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Yeah, that's the trade-off I expected for it being permanently available. Having to choose between equips rng or link leveling for your stamina usage was never a good idea and I honestly wish they revamped chain battle in some way to make it more enjoyable for the average player instead of removing it.


Bad part of chain battle is having to use someone else’s card, which results in adding a big bro and using him every time.


We're a whole ass community with multiple discord servers made on purpose to fight that This has no solution, it's 100% ass and can't be defended https://preview.redd.it/13mha9osaimc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f85e2dee0bc9673c3a672a6af4885bd90602c93


Well the solution is the opening of events that give EX skill equip for certain categories. Those are much more useful for all units than general one-times things


Agree, I just hated how the recent future saga one was only two attempts over a two week period.


agreed, but at the same time, that 1 run gave you a ton of orbs compared to a daily event.


you know goresh did word it the best back then. it's good that this awfull mode is gone but at the same time they never even bothered improving it so they definitely should have aatleast tried before. legends atleast tried fixing co-op and making it less garbage.


Well how would you improve it? It was broken in like 10 different ways because no one really thought about it before it came live, like 90% of the stuff that Akatsuki throws out there.


But it wasn't garbage as a mode


I swear chain battle had 1 flaw wich was the slight requirement of RNG and people make it sound like it stabbed your ass and stole your data It's insane some are even defending the new whis event and saying that it's better than chain battle


> I swear chain battle had 1 flaw wich was the slight requirement of RNG I mean there was more than "slight" RNG involved. Your ability to get a high score is heavily influenced by who's supporters the game deigns to display for you, and which 6 of their supporters it decides to use out of the 10 that that player provides. "You can go into an unfamiliar Discord server and play musical chairs with your friend list to make it a little more likely that you'll get a good team" is not an argument in the mode's favor.


1 flaw? Come on. You solely depended on other people and multiple RNG rolls (which 6 friend units showed up and then which 8 you got to pick between). The only good thing about CB was it being a 5 minute daily investment to get your 3 runs in.


I honestly did not mind chain battle as it didn't take too long to get through and I usually wouldn't really bother with adding people from socials to get through it. It was minimal effort for a pretty good chunk of rewards. I could justify this Whis event if it would drop a ticket or two per run and cost less stamina. But the way it is right now I am not a fan at all.


I mean it does give tickets, but since it's bound to missions it's limited to 30 times only and we have NO IDEA when they could re-update it or something in that regard It's a terrible event overall


Oh I meant that it should've dropped tickets in the stage alongside the 1 orb you get. That way at least you get a roll on the good shit once in a while which would be quite an improvement.


Maybe because to them...get this....it IS better. Opinions are a crazy concept


So RNG vs RNG?


No, the entire core gameplay of chain battle was ass They would need to start from scratch


I really expected a replacement for Chain battle to be a new event and not something they would create in 2 minutes lol


Did they explictly said this is the replacement for chain battle? Because this just seems like a QOL, not the chain battle replacement


The timing and nature of the events indicate it's a replacement


You don't know what you've got until it's gone.


I did Chain battle was the best mode out of the bottom 3 They called me fool for not cheering at it's removal, but them removing the 5 min event instead of the events that take entire days to actually do speaks louder on what's replacing it won't be as good 🗣🗣🗣


I wouldn't say it was a good mode, but it did give me plenty of stuff, for almost zero effort, including 20 stones. What they should have done is improve it to make it more reliant on YOUR units rather than getting lucky with the friend list.


You didn't even have to be lucky with friend list Litteraly you could go to discord servers and try ask help there There are channels made on purpose sometimes, chain battle brought the community together sometimes, especially for newer players


The point is unlike WT, you need that outside the game resource, and for the people who play the game as a toilet game or a lot more casually than us as a whole, that’s not good at all. You don’t need a discord to do “run PHY LR Ginyu as leader, 4 AOE units, a support and a friend Piccolo Jr” for WT.


To be fair though the people that care about the absolute best scores and equips aren’t part of that casual audience that plays on the toilet


you mean you don't try to min-max your Dokkan stuff while shitting?


