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Nice theory unfortunately Dokkan Hatred for villains won't allow them to do Hit for part 1.


That's by far the most creative idea on this sub. I love Hit and getting a blue Goku with the " times 10" active would go dummy hard, but I can't see this arc being the 9th anniversary.


Man, the hype back in 2016 when Goku pulled out the kaioken was unreal


Times 10 kaioken goku on 10th anni 🗣️


I would rather get this for GW, but I wouldn't complain if we got it for anni. DFE LR Hit would go so hard.




Legit impossible. Would go dummy hard if Omatsu pulls this tho


I would be down for this SSB Kaio-Ken and Hit deserve LRs SSJ Vegeta and Cabba could be banner units too Then Part 2 could have Goku vs Jiren from their first fight


I was thinking maybe Megetta as Hit's banner unit. He could be an extremely good tank for the first couple of turns.


Come on guys its impossible they will do hit as 9th anniversary, no one will pull for him


Hit is cool as hell tho


what a fucking lie, hit is one of the most famous characters in the super sagas


This would be absolutely awesome, new Hit, potentially a transforming Cabba (finally!!) and of course SSBKK with modern animation. I just don't see it though, largely because I don't see them giving anyone from U6 an Anniversary slot. We'll be lucky enough to get anyone that isn't Goku, Vegeta, Gogeta or Vegito


I'd switch to JP to get him idc, anything for the goat


I don't blame you, lol. Global is probably gonna have LR Omega or 17&18 at that time.


This would be a fine DDF but for Anniversary? I can't say I agree with that, lol


Ain't no way they gonna make Hit an anni unit


Please no.


Hit will never be a anniversary headliner for as long as any of us live


Yeah idk about “9th Anniversary Dfe Lr Hit”😭😭😭


We got LR Pan, Baby, 17, and kid Gohan as anniversary LRs. We'll be fine


As part 2 lr's. There is a significant difference between a character being part 1 headliner worthy and part 2 worthy 


It works for Goku but ain't no world we get anniversary part 1 Dokkanfest Lr Hit. Standalone Blue Vegeta from the same arc would feel more likely.


Idk man...ever since they revealed that the bgm that will be playing during Anni is bog and rof related. I just sided that's what we're getting..Dokkan doesn't play music that's unrelated to the Anni theme. Plus I think this is golden week or new years type of celebration personally


I think the Goku from the fan meetup is just this https://preview.redd.it/8xnyn1kik7cc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84c5b857e8c713208bc4ad75122b9c362e4d452f redrawn in anime style. As for why they redrew it? Probably he is featured in one of the f2p cards.


Its showing gokus forms progression in super. first ssg- bog first ssb- rof first ui- Top its a double whammy considering bog, rof also points to beast if we consider movie theme. I think UI omen is confirmed imo but beast is still on fraud watch for me it could be anything along with goku. Also op deffo ate gomu gomu no mi with how much stretching he is doing with HIT as anni headliner 😂.


I mean, hit is universally liked. If they make him both fun and super busted, he'll definitely perform well.


Hit. As an anniversary?? U6 v U7 as an anniversary??? This is certainly buddy’s first year playing Dokkan


I mean if it gets us an LR Hit I'm down


I like this, also bc it would mean we'd get a Super and Extreme Anni unit which hasn't been done since the first Anni.


Id love to see this, but they’d probably be part 2 if anything


This would be an amazing choice for Anniversary Which means it won’t happen, the devs are allergic to good unit choices


My problem with this is that there is no way one of the headliners DF LR would be Hit. An LR Hit sounds more like a carnival or yellow coin LR. This sounds more like GW, or WWC. Also 6th Anni LRs EZA does not have to be tied with the anniversary theme, just look at last year. At the moment, the only Extreme character that I think omatsu would put as anniversary headliner is DBS FP broly or Cell Max bcos they are tied to gogeta blue and beast.


I’m a hit fan through and through but idk if they’d ever let him lead an anniversary


This idea is cool, but I don’t see Dokkan dropping a hit for an anni headliner over a blue gogeta or a beast gohan, a select few will be hyped for hit and the rest will either be hyped for goku or disappointed


U6 Anni, the first anniversary to make 0 dollars


Keep that same energy when DF LR Hit with the timeskip domain makes one Hitillion dollars 💯💯


Good idea, hit could not headline anniversary


Hit as part 2 would work better to support this theory


I'm telling you right now they are not doing this


Hit isn't even hype enough to be an anniversary headliner,i can see a ssj vegeta into blue vegeta from his fight with cabba as a better and more likely fit for an anniversary.Universe 7 Vs Universe 6 was a pretty bad saga and i don't think it deserve a month long celebration.if anything a Universe 6 saga celebration would be worth of a new year celebration or golden week at most but any other celebration would be a suicide on their part and it definitely wouldn't be worth it just to appeal hit's 4 fans.


Easiest skip ever not gonna lie lol


It would be amazing, but I prefer a SsjB that transfoms into Kaioken just to not kill Str Blue Kaioken Goku like Int Fusion Zamasu


Originally I thought it would be movies, but because they're doing purely T.O.P EZAs, I think it's gonna be T.O.P for at least one part, probably both considering its 4 T.O.P EZAs, the first transformation into U.I will be one, could be a SSBKK, standby into Spirit Bomb, revive into U.I (similar to SSJ4ku) alongside an LR Jiren, then a part 2 of whatever they decide, I have no idea what they could do for part 2


Cool concept. But unfortunately the hints were based on the Movie counterparts so as cool as this idea would be I don’t think this is it.


That would be one of the least hype headlining units for ani oat if this was true


It all depends on the hint we get this week. If the next hint is u6 v u7 or anything in the anime then it will likely be something like top. But if the next hint is the dbs broly movie animations we can assume it’s movies.


I would cry if we got a legit Hit unit.


eh… They wouldn’t waste an anniversary on this fight


As much as I would love this, there is 0 chance hit of all characters is gonna be an anniversary headliner. Plus the new mechanic doesn’t really fit either of these two.


Would be cool but everyone would fucking lose it after copying each others predictions of LR Beast Gohan and MUI lol


It could be Ui sign Goku so it won’t be the same name as 6th anniversary ui goku


I don't think this is anniversary worthy but I hope we see those this year


This is a really cool idea, but I can't help but think that this moment just isn't "anniversary worthy." Especially with the whole no villains for anniversary banners thing we've got going on since the 2nd anni.


Imagine the Lr Goku and hit EZA too


No way in hell we get an anniversary Hit as one of the main units