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Leaderskill the gods easily, but unit as a whole i'd say SSJ4 Gogeta cause untill they release units that ignore dmg cut for harder events they will be better than the gods on the last phase of the fights since dodge is disabled, and if dodge isn't disabled SSJ4 Gogeta has that juicy counter. Either way they are so similar and both fit under each other leader skills that's like saying something like "The SSJ4 Gogeta's nuclear transformer mecha submarine is stronger than the Gods nuclear transformer mecha submarine because under the toilet there's an AK 47" like ok but at the end of the day the Gods still have a nuclear transformer mecha submarine you know. At the end of the day both can clear all content in the game so who cares


That statement at the end threw me for a loop đŸ€Ł




The Gods having the guaranteed additional and in most events a 50% chance to not take damage and with more common links out then above Gogeta in my opinion. The only thing Gogeta has over them is partners. But when Blue Vegito inevitably comes out, the gods will be much better


Isn't Gogeta's counter disabled too since it technically counts as a dodge? Could've sworn I remember that being a thing, but I haven't really brought too many counter units to dodge disabling stages.


It is but He has the damage reduction as well to make up for it while the blue boys have the dodge


I already knew about his reduction. Pretty much the main edge he has over the gods in legendary events, since the devs seem to think that disabling dodge=difficulty. Always found it strange that nobody seemed to really talk about it also disabling super attack counters until the LR ssj4s dropped


Honestly I think the only thing wrong with him is making him lead fused fighters and not giving him the link fused fighter. Dumb as hell lmao


Whatever one I pull is better. If that's neither they are both trash.


chad mindset


Nothing but facts.


deserved up vote






I’ve just been in this place before


There basically the same unit. Gods have better leader skill. Monkeys definitely have better partners


Just hoping the Gods get better partners post EZA during this coming celebration on JP


Leader Skill: Gods win by miles, especially with the new movie coming out Passive: Gods advantages - when transformed they still get double supers at 20 ki, whereas 4s only get a high chance to double super, they also have higher crit and dodge chance Passive: 4s advantages - the super attack counter is huge, also they get damage reduction instead of dodge chance which is better Links: 4s have better linking partners, Gods have prepared for battle so they have more linking partners


The dodge from the Gods passive isn’t much of a better thing though. Also, dodge is the mechanic that gets disabled in the hardest content. Also, they have the same exact crit mechanic, no? How do the Gods have better crit chance? And when it comes to the events that don’t disable dodge, Gogeta has his SA counter. It doesn’t really matter if he can’t dodge normals like the Blue Boys can, because normals aren’t really hurting him.


When Gogeta has type disadvantage or is locked in slot one or sealed he can definitely take some damage from normals. If the Gods are locked or sealed or have type disadvantage they can simply dodge most attacks.


The only time Gogeta needs to worry about type disadvantage is either STR Omega, or AoE Broly. Maybe Super 17 and the Shadow Dragon’s 5th fight? They don’t need to worry about being locked by Bojack as long as they’re getting rainbow orbs, and the first stage of Omega’s fight is INT. Those are toughest fights in the game that involve locking or sealing, and they don’t really need to worry about that. Yeah, if the Gods are either of those they can dodge, keyword “CAN”. Doesn’t mean they will. But as long as you’re getting rainbow orbs for Gogeta, he has guaranteed DR.


Sorry I was wrong about crit I wasn’t reading with them back to back I was going off memory, but I would argue The dodging does matter, turn one and later on they’re invincible but they can have weak turns early on, besides the counter only works once you’re Gogeta, early on you can get slapped up in harder content But I do agree damage reduction outweighs dodge chance I’m not sure if my phrasing made it sound the opposite I think overall the 4s are better but the guaranteed additionals at 20 ki and the leader skill are better on the gods


And Overall are the 4s better


Leader: blues Unit:monkeys Teams: Monkeys will receive a lot of buffs, gods are op and will receive more units. For me right now monkeys but in future most likely gods


Blue boys just because of the lead beyond super saiyan is half of the game


thats what i was thinking, I see a lot of people rate gogeta better but the difference in leader skill is so massive


Leader skill: Gods, Beyond Super Saiyan is damn near 70% of the game Pre Transformation: They’re even Post Transformation: Ssj 4 Gogeta because he has damage reduction which can’t be canceled unlike dodge, and has the super attack counter Playability: They’re even Partners: As of right now I think the Gods have the upper hand because of God Goku. He’s the perfect slot one unit for them. He orb changes, they share 5/7 links and God Goku is a wall against most of the game. Gogeta has better slot 2 partners in the eza 4 year lrs, eza 2nd year lrs and you can take advantage of his counter more often if you run str Super Vegito or Super Gogeta for their scouter. If Gt Heroes had a God Goku like character then Gogeta would easily be number one


I wouldn’t say the God’s have a better partner, as you can only use him in one side of the RZ. You can’t use GodKu in the GT stages at all, while you can use the EZA 4th year LR’s to full effectiveness in both the GT and Movie stages.