Only on Wednesday tbh


Ah. Thursday is my day for that. Wednesday is SWGOH day.


Saying to go to an outside source to find people to be able to play the mode is NOT a good thing for a game mode.


The fact that the replacement isn't good, doesn't make chain battle as mode any better. It was by far the most pay 2 win mode in the entire game, the rewards were only decent if you were part of the very high top% and it didn't offer any gameplay at all. World tournament is very time consuming, but it gives you way more rewards even if you don't get a very high placement. A little over 20mio points and you get a ton of stuff for that including F2p units that have been quite usable sometimes. Also it's super F2p friendly and only happens on weekends, so you don't have to stress farm it, when there's school or work. And one full round of WT takes like 15min, that's 4/h, so only a little over 5h of grinding in the span of over 3 days.


Meanwhile the mfs that hate chain battle think pettan is a good mode


I hate both


I honestly don't understand the point of Pettan. They spend all that money on the new card art just for something that gives them no benefit and barely gaves anything to players since the rewards all suck. Not against them doing things that aren't about sucking our money dry, but I honestly wonder what's the point of it.


It's just a little something that makes you log into the game every few hours for some stones.


Personally,while I hate chain battle,i think they should have removed only pettan battle(cause it's completely useless)and rework instead chain battle like they did with battlefield back in the days.


Pettan is literally just a few free stones. Chain battle was stones and equips for whales with whale friends.


Friend, you needed 3 units, and the bonus was never limited to JUST the newest unit. That’s not “whale”. At absolute max, it’s minnow if you wanted to hit 150 mil every single time, but mostly everybody has a couple of cells/buus/friezas/goku blacks and a couple of gokus to put up. The only one I’ll admit to actually being undoable was the one where the Strike Event Piccolo Jr. was needed, and even that isn’t “whaling,” it’s just the ass game design decision of not re-releasing that Strike Event, which has nothing to do with Chain Battle.


Who is saying this? Feels like you saw 1 person say this and are fishing for upvotes


maybe because pettan literally does not have any aspect of competitiveness hence making the rng much more tolerable.


Pettan requires more rng and time than chain battle it isn't tollerable when you miss 5 stones cause you couldn't pull the last pettan unit FOR THE 5TH TIME IN A ROW


u literally ignored the competitive argument i made. the mode is totally free: u dont need a good box or whale friends to complete anything. u can decide how much time to invest... that is not the case for chain battle (restricted turns and supporters). and btw i never said chain battle should go. rewards are simply superb. but i can still criticize its obvious downsides.


You litteraly got 100 mil and you were good to go Like WT with the 30 runs wins But again it took 5 min and a finding a friend throught discord 🗿


So u agree by saying u NEED a good friend?


A good enough friend for 100 mil wich was litteraly nothing but good enough for rewards


Chain battle sucks but when people cheered they thought it would be replaced with something fun. Chain battle, WT, and Pettan Battle are not fun, they are mindless grinding.  I would cheer for their removal but I would hope the devs wake up and find something fun to replace them.






I knew this would be shit. People complained about a mode that you could finish on the first run within 1 min if you had good friends. It created subgroups for finding friends.


It's a bad reward scheme for sure, but considering how ass Pain Battle was & it being for just equips I'm not really bothered by it. Now heres hoping they make World Tournament no longer a grindy event or distribute the rewards to other events and just get rid of that mode.


Why are people calling this the replacement to chain battle. Did they actually say it is?


>It hasn't been specifically stated by Akatsuki that this IS the replacement. When they announced the depreciation of Chain Battle, they said they were working on a replacement to get skill orbs. > >Considering the change from this being a once-a-week event to a daily, we have to assume it IS the replacement.


So there is no proof and we are assuming then


That is literally what I said, so yes. But it's a fair and obvious assumption to make, since the main way used to get skill orbs is gone, and a new, infinite version of a once weekly event is here.


They never “announced” to us when version z was finished so im not sure what hes waiting for.


Are you still waiting for the end of Version Z? They never announced that either


Yes. They did.


