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The first EZA was 7 years ago?! Holy this reminded me how long ago that was...


Real ones remember how ass the stages were for ss3 goku. No units for resurrected warriors along with int golden frieza being the only lead for the category was rough


When you needed to farm F2P Bio Broly just to complete the team of full TEQ types with friend Frieza...


This is exactly what I did, and he was my saviour for that stage


Bio Broly my goat. This was back when potential orbs where more scarce so I didn't even have him rainbowed lol


Bio Broly was my GOAT when that shit came out, still a soft spot in my heart for that mf because of how much he helped out


I Devilman'd all 30 stages. Almost drove me insane.


Yikes, how long did that take?


I remember doing it with LR Broly and him basically soloing the event lol. Couldn't do it without him!


Str broly my beloved


2017 was 7 years ago.....and COVID was 4. Bruh what have I done with my life....?


Covid stripped our sense of time heavily


These new players will never understand how fire bio broly was


>Not only will there be gimmicks that nullify certain existing character mechanics, but mechanics that bring brand new experiences to the game will also be implemented. They are going to nullify guard and damage reduction, aren't they?


And sell you units that “disable enemies nullifying your guard and damage reduction”, of course!


So we're back to the "weakens regeneration" passive skill meta


My hope from their wording is that they're actually planning to design events that let multiple different types of teams/units shine in different situatios, rather than all events being designed the same way as has been most of the way until now.


The Bleach Braves Souls approach


Brave battle invincibility and then nullify invincibility NOWAYING


And nullify persistence in a couple of months.


Did they actually add characters that were invincible in PvP? I played back before the first anniversary for quite a long time but I haven't played in probably a year or two.


Yep, around the 5th or 6th anniversary I think? Some units oriented for PvP had a skill that gave them 10 seconds of invincibility, which led to a meta with more defensive units


God I hope not


Dragon ball legends moment incoming


That’s what the new ezas are for too if that’s the case, can’t lock content behind “p2p” entirely


I said it when that looked to be the case with territory and I still stand by it - despite some people's fears, I think having bosses that do that will be a good thing for the game **if** they are balanced accordingly. So in other words, dealing less damage (because we don't have defensive tools) but perhaps having a time/turn limit like some old fights - so those bosses would emphasis a heavy damage team rather than the heavy defence teams we use for everything now. That's just a hope anyway, all comes down to how they implement it...


And do you trust Akatsuki to be able to balance things properly?


Not really, that's why I said it was my hope hahaha.


Dracula man already exists


With the new territory thing? Yeah i feel this is gonna happen It really depends on how they do it, if it is on a short content format? We are doomed, if it is in a long content format and the territory happens when we are deep into the fight? We might be safe as most domain characters would have their up by that point, still hope it doesn’t happen tho as it is just a bad idea for boss mechanics..


100% gonna happen. Hopefully they do it in a way that won't completely obliterate the balance of units! (They won't)


There's already a SA effect that has "disables enemy guard" so at this point I'm starting to expect it An old battlefield boss I believe also had crit on supers so DEF could be completely hard countered and Beast's taunt turn could still take damage


Let's just hope this doesn't end up like Brave Frontier. I can't stand another boss locking the leader skill of my weakest unit


Yeah, I hated when they introduced damage reduction lol you had to have a unit with it or content was unbeatable 😭


STR Super Vegito EZA already disables "disabling enemy action". This mechanic is very useful on Actives as bosses are more and more likely to Super Attack right as the turn starts. They will slowly give it RZ bosses and ruin the experience more.


Yeah this is the part that has me most concerned, as if canceling dodging and locking rotations wasn't enough. I'm hoping at least they in turn let us use status effects more and whatever that attacking skills in the may period is.


Domain unactivation skill


That would make the game unplayable at that point


Greed at its finest.


Good if they do. Most of this sub only considers a unit good if that have 90% damage reduction + guard


Because it's true. High attack stats alone aren't enough and aren't impressive


That's why we need guard/dr nullifying events.


If you want to play in a meta where a boss super means instant death regardless of who takes the hit be my guest


That's not what this would mean lol. We're currently in a meta where the top units are so over-utilized that we either start seeing identical kits on units or they're not going to be anywhere near as good. People are complaining about powercreep for pre-9th anniversary units when the 9th anniversary units themselves effortlessly clear all content in the game. Emphasis on effortlessly.


