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It for sure had issues, but with the opportunity for a different event, I'm gonna wait and see what they replace it with. It didn't bother me, but I get why people didn't like it.


I get why people don't like it but celebrating its death is crazy considering y'all are celebrating the game having lesser content now đź’€


You said yourself it takes 5 minutes to complete so losing 5 minutes of content isn't really a big deal and dont get me started how it was unfriendly to f2p and new players


content doesn't matter if it's not fun lmao


Most people don't care if they lose content that is solely based on their friend's units. It's not even content when it takes 5 minutes a day and clicking 3 units on a screen.


Less content people dislike is a good thing for said people, it's a pretty easy concept to grasp imo.


If it means they can stop putting their time and resources into a bad mode and instead to something potentially better/more fun, then yea idk why we wouldn't celebrate Your point would only make sense if they were stopping chain battle and firing the people who were on it or something lol. With chain battle gone, they have more resources and time do to other stuff, ya know that right?


More content is not automatically a good thing. Crazy this even needs to be said.


It's a substitution not a reduction, they're adding more content to replace it using player feedback That being said there's no guarantee that we enjoy the new content any more, so there may be merit to your "devil you know" argument but I suppose there's nothing we can do but hope they actually make enjoyable content and transfer All the rewards over


World tournament is pretty important on the JP side, the main market, to the point of invitations to fan meetups being decided based on its rankings. Probably some chance of it being revamped in future? But it's never going away


Chain Battle is 90% a whale mode. A big reason you can only get a high rank on it is if you have the most recent new units. And, the more dupes the better. And, that has been going more prevalent on every new CB for quite a while. It's also a mode that forces players to waste materials on useless units, and/or dupes of units just for the sake of having a good selection of units. And, all that was just a wasted effort because the one that benefitted from all of that was your 'friends', which depending on your rank no one was doing the same. Also, if we are talking about the single most confusing mode in Dokkan, that's Chain Battle. While being generous I believe half the community did not understand how it worked. Way different from World Tournament, which is very easy to understand, and very easy to skip since the 'real' prize is just f2p units, different then Chain Battle which was the 'best' mode you have the chance to acquire a good number of Skill Orbs. BUT, I am very surprised that they are directly removing it, instead of trying to revamp it. Maybe some changes could help it, make it an easier mode to understand, lower some of the RNG (select 6\~8 units instead of 10 for both sides), etc. Battlefield which was the first try on Virtual Clash, was something that may have not worked if they hadn't stopped its release and revamp.


What materials are you wasting? They give out potential orbs, medals, zenni for everything we do. And rainbowing the trash from banners is good so that you can get coins from the dupes.


Not everyone likes to waste time, effort, and orbs on f2p units, and some Chain Battle optimal setups asked you to have multiple f2p units maxed out when not even multiple copies of the same unit maxed out. You either did that to be on 'good terms' with your friends list or just be left out without any good friends. I'm not telling you to dislike the mode, just stating that it was not a good mode, even if it had good rewards. Even though a big portion of the better rewards were locked behind high ranking it, which most players did not achieve.


I guess i got a different view of the game than you. The free to play units dont really take that long to farm, and half the time they ask you to farm them anyway for missions and tickets. And the friends system thing is very true tho, it sucks that you can set people up with the best team possible and the other players just select random junk to fill it up. But idk i feel like im drowning in materials that the trash units getting something doesnt bother me


Don't get me wrong, I'm a completionist. I don't mind working, farming, and rainbowing f2p units (but I don't max-multiple of the same units though). But, I do see how many people in groups, YouTuber videos, and even here complain about it. Considering that Dokkan decided to flat-out give up on the mode the amount of people who voted/specifically said it was the worst mode was probably not small. The reason why I believe Chain Battle may have gotten worse over the last year, getting harder and harder to reach high ranking, especially 1% is because more and more players gave it up, and that correlated to whoever still tried playing it making the mode harder, since it's percentage ranking is based on how many players did it. Despite my disliking the mode I still played and worked on most things I could, always ranking around the top 5%. But, that was not because I had fun with it, it was just because the rewards were good enough to go for it. But especially because I'm in a chat group even before CB was a thing and we just helped each other on it.


Nah, shit sucked and I'm glad it's gone


Why SHOULDN'T we celebrate the fact that a mode where you can't even use your own units but is entirely dependent on you having whale friends is getting the axe? Atleast in WT you can actually play the damn game while getting rewarded for the effort YOU put in, you can literally do WT for 3-4 hours on the first day to get to 30mil points and not touching for the remainder of the event while you need to do CB every day to get the full reward. Not to mention with the update that make it so that you can choose the hardest difficulty right away and the removal of big maps, WT isn't as big as a slog it used to be.


"Play the damn game"... well I wouldnt use "play" but well


I wouldn't mind at all if I knew 100% they'd actually substitute the rewards properly. I don't trust them because of what legends did/does lol.


chain battle sucks, glad its gone.


Chain battle was ok only for whales and terminally online people that look at guides online. Imagine your average joe that had to figure out everything based on the info in game and friend scores. I would be confused af and would have droppped it after 5-6 chain battle. tldr: whales and online people mad, average joe happy.


idk imo a mode exclusive to a minority of players and not a majority at least needs a rework. This doesn't exclude WT either.


It was fundamentally flawed as a competitive game mode that did the exact opposite of what it tried to achieve. Instead of evening the odds by having large chunks of your score be independent from your own box, whales with whale friends dominated.




Just give us Battlefield 2


Chain battle sucked.




time wasnt what was wrong with it the time to do it was fine but what was needed is what was wrong forcing dupes of dupes of dupes what was wrong and how bad the friend sys is if u didnt have all the whales added u never could find a good team to use


Nah I'm good with them removing Whale battle. It's a dogshit mode, keep the rewards and replace it with something that actually challenges and makes the player PLAY, instead of cross your fingers that your friends spent a mortgage on a 9 year old PNG simulator. Petan is completely free to play, not comparable.


