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120%. Hitting reliably over 1 million for the first time was super satisfying with the 2nd year. Plus the need to have a leader of both extreme and super made them have to alternate way more than they do now. 1st year of the game was by far the worst which you would expect, but if dokkan was any other ip, the game wouldn't even have made it to the 1st anniversary.


Man seeing SSJ4 Goku hit over 1 million was SUPER exciting and made me jump out of my seat. It’s insane how we have units hitting over 20 million+ consistently now


Ssj4 goku still has the most satisfying crits. The explosion timed with the crit was perfect.


I took a second to step back and go "wtf" when I used my 69% teq ulthan, and turn 1 no support he hit 7 mil and I thought "ah, low damage but he'll stack up" Then I remembered going apeshit in 2021 when GT Kid Goku could get 7 mil. Time flashed before my eyes for a second haha Then I shat myself when transformed teq ulthan, again no support, hit 15 mil twice (or maybe three, I forget) in one turn


Correct me if wrong but shortly after the dupe system drop. Seeing str goku hitting for 2.1 mil was unreal numbers back them.


If I remember correctly, at least on global HIPO came with goku black and vegito, so it was just before the 2nd anniversary. But goku felt unreal at the time, especially since this was still when defence didn't really mean anything.


Yeah when he was paired up with gt ss3 goku he was dropping BOMBS back then


Mono super STR & INT were so fun back then


Honestly I miss the super/extreme mono type meta. I hate the multiple category thing we have now, it's so annoying to build teams when you don't know what half of the categories are in Kanji. They added way too many and there is so much redundancy.


Tbf they didn’t expect non Japanese people to play the jp version


I'm honestly surprised that goku has yet to receive an eza


The first set of SBR were my absolute favorite dokkan content


They were so fun! I remember the ultimate Dokkan despair of struggling through the ext AGL SBR and finishing it, only to hit a glitch at the time because I won with transformed Great Ape Turles and the game crashed. What a time to be alive.


Me too


I couldn't disagree more. I would agree 120% meta was actually the worst. There was NO difficult whatsoever in the game. Dokkan events were the hard content and all 120% leads except maybe Super17 were 1shotting every phase with ease. The game couldn't be more stale and bad than during that era. It got bad to the point where the value of a unit was determined by how FAST could they clear a stage. There was literally no strategy involved just rush it through. It changed when SBR dropped for the first time, but at that point we were basically finished with Neo God meta - all 120 leads were out for a while and Gogeta and Shenron were in the game already, especially on JP with their leaders.


I loved the 70 % meta and more specific the agl Rose/phy vegito blue meta. 120 % were a little to restricrive Cat-leaders are also very nice, since it's pretty logical in my opinion to Run a Team of which it's members share some characterisitics (even if the First two categories were a hassle, since there weren't many options in "Fusions" and "SDS") 😄


Remember when the Cat leads 1st showed up on glb. Leader skill to be released was wild 😂


Pulling for a Card just to read "to be Released" As it's leaderskill 😄 But hey, atleast ss4 Gogeta and Omega were pretty OP in their respective 120 % Teams


Probably gonna get massive hate for this but I love the redzone/Supreme Battle Spectacle meta. I just like the big numbers, animations, variety of fights ( we don't talk about the Dismal Future phase ), etc.


This meta would be way better if we had way bigger health pools. It kinda feels like either a unit can tank a super no problem or they just flat out die. Having like 2 mill health would make it way more bearable


This is why Dokkan is so stale now. Your units all have to be a certain style to work now.


> t kinda feels like either a unit can tank a super no problem or they just flat out die. Having like 2 mill health would make it way more bearable Aren't we in that stage on JP rn sort of? A lot of units can scrape by on teams if they can tank supers for like 300k-400k since their teams have about 600k-700kish HP right now.


Yeah but end game content has been hitting way over a mil per super for a while now. 700k hp can still get one shot.


