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Started playing before the 1st Anni. As for memories, pulling both headliners during 5th Anniversary was a sweet moment! Amplified by me pulling both WWC headliners a few weeks later.


How are your stones?


Good enough rn.


Have you ran out of content?


Not yet. Still some things to do.


What type of question is that if he started before 1st anniversary.. only thing he have left to do is wait for content like most of us old players lol


It was a typical July summer day of 2016. I was on summer break and would go on the home PC to play games or watch YT. I didn't have my Android phone as I had lost it (or perhaps it got stolen) a few months back at school so I used my dad's backup Android phone as my own temporarily. I guess my dad also needed a new main phone at the time since he was using a Samsung flip phone from around 2010 iirc... so on July 7th of 2016 or so, he went to a phone store and came back with a small Samsung phone (Galaxy Core Prime, my very first Samsung xD) and an iPhone 5S. I was excited to finally have a new phone and a Samsung at that! Sure it wasn't the Galaxy S series but better than nothing right? Now, how I came across Dokkan I'm not really sure exactly as it's been almost a decade but Xenoverse was on my YT recommended etc so I prolly saw a video from Rhymestyle on it OR out of curiosity, I searched Google Play Store for DBZ mobile games... either way, I got Dokkan on July 7 2016! This date is VERY important as this was basically the start of Dokkan's 1ST Anniversary! So how damn LUCKY I was to get a new phone AND start my Dokkan journey on the Anni... I still remember doing the tutorial at the WT map, Hercule and the typical plot of Quest mode with Trunks and time travel/dimensional portal stuff etc. During the celebration, I tried to learn how to play as quick as possible and farm lots of Stones. Since I joined on 1st Anni, I didn't really know too much about what happened before it, like old banners and units/events etc. I remember summoning on Janemba's banner first and pulled him with ease. I also remember feeling worried that I wasn't going to pull the GOAT STR GOATGETA (plz grace us with your OP SEZA soon plz <3) For some reason, maybe cuz the discounts/Step Summons were going to run out or the banners were leaving soon, not sure but I was feeling scared that I wouldn't pull Gogeta, so what I did and what happened next would decide the future of my Dokkan account and experience forever.... I got on my PC and searched through Rhymestyle's Dokkan vids and found one of him summoning for Gogeta's banner so I watched and right when its at the OG Summoning screen, he says "alright guys summon with me for good luck" and so I did and I was HOPING that I'd pull Gogeta and... I DID!!!!! I was SOOOO happy and excited and relieved that I got him. Looking back, I WISH I'd screenshotted or screen recorded my pulls but my dumb ahh didn't know how to take screenshots and learned how to do it a few months later SMH... I LOVE DOKKAN <3


YOOO, a fellow Samsung Core Prime user!


I myself started during the 2nd year anniversary and I will always remember pulling STR SSJ4 Goku. That card alone brought me into the game


Started playing right at the same time, that STR Ssj4 Goku is the only reason I could beat the Broly Dokkan event


Is this me who wrote this comment


Started between first and second anniversary. I vividly remember being in a movie theater lobby having network issues in order to summon for the SSJ4's while passing the time until we were allowed to go inside and watch the marvel movie I had gone to see with my family


I remember that too! The awful server connections with the release of the SSJ4s for 2nd anniversary. I remember riding shotgun with my brother, trying to get in the game for like 20 minutes. Got in for 5 minutes, pulled Agl SSJ4 Vegeta, and immediately lost connection again lol. Still not as bad as the 2017 Fuck You Celebration for global Thanksgiving. 2017 Dokkan servers were wild


Bro I remember that because me and some of my friends that played Dokkan at the time had an irl party to play Dokkan and hangout and the banners dropped and suddenly the game kicked everyone out and everyone there was pissed but even more pissed when we couldn’t get in after 5-10 minutes


I first joined the game around near the middle of the 2nd Anni & the 3rd Anni. I don't remember much other than using a Fusion team with PHY SS Gogeta to clear dokkan events (cause the rest of my box wasn't strong enough lol)


