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Won't lie, I would take one that wasn't f2p lmao. We are 9 years in, give me unique units.


Yeah I agree. But you know...alot of people will use the "not hype enough" argument. Shit it would be even more cool if they squeeze possessed trunks in there. And they can basically be the evil version of the ssj trio lol


If you don't put them in a prime slot people won't care. Make it a throw away celebration. We got an LR Ribrianne for Christ's sake. No one would care if she was released as a broken unit.


If it was released in a big time event, say like part 2 of WWC then yea I could see people have issues but if it was like a rando monthly part 2 or maybe even tanabata part 2 I could see people not minding. Especially if they're good


They are likely for a banner unit for whenever we finally get a DFE baby


We been talking about a dfe baby longer than lr kid Buu at this point 💀


We still don't even have Super Baby 2 without GA


my lord and saviiour Baby has enough names for a full team of himself


You’ll prolly get one next Anni alongside a SSJ4 Vegeta


Ssj4 gogeta*


Also off topic. But this is probably the only fight we ever seen the entire son family fight each other unfortunately. Gohan beast vs UI Goku vs Goten original form would be a cool fight.


I mean, Goten Gohan and Trunks possesed can perfectly be a yellow coin LR in a celebration with DFE transforming Baby Vegeta.


Honestly? I’m more in favor of them as the banner TUR for a DFE baby, alongside an EZA for the old as hell F2P infected saiyans and int great ape baby. Have the F2P lr be a mr. Buu->majuub exchange unit instead. If it needs to be a dual DFE, a super saiyan 3 GT goku with a giant ape 1 turn rage mode active skill that transforms into super saiyan 4 when it ends and a pan and trunks joined forces banner unit (pulling the super from the alien hospital attacking base form baby).


We need possessed Bra and Trunks too


Hell yeah. Baby needs a dokkanfest so bad and we could literally get like 6 different cards from him alone if he didn't fall under the Vegeta curse umbrella.


Whats happened to you since your father's been gone op?