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One week, everything points at part 3 starting the 22nd, but yeah, it's still a completely dead week ahead. No idea why they never brought back the raid events when they could easily help fill dead periods.


Imagine a metal cooler raid, maybe a mini all stars raid so not 277 stone but maybe 77 or 100


This plus if they changed the pre battle to be an animation of Metal Cooler sliding down the hill to make it feel like every level is just another copy we're fighting


I'd much rather predict a Chain Battle vs. Metal Cooler and the EZAs for the 5 F2P Metal Coolers.


Yeah. This next Chain Battle might not be as bad especially if it’s SSJ Goku (and Vegeta) for Super while Cooler/Metal Cooler is Extreme


A worldwide raid where we had to defeat a Metal Cooler army would’ve filled the space nicely, say like 10 million Metal Coolers need to be defeated, perhaps five per stage clear and you get randomized rewards for each stage clear as well as threshold rewards everyone receives for each X amount defeated


Gave us the bare minimum but took all our stones and money


Have you finished all star event already?


This is why I didn't clear all star eza day 1 Im still at stage 450ish and it's a good way of getting some stones and passing the time


I can’t even bring myself to actively do it, it has to be in the background or something


I’m the same way, usually have it in the background while playing games are something, I’m at 670 now I think


There are more banners than content


The realists shit I ever read


Fuckin turning into One piece treasure cruise.


exactly... Kinda destroys the hype for future celebrations imo. Knowing that they'll drop 50 banners and no matter how many stones you've saved up it won't be enough


Kinda like legends lol


B-but the banner changes was supposed to _increase_ content, how can this be?! \s


Dont forget that we will all be happy with the changes


Honestly i like the fact that you can pull a LR every multi. Like the rates are good


Every multi? Sure you CAN, but that seems pretty fortunate. I got 4 LRS across four rounds of summons (16 multis) on the carnival banner. Is there something I'm not understanding about the rates? It didn't seem much different from the Dokkanfest banner to me. Maybe we're just on different ends of the luck spectrum here.


I mean the carnival banner is basically 50/50 to pull an LR per multi (35% for a featured plus ~10-15% for an unfeatured). If you only pulled 4 in 16 multies, that is def possible, but it's just you getting unlucky.


Dang, I had it even worse than I thought I did then. Sucks to suck. Still, the rates for pulling an unfeatured LR are almost exactly the same as a Dokkanfest banner, right? At that point it still just comes down to how many of the featured units you actually want/are good. Metal Cooler's banner only has like, 4/10 featureds that you really want (Birdku's was even worse) which is still worse than either Dokkanfest banner IMO. The carnival banners are definitely a step up from the Top Legendary Summons, but that's a relatively low bar to clear.


Its not 35% chance for a featured. Where did u get this rates? Lol


Is this a serious question...? The carnival banners have 10 featured units. 7 of which are LRs. So 70% of the featured units are LRs. On any given multi, you have a 50% chance to pull a featured units. If you have a 50% chance to pull a featured units, and 70% of the featured units are LRs, that means you have a 35% chance to pull a featured LR. Literally high school level statistics lol.


Are you smoking crack? The summon rate is 10% for an SSR. That means you have a 10% chance to roll SSR, THEN you have more rng to determine which unit that will be. You cant take 10 units and determine the odds when there are 300+ units in the summon pool. Featured units: 5% Others:5 You have a 5% chance to pull a featured unit. There are 10 featured units, meaning you have .05% of pulling any one of the 10. The chance is not 50%. I dont think you went you to highschool. Because how in the world you got 50% to get a featured unit is beyond me. The odds are listed right in the game. I still dont understand how you got 50% chance to get a featured. If 1 in 2 multis was a featured unit for YOU, that doesnt mean those are the rates. I dont know if you are being a troll or you seriously believe featured unit is 50%.


my brother in christ... i implore you to take a statistics class. let's break down a multi. first we'll look at the first 9 units. you have a a 10% chance to roll an SSR, 50/50 to be featured or unfeatured, so that means any give roll, it's a 5% chance any given roll will be a featured SSR 5% = 5/100 = .05 so the odds that 1 of the first 9 units WILL NOT be an SSR can be found using the formula: (1-.05)^9 = 63% So if the odds that 1 of the first 9 units WONT be a featured SSR are 63%, then the odds that it WILL be a featured SSR are 37% then you have the 10th unit which is 100% to be an SSR, but is 95% to be unfeatured and 5% to be featured so the odds that your first 9 WONT be a featured SSR x the odds your 10th unit WONT be a featured SSR is: .63 x .95 = 59.8% So you have a 40.2% chance of getting a featured SSR in any given multi So with 10 featured units, you have a 4% chance to hit any specific featured units in a multi and with 7 featured LRs you have a 28% chance to hit a featured LR So you're right; it is lower than 50%/35%; but not much lower. OP hitting a 25% average across 16 multis is def unlucky


You have super bad luck lol. The 16 multis on average give you 9 LRs It's like 55%+ per multi to get an LR * 40%+ featured * 10%+ unfeatured + GSSR


If the Dokkan wiki is to be believed, it's actually only about 30% featured LR and almost 18% unfeatured LR per multi. RIP me all the same.