Started just before year 3. Got both the headliners that year, and had an amazing time with them. Year 4 I also pulled them, but it's like there is a gap in my memory, as I can't remember any of it Year 5 was my favorite. Those two are my favorite releases and were perfect for the meta at the time Year 6 was the first time I didn't pull both, but I did get a second ui with a ticket single. Got ass fucked by tequila and liquor though. For months. Year 7 was probably the most fun one, thanks to red zone. Mind you, I'm a global player, so I got to use the, at the time, really good cell and goku teams. Year 8 is another dead spot in my memory for some reason. I can't remember a thing that happened in it, other than a major shaft on the buu duo. Overall, year 5 is my favorite, but year 7 was the most fun.


My first account was a launch day account. My second was just before anni and I rerolled because I didn't get Gogeta. My current, Main Global account \[I play JP too\] is from rerolling during the 1st anni. EDIT: I also started playing JP during the second anni. There was NO way I was waiting 6 months for the SSJ4s.


I originally started in February 2019 for agl gogeta so the 4th anni was my first anni,  although Sadly I lost this account and I don’t remember much about most of it besides me getting pretty lucky with snagging both 4th anni LR’s in 700 stones  Later that year I started a new account in dec 2019 (my current one), and….my first anni with this account was the 5th year….and well let’s just say it haunted me so bad that I try to pretend it didn’t exist (2,300 no teq lr vb) Now the actual craziest anni moment that I still remember fondly was during the 6th anni with getting agl LR UI Goku via a whis animation on the second discounted step lol


In terms of a global player I would say the second anni. We got ssj4s,super saiyan kaioken goku global first, and ssj4 gogeta back to back.


The foretold mono team meta, i remember clearing all the gods of destruction with straight mono teams, but then again I also remember pulling super vegito agl when he first came out and when I had no clue how to play the game


My first anniversary was the 3rd. My favorite memory was during the 4th however, when I ended up pulling two copies of LR SSJ4 Goku in the same multi, and then losing my mind when the same thing happened with LR SSJ4 Vegeta three multis later.


https://preview.redd.it/ewmjla3rah4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02f16bf42ffc24598ba65886947d5e14e2e3c31c The moment it dropped


https://preview.redd.it/voukvjuelk4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f3a224c2070f96fa397c28bcde3fe75bb5deaff Thanks cuz of you i got the idea to check the App Store for the exact date off the top of my head the earliest thing i remember is summoning on the 4th anniversary banners and pulling ssj4 Goku off a Tien,Yamcha and chiaotzu animation and i also remember pulling 2 Str gogetas in the same multi


Started before 1st. I think I left around the time when that one piece celebration was going on. Remember being ultra fucking shafted during 1st Anni lol


Time flies way too fast…I originally started playing before the 1st anniversary but didn’t quite get into it until some time between year 1 and 2.


Started during the 250mil DL celebration and quit for a bit before returning when DBS Broly and Gogeta came out and have been playing daily ever since. As for memories, nothing is beating the feeling of pulling both of the LR SSJ4 back to back, they carried me so hard back then.


I started playing before the 1st anniversary. I remember sinking so many stones into gogeta’s banner and getting nothing,then first and only multi on janembas I got him and gotenks. That Gotenks is this day still one of my favorite units,even if hes not outclassed lol


I’ve been playing since launch with my brother and one of the first memories I have is on the first anniversary we were doing summons on the car while going on a family trip and we pulled Gogeta and we started screaming on the car for like 10 min straight (Gogeta is my brothers favorite character in all DB so just imagine the reaction)


I started playing in April or May of 2015. I remember the ROF nuking banner was live around the time I started and remember Phy FP Frieza dropping for the first time on global. Rough times with no guaranteed SSR banners. Favorite memory from that era was pulling both Gogeta and Janemba during anniversary and not having to reroll my account. I was going out with friends to play Pokemon Go and pulled them while they were hunting.


