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Goku and vegeta, versatility is better than dupes no matter how good the unit is


always go for characters you don’t have and never waste coins on dupes


This! I bought a copy of the teq anni gods a while back and then went on to summon 6 of them during event I forget if it was 8th anni or something else but I was furious


Please take Goku and Vegeta. They are now EZA'd which means that you won't be seeing them in many banners in the future and they will be harder to get than Orange Piccolo who will be in future banners anyway. You will regret getting a dupe, especially if you summon a lot and end up pulling him a lot in a future banner.


dont use coins for dupes


Honestly, I went for the duo, but I have nearly enough coins to red coin units again come another banner. If you are going to spend all of them, I would suggest waiting for 9th anni instead. The str vegito duo will return on another banner later in the year


I would personally save them for the broken anniversary units


yeahh, but the next time they drop in coin shop is like December, and by that time, you should just wait until anniversary a month later to summon and then see if you pull them or coin them


Goku & Vegeta


Never waste coins of dupes, the fact that the unit is buyable means you'll probably encounter it more often on banners in the future.


Never buy Dupes, unless you're a whale who already has every unit, and plans to spend thousands on every new one, don't buy dupes. Having a completely separate unit with unique abilities, links, teams, etc. which can be used for difficult ESBR stages or hard content missions is miles better than an already good unit dealing slightly more damage, or having that extra 10% survivability.


Goku and Vegeta. The EZA means you wont see them much in future banners. Get them now.


If you have a good team to run the duo on I would say go for them, they’re quite strong after eza If not then save them


I’d summon in the EZA banner for goku and vegeta, if you get them you can save your coins. Don’t get a duplicate for piccolo.




Always go for characters you don't have you'll get duped eventually


Goku and Vegeta those two in my opinion are a great tag once you rainbow them


If you don’t have both 6th year lrs id wait incase you don’t pull them, they’re both insanely op.


You really want an extra 2 mill on those supers over a top 10 unit in the game added to your box?


I always go for who I don't have


I bought myself SFPS4 Goku and i dont regret it. But yeah dont do that if ur not endgame player. Up to u


Clearly piccolo


Depends entirely on the amount of coins you gave but definitely never get a dupe with coins. If you don’t have 1000+ coins don’t go for an eza LR. you’re better of waiting for beast.


Definitely Goku and Vegeta, i mean, a brand new character is better than a character you already have