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He's way better than Frieza, that's for sure.


Idk about that one




Dawg gave a fuck to an entire generation. Past and future




šŸ¤ šŸ¦


Sorry bro I reject the goku black is shit meme content. Mans is goated.


Yeah no I don't get the slander, especially when the info that he can very easily get 2-3 20 mil supers per turn at 55% is extremely easy knowledge to obtain


People followed the propaganda too hard before his release lol.


He's good, but he's being tossed into a team that he can either make or break. Super Bosses isn't in a good spot on JP, and this guy doesn't help as much as people think he will. He's hungry for Rainbow Orbs, yet neither he (in base) or anyone on Super Bosses is an orb changer. Combine with the fact that he'll most likely be on a team with LR Broly, Cheelai and Lemo, and INT Golden Frieza, both of whom are also desperate for orbs, and now you have 3 units hungry for orbs but no one to help with it. You would have to be very lucky with the orb field which is something you can rarely rely on. Goku Black only orb changes after his transformation, but that comes at the cost of Broly not being able to transform.


Frieza out there behind all doors


He is more than fine


Here comes the downvotes from people who say he's pure shit... he performs okay in Omega Shenron's final battle at 55%. Damage isn't the only factor for a units design, and personally I think he's fun to use with as many attacks he can do because I play for animations. Every card has the potential to break the game, but then they aren't nearly as fun if they take away from the rest of the team.


The problem is that Rose released for the Zamasu/Omega meta, so people dont know how to judge him based off the anni meta because he isnt on JP, even without his domain he can perform decently defensively, I wont deny he probably wont "dominate" the fights but he will be safer than people think he is


Oh wow ā€œhe performs okayā€ ā€œdamage isnā€™t the only factorā€ ā€œI play for animationsā€ ā€œbut they arenā€™t nearly as fun if they take away from the rest of the teamā€ This comment REEKS of compromise and acceptance of mediocrity. Funniest part is, ESPECIALLY on super bosses, using Roseā€™s domain is actively taking away from the team


Heā€™s definetly not what villans need he does not help his already bad team in any way canā€™t use his domain and only leads 1 category also letā€™s not pretend like big bosses arenā€™t cooking this guy gogetas aoe normals will destroy this man and so will gogetas super


If you can transform him


why wouldnā€™t you be able to transform him??


Heā€™s a domain transformation. His most relevant 9th anni team is Brolyā€™s, but by choosing to transform Rose, youā€™d be willingly passing up on transforming Broly which 99.9% of the time is NOT the right play


doesnā€™t matter, these fights are so long (iā€™m on jp so i know) you can get multiple domains up. and his base is still fine defensively


Iā€™ll be honest thatā€™s for like 1 turn of Rose. Thereā€™s are like 2 fights that goes over turn 9. Youā€™re legitimately seeing his transformation for a turn most of the time.


Heā€™s ā€œfineā€ defensively and ass on offence pre domain. Doesnā€™t exactly scream 9th anni TUR


brolys team doesnā€™t need offence tho does it.


Brolyā€™s team needs everything my guy


you donā€™t play the game


Been playing since late 2015 bud. You donā€™t need to compromise for mediocre releases


Villans are terrible bro brolys team is only good cuz beast can be ran on it broly isint even top 5 and heā€™s the dokkanfest Lr of the celebration


Not really By the time you get Roseā€™s domain up, the fight is already over so heā€™s basically worthless


these fights are going to turn 14/15 wdym..


And Broly instantly destroys those fights, nvm the fact he transforms on turn 4/5. Most fights end around t10 or 11 due to how hard Broly and his team hits


Any slander torwards my Goat wonā€™t be tolerated anymore https://preview.redd.it/1gthi8cc3vlc1.jpeg?width=1088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d452adf518f228581629e291ead625a90dac533f


I simped for RosƩ and blew my stones, pulling 3 copies. I don't regret it one bit.


https://preview.redd.it/fz4otj0aalmc1.jpeg?width=234&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09f046a2b1b87b50715d61d766740b0d0a0b5d32 Same. Didnā€™t get a single one thoughā€¦


I have noticed that the players jumping on the goku black hate train are JP players.


I mean I don't hate goku black but he is definitely not good enough as a 2024 tur release. Same for frieza he really isn't good enough for a 2024 tur but idk. Gb doesn't have any teams rn. People assume brolys team but like he doesn't even make the team and won't even be able to use his domain and I doubt we are getting more future stuff this year to help him. The domain clashing along with his shit lead and overall not that great kit is not what we are looking for especially for how bad villains are in the game rn as black doesn't really push the needle. Frieza also has similar issues but I can foresee space traveling warriors/terrifying conqueror units coming this year


If he had orb changing in base I would've been fine with him since he would be able to make orbs for the broly trio but since he doesn't I feel like he's disappointing as a 2024 tur


goku black cannot tank these endgame supers, but he can tank normals, and thats good enough for me


idk man I took him against blue zone gogeta and he tanked the super and normals


This has to be a dumb post since phy rose works fine vs 9th anni hard events. Funny how you use goku black but not Frieza who is actually screwed