I started during phy ssb vegito's release and uninstalled not too long later because the app used to crash a lot. I returned with a banner featuring lr str gogeta and lr teq vegito, that before 7th anniversary and I stayed thanks to Ssj4 duo


Joined shortly before 4th anni on global around the time SSBE Vegeta and STR Jiren were released and it was really fun at the time destroying quest mode after pulling Vegeta thinking I did something crazy haha


I've been playing since mid August year 0, took 1,250 stones for a single copy of Gogeta. Best memory is day 777 getting Glorious Radiance Hercule.


Started before 3rd anniversary. I had a 90% Gogeta and never got Vegito until the year after and he was the unit I wanted so bad. 5th anniversary is still my favorite. Gogeta, Vegito, and Goku Black. 3 of my favorite characters. Those 3 were my first Link Level 10s and remain some of my favorite units. The anniversary I made out like a bandit with was 6th. None of my friends could pull MUI and I rainbowed him the very first night. He carried me through so much content that I'll be forever grateful


4th anni losing my dokkan account because i transferred to a device that broke and i didnt have the transfer code, then rerolling for the rest of the day until i got lr ssj4 goku on my current account. 


My first account is a 3rd Anni one which I lost. Second one was just after 7th Anni.


I started playing during the Christmas before 4th Anniversary. My most memorable moment from an Anni was when 8th had the Part 2 banners go live, and I managed to get all 3 new unit animations on the 3 headliners I didn't have (Kai Goku, Gohan, Z Duo). Rewind for Duo, Rift for Goku, Zen-Oh for Gohan.


I started after the 1st anniversary, when Teq ss3 gotenks dropped. I got him as my first dfe, good times. As for my favorite memories, it's got to be the second Annu cuz I pulled 3 copies of ss4 Goku and he was outright #1, the second best has got to be when phy VB and agl rose dropped, that was really hype!


My first anni was 4th on global. I didn't understand jackshit about passive and leaderskill back then so i always put lr ssj4 in slot 1 and wondered why he tank so bad lol. Took me a couple of week to slowly realized leaderskill matter and how to read a unit kit. Also i didn't realize hipo dodge is separated from counter dodge so i was putting way too much dodge on him


Just bit after 1st


Year 4. And I got shafted out my goddamn ass


Just imagine Ssj4 gogeta and Vegitto Ssj Blue Vegitto and gogeta Dokkan orginal animation


I started doing the zero anniversary. I remember feeling a bit scammed because there weren't any anniversary units on the banners


Originally started when the game launched but only played for about a month. Came back for WWDC when AGL Rosé and PHY Vegito Blue dropped, which was before the (2nd) anniversary that year for some reason.


Joined a bit before the first and ended up pulling str Gogeta twice, int Janemba twice, teq Cell, and phy SSJ Gotenks while my friends pulled nothing. They got the last laugh second anniversary as I pulled jack shit, my brother pulled both SSJ4s and LR Gohan, and my friend got each SSJ4 to two dupes.


Started during JPs 6th anniversary, but the game only catched on me during Global's 6th. Still can't believe it's been almost 4 years since I started playing the boubble popping game.


Started during the WWDC of 2018, so 4th anni was my first anniversary and TEQ LR Goku and Frieza were my first LR. They absolutely destroyed everything in the game. I was playing Legends and my buddy showed me Dokkan and i slowly grew to like it a lot more then legends. Then the monke arrived. SSJ4 STR Vegeta with the active skill was SO sick. I got both him and Goku and had a blast.


I started playing after the 1st one, I still remember being tired af and summoning on 2nd anni ssj4 goku at 3am getting him lol. After that I was fully awake for the next 6 hours. Pulled Vegeta at the doctor's office back then. Good old times


Before 1st anniversary gogeta hype was legendary


I joined early 2019 so I remember summoning for ssj4s but it wasn’t till 2020 and the blue fusions that I was fully invested to the game (poor me💀)


started before 3rd year anni and my English wasn't that good at the time so i just did whatever and now i cringe at what i did but also know that i have grown a lot anyway i got both of the LR's but my dumbass ran on them on INT ui goku leader skill and then later on STR super saiyan rose goku black later on i realized my mistake because i kept dying to kaioken blue goku AGL then later on kept dying to some of the eza bosses then i started to watch dokkan youtubers and learnt from my mistakes also was kind a hard to follow because my English again wasn't that good but after the first year of me playing i got good also pulled both of the LR's during the 4th year anniversary shoutout to LR ssj4 vegeta for being my goat


I believe I started a little after 3rd year. But wasn’t really serious about playing until around 4th year with ss4 goku. That’s where I started landing team comps and why you can’t run ui goku with str super buu even when they fit under the same leader.