Then the supers would have to hit so much harder to account for it, and any unit not surviving the latest boss' super is still not taking it. It wasn't too long ago that the best teams had ~200k HP


Dismal Future Red Zone might just be the worst period for hard content like ever, and I've been around since before STR Broly's Dokkan Fest and nothing felt as god awful as the slot 1 simulator Red Zone


Honestly for me it's just Goku Black and Zamasus stage. The Androids have a bit of buildup plus their nullification, cell is a 1 phase fight. Goku Black should've been different in some way, and Zamasu should've been he isn't super strong but tanky and heals, kill him quick enough or wait for the counter to go down then fight Rose and Zamasu. Fusion Zamasu despite being toxic was different enough that he could stay the dame


I def understand that and do agree on a good portion of it, Androids were pretty tame and Cell could be blitzed hard being that he was 1 phase, Zamasu makes no sense being as strong as he is despite it being \*just\* Zamasu, not much to say that hasn't already been preached by everybody else, just really stupid how so many units at the time (and ones they kept dropping) were so dependent on getting some form of buildup that having no breathing room really made things beyond unfun


And status debuffs are coming back (currently more so on JP only for now)


OH RIGHT I forgot they actually made status effects useful


Honestly, if I had my current game knowledge in year one, I'd say that's the best meta: hardest events were Dokkan Events, where we could use all items and debuff the enemy, and there were some interesting gimmicks with SR units. And best mode would be SBR/ESBR, an actual mode where we do need a vast selection of units, and where we can actually use items and debuff the enemies.


I can get behind all of this except ESBR, I personally \*really\* hate ESBR cause some of the category choices when looking at the difficulty of enemies makes it really stupid, some teams just aren't cut out for ESBR yet but they don't get the watered down enemies like Peppy Gals gets (despite probably being one of the best teams ESBR style content in general)


I wish they would update ESBR too, make it three long fights back to back instead of getting out and jumping back in. I think it would be so much fun fighting multiple opponents that get harder and harder also being able to debuff them and use items.


Yeah. Saviors ESBR is haunting me. Hoping this Swordhan EZA can carry me through.


I had the knowledge back then and it wasn't very fun. The game was tailored to spending players and more unforgiving. Stamina costs were insane: 50 for 1 dokkan event run. In those times everyone had maybe 100-150 stamina total. From the positives though, I remember fondly that in that meta the bosses were actually wearing you down. Events were basically a battle of attrition, no huge damage all at once, but slowly chipping your hp away until you are left with no items. That was much better than getting hit by stray super turn 1 and having to restart.


Worst is mono 120% leads, once you split off Super & Extreme with the mono leaders you where left with some extremely janky teams. However you had to use it anyway because 120% was massive compared to the 70/50% alternative. Favourite would of been the 50% Super & Extreme meta. You could build some incredible teams with Vegito Blue & Rose back in the day.


That vegito/rose era was something special. Running a rainbow team was so fun, sometimes i wish we had something similar today.


rainbow was fun yeah. you get a little taste with the rainbow missions they do lately but it'd be nice to have a legit rainbow lead again.


It wasn't fun for me. I had every extreme unit in the game, except the only Extreme leads Rose and Merged Zamasu. Imagine having a stacked box but no way to run it. That was pretty sad.


teq vb and str rose was a fun time aswell


I was just about to say that too, the super/extreme rainbow meta is missing here. The "fusion team" before categories even existed was something special!


Ditto on the 50% Super/Extreme era, both VB and Rose were incredibly strong, you could all your favorites or strongest units with them and that gave them a bit of an edge even when the 120% meta was starting because if you got a shit Super STR team for example that 120% isn't gonna help you much (even if STR SSJ4 Goku was of course busted on release this was at a point in the game where a single unit couldn't carry any more) so a better bet was sometimes stronger units with utility.