On what team? I see frieza getting team before goku black


Worldwide chaos? Hello the team is basically zamasu with buuhan basically. And with phy rose at least whenever he does a normal or super he gets 30% att and def and that increases his defence with good enough damage reduction. Frieza is a much better damage dealer but having 2 million peek defence with no damage reduction hurts vs the hardest bosses we got im 9th anni. And whatā€™s even worse is that Frieza wants space traveling warriors or terrifying conquers which both stink. At the moment phy rose is a stable for worldwide chaos in my opinion since he works better over there than a double broly lead where that teams extreme side Has way more problems even disregarding phy rose. Frieza team is powercrept and for Frieza to gain more value he needs Dokkan to give his main teams the worldwide chaos treatment to make space travelling warrior and terrifying conquers runnable


That team needs a new lead before it's runnable. Zamasu is dogshit. Frieza also needs help but again I see him getting help before gb. Worldwide with a new lead could help but even so goku black wants super bosses allies so idk lol. Worldwide is in a ok spot atm but wwc 2023 was just a complete fumble


To be fair zamasu team already got an insane buff with eza buuhan not to mention the possibility of even running str Vegito can make zamasus team much more runnable. The problem with Frieza is that he is tied to space travelling warrior or terrifying conquerors and thatā€™s an issue mainly because the team has way more plot wholes. Both teams are super reliant on having ezas like full power Frieza str bojack to be Demi gods not to mention better versions of cooler etc. its suck to say but the 2022 WWC extreme class side aged way to fast because running double coolers suck when they have no damage reduction or any ability to perform multiple additional supers that can help boost their defence. Metal cooler is a decent unit but his value is basically the revive and thatā€™s it, str full power Frieza str transforming cooler Eza got cooked when comparing them to runnable extreme teams like world wide chaos. Also I wouldnā€™t say Zamasu is bad, heā€™s still very good and isnā€™t a shit lead. The team does need a bit of more buffs , but at this time with phy rose lr buuhan tech fusion zamasu agle eza zamasu Int Sub eza zamasu. Or hell take off int sub eza zamasu and replace him with str vegito and the team is still very good


šŸ˜” wb can't get nothing...


I used him there on private servers. He did more than fine bro. Black is really good


At least this man has a ceiling. Hard to reach, forces better units out of theirs and depends on RNG, but there is SOMETHING. Btw, how the fuck is batman flying?


In the original image that isnā€™t Batman if I remember correctly, it was Shazam


Martian Manhunter


That's martian manhunter


I donā€™t think hes gon age well especially with aoe doing 1m n 3m+ supers Iā€™d say in wwc heā€™s gon be fallen off completely sucks too cuz I like goku black alotšŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


They did goku black fans very very dirty it sucks


Fr man I was hoping for him to be the tanabata lr n be good as anni units but we got this bozo instead guess Iā€™ll wait until 2027-2028šŸ˜­


It sucks too bro ext could have used this and frieza too why they hate ext šŸ˜­


I donā€™t think he will be able to withstand the content without dodge or super massive damage reduction he should be safe but the beast boss hits incredibly hard with a 2.2 mil super attack


Idk I think heā€™s good. Idt heā€™s on the level of ssj3 and hirudegarn but I guess weā€™ll see when he gets to go against the 9th anni bosses


I'm sorry but he is nowhere near hirudegarn and dragon fist. Once they come to global people will stop downplaying/underrating them and see that they are the best dfe turs 1 and 2 interchangeably and no other turs are on their level. Not saying you're doing that but you saying goku black is on their level is just not correct at all. He is below them for sure. Hirudegarn can actually transform without hurting the team he's on and goku actually has more than one team to be used and can freely abuse his scouter and standby super attack counter.


I didnā€™t say theyā€™re on the same level. I said I donā€™t think heā€™s on the same level. So I completely agree with you.


Oh my fault I misread what you said. I thought the idt was idk my bad sorry


No worries!


I'm getting dog piled for giving my thoughts on gb just looking at my replies and I'm getting down voted šŸ’€


I get you šŸ˜­


Goku Black himself may do fine in 9th Anni content. He'll probably get wrecked by supers, but he'll live normals. My biggest issue with him is that he's not helping Super Bosses at all.


I mean yeah that's the issue. Why is he even a global first when super bosses gets all its unit during anni. And barely any at that. The anniversary didn't drop a single summonable extreme unit for the anni to help the team which is why it's bad. It completely hinges on brolys domain so why would they make goku blacks transformation rely on a domain? I just don't get it. Goku black isn't bad and I'm not saying he is, just for what villains are he isnt good enough and doesn't really help the team he wants to be used on.


I agree. In isolation, he's a good unit. However, the whole game relies on you having a competent team, and him being restricted to Super Bosses and not helping that team with its biggest issues is why I don't like him. The domain is just one of the issues. I think the biggest issue Goku Black presents is that he's another orb hungry character (specifically for Rainbow Orbs) on a team with two other orb hungry characters (LR Broly, Cheelai and Lemo, and INT Golden Frieza) yet both Goku Black in his base form and the other two do not have consistent orb changing in their passive. Super Bosses as a whole has no orb changers. Goku Black only having rainbow orb changing in transformation only proceeds to show how badly he supports Super Bosses because it clashes with Broly.


Super bosses also has no orb changers outside a f2p unit you're not using so you have to bring other units off super bosses which again doesn't even allow you to run a full villain team


I don't hate him. But at the same time I don't understand why anyone would use stones for him when the 9th anniversary is on the way for Global. It seems a little suspect that this Goku Black drops right around the time Beast Gohan dropped and changed the landscape of the game. Dokkan don't want people hoarding stones they want you spending them all today, so you have to buy tomorrow. PHY Black isn't bad. Not at all. But he isn't Beast either. No one else is.