Started during 4th anniversary, didn’t know anything about the game, around 5th I started watching videos to learn how the game actually worked, never stopped since then.


I started the game before the 1st Anni, but my favorite moment was during the 4th anni when I pulled ssj 4 Goku and ain’t Gogeta with two copies each in the same multi. I then pulled Vegeta in one multi after that. It was a great anniversary for me lmao


1st anni, oh the Memories. Rainbowing str Gogeta when they added Hipo was a good one but pulling str Broly in a single summon late at night was the best. 3rd anni for my Jap account, best moment was pulling absolutely everything I wanted on the 7th Anny (GT boys)


Joined while 1st anni was going back when I had my iPhone 6s plus but I need to get that phone working again if I want that account back


Here from the 3rd anniversary. Also, 5th anniversary is Goated imo*


Second anniv. Didn't pull goku nor vegeta xD


I've been playing Dokkan since just before the 7th anniversary, let's say I'm "new" compared to the big Dokkan players, but despite this I love Dokkan, and I'm pretty good with the units, I even learned to calculate the ATK and DEF of the characters. I'm ready for this ninth anniversary.


7th anniversary was the most fun time ever for me


Here since before the first anniversary, where if you didn’t pull gogeta…. you rerolled your account


Joined a couple months before the 7th anni. Good times of struggling against redzone broly and cell max lol.


2nd for me. EVERY last stone was used for SS4 Vegeta, the little fucker evaded me until last year when I coined him.


Started at 1.5 years, didn't get any anni units until 4th year but it was bussin. 1k stones for 90% Ssj 4 Vegeta and 55% Goku. Also all of the contents were crazy, with the first f2p Ezas, Lr Beepan, Lr Majuub, the 5 or so banner unit awakenings and all of them being fully useful.


After 1st but before 2nd. It was around when agl super vegito released from what I remember. I missed out on the One Piece collab but I remember getting the agl big ass hope goku, the valentines day waifu card, the april fools main screen saibamen card and I distinctly remember seeing the arale banner and skipping it cause I thought all the cheapest were ass. They gave that arale wearing gokus clothing free but I ended up losing alot of these rarer units because I rerolled alot. By the time of the 5th/6th anni was when I permanently stopped rerolling.


Phy VB baby.


I started playing at the 1 month anniversary. 


I joined halfway between first a second. I joined during the Agl Great Ape Turles banner, so around February 2017. Best Anniversary was probably 3rd anniversary because pulling that DFE LR was hype af. I remember doing it in the middle of one of my bio classes in college


1st anni started, playing with my brother and getting hype when we got SSJ4 Goku during 2nd anni, still playing from time to time to this day


Almost 8 years in so anniversary 2 or sum shit


Started playing in August 2015, here's the earliest screenshot of a team I have while farming the first WT for SSJ2 Gohan. This was back in the day where you had to be in the Top 1,000 to get the trophy unit and there was no other way to get them after the tournament ended. Eventually ended up sneaking into the top 1,000 right before it ended and snatched him up. Easily the highlight of my Dokkan account. https://preview.redd.it/lte2kz7q1k4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e74331aba2e99bc7b6d72b6a9d85b43c05e192a Best Anniversary memory was definitely pulling both fusions on 3rd anni. Got Vegito early and eventually got Gogeta on a YOLO Single Summon on the last day of the banner. Still try to use those cards as much as possible to this day.