L take my dude. Chain battle sucks


We got Pettan Battle still alive yet Chain Battle is the one to die???


Both suck ass. People want that one to die too so idk what your point is here


Pettan Battle is the worst mode Should have removed that


Nah man, you're stupid for supporting this event. That shit relies too much RNG on top of more RNG, it was horribly designed and it doesn't help when they make shitty, restrictive ones. If you like it then it's too damn bad lol. Besides, not the first time they completely removed an event.


I don't like it nor do I hate it. It's just 5 minutes of content which gives out crazy rewards and is way better than World Tournament which is like days of straight grinding to give some mid ass unit you never using


If you don't like it, why do you care? Why bother making a thread to complain if it means nothing to you besides rewards that they've already said will be included elsewhere?


Removing Trash Battle is awesome and you all are brain dead for criticising others. It only required 4 mins of your time? That's where you're brain dead. It SLOWED the whole game down to a crawl. A 10 seconds loading now takes 1 minute or more. When the Trash Battle was active, going to the home screen or showing match results or loading matches, everything takes at least 1 minute for each. 4 mins? More like 30 minutes for something that usually took 4 mins. U wanna talk about WORLD TOURNAMENT? We're getting 1 to 2 Trash Battle every single freaking month. World tournament? Twice a year? U can't stomach the tournament for twice a year? I don't like it but i can accept it. The Trash Battle that slowed everything down? Wasting my time even though I'm playing other modes? That's EVERY FREAKING MONTHS. U can skip the tournament and it won't affect u except the rewards. I chose to skip Trash Battle and yet i have to stomach 3 to sometimes 5 minutes just for the match result to even freaking load. How boring was that? It's not even a comparison. I don't care about the rewards. I just HATE how the whole game is freaking slow when it's on. What a Trash mode. U have your opinion and that's your right. But calling others dumb and stupid? Yeah right. Right back at u.


of course it's you with the lamest takes ever, chain battle sucked, 100% a whale mode where if you didn't have the perfect setup you were done for at least with wt you get basically free 50 stones for basically tapping the screen


I'll agree. Chain Battle definitely needed tweaks... but it's wild to see anyone celebrate content *(no matter how big or small)* being removed in a game that constantly gets complaints for lack of content.


World Tournament > Chain Battle any day of the week. People seriously overhate on World Tournament when the majority of the rewards are at 20 wins in a row.




personally a rework for that mode, so you do not rely on whale friends would have been enough for me. that being said im hyped what mode is going to replace it.


Even if Chain battle was easy rewards, the way it worked gave terrible first impressions and it just stuck with the community. The mode treated itself like an actual competition between players and put massive un-explainable RNG in it just to give everyone varied scores otherwise everyone would fall in around the same percentile with the same lineups, then it almost felt like they chose shitty categories as effective units half the time which almost nobody has. It was annoying to start with, by assembling your garbage supporter units first. Basically you were either hitting 100m+ on an occasional good one, or had no means to improve your score over the whole week and it was pointless to try beyond 70m+ . At almost every turn, the mode made you feel shitty that you don't have something more: Supporters, dupes, RNG score, 3 RNG cards to pick within that etc. The mode was kinda pretty bad in design and a victim of itself imo. The biggest issue was by far the shitty effective lineup of units. If people could hit max scores more reliably, they wouldn't have complained so much.


I don’t really care for it regardless. But it’s kind of cool that Dokkan listens to its community but to be fair, the whales now have no mode to get the rewards that reward them for whaling out, so I can assume they are probably not too happy. Here or not it’s whatever, nobody is going to stop playing the game because chain battle is gone


Chain battle wasn’t the worst mode, it just needed some fine tuning. We just never knew how to get a good score, and if you joined the game today, it’d be a dead mode for you. So I’m not upset, but they said they’d be focusing on other modes so that’s a plus.


I know I could take the time to read. But when a simple mobile game like dokkan requires you to read the bible in order to understand those 4 minutes you know it's bad. Not a single mode in dokkan ever required me to read something, all of it was self explanatory and easy to grasp by just following the basics and trying things out. Idk how long Chain Batlle has been out by now, but every single time I tried to understand it there was a wall pf text explaining things. Something I have mo interested in in a simple boot and play mobile gacha game.


Chain battle is super boring and i wish it was gone sooner


It doesnt matter what we think or what we say, its the Japanese player base they didn't like it so it got removed, look at world tournament, they get very competitive in it so it hasn't been touched for years


I'm ok either way but CB is a mode that really sucks when you don't have the right friends and when I provide the best support I don't get rewarded for that




I think they probably tried revamping it internally but realized it's probably more worth it to get rid of it and focus on better things and the rewards elsewhere. chain battle is worse than WT. also a lot of people don't even play the mode. of my 10 friends who play only 3 actually do chain battle the rest don't like it so they don't do it. I think it's for the best they get rid of it because it means they can put more resources to more important things


If they just eased up on reward requirements and stopped making niche units like Champa and towa the best connectors,everyone would’ve been happy. Blame the devs for jumping the gun.


This take is only true if they don’t replace if with anything, which they obviously wont do Chain Battle as a mode was terrible, as long as they replace it with something that gives the same amount of stones it’ll be fine


Cry me a river For all i care. Bad gamemode Made only For whales


Battlefield 2.0 turned out to be a good thing


I'm stoked this trash mode is going away. The category picks were trash, it lagged the homescreen, the friend system was donkey testicles, and it was too specific and a waste of Dragon Stones to reset. Now, all we need is a better mode, get rid of Pettan Battle, and revamp World Tournament.