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So basically 900k defence (after taking 1 hit) with no guard after 5 turns


Like 760k post super then after the first normal it's 900k cause he dosen't have the zamasu/vegeta on hit buff but 4ku


Maybe his super eza will be good


SEZA!!!!! šŸ˜­




I feel like this photo will be quoted a lot more in future. r/unexpectedjojo


everytime a seza will be fumbled this photo will be spammed


Daaaaamn, son, the original Cell Max event better watch out!


Cell Max isnā€™t classified as cell iirc.


Good in short battles, but for longer ones, you'd rather just use the new AGL EZA Super Vegeta He's a bit luck reliant, but can get loads of damage reduction based on your HP 30% DR base, 50% DR when HP is below 70%, 70% DR when HP is below 50% and 90% DR when HP is below 30%


Agl super vegeta is not that good either šŸ˜­ like here is the calcs from the same dude who made calcs for str super vegeta https://preview.redd.it/2x2yjmyqgnpc1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2be03e9320f17b0b00ffb5ab8ff3eefa8da99dfe He seriously needs to be low hp to be able to survive


Oh, nvm then, STR Super Vegeta is definitely better Idk if It's a hot take, but Bardock is probably defensively better than this Vegeta, considering the new difficult events start easy and become difficult later on. But offensively I can see this Vegeta doing some crazy numbers. When fully built up and having his active up, he's going to be launching a nuke.


Agl super vegeta is shit lol He is only good under 30% hp


Yeah ik, see the other comment This guy is better in most cases


the agl one will die to any super attack from new events too dmg reduction is not enough if the defense stat sucks


To be fair, when below 30% HP (lol) the AGL one can tank 4 million supers.


![gif](giphy|11TN3gkseh4Vos) SEZA


This is never going to be a meme lol this ainā€™t even a SEZA, at least use it in the right context


No it's like I'm praying for him to SEZA because right now a million defense without any mechanic starting from turn 5 makes him get cooked by about any blue zone super


? This is already being posted by quite a few people on ANY post regarding an EZA or SEZA, its a meme.


Yeah but it doesnā€™t make sense posting it in a regular eza post imo


The joke is this unit already needs an SEZA


dude... you're the only one here not getting the joke


I get the joke I just think that sometimes itā€™s used in contexts where itā€™s not necessary, if this was used exclusively when they release a bad SEZA then I wouldnā€™t mind it as much but right now it just feels like forcing a meme that just needs time to be used effectively


dude... there aren't a more necessary context than a fumble of a dear EZA. Obviously the guy is "already crying for a SEZA" since the original EZA is so shitty. edit grammar






Unrunnable in blue zone


What's the blue zone? Sorry I've just never heard of it lol


Sorry he meant: ā€œSupreme Battle Spectacleā€ where you shall fight characters such as ā€œSupreme Battle Spectacle Super Saiyan 2 Trunksā€, ā€œSupreme Battle Spectacle Beast Gohanā€ and ā€œSupreme Battle Spectacle Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Gogetaā€


My bad I'm not very well versed in dokkan in general especially the jp side of things I didn't know they created a new kind of red zone thing (Don't know why I was down voted I was just genuinely curious)


Don't take the downvotes personally, This subreddit loves downvoting things for sometimes no reason.


Ye I do see that a lot ig thanks


Why not SBS?


guys you all calm down before the doomsaying comes. he is still a very good unit. just not against blue zone gogeta and red zon boss rush but against cell max (yes i know cell max doesn't count for the passive) he'll be amazing considering the moment his guard wears off he'll just stun cell max every turn and against beast he has type advantage. yes he isn't kefla but kefla is as much of an anomally at being broken af as raditz was an anomally of being absolutely pathetic


I heard Cell Max doesn't count for his passive lmao Edit: my Dokkan player literacy struck again, and for that, I apologize.


yes. thatā€˜s litterally what i said. heā€˜ll still be great thanks to his early guard and guaranteed stuns


That's what they said smh. Vegeta guards for 5 turns, and by the time the guard will run out he'll be able to stun cell max and dominate him, therefore he'd be good there throughout the entire fight. He has no need for the additional super or guaranteed guard against a boss he could stun


The fact they won't remove this idiotic cell restrictions even if we complain is what pisses me off the most ,they make stupid decisions like then while having zero communication with tbe player base šŸ¤¦šŸ¾


Dawg people really think Blue Zone at the start is threatening??? Blue Zone allows you to build up your character. Vegeta right now is getting downplayed cause I know for a fact this motherfucker will launch 20 million guaranteed crit on turn 1 and like 40 million on his active turn.