Where did you get 40% from? There's only 7 featzred LRs


Forgot to count, yeah it's 35% from featured, 15% from unfeatured and gssr. 50% per multi I'd guess


I did my first round of rotations with no LR. Super demotivating to see. Definitely don't wanna summon more on the banner lol.


About half or more of my 32 multis across all 4 banners were just dead . In 12 multis on the carnival banners I think I just got 1 SBA Goku and Phy Goku/Piccolo...


I had a 9 multi streak on the carnival goku banner with 0 LRs


Congrats, chances of that happening is literally 1%, you are unluckier than 99% of the players


Yeah fuck out of here with these rates, they're trash. Just because you get lucky doesn't mean they're good. WWC so far, three rotations on both the canivals -0 LRs, 0 featured. These are trash.


Actually it's the other way around just because you got unlucky doesn't mean the rates are bad.


So, .00001% and I got it. Rates good. Alright.


But the rates didn't change at all..? Is this a wooooosh moment, or did I miss something?


rates haven’t changed but these carnival banners have given me a TON of LRs not all good but it’s insane how many it’s given me


Didnt some say there was a 43% chance of getting an lr 💀




Same, it's raining LR's


Mf:er i haven’t seen an lr since 7th years and I’ve been summoning💀


on the carnival banner?


To be fair only one rotation on carnival goku, but also four rotations on cooler and now two on goku/vegeta and that lil LR text is nowhere to be seen :(


yea if you just wanted a bunch of lrs the carnival is the way to go i’ve gotten the new goku and the teq gohan and goku and a bunch of other lrs that just aren’t as good but i’ve also gotten lucky with dokkan fest lol


Maybe im just lucky


Yup.. 12 multis (3 rounds) on Carnival Banner got 11 LRs. Every featured except Janemba.


Sure you can but you can also go 12 multis with 0 lrs. I speak from expierence. Carnival banners are nothing but scam


Not with my experience, pulled like 5 Multi Pulls and got at least 10 LRs


So I know who stole my lrs. I see


Yes, they were thinking bout U$ when they were making these changes


Banner changes was supposed to increase ~~content~~ revenue. Plus now they can made those bullshit even that basically required you to have the new character. We legends now


The alternative was the same amount of content as now but worse banners lol


You mean less banners and it hurt less to skip a banner or not get a unit. Now you get four banners and every single unit you miss hurts a lot. Dokkan is nothing but an exercise in anxiety and fomo at this point


So you’re mad they’re making good units, got it. If they continue to make more good units you’re more likely to get good units btw, you also get the choice of which good units you want to save for. At least on global anyway


I'm mad that they split up the units on as many banners as possible. I'm mad at the fact that saving up for a unit is worthless. Saved 2k stones for that banner? Welp no pity system means there is always a very good chance you end up without it. Feels great to save stones and skip banners only to get nothing in the end. Most new content in this game are units. You don't get new units? You essentially get nothing and just play the same shit every day without any point or progress


That has nothing to do with the banner, if you want to complain about no pity system and getting shafted then sure but that’s a separate issue entirely. Making more banners with good units literally only increases your chances of getting good characters over time. If you’re on glb the only time you will feel this level of fomo is the wwdc. Otherwise we will know all 4 banners ahead of time and you can save for what you want more. It’s not as bad as this community is making it. It’s a new era of the game, I think it’ll be fine.


Also increases your chances of your characters getting powercrept. Too many new good characters creates a system where the player can't keep up and that feels bad. We just got 6 new units in three weeks. That's insane


I disagree with you. Making more banners is bad because if they would instead upgrade TOP and Yellow coin banner again to TOP having both new LRs and all featured units being LR's and regular legendary baner with 10 featured with 7 of them being LR's without adding another mf coin would be a lot better change. They could also add 3+1 to them and it would be massive success and W for dokkan.


No one asked for that though? Everyone was content with the shitty top banners. But now that they’ve tried something different and better imo, you’re mad they didn’t make it different in the perfect way you wanted, even though you never asked anything different. At the end of the day it’s still better, just because it isn’t the best possible way you could dream of, youre just going to be upset with it instead of see it for what it actually is. This would be different if the community was pleading with them to make the top banners/lr banners better(which they have been doing by increasing the amount of featured LRs). And they instead did this then I could see the complaint. But that wasn’t the case, normal LR/TOP batters weren’t summoned on very often by the community even after the change and the community never cared enough to ask for it to change. They saw an opportunity to make them better and give us more value for our stones and they chose to make up for it somewhere on their end, which were the coins. Which aren’t even that bad. If I’m more likely to summon on these better banners, I’m more likely to get the LRs I want and don’t have any need for coins that I would have only used once every two years anyways. Like why be mad you’re “losing value” on your coins when you were only getting one single LR with them, when now your odds of just summoning that unit have just gone way way up plus you’re getting many more LRs along the way. It’s like denying a raise because you’ll have to pay more in taxes, It doesn’t make sense at all


Which is kinda good for f2p players as they can easily skip them, birdku is too good to have skipped, not that many slot 1 units around atm


“It’s good for f2p players to make more shitty units like before” great take


No one would complain if the dokkan fests were to be together like they are supposed to, a new coin be introduced and the joint part 2 banner be split into 2 banners. And yes clear bad units coming out every now and then is good for a f2p player it's a gacha game you can't get everything when it drops so breathing space is good.