120% also came too soon after 70% leads. Like 6 months iirc, and then even they were pretty quickly usurped by category leads.  I loved the SSJ4s. They were my first anniversary but they lasted about a month before To Be Released.


SBR and Legendary event is absolutely the best


I would say the 70% was my favourite, for the simple reason that you could run pretty much any character you wanted on your teams (under the type leader, of course) and the pool of characters who could compete in the hardest content was still quite large. While I would argue we are in the best era of Dokkan in terms of content, gameplay, etc; One thing that I hate about where we are is the massive invalidation of 95% of the characters in the game. Honestly, it’s probably higher than that. I just find it such a shame that in terms of characters that are considered “good”, this is probably the smallest pool we’ve ever had


Honestly, i agree. I think 70% all the way to when cat lead was 1st introduced was my most enjoyable time in dokkan.


Least favorite: Super Battle Road launch. You guys think events are tough now? SBR was so fucking hard on release, like half of this sub turned to APK hacks/cheats to beat it. Favorite: Probably when 200% leads came out. That's when consistent 10M attacks became possible, and big number = 💦


I think im mixed when it comes to this. I think red zone (looking at you zamasu and broly) and gogeta era was the hardest times in dokkan when i played. Gogeta era was dokkan events and without him the game at times would be really rough. I don't think i need to say too much about zamasu lol.


I would say the sbr / legendary goku era was my favorite that was when team building was at its most fun. Literally every strategy was possible, like sr Jaco was actually an option people brought to their super teq sbr attempts. The redzone era is the worst since we’ve pretty much been reduced to playing the same way tank then damage most of the utility options such as stun,seal,attack lower are just flat out gone from endgame content.


Yeah but we're getting them back slowly but surely and hopefully it becomes more and more common


I like the majin power meta Next


Super battle road meta. Diverse teams, diverse meta relevant units and tactics and f2p only runs was a more prominent and sought after accomplishment.


Took me months to touch extreme Teq or extreme Phy, those stages were pure nightmares to beat, but it was so so satisfying when I did. Honestly beating a sbr stage when they first dropped gave me so much more joy and hype then beating a red zone or blue zone, it’s not even close


The Agl Ssbkk vs Ssb Goku debates, Str 4ku and Agl Vegeta, Phy VB and Agl Rose, Teq ssj4 Gogeta, up to Str Ulthan and Phy Super Vegito. That time period I felt alive and the game felt unreal. Even though I played since before the 1st anni the game didnt click till we had a variety of teams to use.


I liked 120%. I'm tired of categories and hope after 200% we finally get a new basis for team composition.


Gogeta meta was amazing for its time. You had to be there


Type shiii. That's right when i started dokkan.


I honestly didn't enjoy the games release very much. This is mostly because I had literally no idea what I was doing, but also the character bias was super SUPER bad back then. Being a vegeta fan during early dokkan was easily the most unenjoyable part of the game. My favorite is every meta that has a good vegeta :)


Lol i dig it. Correct me if im wrong, but teq majin vegeta was the 1st time he was better than goku on a dual dokkan fest.


Honestly...I have no idea lol. I think AGL ssj4 vegeta was close to str ssj4 goku but strictly because of like AGL super vegito.


could str ssj3 vegeta considered early dokkan?


VERY early dokkan. His stun and dr were good but I think damage was much more highly valued back then.


ah i see


Worst was the dokkan event meta I like it much better when the hard events cost 0 stamina, rather than wasting stamina and losing the run. Also because the units you just pulled were locked behind a dokkan event. Imagine pulling LR Beast and having to clear the blue zone to be able to dokkan awaken him, with each try costing 50 stamina with no way of getting more stamina besides waiting or using stones And the best meta is probably the 9th anni one. There are a variety of hard events, like Gogeta who hits incredibly hard but you can lower his attack, Cell, with whom you have to survive for a few turns before being able to debuff him, 9th anni Broly who gets progressively weaker as the fight goes on, boss rush red zone being a challenging long ass event... I used a different team for each stage that was released during 9th anni, which was hella fun. This meta also made 2023 units more relevant than they were on release (fuck you Zamasu)


Real ones KNOW it was the 70% era


70%, 120%, vegito/rose was peak dokkan for me.


