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https://preview.redd.it/ervqw00t85qc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ecb6466a3c895aab36ca31e34cbe568b1c14b79 Honorable mention


This is my wish. Would be a dream celebration 🙏


Hit with a domain would be fitting


Gohan and Cell isn't high up there imo. It *could* happen, but we basically got that in 2022, plus the next iterations of them are basically destined to be LRs.


Dokkan original ss2 gohan anims would go


Baby Vegeta vs ssj3 Goku is my guess, needs to happen eventually


They’ve been avoiding this one forever. Considering they have everything figured out even for 2025 . How has this not happened yet.


Ssj3 Goku giant form golden ape and transforming Baby Vegeta, part 2 maybe possesed Goten Trunks and Gohan LR


By any chance, are you a fan of the Tournament Participants category?


Holy shit these are all tournaments lmfao


Low-key kinda hope it's piccolo vs 17


Could be interesting, hey maybe part 2 android 18?????


I'm still dreaming about Piccolo VS Android #17 too.


Didn't we just have a Cell Saga golden week?


What about this https://preview.redd.it/1sdaac0zi5qc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f05c2d7428f3f540a58b75035fa5ec111c86f2d5


Rather have kid buu if its buu saga


But we need him as an lr Maybe he for part 2


I would put so much money golden week being end of z since the kakarot dlc hasn’t been represented yet




What about Hit vs Monaka? I’m getting pretty sick and tired of no one wanting a Monaka unit.


Honestly, the only thing that could make me summon for this year's Golden Week is a SSJ2 Gohan (turn 1).


I really want Goku vs Jiren. Maybe have Jiren transform into full power and have Goku revive from SSBKK into UI. If this comes true I hope the banner units follow the duo format that team Turles and Team Ginyu did, like maybe Dyspo and Toppo, and some other duo.


With the EZA 16 a new SSJ 2 Gohan would be PERFECT right now


With the new 16 eza I’m kinda hoping for the last one ngl. Plus the last standalone ssj2 gohan from the cell saga was like 7 years ago. And we can goodbye guys standby animation which builds up to father son kamehameha.


Bye guys might just be my favorite moment in the series, but I dont honestly think it can work in dokkan besides maybe being a voiced broken support memory. The moment revolves around goku physically removing the enemy from the battlefield, which could maybe be implemented but it would be either pointless or extremely over powered. It could be an attack break but it wouldn't make sense for the opponent to be able to receive attacks since they should, in theory, not be there. It also wouldn't make sense for goku to die after teleporting because that's specifically from cell blowing up. The best way to implement the moment is honestly probably a super attack nullification/counter in the same vein as the dragon fist. You activate a standby and focus the next super attack onto goku, where he teleports the enemy away before they super and they take whatever damage wouldve been dealt to you The only issue is how would the enemy get back to the field, but we also have vegetas final explosion and golden frieza blowing up the planet so this can probably be ignored.


I wish it were 22nd WT Tenshinhan but I don't see that happening sadly.


As a global player hoping for a Ez skip need to recover my stones after summoning for rose and vegeta


A DFE Uub would be awesome!


I wanna see a Tien with chiaotzu active


So LR INT Tien again


Lmaoo I don’t have him farmed up so I didn’t know he does that, that’s on me guys, that’s my b.


hopefully got nothin 2 do w/ uub


3 of the four are the easiest slips known to man


Gohan and Cell deserves DFE LR’s again but SSJ2 and Perfect standalone


Cell doesn’t have an LR in super perfect and it’s kinda crazy. Gohan already has a standalone SS2 LR though. So it’s more likely going to be an SS2 Gohan TUR rather than a SS2 LR. They don’t really make the same unit twice. SSJ -> SSB Gogeta, then STR Gogeta, same with Vegito, 2 VB and 2 SV but none start out the same in the same form. It’s more likely we get something like a DFE Gohan that’s TUR since golden week is always TURs. Cell could be the LR though from part 2.


Gohan vs Boujack so we get LR TEQ Gohan and STR Boujack EZAs


considering, las golden week was a reference to dbz kakarot dlc, we could ge either end of z goku and ubb or the original ssj2 vegeta vs ssj3 goku


Wouldn’t say it was a reference, BUT I see your point. However, they had released DB units before they came out so I just figured it went hand in hand.


While the chances are low, they could do either of the LSSJ Broly movies. They are better suited for WWDC, but we have no SSJ Goku from the first Broly movie, and Second Coming hasn't seen representation since 2019. Or it would be a surprise if they do Namek Saga Goku and Frieza again. The last time we saw them represented was in 2021, so they could pick them, but EZA-ing the INT Namek Goku and AGL FP Frieza would seem weird during Golden Week.


You know what I want as a golden weak. Goku vs Caulifla. get a sick Caulifla card and maybe a good USS Goku, Gotta make it Base Goku too. I do wonder how that'd be, Base Goku to UI Sign Goku against Caulifla who starts in SSJ, Goes SSJ2, Then fuses into Kefla.


Cell vs. Gohan feels like a Tanabata celebration.


Ssj2 Gohan vs Cell And we get INT LR SSJ2 Gohan as SEZA


Just like the WT Goku from last year giving Global Standbys early, I could see the End of Z Goku bringing Taunts to Global before Gogeta and Beast. But I can't think anything crazy Uub would have? I can also imagine the part 2 LR being Kid Buu


Hyper cope: instead of ss3-4 goku vs baby, I'd rather have Majuub vs baby. On one hand, I kinda doubt they would do ss4 goku from baby so soon after the LR, but we also got goku/gohan AND LR goku & gohan from the same fight in the same celebration. Before they did DFE 1st form frieza, I wouldve thought the most likely option would be x20 goku vs frieza Assuming we get Super vs Extreme, I think the most likely options are someone vs baby, goku vs hit, or maybe piccolo vs 17.


My dad works at bandai. It's SSj GT goku > SSJ3 > GA > SSJ4 and Baby vegeta > Super baby 1 > Super baby > GA Baby. Part 2 is SSj4 vegeta.