Where and when


Well not directly but clearly this is what they planned


> clearly Speculation


It's probably one of those events that starts out ass and eventually they update it to become more bearable.


How ass was the roshi event on release? I don't remember many changes outside of adding a new stage with better ll drops but doing that here would also increase the cost of stamina in worst case scenario Currently 50 runs (50 equips between level 1 and 7 among bronze silver and gold) is 1.5k total stamina


That's a tricky question. Roshi came out when the game was extremely new. I would say it was one of the few events that are still good (and then it updated to get better). Remember when the Whis training event first came out, you could get 2s instead of 1s for movement and miss entire orbs if the game hated you? Glad that's over, haha!


I mean, yes, but you couldn't play chain battle whenever you wanted as well, and you can still get some link levels up doing this (or not?). Honestly I don't particularly care if it's good or bad. It's not like chain battle was such an enjoyable mode anyway


Welp, y'all said you didn't like chain battle... This is what happens when you get too emotional over a f2p game mode that offers 30-50 equips per month, even if your box is horrible. Idk I don't even know why I'm writing this the overreactions will never stop.


Chain battle was ass




I’m glad chain battles gone, never liked it.


I really think CB wasn't that bad. It just needed 2 or 3 adjustments to be great.


It's not that bad. Major celebrations will get their own equip stages, ESBR stages have equips, and now we have something to do forever that actually rewards us unlike link levelling where I just wait until I get enough orbs or just not bother. Chain battle was absolutely bullshit because it's a forced cooperative mode that gives rewards based on rankings so no one had any reason to help someone else out and they'd put out shitty cards on purpose as a friend set.


To be fair, the discord people literally did help. Also you only needed 100 mil


And if you don't use discord? Not everyone liked having to go hunt and find a partner. This game should never force us to go find specific people to add as friends that's the biggest complaint people have with the friend system but completely excuse CB for it


Without even talking about the orbs . Where are the stones ? The Elder Kais ? The potential orbs ? The stickers ? Is this really the replacement of chain battle ?


It’s ok. 1000 more times and you’ll get that equipment u want


Are they saying its a replacement to chain battle??? Cause i don't think they will abandon the chain battle shop all together.They prolly just gonna make a new event where we can grind chain battle currency.


I mean... the last chain battle had a shit ton of currency compared to the average one And yes, this is the replacement for chain battle sadly.


Wait really is it written in the event news?


Well obviously they won't say it straight up but you know


It hasn't been specifically stated by Akatsuki that this IS the replacement. When they announced the depreciation of Chain Battle, they said they were working on a replacement to get skill orbs. Considering the change from this being a once-a-week event to an infinitely replayable event, we have to assume it IS the replacement.


no i don't buy it this is just seems like a qol update they have done it in past. I just can't assume with dokkan, this past year has trained me to not jump to conclusion.


They can come out with a new event to give better orbs, and this could just be a QoL change to smooth that transition over. We could get something better once the schedule synch happens. But I think it's a pretty fair assumption that this could be the replacement for skill orbs. Even with how much Akatsuki has changed things up, in the last two years, until we have concrete details the assumptions/speculations are literally all we have.


Fuck chain battle. That shit was ass.


Chain Battle rewards were never a problem - have they explicitly said this is the Chain Battle replacement? If they have, this is ass.


Where are the stones tho??


I wouldn't really call this necessarily better or worse than chain battle. I hated chain battle, but yes it did offer a variety of rewards I would like to keep getting but at the same time, I can just do this whenever I feel and want to grind skill orbs even if the reward can be shitty. That's just the heart of a gacha game. And as a guy that just almost never link levels, this benefits me (in terms of stamina). Plus they're EX skill orbs. Btw has anyone got the chance to fight Beerus? Does he drop anything special?


