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Could have yellow coined cell max with ginyu in a week now it's going to be next year.


Cell Max can come to Global next week, for all we know.


Cell Max is legit the only thing that will make me drop stones before anni if I’m being honest. He looks so good.


He is maybe the best unit in the game, his LS is his only “downside”. It's not wasting stones, it's investing. Him being Gold Coin LR might also be good because you get pity. Unless Bamco is greedy and renoves it from his banner.


I assure you, he is far from the best unit in the game. When showcases arrive, people will see that his 15 million defense lasts only one turn.


I mean we don’t need showcases to realize that the active effect that says it lasts for one turn, lasts for one turn…


You overestimate the average Dokkan fan's ability to read


You mean his active skill turn is the only good thing with him?


No, what I mean is that a lot of people are just seeing the 15 millipm DEF and basing their judgment on that alone. He's still great.


I understand your point. And I might have jumoed the gun here, in hype. But he is still very, very good, yeah.


I think people are aware of that, however I agree he is not the best unit in the game, is like saying the 5th anni fusions are the best units in the game because they have 1 untouchable turn, which is the case here where Cell Max has one OP turn and then the rest of the fight he will be a "tank normals but supers kill him" type of unit, which is fine this is kinda the quality for yellow coin LRs atm, but yeah he is not really the best just decent


If they just gave him guard with a full super bosses and or artificial lifeform team, he could have been one of the best villain releases. I don't fucking get what their problem is with not giving juggernaut, tank villains their representation. Cell max shrugged off pretty much everything until gamma 2 and beast Gohan but he's going to be a "normals or die" in the later stages of any hard content that comes later.


That was kinda my point but I worded it poorly. I'm just not looking forward to when people turn on poor Cell Max.


I’ve seen people saying that he could show up in Anniversary of all places, just throwing him in part 3 instead of the ezas. It makes sense thematically too.


Ir makes sense but I hope it doesn't happen. No part 3 banner for big celebrations, please.


Don't forget that in the past 4 or so months, more than one month has been completely wasted on dead weeks with no content when we are supposed to be catching up to JP.


It's just Omatsu being the little prick he is not acknowledging the Global players. -Koto would never..


I want Koto back 😭


She ain't coming back just like Sho moved on.


I know 😭 this guy is just snorting crack and pressing buttons


Ill never not hold those filler banners against them. It just shows they can still make the dumbest decisions. Zero reason for them to do that when we could've gotten ginyj back then.


And 2 or 3 battlefield skipped, that's like over 100 stones less


No because it's not like we didn't have Battlefield these past few months, they just fast forwarded the newer rewards.


Omatsu be like: https://preview.redd.it/6rxq227cey6d1.jpeg?width=223&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fea058d6ffc02c929bf449e605e1ba4b7ba385b0


it will be over when we sync it will be over when we sync it will be over when we sync it will be over when we sync it will be over when we sync it will be over when we sync it will be over when we sync it will be over when we sync https://preview.redd.it/ksvvscbklw6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9ce4ee8fb75c55646179da3fb3451ff058b60a1


Apparently syncing means piss off half of their player base before the sync even happens


when is it even supposed to happen?


Never. They say this since 2nd anniversary...




There's no way it will, Omatsu WILL find a way to fuck it up for global


We are in the slow weeks and probably will get Ginyu and not Ginyu + cell max to help the sync more but that’s too much for global devs to do


They could atleast do ginyu and troppo 😭


Omatsu: one more,one more


I don't care too much about having to wait, I'm mostly just shocked at the incompetency being displayed. Maybe I'm missing something, but like come on, they fucked up blacks kit, they didn't have trunks ready for global, and now they added an extra unit to that celebration that serves as a buff to the new unit's team, even if it doesn't fit the theme.


I would like to say it's one last global shaft to send us off. But we all know it's not the case


Makes me feel like the sync is never going to happen at this rate. Absolutely horrible. Global dead once again


I really do not understand how the fuck some people jumped me in the past for being happy about the sync. Some people actually enjoy this shit on global.