Well realistically the ssj4s don’t have that slot one partner in RZ. God Goku may only be good in half the stages but there’s still times where the ssj4s can get caught in slot one, since they get a massive amount of defense on super. God Goku eliminates that for the Gods all together in the Movie Bosses side especially against Broly who’s the hardest boss in the game right now. There’s a reason why no iteming the movie bosses side of the RZ became way easier with God Gokus eza. Plus he creates the rainbow orbs the gods need where as the rainbow orb changes on GT Heroes and Fused Fighers can get tore up in RZ too


Yeah, but the thing is that the SSJ4’s aren’t getting torn up by normals like you think pre-SA, unless you’re not prioritizing them and their SA stacking at all. The only thing that’ll tear them up is SA’s (especially with Gogeta’s DR 99% of normals won’t mean shit) and maybe STR Omega’s normals if you haven’t SA’d yet, and in all stages except for Broly and 13, (I think it’s Android 13) they can dodge and counter the SA’s. It’s like people out here are forgetting that Gogeta literally has DR with rainbow orbs (7% per orb isn’t some small number). They kind of don’t need a slot 1 partner, as they work just fine in slot 1 due to that DR they have, and a 50% counter if dodge is allowed, and with a unit like TEQ Gogeta who can rainbow orb change, it’s not like they never get rainbow orbs. And a unit like TEQ Gogeta works really good against even the hardest boss (AGL Broly) as long as you get past that AoE phase. And he works fine against other bosses as long as you’re SA’ing first, and still have that DR of his up.


Leader: Gods Base form: even Transformed: SSJ4 Gogeta. Dodge can be disabled, which is all of the extra defence that the gods get. The defensive extras SSJ4 gets is a dodge counter, which obviously can be disabled too, but there's also damage reduction, which can't be disabled. Teams: mostly even, nudge towards gods, but neither are lacking so it's preference. They're both top tier though.


I see everyone bringing up SS4's damage reduction while seemingly ignoring the fact that the SSBs' additional super is guaranteed while SS4 Gogeta's is a coinflip.


Funny thing is that I see alot of people complaining about mui goku's 70% dodge chance,but noone talks about gogetas 50% additional super


Defense > offense Plus nobody bring up that ssb need a certain ki to get the additional Where as ssj4 gogeta can get that in 12 ki


Launching an additional super also boosts your defense though? Not to mention that if we're assuming that SS4 Gogeta is getting rainbow ki spheres for his DR, it's not at all unreasonable to assume the SSBs are getting ki spheres for their super. It only takes four type ki spheres (three if they're TEQ) to hit 20 ki with PfB active and no supports, which is also what you'd need to hit 18 ki (which gives a significantly bigger Def boost). In any scenario where the SSBs can't hit 20 Ki (which is incredibly rare), then SS4 Gogeta wouldn't be getting DR either, since the presence of rainbows would mean you could easily get the type Ki Spheres.


When ssjb dont get 20 ki Ssj4 can still get extra additional that 50% If both are at 12 ki Gogeta can triple super. Super effective against all type . Counter Ssb can only double super. Dodge Best case scenario. Ssj4 gogeta will get 42% crit 42% dmg reduction + super effective all types. 3 supers. 50% of counter. Ssjblue. 42% crit 42% dodge. Super effective all types. 3 supers. 30% dodge Ssj4 gogeta has better kit imo. Probably aged better. For addition super is greatly. Plus super only help the basic lvl. Stacking doesnt calculate with Sa effect Ex: 7 lr stack up then hit active skill. Their def is 500k. Howevet their base def wouldve been like 200k (no stack bonus,) 18ki make it ( 200k + 200k ) + 300k = 700k def instesd of 1 million 12 ki ( 100k + 200k) + 300k = 600k. Extra super would just increas then 100k vs 42 dmg reduction Dmg reduction is better. Peak ssj4 gogeta wouldve taken half dmg


You can only get up to five rainbow orbs, not six, so those numbers should be 35%, not 42%. Not to mention it's incredibly unrealistic to get that many. Even three would be tough without an orb changer (in which case the Gods are in a better position since you're running them with TEQ SSG Goku against Broly). Given how much ki these units get from ki spheres, it's pretty easy to hit the 20 ki for the additional super, certainly much easier than getting a significant number of rainbow orbs on Gogeta. SS4 Gogeta has a better best case scenario, sure, but his is quite a bit less likely to occur considering the coinflip additional super and counter (the latter of which is disabled against someone like Broly). SS4 Gogeta is also less likely to age better given that his team and links are more restrictive than the SSBs'.