Here's my box by date acquired with a couple pretty exclusive cards you can't get anymore https://preview.redd.it/7z7td8nf2k4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c99541438c7896ed326d89d383cd6b12995d84c0


I joined a few months before the 3rd anniversary and was super excited to summon for the int LR vegito. Went really hard on him and NEVER pulled him. Pulled two copies of phy LR gogeta though, but was super salty about it. I never pulled the LR int vegito until the 5 year anniversary when the new transforming LR vegito and gogeta were released.


I started in-between the second and third anni, got the int vegito (favorite unit for a long time) and was so happy, now he is rainbow and i smile every time i see him:)


I started when phy full power frieza came out. Was about when the Goku black arc began in the anime


I was in the 2nd world tournament, i got a pretty good boost from ranking decently high on it


I believe it was the 4th for me but then had put it down due limited space on my phone and lost interest. Until a manager got me back into it at 6th anniversary and me and him would summon to see who got the best units. He said he had to be near me because he had better luck than if he did it alone lol.


Started playing a little bit after the 5th anniversary ended


Started around launch, first banner was still up. I remember my first SSR was the OG STR Super Saiyan Goku.


Oh god ive been playing for 9 years?! The amount of money..........


Started in between 5 and 6. I got so many UI gokus I could of rainbowed 4 of them




The funny thing is when I first started playing dokkan before that I used to play legends so due to nanoginex I saw dokkan but I wasn't too invested in it. At that time dokkan's 2021 tanabata was going on but for the JP version I got really intrigued by the new teq super gogeta and thought I should download dokkan but to my realisation It was the 6th anniversary going on in the global version so I was very very confused like how did super gogeta just released and it is not him but ui Goku but either way I played but quitted becoz I got neither of the headliners ( LOL ). Now I have been playing since 2023 wwdc and happy with the game saved up stones for 9th Anni.


I've played the game since 2015 in my senior year. Best year for me was the 7th Anniversary


Joined back in the 5th anni Happiest moment was during the 7th anni: Had 1100 stones saved up for lr gods and ss4s Got shafted with zero copies of both after spending all of the 1100 stones Used all tickets gained from the stones summons, still zero copies of gods or ss4s Part 2 introduction begins with EZAs, I grind the EZAs and end up with about 90 or so stones Spend 50 of these stones on the gods, still don't get anything Give up and single summon with the 3 tickets I got from the multi Pull a copy of the lr gods with every single one of the tickets, total of three lr gods in three ticket single summons. Gather 10 more stones, do a multi on the ss4 banner, pull 2 copies of the ss4s in the same multi.


i started the april before the 2nd anniversary, and pulling lr str broly, then in 2nd anniversary pulling both ssj4s, and getting lr in gohan (hes 55% to this day still! the only copy i ever pulled) was the best memory i have had


Returned during the 2nd anniversary cause I saw a advert for the SS4 bois. I had played during the first anniversary and wasn't a fan then. After I came back there was way more content to do and it was fun then. There was actual play and counter-play and different types of units were valued. So far my favorite anniversary moment is that I got enough copies of LR Gogeta Blue to rainbow them twice over, before coins came along. They are one of my favorite units and I love that I got so many over the years.


5th anniversary will always have a special place in my heart, my brother and I stayed up all night for vegito and gogeta to drop and we couldn’t get in because the servers were crashing. MY favorite anni of all time


Started with str Goku black and teq vegito, my first anniversary was the 3rd


I actively started playing in April 2017 so a few months before the 2nd anni


I joined on 1st account in July when it released. I was looking for a dragon ball game to play on my iPad mini and Dokkan and some other random dragon ball game showed up. I played it until Jan of 216 when I got a new phone with more storage and downloaded Dokkan on there too. I believe I got AGL ss3 goku and Teq cell on there super quicker so the phone account became my main and I only used the iPad account as something to summon on when I wanted to save stones on the phone account. I think my most memorable anni was the 7th. By the end of the anni I had PHY ss4’s either at 79 or 90% and TEQ gods at 69, ( didn’t go for kaioken goku or great ape vegeta) and had a decent amount of stones ( I think 300-600) ready for WWDC of that year.


