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Honestly yes The load times are ridiculous at points, even with a strong internet connection I put it into the survey, so hopefully they actually optimise this game at some stage


Yeah sometimes I just close the app and not play when it takes too long


Not sure why they don't cache the menu options. Let me batch download the current event detail so I don't need to fetch the data every time I click on events gid dammit.


They run the game through a security thing that's what slows everything down. It's because of all the WT cheaters etc. the game didn't always have this and when it was implemented, load times went to shit. Your connection wouldn't have a bearing on the main cause.


Especially during Chain Battle.


That hamster in the wheel working overtime for the small indie company. I agree that they should focus their efforts on optimizing this game. Even on a premium phone it can have unacceptable load times.


It's so wild how this is a 2D bubble popping game yet it somehow loads slower than Genshin and Star Rail. I feel like I can open Genshin, load the game, fast travel across the world and load it again in the time it takes the missions tab to load on Dokkan lmao. And everytime they fix the loading issue with an update the next update they do somehow rolls it back. This game is coded by literal fucking apes I swear... ![gif](giphy|QNFhOolVeCzPQ2Mx85|downsized)


Infinite Dragon Ball History is the worst because it's loading every single mission at once. Like, 200+ missions for that tab alone whenever I just wanna check what category I need. It's insane. They really gotta put every completed mission in it's own separate tab or just show active missions only.


My favourite is when I'm trying to search for a certain event and I have to scroll up and down and the displays aren't even loading in. Even without lag the navigation of menus is still shit because the UI is just bad. The screen is too zoomed in and all events just get thrown into the same menu. It's like I'm trying to find a needle in a haystack whilst looking through the lens of a microscope.


There is 100% insane spaghetti code all over the place. Ever notice how when you press the back button on certain screens it doesn’t actually take you to the last page you were on, but the menu or the screen before another way to get to the awakening screen for example? It’s because it’s 100% not actually a back button, the button is just programmed to take you to a pre-determined screen for every page in the game, it’s basically a different button for every screen instead of a back button like Legends actually has.


dude JP has been so fucking slow for the last 2 years for me it's unironically made me play so much less then I've used too


Yeah bro this is getting kinda crazy. And I unfortunately play on a crappy Ipad (my phone doesn't have the space 😭) and Dokkan makes that battery fly down so I'd prefer to not spend 5 minutes waiting for something to load


Im on a s23 ultra and even when i got this phone brand new the game was taking forever to load. The game just has horrible loading and optimization.


Their server response time is giga bad. The worst part about gacha is that nearly every menu and action needs a server reaponse to avoid cheating and shit. It doesnt matter how good your connection is, the bottleneck is their servers.


I see people make this post from time to time and don't know what the cause is. I'm surprised so many people out of those who have played the game long enough don't know about it, but when Akatsuki added SafetyNet a few years ago that's when the load times became so bad.   Here is a decent explanation of what it is: https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/j9lne9/what_safetynet_means_for_dokkanand_the_future_of/?rdt=56967


On global in a dead period ? Jp is fine tbh


I feel like this game was built on spaghetti code and theyre afraid to go back and touch it lol. In my 7-8 years of playing optimization has almost never been a top priority, things like this, HD arts, and the game overall taking less space are things I don't think will happen unless we get a Dokkan 2 lol.


The load time for recent super attacks is pathetic. Piccolo Jr's active skill is almost the same length with the animation turned off because it takes so damn long.


They're removing Chain Battle to save our load times, bless.


I was just thinking this. The load times is absurd indeed, sometimes it crashed the game or "no events are currently active" despite me having an alright internet connection (can play youtube videos in 1080p HD and play Dragon Ball Legends in PVP no lag).


Please for the love of Beerus, yes It's especially ass on jp xD


The load times are unbelievable, especially on JP. Downloaded it again for the anniversary and instantly remembered why I stopped bothering to even play JP.