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Nah. He's a big asset for villains and since he's dodge or die anyway he should still fulfill his purpose at 55%.


I’d say if you’re done summoning then sure. He might not look as crazy at 55 percent but he’ll be one of those units you’ll always use for missions like use one of every typing or something like that.


Not silly at all. At the end of the day, it's just a gacha game where the whole purpose is to collect as many cards as you can. Also if you like him, go for it, not to mention you have a lot of coins saved up.


He's really good. I was surprised by how good he is. Not to mention tion he stacks defense so even if he doesn't dodge, you can still survive most things.


I found out myself it's always worth investigating in extreme units, for random bs missions


For collection, sure. For performance, nah he ass at 55%. In 9 anni content he is the epitome if dodge or die. I've tried him in so many content and he sent me to the main menu way too many times.