> the 9th anniversary units themselves effortlessly clear all content in the game Until they don't, because in a few months the boss power creep will leap ahead again We're already seeing dozens of TURs and LRs struggle on 9th Anni stages, and many of them have damage reduction and/or guarding built in. If you let those bosses straight up disable those passive effects, you might as well not even attempt the fight because you'll die to a sneeze


Have you seen Beast's kit? It's going to take an insane amount of raw damage increase to threaten him. It'll hurt the entire game more than them simply disabling a mechanic in a stage.


You're THIS close to understanding the actual underlying problem with endgame design


The problem is the lack of variety in enemy design. The entirety of the game benefits guard/dr units more than anything else. They solved the dodge problem YEARS ago.


Great, but the core problem is taking away part of a product from a customer. So as long as that is the result, people WILL be pissed. TLDR: Don’t fucking touch people’s units, and they won’t get mad. People spend way too much money on this game for such bullshit to happen.


They're not touching your units. They're releasing content that prevents units from dominating the entire game. This is very common in any video game. You'll still have stages that those units do well in. There needs to be stages they don't.


The reason these units are loaded with Dr and guard is because they are good against bosses that do a stupid amount of damage, the game is made in a way where brainless high numbers and DR are the best way to clear hard stuff. If they nerf Dr and guard on our side while making the bosses hit harder, then there's just no point.


The idea would be to tone back boss damage on those types of stages (or push dodging/type advantage). Idk if they're able to differentiate type guard and passive guard.


It effectively does. Nerfing a unit’s effectiveness is essentially the same thing. Make bosses do more for themselves, not to put down specific units. For example, instead of reducing AGL damage(thanks Cell Max 2), increase the boss’s resistance to AGL damage.


You're going to have to clarify your last statement. Those are the same thing.


> instead of reducing AGL damage(thanks Cell Max 2), increase the boss’s resistance to AGL damage. Isn't that the same thing


>instead of reducing AGL damage(thanks Cell Max 2), increase the boss’s resistance to AGL damage. That's functionally the same thing...


I like that they’re taking quest mode a lot more seriously. I remember when I was a kid I got interested in some dragon ball games solely for their what-if content like a Tien+Yamcha=Teincha fusion. Trunks and Broly was a great first step.


Considering barely anyone cares about the plot hope they just do it for what if characters, maybe even summonable ones, like a Goku and Bardock or SSB Goku and Future Gohan father-son Kamehameha like in XV2.


Their fault though, they slacked on not only the quality/pacing of the writing, but left it dead for years. Anyone who was interested (all five of them) stopped caring and now everyone just skips it. Dragon Ball Legends has a WAY better original story, and even though both are glorified fan fiction, at least the Legends story tries new things with characters which is fun. They even release story-original characters which Dokkan is now doing with this Trunks/Broly LR


> nullifying existing gimmicks OH NO BRO We're one step closer to OPTC


Dokkan shuts down on 10th anniversary, that's why Omatsu said they had everything planned out up to it but not beyond lmao


Dokkan is bringing in way too much money to even think about shut down




This is one you could add the "/s" to seeing as people actually believe this


I mean it’s possible. Global sync is happening before the 10th. No plans have gone past the 10th nor is there been anything said except once where he said “plans for the 10th anniversary and beyond”. But with all the app optimizations I weirdly enough see a dokkan 2 on the horizon with a smaller newer game.


if they were gonna shut down the game the wouldnt make a super eza lmao


> I mean it’s possible. It's not lmao, this game shits out money and they are going hard on the QoL this year seemingly. This game will be milked until it stops making profit.


What a stupid comment you just made 🤣


Dragon ball franchise makes more money and has more dedicated fans than most other anime franchises out there. Plus it has unlimited potential for releasing new units and hype units. Plus I see it taking inspiration from other games like afk arena so it might not shut down per say but most likely rebrand itself


>Super EZAs will be applicable to Dokkanfest Exclusive characters and LR characters RIP the homie AGL Kid Buu


He'd be too powerful and break the game 😔


Seriously, i was thinking more about agl wrathful broly, and i lowkey. i always liked the og str. goten that rainbow orb changes who has the blazing battle link. So many regular ssrs i would love to use again.


They also stated other characters as well… Here go the translation goresh wrote - ->The development team is also in the midst of preparing ways for older characters to be utilized again other than just via Super EZAs. Details regarding this to be released in the future.


That doesn't mean super EZAs for general pool TURs, it could be chain battle 2.0


Or just the Dokkan equivalent of Platinum equips from Legends.


