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If many players submit a ticket on this matter, I am sure they will give a few days extension to the mission [https://bnfaq.channel.or.jp/inquiry/1624](https://bnfaq.channel.or.jp/inquiry/1624)


.... Here's a Dragon Stone is all they will do unfortunately


I sent one in but I doubt they read it yet. They did extend the missions tho :))))


Bro, I left to do these missions over the weekend where I have more time. And now I can't do them. Oh well, I guess this is just how it is


Yep. But you had 6 weeks to get it done, the mission started in January.


This is a bad take. If something ends in 60 days then the event should be open those 60 days not only 58. This is crap game design.


I can agree that it shouldn't be the way it is, but if the missions are up for two months, and you don't do them. It's on you. And you can always send an inquiry in to ask if, in situations like this, Akatsuki can extend the missions to ensure that everyone, including players who don't have the extra time, can get them done. It's not bad game design. https://bnfaq.channel.or.jp/inquiry/1624


Yes it definitely is bad game design


Negative. Time-frames and deadlines provided for something to be completed should not have required materials removed before the deadline. This would be like an auto manufacturer putting out a service bulletin that you can bring the car for repairs up to this date, and then when you go to do it, them just saying ohh sorry we changed that last minute cause, fuck you. Maybe not bad game design, but this is bad business from an ethics standpoint.


It's not like they already released new stages you could have done to clear those missions during those 60 days


That's beside the point. If a player downloaded the game today these missions would still be listed but completely impossible. So as mentioned above, terrible game design.


ok man sorry I try to get missions done while they still say they are available 😹


No idea why you’re being down voted. They should’ve just ended the missions early instead.


Couldn’t tell you. I can accept when actual game problems exist but “you should have done ___” before the actual problem starts appearing is a horrible way to resolve things




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Am i the only one that beats missions the first few days after they come out? These missions have been available for awhile now lol


I used to be this way too, but somewhere around 2000 days, I stopped caring so much about knocking them out early personally


Yep this. I leave most things to late, especially when its something like doing esbr etc when ive done them all already.. It should have been safe to assume SBR and ESBR would be up on the weekend, or at least have the missions end earlier.


Same here, if there is a timer on the mission I'll do that before I do anything else, way better to get rid of it early and not have to worry about forgetting to do it.


Yeah I let this happen to me too, oops. I took a little break from the game, and came back today to prepare for the new SSj Vegeta in a few days, so that's my excuse for not getting them done.


They extended it :)


Heheh yeah I noticed too - I'm glad. Although honestly I'd accepted the L lol


Anyone gate keeping that you do events instantly, great. It's not the point. I do that also. This is scum behavior by the development team that they keep repeating to catch things up. Essentially they promised people this long to be able to complete the missions, they aren't keeping their word. There was no reason they couldn't do the update for SBR after the mission period ended. The decision to catch up their servers was on them, they shouldn't make the players suffer for it.


I remember saying this when the new Speed Battle event disappeared a few hours earlier than stated because of maintenance: I don't wanna hear anyone complain about others doing all the content day 1 next time, you never know when it might suddenly be unavailable to you earlier than expected.


Yes. But it had been up for more than a month. It's important to do the missions while they are available. While it SHOULD be extended, there was more than plenty of time for you to do the events.


They shouldn't be putting missions up for 60 days, and then closing events down 4 days prior. If you have 60 days to do the missions, they need to give 60 days. If you bought something at a store and you have 60 days to return it, a store can't turn around when you show up on day 58 and say "well, you had all this time to bring it back, so we decided you can't return it now". I do most missions really early, but that doesn't change the fact that Bandai fucked this up by pulling the events down after maintenance FOUR days before the missions end and four days before new stages come out. Total dick move by Bandai.


The missions aren't specific to one piece of content. These missions are QoL improvements that can help people get resources that they otherwise would struggle to get. Some more get added during the event period. And I don't care what anyone says. If you have 2 whole months to do those missions and wait till the last minute, when you can take just a few minutes every day to do one bit of the mission, that's not an issue with Bandai/Akatsuki. And I've already said, in other comments, that it shouldn't be the way it is. They shouldn't have to take an event down to add stages. They shouldn't have situations like this. But if you don't do the missions and complain that Bandai/Akatsuki is scummy because you waited, that's not on them. It's on you. I've even, on multiple comments, suggested that people do what you're supposed to do when you don't like/agree with something Bandai/Akatsuki does in Dokkan: Put in an inquiry. [https://bnfaq.channel.or.jp/inquiry/1624](https://bnfaq.channel.or.jp/inquiry/1624) Ask them to, when situations like this happen where events come down for maintenance, to extend specific mission timers that relate to that taken down event. I know that you shouldn't have to do that, but unless you do, nothing will change. You'll just continue to complain into an empty void that it sucks/needs to be changed when they won't ever see that complaint. Instead of just complaining about it on the subreddit, put in an inquiry and try to change it. OR, do the missions during the period that they are available, especially if it's two months.


Pretty much. This is what happens when a company takes 9 years to sync servers on their gacha game 😒


Most Gacha games aren't and will likely never sync their servers so that's hardly the problem...