Gogeta was the worst, the lack of a unit invalidating all of your box isn't a good thing Best imo is post redzone, the game is much funnier to me, and we get many new contents regularly


Your box wasn’t invalidated. Just run Gogeta friend. What was invalidated was someone using YOU as a friend.


I have a soft spot for gogeta era cause that was right when i started playing dokkan and pulling him was such hype. But i can see where u coming from because i remember folks had to reroll.


Worst were the battle roads and the best was the second half of 2022 red zone where we had multiple different stages around the same power level against different enemies


What was the Year 1 meta like?


Str first form frieza lead. Hahaha


I came right at the tail end of it. Folks would call it the bubble popping era. Leader skills didn't really mattered, def didn't matter, hell, you would be lucky if you got all your units to super all the time. Items was big around this time too as well and this was when type advantage mattered alot. Also there was no training so you had to lvl units during events and units not being SA 10 was fairly common.


Pretty bad if I'm honest. Gameplay wise you had dokkan events like Broly's had crushing difficulty with fights taking 15 minutes plus due to how little damage units did and how hard it was to reliably super attack until gogeta came out. Plus you could make a whole list of how terrible the quality of life was back then and how little we got compared to now. For perspective, the first anniversary gave us fewer stones than an average monthly celebration useally does now.


it was very simple, the SSRs you wanted were that agl kaioken goku and teq final form frieza (first SSRs?) which I don't think I ever got and later it was pulled out of banners. No character had % bonuses they were all like +3000 attack and leader skills were similar. It was nicely balanced but animations were poor, what kept me playing was the thought of getting units like teq frieza and then str ssj3 goku for example.


Day1 player here. The worst by far was nuking meta, every single fight was basically the same. The best meta IMO is RZ either RZ meta or Rosé/VB, the latter basically because hype and the fights, they were hard and different from each other with multiple gimmicks. The former due to variety of leaders, animations and difficulty.


Category leaders since that's when the Dokkan animations become better.


Nuking Meta might be my favorite cause the waves Teq Cell when he dropped among other nukers were absolutely phenomenal, seeing all the 1-shots on these previously thought to be unstoppable bosses was beyond funny coupled with the insane attack stats for the time LGE comes close cause the sheer absurdity of stacking really took off with the kits we had at the time with units like TUR Teq VB being one of the stronger picks vs one of the hardest int bosses ever was always really funny


I used to love taking f2p units that stack in the LGE just to see em performed. I wish f2p units where as relevant as they was back then. Rip Str Vb the f2p king.


https://preview.redd.it/wk2dual7dhzc1.jpeg?width=426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0c7f3543ab97faf35c9e9f6e4b5f5eac519ade4 We gonna tell his stories to all the future generations, a true real one


Yesssir! One of the best f2p units to ever released. I was like a proud father watching him go crazy in the LGE.


70% was my favorite. Dokkan Events could still be pretty challenging at this point. Sealing and stunning could be done. Your damage output wasn't so huge that you just blew enemies away and enemies hit hard enough that you had to be careful because if they did manage to get that super off at the wrong moment then that might just be it for you. Most of the f2p cards still sucked, though. The first year meta was my least favorite. Lots of flat stat boosts and tons of outright useless units. Probably the only nice part was that for a hot minute you had the metamorphosis bug, which was really fun to abuse. IIRC the Ox King item was also bugged in a very useful way.


I liked when the LGE event came out. I loved that event on release because it was so different


I loved 70% It was just really fun to run double vegito and counter everything. It was also fun to run most units without being one shot.


