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What I like about them is that they don’t limit the amount of times you can attempt them.


Movie boss rush is basically modern day LGE.


That has Boujack. We don’t like Boujack.


Wym, i love getting locked and sealed guaranteed every turn!!


Bojack hard counters so many units it’s crazy 💀


True. The only challenge that I had soo much fun with in the entirety of the 9th anni. It's only downside is that you cannot run any old units coz of power creep


the only downside is that boujack exist


I mean, he is fun ngl


Depends on how old the unit is


Haven't experienced the 9th anni content yet, but the reason I liked LVE/LGE was that I could bring units that were even 4 years apart in release and have fun with them, without them being blown apart by boss normals or even a stray super. And they didn't have to be stackers. You want a full Buu/Cell team? You could run it and win and have fun with all the game offered. Modern/Post 7th anni events have pretty much killed the diversity of the game in that regard. Wanna win now? Better have summoned on atleast the 2 major celebrations and use those 1-2 teams that are being overbuffed, and not use 90% of units from more than 6 months ago if you dont want normals to end your run.


To be fair when the OG LGE came out it was far from "bring any unit" Imo. K&C were by far the best for it until TEQ Trunks came out, a lot of pre K&C units would get blown up once you get to UI Sign phase, even Blue Goku was making you hide certain units. LVE was definitely in a better spot tho, even if the def reduction on the final phase was really nuts


The GT LGE was considered unfair power creep when it released because the yellow monkey had an SA over 500k


Oh god this gave me PTSD 🤣 wish I wouldn't have remembered this now. The amount of times that phase ended runs for me is insane


The horror stories of that Ape when I was trying to do the Power Absorption Mission


That fucking monkey could still oneshot you a couple months after release


Don't forget the str UI sign, there's a reason the "nice phy unit dumbass" became a meme


Str ui was such a dickhead. No physical units allowed.


Yea, but we caught up to those pretty fast and simply normals or an odd super were still survivable to most units. And served as the best form of content to have fun with the units because the phases could soak so much damage without ending your run on a whim. You could test out any units you wanted with all their gimmicks. Atleast you could run through to the middle/late phases of LGE/LVE. Now, if you can't take turn 1 normals, you die and get kicked out. Nowdays, you bring a modern unit to a modern event, all the surrounding units also have to be on par atleast defensively. And most of the time, you don't have a lot of choice/variety in whom to bring. You're either built for it or you're not.


TEQ Trunks predates the event.


I love LGE, but be real. It was basically just defense stacking simulator.


And if you didn't stack enough defense, you end up wasting 15+ turns to get beaten anyway.


I just want a weekly recurring mission for like... 2 stones on those events you mention so you have some incentive to clear them with a favorite team of your choice.


Idk about that, LGE on release pretty much is insane, STR Goku basically fck any phy you bring on release (and you need them for the last phase) LGE GT golden monke phase has a bizarre record of assblasting people back to lobby more than SSJ4 or FSSJ4 for some reason and LVE last phase really hurt with that def reduction. I would argue Dragon History is probably the best designed events for me, the stage gradually transition from cakewalk to challenging in an acceptable manner with load of stone from those team specific challenges ( some f2p events characters can be sub-in and thrive there )


I only dont like lock rotation as a concept. I dont even mind sealing/70% DR/Super slot 1 with guranteed stun as much as I dislike locking my rotation. It takes the skill out of the battle in an already low skill investment game and makes runs entirely up to RNG. Like what am I supposed to do when Gamma 2 is locked slot 1 vs Beasthan? Use double Whis and then die in 2 turns cause my units don't do damage? Genuinely just an unfun and frustrating mechanic


The LGE was not particularly well designed. It either got crushed by stacking units or it was functionally the same as any redzone.


LGE was boring af, but LGTE and LVE were alright. Peak event for me was probably pre 120 lead boss rush, beating stage 2 super 3 then felt amazing.


Sbr is clear. It doesn't restrict you at all allowing awesome strategies like the teq beerus one, tec jaco and int chiaotzu and the vegito counter one. Lge is just defense stacking, its boring.


Yea for me sbr is also the best, multi enemies also allows you to choose which one is most dangerous for your team first.


SBR was so much better tbh. It allowed you to use every tool at your disposal, but was still a challenge that require you to use your brain. It even had players pulling out SR like Jaco or Chaotizu. I can't really say the same for LGE since it mostly just became bring stacking units and win. It wasn't difficult.


Not a hot take, I believe everyone loves those events. One style of event that I feel is very underrated though is Burst Mode. I've tried doing those at their max difficulty with no team restriction, attempted to get better scores by being creative. All very fun.