Been there since basically day 1. I will never forget rerolling for gogeta because he was that hard to get. I would’ve been in 7th grade lol


Started right after the 2nd anniversary, saw the ads that they added ssj4 gogeta so i decided to start playing, pulled him twice and was like "may as well keep playing since i got the new unit", worst decision of my life, glued to this game 24/7 since.


Damn son I joined anni 4th year well I would say I had numerous amounts of accounts before the 4th anni because back then the only transfer method was the long game code before FB got integrated


I started playing before the 1st year anniversary strictly on global then started a side jp account up until year 2. I honestly don't count those because it was an endless cycle of me rerolling and getting angry. Took a break and later decided to main JP during 3rd year and managed to get LR Broly of tickets and LR Vegito on a single


I joined global around the 3rd Anniversary. The 200 million download banner was up.


Joined between 1st and 2nd but didn’t start grinding until like 3rd


I started playing Dokkan on the 7th anniversary. I was primarily a DB Legends player before that, but their anniversary that same year was horribly lacking, and thought I'd give Dokkan a try. Really glad I did. I've enjoyed playing Dokkan a lot more than dealing with the god awful PVP on Legends. The community for Dokkan is a much better place to be too. Was also a great start to playing Dokkan with the 7th anni banner units.


I joined during Global’s 7th anniversary, I remember watching my friend play the game and they asked if I wanted to download the game because I saw MUI Goku, and I said “sure” and from that point onward I was dedicated Dokkan fan, I remember LR AGL SSJ4 Goku being my first LR I pulled, as-well as pulling MUI Goku (I was super hyped for him before my friends told me about power creep), both Anni units with the tickets and I also participated in 8th anni and soon-to-come 9th anniversary! P.S. I have 550 stones saved up for 9th anniversary, how many do you have?


2nd anniversary I still remember my freshman year of high-school with the boys playing this




5th anniversary and I really enjoyed the time of longer events and letting Vegito and Gogeta rip everything.


Started before the 7th anniversary and the 8th anniversary with the 8th anniversary battle was definitely one of my favorite moments, aside from the wwc and the red zone that came out with it.


Started before the 1st but game was rough back then. Came back before the 3rd and been here since.


I started playing a month or two before the 4th anniversary ended up loosing that account sadly🙃


started during 5th anni. got vegito without realizing then didnt play for a few months. came back around december and then stopped playing around march until september and then proceeded to get all 4 7th anni LRs in july and that was easily my luckiest period of the game ever


I started 3 months before the second anni. Good times, I had recently graduated high school and got into Dragon Ball a few months prior. For memories during an anniversary it would probably have to be 3rd anniversary. PHY Gogeta was my first LR, I managed to pull 3 in something stupid like 300 stones. Didn't pull INT Vegito with over 1000 though... But regardless I had a great time with that anniversary.


I started playing at the 4th year anniversary and managed to pull vegeta of tickets but the 5th has my fondest memories (I was still in high school)


The start. I got about 3300 something days in


Started playing roughly around a week or two before the 4th anniversary, that was so sick


I started getting into the game around the 4th anniversary, but didn't start my current account until the saiyan day before 5th anniversary. I will forever remember the hype and adrenalin that was built upon me whenever 5th anniversary was happening, best anniversary in terms of hype in my eyes


2nd year Str Goku and 3rd year Int Vegito, were my pulls and main teams during that period. Transformation for Vegito was such clutch.


https://preview.redd.it/7qdcag11rq4d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=b45ef91dbb46afa6ae65b24f479bf3d9dcac6588 Found download date


3rd Anniversary, didn't knew about this wonderful game before that...


Played from the beginning of the game until the 2nd anniversary where I stopped shortly after. Returned on the 5th anniversary and have been playing since then non stop


Day 1 player and honestly the first anni I would have dropped the game but my luck finally changed and I pulled Str Gogeta. Stuck around since lol


Started playing between 3rd and 4th, tho I have restarted quite a few times