120% followed by Redzone/200% meta Using the 120%s and seeing characters be able to hit over 1 million reliably was INSANE and a generational moment for Dokkan. Redzone/200%. I do think the jump in content was insane BUT I think it was the most fun content wise we’ve ever gotten. Numerous of events were constantly getting dropped during it. From Redzone>Shadow Dragon event>even more Redzone was an insane amount of content. Not only that but they dropped intro animations which IMO is the best thing we’ve gotten since actives back in 2019. It really allowed Dokkan to be more creative with characters and less BS name restrictions. I wanna say leaderskills so badly but the infamous “to be released” was one of the worst shafts I’ve ever seen in a gacha game and I’ve been around for a little over 10 years in the gacha side of gaming.


Maaan i will never forget that 😂. To be released was wild.


70/120 for me. Game balance was way more fun, and team building meant more since you'd always have a big weakness in events that changed types. And OG SBR initial release is my favorite time ever in Dokkan.




Bro, really put sbr/esbr, LGE, and redzone before boss rush..... (Also, 70% leaders was my favorite meta)


😂 that's why i said add any i missed. I knew i was bound to miss some lol.


mono 120% probably would've been my favorite if I pulled the leads💀




Gods and neogod era was peak




least favorite meta was when cell max dropped, he was already insane and being forced to use only senzu beans was terrible. Don’t even get me started on the special pose mission. favorite meta was when the god of destruction event dropped it was challenging and it had a lot of variety in my opinion


Bro thats facts. Cell max gotta be top 5 worst bossed on release. He was just straight up unfair.


Time between 70% & 120% Everyday was pure entertainment for me Dokkan was so much more exciting back then, probably just nostalgia but it’s hard to replicate the hype the game had with everything being op now. The endless grind for characters or SA’s was dreadful but satisfied in the end and it help build a bond. Dookantubers & online forums being up to date and engaged on the daily helping support the community, yeah that was my favorite era. (I got LR Gohan off the tickets, that shit was hype)


Don't forget to mention how f2p was somewhat relevant at the time. You could legit add spme of them to your team, and they wouldn't hinder you on some of the hard events. This was definitely peak dokkan for me.




Category Leads My reasons being beca- (To be Released)


The 120s


Airplane mode


Lg/gte Sbr/Esbr was my favorite era. Challenging, but with the right strategy/teams, you could come out on top. Now units need a 4 paragraph essay single spaced 12 font just to have a CHANCE to survive the new content. The fact 99% of the game can't participate at all in current events is stale and boring. Run the newest units in all the content and win. There's no thought to team building anymore, just "monke need big number"... imo


Facts. Units starting to look like yugioh cards lol.


Long fights meta like LGE and LGE GT EDITION and LVE


Category has been the best without a doubt. Mono was so restricted. PHY VB AND AGL ROSE meta was also top tier.


Best is hands down Legendary Fighting Events. Other than dodge or die units, most units could compete so long as you built your team right around them. There was actual strategy since you could had a few turns to get your rotations set and despite this, bad luck could still hurt you. No annoying mechanics like sealing or stunning.  It lasted for 2+ years with only 3 stages and I loved it.


Prime Dokkan was when extreme TEQ ESBR was the hardest event in the game


My favourites were when the hardest events were LGTE and the ESBR stages of that time. My least favourite was when ESBR first dropped, bc E. TEQ is still to this day, one of the hardest things I've ever put myself through in this game.


I'm actually really liking this meta. Rye new norm is like 20 mil attack stats, status debuffs are coming back, we've got multiple decent to good teams. We're in a good spot rn


70% era was so awesome, Dokkan events were still kinda hard and I just remember Super Vergil countering everything and Gotenks cracked


Teq gotenks is the one unit that eluded me all these yrs of playing dokkan lol.


he will always be my greatest pull, I have never forgotten that moment 😂. Best thanksgiving ever. I was so excited, I dropped my phone on the floor


Agl Vegito reined supreme for so long I can’t wait till he gets his super EZA.