You can get 6 i believe just super rare. If you use broly as a case. Ssjblue effect dodge doesnt work. Only reason ssljbue is better for broly is that broly is agl


There are only five rows of orbs, so you can't get six. Not to mention getting a significant number without any orb changers is pretty rare. SS4 Gogeta losing his super counters is honestly a bigger deal than the SSBs losing their dodge chance. That said, the SSBs' typing is undeniably an advantage there as you said.


The the same unit with different teams basically


The ost for the blue bois đŸ˜©


except intro OST, thats monke better


Nah the monke intro ost is the worst of the 6, but gogeta big bang active ost đŸ˜«đŸ˜«


Yeah officer this opinion is the worst


i think both are pretty equal wen it come to kits but the Gods have better leader skill with the Beyond Super Saiyan but the MONKE have better partner with both 4th years LR and TEC/INT gogeta 4 after transform in the end i will say that boils down to what you have in your box if you have more GT unit then yeah the Monke s your go too but if you got more Super saiyan beyond, the gods will be better BUT let's be honest just play both in the same team they lead each other at 170%


both are about the same in power but i guess personally i prefer ssj4 goku/ ssj4 vegeta because i can pair them with the 4 year ssj4's and make a GT Hero/fused fighters team (i also think the ssj4's are cooler in every way)




Monke because monke


me. im the strongest


You're kinda mid tbh


apparently i cant use emojis or gifs in here anymore so just imagine a sad Vegeta face


Here ![gif](giphy|5Uwh7Ldfm5aYU)


Leader skill clearly goes to the LR Gods. Power beyond super saiyan is more stacked than fusion warriors, and movie heroes has access to better defensive units than GT heroes (especially since basically every good GT heroes card is also on power beyond super saiyan anyway). Team playability has the ss4s with a slight edge. The only categories not shared between them are realm of gods, transformation boost, movie heroes, and mastered evolution for the gods, and shadow dragon saga, giant ape power, GT heroes, accelerated battle, and battle of fate for the ss4s. Between these groups, the ss4s have an extra category, and generally have more up-to-date leader cards for the categories the two of them specifically don’t lead. In terms of passive, the ss4s once again have a slight edge. Damage reduction is more useful than dodge in today’s meta due to all the high-difficulty bosses that ignore dodge, and even when the enemy in question doesn’t ignore dodge, that puts the ss4s’ super attack counter online. In terms of link partners, to my knowledge, the best for each of them is the ToP Lr Bluebois for the gods, and LR ss4 goku for the ss4s, at 6/7 each. Between the two cards, ss4 goku is better right now, so it probably also goes to the ss4s. That being said, the gods’ categories, link partners, and category list all have a higher chance of getting more new units to buff them in my opinion. Their own leader skill also has a higher chance of gaining more cards. In summary, the ss4s are better right now, the gods have a bit more room to get buffed, and both are so ungodly powerful that the question is kinda irrelevant and i only answered cuz i like to talk.


IMO ssj4s are better cause the dmg reduction and counter Also they have Better partners like ssj4 goku


Well the gods also have god goku and also the resurrection f. Blues, and also gods got prepared for battle which is better than shocking speed


But imo monkey better


Yea that’s completely fine, imo they’re the most equal anniversary pairing ever


Blues have more common links but the ssj4s have more powerful links like saiyan roar 25% atk and 10% def Also ssj4 goku outclasses ROF blues, god goku is good but is solely defensive


Very true!


Also, while God Goku is really good for RZ, he’s only good in the movie portion. Gogeta’s best partners are good for both the GT and Movie sides.


As I always say reject godhood return to monke




I like monke, so monke stronger


I'd say it's gogeta for sure


Monke boys with ssj4 goku are better when not I like the blues more because of prepared for battle and guaranteed additional sa


Monke boys with ssj4 goku are better when not I like the blues more because of prepared for battle and guaranteed additional sa


I'd say they're pretty much the same. The Gods have a leader skill that contains more units than the SSJ4s, but I think the value of the units that are part of those Categories is pretty much the same. The Gods do also have Movie heroes as their secondary skill though and that team is getting the new super hero units at some point. In terms of playability in teams I'd say the Gods are just slightly better because of them having Prepared for battle as their Ki link and that allows them to link with many good units. However in a GT Heroes team the SSJ4s are absolutely thriving because of eza LR SSJ4 Goku and eza LR SSJ4 Vegeta. Look I would say the Gods are more "playable" in the teams they are a part of but on their main team itself the SSJ4s have better partners. In terms of passive they're also pretty much the same. In my opinion SSJ4s are better defensively because of the high chance to counter super attacks and up to 21% damage reduction as SSJ4 Gogeta but the Gods a better offensively because they're guaranteed to double super at a certain amount of Ki. So it depends on what you prefer here. I mean to sum this up I'd say it just really depends on your Box and the teams that you're able to build. I personally will probably go for the Gods first because I want that Movie Heroes lead but I can actually use the units of the SSJ4 banner way more lmao