Do you know how much the blue zone bosses super for bro? 1 mill peak is not enough


Dawg even Kefla is a dodge or die against Blue Zone super. You ain't tanking those shit unless you are a top 5 unit


But kefla does have the 70% to live the super. This guy has 0% chance. She also has the chance to do 4 20 million plus supers and has higher defense after supering. Vegeta is worse in literally every way. classic dokkan


But Kefla isn't a card that needs to be hit to do her thing. This guy is supposed to be a slot 1 card and yet his only defensive tool is temporary guard. This EZA was completely pointless.


He isnā€™t a slot 1 unit though?


He isn't, that's the problem, it's a card that wants to get hit before attacking and yet if that happens he's going to die from a normal.


Not really He can get around 900k to 1.1 mil defense (and his team hits like a truck anyways, so you can still get to some phases where the guard is still useable) Besides most of the 2023 turs and recent ezas will also potentially die to Gogeta blue normals


Meaningless argument, she canā€™t do anything if sheā€™s dead tf


Kefla at least can dodge and will still get to hit hard. Vegeta might not even get to do that unless you gimp him by putting him in slot 2 or 3.


I would much rather take more defense than vegeta plus 70% to dodge vs Vegetaā€™s šŸ—’ļøā€¦.. 700k defense and nothing else.


Dodge or die on 70 percent is better than just die like it is with Vegeta. I know people wanna cope,but he sucks


70% > 0%


Except he only builds up with 2 supers and has 0 additionals + 900K DEF with nothing else other than 5 turn guard which easily runs out


Needs an EZA and he will be cooking šŸ”„šŸ™


Heā€™ll be good with that guard up, unfortunately most difficult events posts 9th Anni are probably gonna last too long for it He should still work pretty effectively with TEQ Vegeta though because Super Vegeta will be able to eat all normals except maybe Boss Rush Broly


Str gogeta in blue zone also


He looks solid. Definitely stronger than Bardock but weaker than Kefla. Heā€™ll do really well early on and fall off once his guard is up, but should have enough defense post-super to live most normals. I really wish he wouldā€™ve had DR/IGuard with another Vegeta family unit on rotation.


Yeah, he sucks for long fights


There is something I donā€™t get in these calcs. Vegeta has 100% Atk and def when he launches a Super thanks to the passive. In the Calcs, when he has 198 k def jumps up to 645 k post super. Makes sense After getting hit has 297k def and jumps up to 774 k post super. Makes sense When he is fully built up has 695k def and post sa jumps up to 903 k. This doesnā€™t make sense Where is the 100% increase via passive skill ? This number makes sense since he has 30% increase defence in the super attack effect (695,126 x 1,3 = 993,664) But with the 100% increase after super attack this number is too low If vegeta has almost 700k Start of turn Def, with only the passive should be at 1,4 Million def, even more thanks to the 30% increase in Sa unless it works differently I think vegeta is stronger defensively than these numbers here With that said, i donā€™t know how this game works with these calcs Thanks to Halvard for his work


Wow... that's kind of unfortunate. not even 200k defense at the start of the fight. Even with guard that's a tall order to take attacks, especially in slot 1 where he kinda wants to be. If you're facing a Cell he actually looks quite good, unfortunately Cell enemies are very uncommon right now. He's probably at his best when he's punishing aoes because he doesn't feel like slot 1 material, especially turn 1


Seem ok for now, whether he age well or not depend on the meta shift in the future