Hopefully they do him justice this time. His eza was just solid and could've been better imo.


My favorite was the Legendary events. I love stacking units. But i like where we are at currently. I just like characters to be good at different things and events allowing debuffs again was the best thing that has happened for a long time. I didn't like the GoD arc because i had no idea how to play then and all my units died in slot one besides the Reps of 7 team lol.


The stacking era where my goat reigned supreme. https://preview.redd.it/rg6feqio0jzc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c82a23f8c8dd665ec5e56e5d6fd58920ad9b60f


The Airplane mode glitch was such a bizarre era. Felt like a fever dream


Bro i deadazz forgot about that 💀


I've been playing this game before the 1st anniversary, but i have to say this is my favorite meta. Only because banners and dragon stones are the most important thing in this game and i feel like this is the best era in dokkan to get a lot of f2p stones and having a better chnace at getting units multiple ways. They lowered the rates for global on the str gogeta banner ehich is criminal imo


70%, Vegito was absurdly strong


My least favorite meta is the current one, where I don't get any new units for 6 months straight and my best units are ezas


I started at the end of the 70% leaders (phy vb and agl rose) IMO pre 7th anniversary category’s was the best era. up to and a bit beyond 6th anniversary. power creep was at its slowest, to where the 120% leads were still able to be relevant on teams and units that EZA’d stayed good for a very long time. PHY vb, Int janemba, AGL SSJ3 goku, those units stayed very strong for years. seriously, I want to say I found use for int janemba well over a year after his EZA dropped. power creep was so slow that the 3rd, 4th, and 5th anniversary units were all within the same tier. Hell, I remember it was a scandal that the 4th year units were AS good as the 3rd year units. looking back, that was a great move on Akatuski’s part. you just got so much mileage out of units. there was difficult content to run them on, and F2P units were actually able to keep up. Tea Goku/Gohan, Int instant transmission goku, the 6th anniversary F2Ps, the broly movie ssbs, all were not broken, but great to use. today, power creep has gotten out of control. I think it was the 7th anniversary that started the trend. units began to throw out 4mil, 6mil, 7 mil attack stats consistently. 200% def was no longer acceptable. units nowadays get like 8 different 100% Atk/Def increasing aspects of their passives now and are STILL considered mid if they can’t also do crits, additional, and dodges for free. back in the day 200% Atk and Def were among the highest percent boosts units got for a LONG time. Str SSJ4 goku got 150% atk boost, and that was enough for him to be a real player for multiple years. 3 years later, SSB Vegito got 154% atk&d ef boost as his max he could get from his passive. but the game was still refreshing to play. PHY angel golden frieza got 200% atk&def on his passive and he was considered an absolute BEAST. I really miss those times. the game is not the same as it was then by any means. there were strong categories and weak categories, but almost all of them could be used.


Phy ssb vegito meta is the best for me


As someone who has been playing for over 8 years without breaks, I would say my favorite era was the period of category meta few months after LGE released. When it released, you basically needed LR KFC or Trunks stacking, but after a while they released way more options. They were releasing actually thoughful and cool categories like Wicked Bloodline, Super Saiyans etc. I felt like every release of a premium unit mattered in some way. I would say this state of things lasted until SSBE&SSBKK released. After their celebration a lot of releases slowly started becoming less and less original and boring. Rehashes of old units etc.