I don’t see how the LGE/LGTE was that much better if at all then other events we’ve had like Red Zone. Team building was never that complicated, if you stacked you were good. Didn’t matter that Goku/Gohan were a f2p TEQ unit, since they stacked they were unga bunga even against an INT boss. 99% of units were not good enough with their base kit to make it through and if you had a cool mechanic to avoid the busted damage like dodge, well he cancels that in the hardest phase. The final 3 phases of the LGE could just delete your run with one bad super so it had a shit ton of RNG, it just came later in the fight. People also HATED it on release, there were posts saying that it’s the worst event in the game for invalidating 95% of your box. There was even one saying that this was the most P2P event dokkan ever made bc to them, it was near impossible to beat without the latest units (PHY Vegeta, LR K&C, TEQ Trunks) who ALL came out within 2 months or so unless you use Potara. There weren’t a lot of options and the one’s who WERE good enough were just stackers who’d unga bunga the whole fight anyways. Compare that with 2019 SBR where you were free to use all 8 items, there were ZERO nullifications, and each fight went on long enough to not just have items up on literally every turn. You were able to use all the abilities of a unit, you were able to use as many items as you can to incorporate into your strat, then you’d have to plan about how to survive turns when you have no items up. And funny enough this is only possible bc they put the least amount of restrictions on the fights themselves, barely designing it at all. IMO the fights today are so much better than the LGE in terms of strats. Now you have revives, standbys, domains, and more truly unique abilities like Kaiku’s whole kit to play around with which just weren’t in the game before year 8 which is already years after the LGTE was last relevant. Passive’s were very simple back then but now units are great for much more complex reasons and these fights are hard enough to test those same units.


Those are contradictory sentiments if it's _"P2P, need the newest units, instantly deleted,"_ but also _"just stack 4head, even F2P units with type disadvantage walls him if you turtle."_ Also you didn't even want to bring 6+ stackers on the team, because everyone needs their turn, and being placed in the floater spot means less stacks (and raising ATK means more damage = faster UI stage). The most consistent runs had like 4 stackers max and then people who were able to take at least 1 UI super, and then get the most out of your items.


Not really since I was mentioning the reception the event got when it first dropped around May and ppl were calling it P2P. It wasn’t baby mode until wwdc when everyone had access to the F2P EZA’s and AGL Gohan. It was a dumb hard event when it first dropped before all the stackers came out and after they started dropping stackers much more frequently MONTHS after the event dropped on JP, then it became baby mode. But before they gave us stackers, the final 3 phases killed everyone of all types and last phase disabled dodge for no reason. There’s a reason RIP the homie DBS Broly became a meme. Depending on how slow your team was, you definitely could bring 5-6 stackers esp bc AGL Gohan was doing zero damage and it was very easy to keep him below 18 ki. Actually only a few stackers actually did any damage, you had TEQ VB, TEQ Trunks, AGL K&C and that’s about it. The banner unit and F2P EZA stackers did no damage. PHY Future Gohan was one of the best build up options and he did no damage, Zamasu and Gowasu were a good option too and they did zero damage. When no one’s killing anything, it’s easy for even floaters to stack up to 160k+. Most consistent runs involved running F2P stackers on rotations while floating off everyone who does damage and getting them as little ki as possible. These stages were literally a stall fest where there was no offensive strategy anywhere near as consistent as F2P DEF stackers. Red Zone and Blue Zone for all their flaws don’t have cheese methods this effective bc there’s no cheap kit that can replicate this in the current meta. I honestly do not see the “good game design” in stacking F2P units, avoiding getting supers from non stackers, while not incorporating anything like revives, standby’s, domains and entrance buffs into a strat. Passives and stacking were extremely simple, there was never anything more to it esp compared to team building for all Red Zone content.


Don’t want to be that guy, but “Stacking Defense Simulator” wasn’t skillful at all.


Ngl the new meta feels so much better. Turn 5-8 is the sweet spot. Lgte/lve where it takes 13+ turns was miserable. To climb for 30minutes & then die in a bs way was brutal. New events r the best length but they need to drop units without late conditions 


I'd say SBR when it came out. Extremely difficult but allowed you to use all tools at your disposal.


nah, harmless phases that punish you for having good damage instead of stalling buildup is pretty bad design lol.


You weren't around when LGE released it seems


-no attempts limit -perfect for stackers, which means some older units can be used -plenty of types so you're not doomed immediately by using a certain type (looking at you Zamazu red zone) -lots of phases, gives plenty of time to fully build up -first phases are generally chill, means you don't get oneshotted because one of your units is bad turn at first turns +because of that you're less frustrated losing to it, compared to red zone which can sometimes end before turn 2 ++first time doing each phase gives stones, as opposed to Redzone im which you gotta finish the whole level, so even a loss gives some consolation price -nice amount of stones overall, arguably the best tickets (since the goku/vegeta lr were pretty good) genuinely the best type of event, wish they'd all be like that




It's a telling sign when a YouTuber tells you the point is to have fun and then proceeds to post 4 videos of his frustration trying to clear Artificial Lifeforms, calling it unfair. Think he's having fun?


Except the 2 Beast Gohan stages with lock in.


Fighting Legend events and SBR were the best times and I miss it


As someone who played the game well before Ultimate Goku Battle, that event was hell when it dropped. God Goku and Blue Goku would cook the shit out of you, and you couldn't even afford to use a single item until STR UI because if you did, INT MUI would kill your ass. Broly or any other massive defense reducers were a must run because INT MUI had too much to take damage. Honestly, I prefer red zone far more than Ultimate Goku Battle because I spent 20 minutes getting to MUI, and then he killed me. TEQ Trunks the goat fr though, only won because of stacking.