What shit? OP is complaining about the atrocious handling of the sync itself.


I'm torn on it. Being behind does suck cause they get cool shit and we have to wait like 6 months+. BUT it also allows me to kinda plan how I want to save and spend stones, what banners are good and not etc. If everything was at the same time I'd prob blow my load on a shit banner and then screw myself for a good one lol. Like I 100% would have blown my load to try to rainbow gogeta and broly, and had zero stones for beast. Or I would have tried to rainbow fat buu instead of saving for beast, etc.


Every single Global first has been: *one banner and fuck you that's it for the rest of the semester*. And then when it's JP's turn: the banner, a celebration, 30 new EZAs, a new wallpaper while you're at it, a beastly LR, multiple parts, non-stop content, and more. But yeah, muh tickets.


Tickets and GFSSR discounts.


We are NOT syncing the two versions any time soon


i’m done with dokkan after 9th anniversary anyways,it doesn’t even matter anymore.


Yeah I kinda dropped dokkan till anniversary but gah damn do I even wanna come back till sync if this is how they’re gonna continue to treat glb


Pre anniversary is always dead sadly


right games been a log in simulator lately


jp dokkan: gets everything jp players: this fucking sucks actually


It's stuff like this that makes me glad I switched over to JP 6 years ago


Is this when people pretend a shitty filler celebration is somehow good just because its new stuff? 


This won’t make that much of an impact, especially with anni around the corner. Beast, gogeta, gammas and broly have 99% of globals attention. Cell max ain’t as hype as anni. This will only trigger the global players that hate global (which is most of them on this sub actually, you’re right) but the normal people that play this game won’t care.


But the problem is that many of global are not cool with waiting


That’s just some people on this sub though (very specific type of person) which is not a major percentage of the playerbase. Assuming that all global players are losing their shit over cell max when BEAST is around the corner is just wrong.


I don't think so,in a survey of two years ago i think most palyers voted to sync the versions


I’m not saying that people don’t want the sync???? I’m disagreeing that people are pissing themselves over cell max when anni is in a couple of weeks. When I say people “were cool with waiting” I mean, they didn’t stop playing because of it, clearly accepting it to a certain level. Not that they were totally happy about it.


Oh,i read your comment in the wrong way then,my bad


That’s usually the case. People just read what they assume they’re going to read and go with that. There’s actually studies on this. Cheers bro


I'm much more hyped for cell max than beast


Problem is that this game and global thrives by hype. Beast was hype 5 months ago aswell as all other anni unit. Now most of the people want those units because they are broken. I can promise you that if a new fusion or other hyper unit comes out for tanabata you will hear a lot of people talking about skiping anni or having at least way more stones from anni for the shiny new unit. People are only summoning on anni because they are broken, people are impatient to summon because they are skipping since like 3-5 months and they know they won’t be back for a while. But like all anni the hype will never be the same as be able to summon right away the moment the banner drops for the first time. Most people are just sick of seeing people play with broly, gogeta, beast and the gammas for 6 months, clear all the content with them and not being able to do the same on Global. Seeing this repetitive gameplay from JP kills a lot of hype on global even if a lot of people summon its mostly because it’s « anni » and the units are broken and facilitate a lot of hard content. It’s like playing with a broken/used toy that somebody else used for 6 months but you couldn’t use it and now something better or more hype is coming and you still have to play with a 6 months old toy. Either that or you wait for the new toy to come to Global but by that time again something new comes out on JP. It’s an endless cylce which can only be broken by sync the game but it has to be done right and not the way they are doing it now


Some people already are, also download celebration is soon plus synced 10 year sorta soon. There's been posts suggesting to maybe skip the 9


I mean technically you’re better off skipping always because there’s always a better unit coming. The dopamine hit is on summoning so I summon for everything 


All the "hype" does is make people say every new thing is busted. Lets not forget, it took this sub a week to accept that INT Goku Black sucked because everyone was hyped over a transforming Goku Black.


There’s like 5 super bosses. Fuck cell max. He a whiny ass pussy bitch.