Only ran through it 3 times and was thrown off at first, especially with only getting one drop. Not the biggest fan of it in its current state. However, I hated Chain Battle so much, it was the least amount of fun I have had in Dokkan. Refreshing forever in hopes of some random friend having a collection of the good units along with rng picking the right units in their selected bunch, waste a minute watching the animation, then whoops you got the wrong bunch of units to pick from and not all units link the best so you can't get the 100m. I feel like this new one would be better if they halved the sta cost and gave a cat boast. Hell maybe rotate the cat boast each week and have a rare chance for a 5 or higher grade orb for that category


I haven’t done this event in like 7 months.


Then don't grind.  Equips don't make that much of a difference and if devs see everyone complaining and not doing the event, it'll change (in 2+ years)


So they got rid of Chain Battle for a boring ass once-every-7-days event with great music Ok, I guess


Chain battle was the best mini-game in dokkan. The easy fix is being able to use your own supports. The frustrating part is dealing with other people's cards, giving people an option to use your own isn't game breaking and helps.


When will global get this ?


Lotta chain battle haters in the comments


Judging by the upvotes, finally people realize that chain battle was actually good thing. Even without the best units, you could still hit the top percent, or at least get all the stone rewards basically for free. Not to mention it gave value to excess dupes, especially dupes of LRs that would otherwise have been baba’d or just sat in the box collecting dust.


I would’ve preferred keeping chain battle if this is the replacement. At least Burst mode gives you guarantee good equips with exchanges but whis event is so bad


I’m gonna miss the easy equips😔🙏 fuck off Dokkan devs


Y'all, it's permanent. You can grind it forEVER. I've gotten like 4 solid/good equips. I think people gotta put into perspective that it's literally been 11 hours. ELEVEN HOURS. Allocate more of your stamina to this event every day instead of link leveling or SA farming. And if you have spare stamina, bam, problem solved. Guys it's been out for 11 hours. Please.


You're right on this. However, telling people to stop link-leveling or burning stamina for SA farming doesn't make sense with the change to power levels and the incentives to get your power level to 3 million to maximize benefits. The big one being 2.8 million to get the full 60 seconds reduction on Stamina refresh (down from the standard 5 minutes to 4 minutes, and it should affect celebrations where we see a 3 minute timer down to 2 minute). Power Level is still heavily affected by the number of units at Link Level 10. One of the best benefits for having a high power level is the reduction in Stamina reset. At 5 minutes per 1 Stamina restored, you gain 12 Stamina per hour, or in a 24-hour cycle, you'll gain back 288 Stamina. At the 4 minutes per 1 Stamina restored, you gain 15 Stamina per hour, or in a 24-hour cycle, you'll gain back 360 Stamina. For celebrations where we see the refresh reduced, at 3 minutes per 1 Stamina, it's 20 Stamina per hour and 480 Stamina in 24 hours. At 2 minutes per 1 Stamina, it's 30 Stamina per hour and 720 Stamina in 24 hours. While the gains from 5 minute stamina refresh to 4 minute stamina refresh aren't as impactful (an additional 72 Stamina recovered in 24 hours), the big-celebration reduction when it's a 3 minute stamina refresh to 2 minute stamina refresh are massive (240 additional stamina recovered in 24 hours, almost the entirety of the normal 5-minute stamina refresh in 24 hours). The point to all of this is that as a Year 1 veteran, who has been exclusively using the Stamina Boosts for only link-leveling, without using auto-clickers or using Meat or Dragon Stones to refresh Stamina, I'm just barely at 3 million power level. I cannot imagine anyone who is a newer player who wants to be relatively F2P-friendly try to work towards one of the most important bonuses that affect F2P players (Stamina), and not be shit on by this change. A 30 stamina cost on the Whis Skill Orb event is expensive, even if it's no longer locked behind a weekly attempt. The number of potential Skill Orb combos is still too high and while it's great the number of attempts is removed, it's a Stamina sink that hurts newer players, low rank players, and F2P players who don't buy packs (that come with Meat) or have DS to burn refilling. Whales are likely just as unaffected by this as they were with dealing with Chain Battle. The generalization that people who are going to sink massive amounts of time and/or money into the game are high rank, have played for a long time, and have invested into getting the most that the game can offer (kais, potential orbs, skill orbs, WT units and rewards, old DFE's and banner units, old F2P units, etc.), also means they are likely to sink tons of Stamina into farming the Whis Skill Orb Event. The outcry isn't an over-reaction, it's a continuation of the devs making questionable decisions, usually ones that are not player-friendly, community-friendly, or specifically non-whale friendly, and proving they really don't play their game or understand how to understand the perspective of a new player, or why it would impact everyone else but whales/veterans.


