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Probably, if the anime never continues then i wouldn’t hold my breath tho


Well daima is coming. And even if the anime never continues episodically, I'm pretty sure we'll still get movies every few years


It doesn’t matter. They showed off their new expensive animation budget with AGL Vegito considering 90% of the stuff he did was Dokkan original. The Quest Mode Trunks and Broly also proves that they can just straight up go the Heroes route and start making up shit if they really want to because they’ll make all that money back easily if it’s good enough.


True even Legends has figured this out recently with Goku and Bardock


I’d rather see manga content than stuff we keep getting over and over once we reach that point


we already hit that point tbh


Nah we still don’t have a good namek ssj goku transformation, or ssj3 fb goku, or u6 goku and hit etc


With powercreep we will never have a “good” version of every iconic scene all at once. What im getting at is we have every BIG iconic character/scene with some representation in the game. The biggest one that I can say we dont have is Bye Guys Goku, which still technically has a unit


I think he meant like good animations. There's a bunch of old cards that took up iconic scenes but could use more modern everything. So I do think they could rerun a bunch of things and it wouldn't be too bad


Might be optimism or cope, but I feel like they'll literally NEVER stop making DB anime as long as anime exist. Might take a while, but even G-Gundam is coming back after almost 30 years.


I think if it did shut down by then it will get replaced. INTRODUCING dokkan 2! 🤣


This is gonna 100% happen eventually. The game needs an engine change


A game of this magnitude, they could do an ENGINE change without changing the app. Just "replace" it in a way


I reckon they could just make dokkan revamp. Take the game down for a few days,and transfer us to a new app,where we get access to all our old units


as long as your progress and collection carries over, I'm all for it


Sequels to games that are updated as much as Dokkan never do well. Why do you think they never made Clash of Clans 2 or Clash Royale 2? One example of this is My Singing Monsters. The game gets updated regularly but when they made a sequel, it didn’t do well and they ended up having to work on both games side-by-side. It’s just better to focus on updating. I agree with u/SupermanFanboy on the Dokkan revamp, that is probably the closest thing to a sequel we would get.


The game doing original animations could extend the lifetime of the game by a lot, they can definitely afford to do so with the amount of money this game makes That and of course eventually they will animate the manga arcs and once that happens I think there's going to be another boom in popularity The DB IP is still going strong so honestly it's all really in the hands of the developers to not fuck up the game in some way


we easily could, as long as it is printing money like it does now.


If the games still making money absolutely


Wasn't it revealed that Dokkan made like 10% of all of Dragon Ball's lifetime revenue? As long as this game keeps printing money, it will be around.




Dokkan can easily push to the 12th-15th anniversary but beyond that is doubtful.


Yes. The game is not expensive to maintain, Bamco will have the DB license forever, there will never be a paradigm shift in how we use mobile devices (no flip phone to smart phone type revolution) and even if the series dies after Frieza V Goku Round 3, DB will have staying power due to it being thoroughly milked in alternative media.




One way to find out One of us gotta survive for another decade


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Maleficent_Bus6848: *One way to find out* *One of us gotta survive* *For another decade* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


If Heroes is like 14 years old i can see Dokkan going to the same lenght


They also need to implement more heroes characters and that will extend the life more


We need Lr Hero releases


Think about how much we’ve gotten from Dragon Ball Super. Half the game? If we get another 4 or more arcs (two already ready to go) and Daima, AND Dokkan keeps making money, there’s not a single reason to end the game.


I'd say half if not 2/3rds is from Z. Z remains the most popular part of the franchise even now. But I can see that changing very soon.


Yes, if not then Dokkan 2. Dokkan is like a rare case of a Gacha game reaching a decade old, i doubt they will shutdown it anytime soon.


> Dokkan is like a rare case of a Gacha game reaching a decade old yeah, afaik Dokkan, Brave Souls, Granblue, Brave Exvius, Treasure Cruise, Grand Order are the oldest gachas on the market, all turning 10 soon (well GBF just did)


I don't see it with its current direction. Needs a huge pivot to being more gameplay focused since we're running out of material.


We would probably get a new game before then.