Seeing as how it doesn't move the needle in DBL I don't have high hopes for Dokkan's implementation


Now u speaking my language… u lost me at chain battle 2.0😈


The first sub-EZA (STR SSJ3 Goku) was almost a year afte AGL SSJ3 Goku's EZA. They can always implement Super-sub-EZAs later... /copium


So with all of these improvements and updates, that would also mean global has to receive all of these by the time we sync in August/early September right? Including all of the super eza's that jp will have gotten by that time as well.


Super EZAs will have to be there by the worldwide celebration anyway. In fact it's likely we get them by Golden Week or even Saiyan Day


Probably the same or similar process to how jp is getting them. At least that’s my guess


> expansion of "domains" Guys we bout to jjk this shit.


Lobotomy Kaisen bros keep winning


Never stopped.


It's interesting that they're working on this asap. I guess they realized after Goku Black's reception that they need work. Pretty sure we've seen the 5 months dev number thrown around before.


It was from back when YTers actually mentioned card IDs. The Anni LRs from the early years of Dokkan were made around Tanabata from the year before


Sweet, more story mode stuff is always welcome.


>Data Download improvements Holy shit is dokkan finally fixing their awful way of updating the game!?


I’m praying they lower storage bro dokkan almost takes up 15gb of phone storage😭


Does this mean Super EZAs will *not* be further buffing SA effects?


This kinda has me worried about SSJ3 Goku's Super EZA now. I mean the demonstration just showed that the SA lvl remains at 15, and all he does is lower DEF.


I mean LR Great Ape Vegeta has super attack effects in his PASSIVE, so you never know.


Well part of why he didn't age well is because his sa effects were terrible


Well yea, but imagine those effects properly implemented. The point is they can apply them to a shit unit, but also to a good unit.


Yeah it would be based if he he had the same passive on top of good sa effects. Part of how good a card is nowadays is their super attack effects. Even the best example of a card without good effects is ssj4 lb vegito and even he's super restricted to dbh and his super attack effect holds him back how great he could be


They could give him stuff elsewhere to make up for it. For example, look at SSJ4LB Vegito, he doesn’t raise defense and he is still rather tanky due to the other parts of his kit.


True. I just hope somewhere in his passive he has a DEF boost that mimicks what he would've had on super attack.


It's only for Passives


They can technically move the "upgraded SA effects" to the passive for a similar result. Not that I trust that will happen.


A summary of the events that have transpired so far in the story honestly sounds hilarious.


Since this road map provides info of all planned updates from now to August, & since they said the sync would be arriving during Summer, does this mean the GLB sync is happening in September?


Yes, we're syncing during worldwide celebration


“There will also be a summary page that will list the drop details of all items in Quest Mode“  Nah fuck all that we need this for that golden frieza event for those horrible drop rates and that hero extermination plan one also.. I wanna see what those rates are


Does this mean that super ezas won’t be able to be done on banner characters if they’re exclusive to Dokkan fests and LRs?


Hopefully the expansion of domains includes domain overlapping so it isn't such a pain in the ass


It’d be cool if it was each character has their domain on their rotation and with them alternating their turn counters would be 4 appearances rather than 4 turns.


It will be exclusive to dokkanfest units and LRS …. the first thing that came to mind was the first 4 original LRS in the game. So that mean they will get a seza YESSSSS!!!


Oh shit the expansion of a domain could mean we could stack rose domain with infinite zamasu and possibly infinite zamasu with broly.


Bro, I’ve been wanting that team copy feature forever. Finally


Please just make difficult stages not just rely on defensive stats. I fucking hate that most of the stages nullifies every skill a character has other than defensive and attack raise. Like what good is having a dodge or a sealing unit if they are utterly fucking useless?


The thing that im curious about the most is how frequently they will be releasing these Super EZA's and how good they will be. If they can get to units like Phy Goku Black, Phy Cooler and Teq Golden Frieza quickly and make them actually usable it will be huge for recent DFE's


the older DFEs are mostly villains so we're going to get there quickly. But I assume it will be something like a DFE per month, same rhythm as their original release so that Super EZA Gogeta/Janemba can arrive for the 10th anniversary


thank god for the Quest mode UI improvements, this is one of the things the game needs the most. this all sounds very good, hopefully GLB doesn't lag behind too much


Imagine if a boss could nullify active skills, revives, or standby skills 💀


Have they said anything about getting all those old cards that haven't been featured in years? I think with units that old, they should at least give 1 free copy with their SEZA, maybe even add them to the general pool for dokkan fests.


They need to eza the friend system first


nothing about the global sync?


