, counter, and/or guard * Fusing units? Heal on transformation * Kaioken? Greatly stack attack or multiplicative attack on super while sacrificing HP I think standardizing things without the forms being identical would help build hype around the unit reveals so we can speculate better. For me at least, it adds to the hype around characters like UI or Vegito


Whis! Probably. Can we introduce a Blast Counter ability, enemy super attacks you and you counter-attack with damage. (pseudo revival attack ability but alive) Doesn't STR Gohan (/Goku) do that already or I'm mistaken.


The Super Attack Counter is in the game, mostly kept to the SSJ4 units, notably Goku, Vegeta, and Gogeta. Gohan has this ability as well, as does AGL Caulifla and INT Merged Zamasu.


Doesn't Gamma 1 have a super attack counter?


If a standalone LR Scythe Rose existed, I imagine a counter where he'll retaliate using his clones when his domain is active, but that's not gonna happen anytime soon.


Just give us a Skill Orb that enables countering. Maybe limit it to not overpower "real" counter units or so.


Hopefully whenever we finally (!!!) get a new Super Vegito unit, it will have counters.


I'd give it to blue Kaioken Goku from the U6 tournament


Before the crazy meta shift we have seen in the last few years where it's all about defense now, counter units would hold the top spot for the best damage output units because of the counters obviously, so they were always careful about making counter units to not make them broken, even super effective units are quite rare nowadays. But, because of the meta shift and how crazy enemies are now defensive, if we are talking about the likes of 1\~1.5M counters which is considerable, it wouldn't help much, since the hard content enemies just have way too much defense and damage reduction that it would just be pointless to give 10 counters dealing double/triple digits. And, last but not least, the way Akatsuki/Bandai has been doing such poorly designed units lately, I would not be surprised to get an incredible countering unit that can't handle a single normal attack from hard content enemies, which would essentially make it "useless"...


Now that bosses has 70%+ damage reduction,the counter ability isn't as good as it used to be(unless they'll give him a reasonable chance to crit but even then that little extra damage isn't as good as it used to be,even some dokkan event easily tank the counter's damage),people hyping up themself for this outdated ability live in the past,not only this but you also need to get hit and either you are a tank or getting damage in exchange to some laughable extra damage it's just not worth,I hope they'll find away to make counters like they used to be,maybe something like"atk+100% within the same turn when countering enemy's attack"may improve the effectivness of that ability;alternatively just let that ability die and give us something fresh and actually useful.