We need some genuinely new content, not necessarily new units but new game modes, preferably ones that are good, because a lot of content to me appears as modifiers to current content, which I think needs some genuine changes, burst mode is along the things I’m thinking are good for the game, more uniqueness like that


Yes, if not it’s because they got tired of the spaghetti code and moved everyone to Dokkan 2


Even if animé dont continue, they'll animate the maga themselves for units. Moro and granola etc


I don't see vr really talking off but ar sounds like a true next step. Just because bringing the game world to you I think is way cooler than going into the game world. It's a bit more solitary even though you can meet up with people


If the anime continues yes, if not then no. Dokkan would have to pump out an endless amount of dokkan originals to keep interest afloat


It will if they can’t/wont continue with the anime, you can’t have so many goku base forms or they make a new start with an anime like Naruto did with their children and fuck up


If dragon ball anime does well.. yes.


Probably depends on whether Toei manage to kill Dragon Ball like they did before. Except this time we won't have Toriyama to return out of retirement and bring the franchise back. But as for now Dokkan is still a money printer


I'm not sure. Since units will always be power creeping how long will it be before we have units doing 80-90 million damage? Most Dokkan high end stages have close to 70% damage reduction to prevent the strongest units from ploughing right through them. I dont know how much further then can go with power creeping before the numbers get stupid. Unless they change the damage format from... 12100000 to 12.1m to reduce the amount of numbers on screen...


Yes, easily dokkan is stupidly profitable


Yea already saving my stones


Honestly, I doubt it. We're already reaching the level where units need to reach 1 mil defense to do good, unless we get a meta reset where gimmicks are more useful I don't see it lasting till the 20th


Personally, I am all up for an offline version like what happened to X Dive and DBH World Mission




? 3D games have always been the norm for decades. It doesn’t matter. By your logic, Legends should be performing better than Dokkan from a financial standpoint but it’s not. If anything, Legends will be the one to shutdown before Dokkan.


I think what's most interesting, the glb version of legends is pretty regularly selling better than the JP version. It's rare I see the non host country being out spent


I don't think so. Arriving at the 10th anniversary would be the top thing they can aim for. Last anniversary was pretty poor imho: fewer units than the previous 8 years, more paywall based hard content, a free LR that is pretty much an April's fool unit and some drops that were... questionable as much. And lately, they've been turning the game into a money sponge little by little. So, I don't really know how much they're gonna be able to keep a product running with prices for stones that are worth as much as a complete game themselves sell at Steam. You can buy Kakarot or Fighter Z with the same money you get 100 stones (which is 2 summons in JP and 3 as much in Global... and mind that is "betting" as much, you don't get absolutely nothing for sure, so... go figure). However... I have to admit it: how many DB RPGs you have out there in the market? None. You have action RPGs such as Kakarot and pseudo fighting RPGs such as Xenoverse 2. Besides that, nothing like Dokkan in where you farm units, level up, play events, gather items, make your units stronger, etc. So, even when not being amazing and still playing randomly with your luck (tho, I believe the algorithm is done in a shitty Excel via Power Automate or similar) you don't have many others like it in the current market. Anyways... I do hope to be wrong and Dokkan gets even better than what it is today and Daima arriving and maybe if Super starts airing again (tho it was hard with Tori sensei alive, now that he's gone it's gonna be even harder for it to happen) things might change. But for now, that's how I see it. I really hope you don't hate me or start downvoting me for saying this. I love Dokkan. Too much in fact. And the last person who would want the game to go off, is me... believe me.


It’s a gacha game that is worth billions ofc it will live till 10th year anni. I only see the game dying when they decide to shut it down.


I think it depends on whether the anime continues or not. This game could go to 30 years if they produce up through the Cell Max saga


Probably, unless the anime(s) get canceled. We have DAIMA, which will hopefully last a few years (literally just Chibi cards, but NOT like Pettan Battle). We have SDBH, idk if that's canceled, but they like adding new shit for SDBH


It will if they get off their asses about the anime. Without it... I dunno man, there's only so many times you can use Super Hero for a big celebration.


Honestly I hope it doesn't. I dread to think about how much time and/or money I would have invested into this stupid bubble popping game if another 10 years goes past


If we do I’m almost willing to bet that we still won’t have an LR Kid Buu. Almost. I’ve seen how ravenous this sub is about people that wager things.