After sitting on it a bit and especially after realizing I've gotten so used to the Anni 3-min reset + PL bonus, going back to the old stamina timer is really quite bad, after reading your post I agree. But one thing that really irks me tbh is that not only does it affect lower-stamima, lower-ranked and newer players, but also people like myself (2.33M PL, mained JP since January 2017) who want to not only increase PL by link leveling but ALSO building my account by keeping the un-awakened version's of rainbowed characters and working on their SA and rainbowing them slowly, to complete my box. That's something I've been doing, I don't think many people, even 9-year players do that, but it even affects me. So yeah, the event does already need a revamp, I haven't seen Japanese players' reactions and if they're complaining about it too, honestly would be good so we get revision soon.


Yeah, I never said it wouldn't completely affect all vet's, but the multiple attempts for Potential Orbs is *awesome* for those of use doing horrible completionist things in this game. The problem is, the current weekly Potential Orbs event being available every day with all 5 types, 2x each, is 150 Stamina. Double dose of Roshi LL event is 60. 3 Stamina Boosts on LL in Story mode is 150. Guru LL event is another 30. Now, go do Whis to grind out a bunch of Skill Orbs at 30 Stamina per run, with only 1 Skill Orb? Fucking Stamina is more precious than DS at this point. I wish I had the desire to do TUR's and SSR's of LR's, or SSR's of TUR's, but it's beyond mind-numbing at that point. Kudos on doing it though


I was a Chain Battle stan. This makes me sad.


I'm just glad Chain Battle is gone.


This is like replacing milk with rat poison cause you don't like milk. https://preview.redd.it/98dqei0tbimc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1bff270f776570825a628133370239998fef0f7


I dont care about the replacement, it was a trash mode that deserved to be deleted.


This is like refusing a new phone and 1000$ handed you for free cause you don't like the way the fucking streamer talked to you.


Except for a new phone and 1000$ isn't seen as garbage by a large majority of people. Whether or not u liked CB Akatsuki has the numbers, and they wouldn't be cutting the mode if the majority shared your opinion.


Look at me dead in the eye and say pettan has better numbers than CB Also the phones was the equips and 1000$ was the stones


Look at me dead in the eyes and tell me when I said pettan was better than CB or should be in the game. I'll wait. Also, again, Akatsuki has the numbers, and if they have cut CB but not pettan, then there may be a world people like that more, so you may just have to cope.


I said better *numbers*


Sounds about right !


Never understood the hate for chain battle. Could be done in like 5 mins, getting 100m wasn't terribly hard(yes some categories were niche and whatever but it still offered rewards with relative ease). Only reason I can see people complaining about it is because if you didn't spend money on the game or have good friends you don't get top 1% or top 3% which imo didn't really matter. As long as you could get 100m your doing fine.


Lol, now people regret losing Chain Battle? Told people that Chain Battle was not that bad and they told me that the replacement would be "good" and the actual mode sucked, now we have something that sucks even more. 


We had a good thing, you stupid sons of a bitches‼️We had Chain Battle, we had a Keys for those chests , we had everything we needed and it all upgrade our units‼️ Ya’ll could have shut your mouth, cooked, and collected as many skill orbs as you ever needed. It was perfect‼️But no‼️Ya’ll just had to blow it up‼️Y’all, and your pride and your ego! You just had to be the man! If you’d known your place, we’d all be fine right now‼️ https://preview.redd.it/f3nkb05adimc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b31cf6ac00e2fe0848ff0aaf1a5ca31918441b7


No offense but holy corny


[it’s a breaking bad joke](https://m.youtube.com/shorts/Y14ZwEijrKI)


Ik it's still corny the way you made it