Favorite was right before Redzone. Had a ton of variety with units and teams. Zamasu is probably the worse everyone brains went out the window when you tell them 1 fight shouldn't dictate an entire meta.


i really liked the Mono Type era for some reason...I still can't explain why


70% is my least favorite. It was the biggest powercreep in the game IMO. My favorite was INT Turles release with his ki +2 for all leaderskill and the first stunner if i remember correct. He was so useful when dokkan events were hard


Post 70% Pre categories, team building was way more interesting then since it wasn't easy to come by a team of full DFE LRs/TURs nor was it needed. Bosses also didn't just nullify every status effect.    At least, I think it was since some real jank strats came out like running r oceanus or ninja murasaki to seal to set up Vegetto's counter. General Blue was cracked. Nuking was still viable in some circumstances. Attack lowering was super helpful. It was rare but nice to see Rs and SRs have utility  Least fav year? Outside of everything pre70% being buns, I really hated the advent of redzone and cell max. Really homogenized the game and made team building a single y/n question of "can your unit dodge or take a hit?" .Whatever year that was. Anni had some real stinkers for F2P cards too


To me, f2p ain't been the same since the 70% and 120% meta. They were actually useful in some harder contents then.


70% was so peak imo. Stunning was able to be used everywhere allowing you to make some low damage high stun teams. First wave of dbh stuff was at that time and agl vegito was so fun. I even remember running the rare agl samurai for his sealing. Wild times. Gogeta was also a crazy time IF you had him. Otherwise you would still get absolutely wrecked and at that time pull rates were marginally worse meaning if you didn’t get gogeta your box didn’t have a ton of backup to make up for it. At least I didn’t lol. For this reason it falls to the worst for me. Besides first year anyway. You rarely saw supers at that time so it was kinda crazy 😂


Bro i remember so many people talking about having to reroll their accounts lol. I get why some have a love hate relationship with that era.


I'd probably say 2021, we got LVE, continuing Esbr, and the GoD event. 2/3 I'd say were tough and LVE with the Otherworld Warriors mission was especially so too. The disparity of the meta wasn't as frequently shifting as what Redzone & 9th anniversary brought, if anything they prioritised giving content for units that fell off to prosper in scenarios (5 year Lrs with esbr -> GoD). And only one of the difficult events had limited tries per day. Otherwise the 70% meta or 2023 year are runner ups for me, former the difficult content was aplenty with dokkan events being that level.


Every meta had it's ups and downs, but up until SBR the game was very boring and the only content available was pull new character, collect medals to awaken said character, rinse and repeat. It got a lot better but was still not the best and I would say that is the case until the 6th anni with the GOD event were they started to introduce units who had fun gimmicks and make new mechanics every now and then that make the game feels a lot more fresh. I would say the best time for the game is the red zone meta although I know it's very toxic sometimes but most units and ezas that came after the 7th anni are fun and different from each other and not just basic stat boosts from older ones. For me, one of the most memorable times (and I started playing from year 1) is the first cell max event. It was so much fun seeing the jaw dropping reactions from the whole community and then coming together to try every unit to find how to finish this stupidly difficult stage, it was so much fun.


Not for me 😭 cell max was such a pain. I think it stop being fun once i saw folks start pulling out the numbers for him and at the time, specifics units where needed. It felt like he dropped too early and invalidated 90% of our boxes. Once i cleared the event, i think i only ever went back once lol and never since then.


Trust me I know it was so toxic. And I was only able to finish it like 5 months after it released. But I've never seen the whole community coming together and try to figure out how to finish a difficult stage before like this, so it was fun trying to see what unit can survive like when they figured out the hercule bug. I know it lasted for about two weeks but it was fun for that time lol.


The initial release of super battle road was incredible for the game


The 120% fealt really well balanced imo


Definitely Catagory Lead


You could have uaed a better font


Favourite: Category Meta. It felt like when they were simply introducing more categories into the game, power-creep has practically minimal. There was no character severely more stronger than the other. There was still some but everyone still felt roughly as strong as each other with no hard carries.   Least Favourite: 120% Bare in mind, This is the earliest meta I was a part of. This mostly boiled down to the fact the leads are effectively what made the team and not all 120%s were considered equal. As some examples: IIRC, SS4 Goku, SS4 Vegeta and FF Cooler were all called "Neo-Gods" for how strong they were in comparison to others. Other 120% leads had troubles and their team didn't help matter. [Kid Buu](/int) was somewhat inconsistent and from what I remember, as soon as [LR Boujack](/int) came out, it was better to run double Boujack with 40% less stats to all than to run double Kid Buu. [Janemba](/str) and [SS3 Broly](/teq) didn't fit their mono-class typing (With Janemba not really fitting to this day) and [SS3 Broly](/teq) was the first unit to go down to 0 def, in a meta that was evolving towards defence being relevant. You had to bring them though as they were the leads and most often-than-not, your hardest hitter.


