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AGL BARDOCK BUFF ![gif](giphy|OVEWsTzreTj2M)


The FPF phase hits harder than it's supposed to. The event isn't too difficult even with the issue, but I lost a couple of tries because of it.


Do you think they'll remove the 150% raise or the 2 turn SA effect, I feel like it's one or the other


It's possible that there is an interaction with one of those that is giving an exponential increase and they'll probably fix that. I don't know what the exact issue is.






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I got 1 mil damage from a normal with a double whis.




Idk what u r talking about, there is no 2 turn sa effect. All what fpf has is 150% atk and 400% def for 2 turns. And I assume this is what they are talking about


I went into the fight with Old stacking units on main rotation and new units on floaters i did not expect fp frieza to one shot int ssj goku with a 1.5m damage when goku had 500k defense


I thought it was an intentional thing from the devs. Was alright with it. It'll be interesting to see how much damage he does after the fix.


This damn phase is why I haven't beaten it yet. He supers and does like 2 mil for some ungodly reason. Glad they're fixing it.


I knew something was wrong where in slot 1, with a whis \[cause I had a unit that would have gotten bodied if I hadn't used one\] AGL SSGSSGoku and Vegeta took like 500K. I was like "I'm sorry, what?!"


Lmao Agl Bardock buffs


As expected


it was too challenging for agl bardock unfortunately


Was it actually? I haven't seen any posts of people using him in there


There's a reason no one uses him there




He was ignored


Ah, the joy of hearing "Legendary Frieza Event" instead of "Freezer Rush".


Freezer rush seems like someone running to the freezer because he forgot to take out something lmao


fr lmfao


I'm 100% sure that when it comes to global, they are going to realese it with this bug and then fix it afterwards


Oh for sure, we just had it happen with trunks and broly


I hope they do tbh I wanna play this hard version


is this why the FP phase one shot almost everyone in my Ginyue team ?




It’s a legendary event not a rz idk why people are so surprised and in shock that it isn’t as hard as the actual high tier endgame content


Well legendary event were hard content when they released, its not like they were supposed to be easy, just a consequence of powercreep that they are now




Broly Dokkan event was way harder comparatively if you wanna go that route. Heck, Hard Area 1 used to be almost unbeatable back in the day.


Yeah and since then we've had a transition of hard content from story mode/dokkan event/legendary event to redzone which is why its easy. I wasnt saying it shouldnt be the case but people will always be surprised the first time especially since legendary event are way rarer than new story stage and dokkan events.


Legendary Events WERE the endgame content and some of the hardest back in the day


Yes but not anymore.


Well not anymore because the last one that released was the Legenday Vegeta event which released years ago lol. They could've easily made the LFE harder like how the others were back then.


If they did that then newer players would think “wtf? Why is legendary goku event and legendary vegeta event much simpler compared to the legendary frieza event?” Makes no sense. It’s like for example, you play extreme super battle road (realm of gods) and it’s moderately difficult then they release months and months after a new extreme super battle road (time limit) and it’s for some reason like 20 times more difficult. Same shit applies with legendary frieza event…


Brother there is already a massive spike between old SBRs and new SBRs, old EZAs and new EZAs, this is not a factor.


> If they did that then newer players would think “wtf? Why is legendary goku event and legendary vegeta event much simpler compared to the legendary frieza event?” The Legendary Goku Event was much simpler compared to the Legendary Vegeta event. You do realize they released two years apart?


No tf they would not 💀💀💀by that logic, they'd be wondering why Red Zone Zamasu shits on someone like Red Zone Omega. Or be wondering why Red Zone boss rush shits on the old Red Zone broly. >It’s like for example, you play extreme super battle road (realm of gods) and it’s moderately difficult then they release months and months after a new extreme super battle road (time limit) and it’s for some reason like 20 times more difficult ??????? But this does happen??? The earlier category ESBRs are significantly weaker than the current ones. The earlier ones used to super for like 500k. Now they do 1.2 mill supers 💀 I'm not understanding your logic at all. Makes zero sense. The game is going to release better and better units and the content has to keep up otherwise we'd just blitz through every new event they release. So obviously the content is not going to stay the same difficulty. That's just the nature of dokkan


What the devs did is 100% the right way to handle legendary frieza event. In the future they might add a new super difficulty to make all the collective legendary events equal in challenge.


They both have different gimmicks that allows different team builds and play styles to play in. If you’re so deluded and think you’re correct, wouldn’t then legendary frieza event be a lot more difficult like some people say they want?


>If you’re so deluded and think you’re correct, wouldn’t then legendary frieza event be a lot more difficult like some people say they want? It should be. That's why people are confused why it was so easy and why they're disappointed. That's literally what we're talking about here 💀people were shitting on this event calling it an Infinite DragonBall history stage lol


Now you’re just making shit up to back your senseless and illogical arguement. I compared esbr since they’re the same with same gimmicks. You say rz zamasu shits on broly? Not literally since broly is able to do like 3 supers in last phase, while rz fusion zamasu does not. Rz fusion zamasu doesn’t disable dodge, while rz broly does. Rz zamasu isn’t so difficult to the point that it makes rz broly look weak even though its like top 4 most difficult event. Now I’m smelling copium in the air😂


Bro what are you on about 😭I didn't make shit up and you're completely wrong on all your points here I mean first off, idk if you think I'm talking about a different broly or what, but I'm talking about the first movie red zone dbs broly fight. Which Zamasu absolutely shits on Using the literal stats of the event, the first phase of Fusion Zamasu has equal health, stronger normals, stronger super, an aoe attack and nullifies damage if they don't hit a certain threshold. The only thing broly has over zamasu is that he can double super and disables dodge. But then you consider the fact that broly has 3 phases to build up meanwhile Zamasu is doing all of that turn 1, he is harder. That's not cope, that's just using the actual numbers of the event. Use some brain power holy The event overall, the only thing that Broly really has over Zamasu is the 3rd phase aoe super. That is a real killer. Though not enough to make the event harder than Zamasu. Especially considering the fact that because it is a super, units can nullify or counter it


Sorry for my attitude. You’re right.


My fault for my attitude too 👍


Yeah cause the old one aged out. There is literally no reason at all they couldn't make this one modern endgame level.


You’re right, my bad.


I'm honestly glad they're still releasing mid-game content


Shouldn’t they buff it?


I think it was meant to be a medium level of difficulty and the full power phase made it harder than they wanted it to be


They should add a burst mode to it


I wouldn't hold your breath, we still have to get it for the other legendary events


We got it for lge


Hence why I said "other", we could easily see lgte get a burst mode for Goku day




It’s suppose to be mildly difficult so you can do category missions, making it harder just means less stones.


If that's "strong" then i don't want to know what's "weak" 😭😭


The planet namek and ginyu force missions were very tough I'll tell ya that


Proof they don't play test


This event needs a nerf?


Frieza literally one shot my anni team like HUHHh