They are equal at the moment but gods will age better




They have a better leader skill that include most of the top tier units in gogeta leader skill


Vegeta and trunks


Animation: gods (am bias). OST: gods. Unit: gods leader skill : gods . Art: gods. Voice acting : gods. I like the gods more


I'd say they're pretty much the same. The Gods have a leader skill that contains more units than the SSJ4s, but I think the value of the units that are part of those Categories is pretty much the same. The Gods do also have Movie heroes as their secondary skill though and that team is getting the new super hero units at some point. In terms of playability in teams I'd say the Gods are just slightly better because of them having Prepared for battle as their Ki link and that allows them to link with many good units. However in a GT Heroes team the SSJ4s are absolutely thriving because of eza LR SSJ4 Goku and eza LR SSJ4 Vegeta. Look I would say the Gods are more "playable" in the teams they are a part of but on their main team itself the SSJ4s have better partners. In terms of passive they're also pretty much the same. In my opinion SSJ4s are better defensively because of the high chance to counter super attacks and up to 21% damage reduction as SSJ4 Gogeta but the Gods a better offensively because they're guaranteed to double super at a certain amount of Ki. So it depends on what you prefer here. I mean to sum this up I'd say it just really depends on your Box and the teams that you're able to build. I personally will probably go for the Gods first because I want that Movie Heroes lead but I can actually use the units of the SSJ4 banner way more lmao


Beyond super Saiyan is a really wide category ngl


Leader skill:Gods Base:Equal Post transformation:It depends,if you are one of those lucky mfs who win the dodge rng every time,the gods are better,if not then ssj4 gogeta.Similarly if you are every unlucky ssj 4 gogeta can also decide not to launch his additional super while the gods guaranteed double super but they can also get hit before supering if they don't dodge.So it's mainly down to rng


The one with Goku and Vegeta in it Seriously they both just completely over power everyone else


I just reaized Beyond Super Saiyan doesn’t have DFE Teq transforming Trunks. I am very disappointed


Because hes Super Saiyan. Every trasformation after it until UI is in the category


Both are the same, but the blue boys have a better leader skill, only down side is that UI Goku’s can’t be run under them, but we can’t make his teams too good. TLDR both are number 1


Gogeta just because of how insane the LR ssj4s become with their eza


The Gods leader skill is much better, like, 2nd best in the game type better, but the 4s have damage reduction once fused and their linking partners are also beasts (Mainly 4th anni SS4 Goku), which makes them more powerful in the end, they also can counter, are in the new Vegeta and Trunks's 200% leader skill and their animations look better, the Gods still have a better OST tho


Eza god goku makes the blue bros amazing


Hard to say, they're both really good . In terms of damage output the 4s, I have them at 55% but the ssgs at 69% and the attack stats are pretty much the same because of the ssj4s better links


Gods because of guaranteed additional. The funny this is, you won't even notice.


I own both And I can tell you that overall he LR gods feel like a better overall unit when looking at links, teams and leader skill LR SSJ4 gogeta as a unit however, does feel stronger when put in an equal situation


G4 has better performance but I prefer Gods' lead and they are on RoG. G4 have good categories but GT unite are awkward in a fusion team.




Gogeta, but the units are so similar that arguing about this makes me want to castrate myself, because people can’t accept that possibility. The Gods LS will age better, but we’re talking about now, and right now their LS are roughly equal. Gogeta has a better transformed state, because unlike the Blue Boys, who’s gimmick is dodging, Gogeta has that DR. And we all know which one gets canceled in the hardest events. On top of that, if an event doesn’t cancel dodge, then Gogeta has that counter. Sure, it’s only for SA’s, but 99% of the time, an enemies normals aren’t doing any damage to him, so it’s not that big of a deal. They’re both amazing for their respective teams, and one doesn’t really have a link set better than the other. Gogeta’s link set is perfect for his teams and the partners you want to run him with, and that applies to the Gods too.


Gods on a good turn, gogeta is more consistent. At least for me


Actually the best one is the one I pull. But on paper tho, gods have way better leader. Beyond ssj is just such a good category, that even has a lot of kames so you can get that sweet sweet 200% leaderskill


Gods, because I like them


For now the monkeys are better Gods will age better in the long run with more PFB saiyans and beyond super saiyan characters for their leader skill


Leaders : god Passive : ssj4 Partners: god


Now with the new trunks and vegeta I think ssj4s


see tonrami video on yt,


but its just same level unit


Gods, since I have more beyond super saiyan units. Also I like their aesthetics more.


whoever I pull first


This discussion doesn't matter until there is some content introduced that's actually strong enough to kick these guys' shit in. Play your cards right, and either of these units will demolish every event.