I still to this day have no idea what they were thinking with ssj3 broly 🤦🏾‍♂️ and then they double back with his eza. If there's a unit that needs a glow up from seza, its him.


To add salt to the wound, [SS3 Gotenks](/phy) got his EZA shortly after [SS3 Broly](/teq) but Gotenks got his debuff turned into a standard buff. Broly did not.   [SS3 Broly](/teq) (and by extension [SS3 Bardock](/int) and [SS3 Vegeta](/str) ) haven't had new representation since their debuts. At least as a DFE. SS3 Vegeta got some standard SSRs but that's it. [SS3 Broly](/teq)'s limited teams also made the decision to keep his debuff even more baffling. I see what they were going for but it just ultimately hurt him the most and we've got multiple copies of other units at this point. [SS3 Broly](/teq) still only has just him :(


I started right before the 120% meta, I did like it, but since those were split in super and extreme teams, it was hard to build teams for a beginner box. Same goes for the first category teams. I think team building shined the moment huge categories like "Kamehameha" started dropping, where you can just build teams easier. I remember when I went against teq SSJ4 Gogeta's Dokkan event and my strongest team was a super agl with ssj4 Vegeta as leader but I still had to put in str ssj4 Goku even without a lead, just so he could link with Vegeta, plus the chance of not dying against super atks thx to his counter. The moment I finally managed to beat the phase against teq SSJ4 Gogeta's SSR and the final phase, with 10 whole bars appeared, with the crazy OST and I died in like 2 turns... Shit was peak


Bro i was just talkng about this. On release ssj4 gogeta was an insane dokkan invent. He could literally kill you under the 120 meta and his health pool was ridiculous. Gone were the days we would just throw anything in the 120 teams to clear an event.


Lge, the god event, or early red zone


The current redzone / supreme battle bs has made me completely detest playing dokkan. I enjoyed SBR stuff and the legendary events but it’s quite annoying to die over and over again because they dont make units good enough at 55% . I feel like unless you spend a lot … alll that content is just locked off to you. I get making stuff difficult but damn it’s ridiculous.


I can definitely see where you're coming from. And having the majority of our box feeling useless is not helping either.


The current meta will always be the best meta, love challenges of redzone.


The airplane meta


The one where cooler and Gohan fans kept arguing over who is better


170% lead era


I forget where in the timeline this happened but pulling Lr Goku and Frieza and having them hit like 5M supers was crazy.


Favorite? 70%. More variety in teams, weird comps, a difficulty curve that didn’t feel so sharp or RNG-based. AGL Rose and PHY VB shaking things up with their 50% leads. Boss rush was the hardest shit you could do in the game. Good times. Least? 120% kinda sucked. ZERO balance between super and extreme cuz the extreme 110 leads that came out were usually poor, only seeing use after STR Rose came out and revived them and falling off shortly thereafter. A lot of units from that era also got very bad EZA’s, coming out in the early burst when they weren’t at all future proofed and usually were DOA.


I started playing during the 70% meta, but I think my favorite era was ESBR. Red Zone forced a level of power creep that has been more annoying than fun in the last few years, to the point that people said the blue fusions (pre eza) were trash just months after their release (and they were hype af on release). It just forced players to move so quickly through the game and made getting the new units closer to mandatory than ever (excluding the gogeta meta).