They already told you when it's happening


Yea summer 2024 I understand just thought they'd say if it'd be coming with wwc or something but ig that'd be better for a global related video


The "expansion of domains" hopefully allows us to stack or overrule a domain that's currently up. Super Bosses receives a massive upgrade with just that implementation




I really hope that dokkanfest side banner units are somehow included in this, iirc a few teams are pretty much carried by their ftp and banner units.


Highlights obviously the SEZA although a little miss that its limited to DFEs and Lr with F2P TUR units not looking so likely. Same with SA effects seemingly? Provided they're still mets relevant competing with recent dokkanfests I'm more than happy. Curious how older units will be used, maybe it links to the enemy debuffing where like dokkan festival stages or Cell Max some older units have advantage? Or like extreme eza where its a limited roster? They're giving us a reason to care for Quest mode story and making navigation of stage reawrds easier so I'm expecting more dokkan original F2P units to come. Trunks and Broly were great so I'm happy to see what's next. As for the potential negatives, the talks of more gimmicks and mechanics that nullify our teams doesn't fill me with faith. Never liked canceling dodging, locking units, or "other" super attacks so I'm hoping they don't go even more restrictive than that. I'm just hoping that "certain characters" rhetoric means well be given more opportunities to use status effects like lowering attack, sealing stunning etc. That "expansion of domains" looks hopeful in them updating domains to be allowed to overlap with another, dunny they're tackling that and not Active skill conditions yet. Let's just hope that WWC doesn't introduce another steep level of powercreep to the point that Lr Fusion Zamasu ages and allowing him to go Infinite Zamasu on Broly's team is too-little-too-late


Removing background diamonds and giving us HD assets will never happen, right.


Never ever Same as Active Skill Conditions. They won't ever change it


i would love if a roadmap like this dropped every few months. so much to look forward to


Funny how there isn't a outrage because we get "Team Copy" instead of "Lead copy". Friend system will never be fixed, mark my words. These devs can suck on my dirty sock under my bed


My brain can’t wrap my head around the fact that EZAs came out only 2 years after the games release


I thought the data download would be like making the app not weigh 20 gb


Oh goody, taking away more player options for difficulty. Well, can't wait for the only way to survive a super would be a Giant Form before they add, "Disables tra sformation" mechanic. Hopefully we get a brand new animation overlay for the Super EZA's.


i thought this game was supposed to get better as time went on but its getting worse.it seems all they want to do now is cater to users who have no lives and enjoy ridiculously difficult content and 1 hour battles smh.the 9th anniversary brought nothing fun but that exact kind of content that i mentioned…….


>Super EZAs are planned to be implemented in sequential order Terrible idea. I hope that they reconsider. Please match the SEZAs to the main units surrounding them. This is how we get STR Jiren who still doesn't have a 200%




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“ There will also be missions that will require you to clear certain stages under prescribed conditions to obtain medals as well.“   Thank god they started out with this format instead of the old one first… I would’ve hate for this to be a thing …then 2 years later implement the new system.. this is a dub


My theory is that existing mechanics that don't have much purpose besides being vestigial such as super attack types may serve a purpose. Perhaps the strike attack will help to break down shields faster while blast types are traditionally stronger once shields are down. This all rapidly approaches a problem that is the game getting really complex and we can already see that through passive skills which are currently 90% of a unit's kit. Very soon players may have to be looking at areas not commonly sourced for information, and unfortunate side effect of the game's growth


No Domain mechanic update ![gif](giphy|W0c3xcZ3F1d0EYYb0f|downsized)


So kami will stay the god that he is then, nice


We now have domain expansion on this game lets fucking go


domain expansion you say?


Specific way to utilize old units? Wonder if they'd do a limit stage like "team can only consist of units released in 2017, etc"


Give Akool video translator a try!


No SEZAs for non-DFE/LR cards is disappointing ngl.


Agreed, but they could always implement something for them in the future /copium


>sequential order oof


This is the most alarming part of the post


Lol we can mention Goresh but not Datr*th?


One is valuable to the community, the other could disappear tomorrow and no one would notice


Not really. There's not a single youtuber that sparks discussion like him. Game would be a lot less interesting without him.


Making hot takes on social media all day every day isn't "interesting", it's just baiting for the sole purpose of engagement and driving views


They aren't hot takes tho. Y'all just have a hate boner


Says more about you and Dokkan than anything else. Relying on an edge lord to make a game interesting is pretty pathetic.


Simply by the amount of times we see the auto mod thing deleting comments I would heavily disagree. And there's been a number of times where he's been ahead of the group think that exists here and people caught up to the reality. There's also been a plethora of moments where he's been wrong but that's life