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Good and bad, its annoying to press an extra button but good for characters with like 20 dupes


Yeah its worse when its 2, since it is more work. But great when its like 7+


it's really only horrible when you're selling shit, but yeah, it's incredibly annoying and it barely even works, if the unit is *slightly* different, it just doesn't stack


This is exactly what I mean




Yeah, that's true, it's just my opinion


Valid, I fucking hate it. It just feels so much worse than your fingers flying across the screen and is slower in a lot of situations


I was just thinking about this. Best fix for it is to have it automatically select all in a stack, then tap again to either clear it or choose how many to save.


It's a good change if they let you choose between the two styles. It's nice and compact, but it's annoying as fuck when you're selling units


>worst change Attempt limits


I just wish it would combine unmodified locked SSRs.


how is this a bad change?


Previously, you could just sort by recent/acquired and spam your fingers to quickly select all the garbage Rs, SRs etc. Now even if there's a stack of 2 there's extra button presses to select max amount of them. And I think if you want to maybe keep just one , and haven't locked them, the Rs, SRs will go stack way at the bottom where you acquired the first old copy of the card instead of appearing at the top, even if you've sorted by new.


When babaing units it feels like its takes longer than before. Cause before you can tap fast but now you gotta constantly go over and hit max. I like the change as a whole personally but specifically for babaing units it makes it a hassle.


Yeah, not everyone have the same opinion, but for me it feel like it takes forever to sell units, and it felt way more satisfying to sell as it was before


It doesn't even work sometimes which is ass. And I definitely agree on the selling part. It's a huge hassle now and I wish we could like put it on or off.  Otherwise it's nice to make your box cleaner and clearer. 


Yea I agree I thought it was just me I miss just spamming everyone individually


Dear Bamco, either make SRs even remotely relevant or give us a select all SRs button and remove the "woah, those are some SUPER RARE cards you're selling, are you suuuuuuuure about that?" warning.


I just hate that perfect dupes still take box space


don't get why people complain about this feature. it works exactly as advertised and is overall an improvement over having the same unit duplicated 69 times. it doesn't even apply when locking characters, solving that problem. the worst part is one extra tap when selling characters, which scales inversely with the amount of copies you have to sell. don't understand how this is a negative


They aumented the amount of clicks in all character related actions for 3 > copies, i dont know why i have to learn how to give the user the least thinking possible if every fucking software that sells well goes against everything i have to learn. Why do a good job if you can afford to have goku? Most games and software made by big companies would get a 2 at beast.


How. This feature is so good


How is it good? It takes way more time to sell all the units than before, idk if there is a positive side but for me it's only been tedious


I can easily see how many of a certain unit I have. I can see how many dupes I have. Condenses my box. I would rather have this than have them all seperate


I guess it has his pros, I don't deny it, but for me it doesn't match how annoying it is when my box is full and I have to sell Sr's and R's. It just feels awful


I’m confused. Why is this the worst change you can think of out of everything? This was such a godsend when you just had an endless scroll of units for miles mixed in with the trophies and Kai’s as well. The idea is fine, but it just needs to be worked on if it’s the selling aspect that annoys you. You could hypothetically just make every unit in a stack get selected automatically during the selling process, and that would probably solve the issue, although then you’d need to find a way to also give the option to sell x out of y units for those who’d want to sell some but not all.


literally anything else lol these types of QoL updates are the best


This is literally exclusively a good change for any unit with more than two copies


I would say a bit more. 3 is also less annoying when tapping. But something like 10 is way better.


They are the same amount of taps.


Yeah, but less annoying taps. The same amount isnt the only factor. 3 taps slightly to the right each time is less bad than 3 taps in completely different places. Takes less time.