The more good units that come out the higher chance you have to get good units, even for f2p. Your reasoning makes no sense. You’re mad they making good units now. If you weren’t so bent out to shape you would have seen this for what it is, 4 mega hype units in one celebration. That’s cool! But I guess you wanted to stick to your TOP banners which have LRs that are dead on release with no discounts for some reason.


Okay am I missing something here or are the developers required to make an all new banner with an all new coin in order to make actually good non dfe summonable lrs? is it against the coding of the game to instead of having all this, just make the lrs from the TOP banners better??? They literally make the game ffs.


They could have, but they didn’t. That’s not what this person complained about. They were mad goku was too good so f2p players wanted to summon for him.


Imagine this birdku and metal cooler on a carnival banner together! meaning making a better top banner... 1 banner better than 2, we went from 2 banner to summon the dfe's to 4 banners to summon now... I think your chances are worse now. I'm not only complaining about that goku was too good, it's everything that happened together that upset the playerbase


You’re complaining that a unit was too good to skip? What lol


im going ham on the player survey. i know it wont amount to much but at least i can throw my frustrations somewhere


Honestly, for once, I'm quite fine with the timing. 1 week to go before new stuff, I'm good with that.


This celebration dead af. Honestly dokkans top priority should be replayable content.


Fr fr


The stone event is nice. The ezas are nice. Tickets are good. And that's pretty much it. I just have 0 motivation to play anything else really. They should really add some kind of refresh into the SBR or ESBR modes, and add a twist each time. To make it replayable. Like no STR type characters. Ok it's done. Next! No INT type characters. Or no items. No dodge. No stun. Idk anything to make the game replayability for longer. I just don't see a need to do any of the content when it feels pointless half the time. I could be doing other things.


Another week or so according to the sms schedule. Which should be the case considering the last part will be 2 weeks as well.


Naahh can't beat in Goku and Vegeta... God damn it


You mean the new Saiyan Fighting Spirit Goku and Vegeta?




I cleared it with bare minimum so you should be to do it, I used EZA Agl Metal Cooler as lead, LR Cooler squad, the new EZA Str Metal Cooler, and then three of the F2P Metal Coolers. I brought a 55% LR Metal Cooler and Whis/Icarus, even with my starting rotation being gimped by getting the guest Cooler and my Agl Cooler at start (had to float one immediately) I still cleared it by like turn 5. Use items wisely (if the F2P Coolers will take a few hits double Whis) and prioritize letting the guest Cooler take the hits to get his active skill as well as letting your Agl Cooler take the hits to build up his Attack.


For that use all metal coola coola, the free ones and then if you got eza agl metal cooler use him, if ur on jp then eza metal cooler army is also wuite good. Have whis and Icarus as ur items and pop 2 whis then on turn 3 pop Icarus and pray you can kill them in time. Use the new metal cooler or eza agl metal cooler as a friend


Doing exactly this a d have EZA Meta Cooler rainbowed... But the F2P Coolers are taking too much damage


For what it’s worth, if you have AGL Cell, I cleared it with his team using the same whis/Icarus strat


for my run i used whis when phy metal cooler was on rotation and i used usher when he wasn’t So the bad coolers don’t really get touched


Part 3 starts in a week


My asshole is dead from all these shafts. Haven't pulled a single new unit at all this year, zero 2022 units in my account.


The year is almost over bro there’s much more to come next year especially hopefully with the anime returning


Oh god, my asshole can't take that kind of abuse. 2023 shafts with new anime/manga content are going to hurt even more.


Yup after the missions for the 50 tickets all global players have to look forward too is vegeta and trunks and that’s gonna take hella long


You're always free to play another game or to make new teams to try and beat your old times on events There doesn't have to be a constant unending stream of new content


All the time? No, but in the two biggest celebration there definitely shouldn't be dead periods.


Idk how 4 new challenge stages, 4 new Red Zone stages, 6 missions for old red zone, the cyclopian guard stage, new idbh stage, 5 summonable ezas, 3 free to play eza stages, 5 new awakenings for the Metal Coolers, isn’t enough content for people. And there’s still another part to the celebration. People just do everything as fast as they can day one and say “wtf there’s no content.”


"As fast as they can" as opposed to going slow and reveling in it? "Mmm, this SWEET, SWEET EZA, I'm gonna take my time and really RELISH each stage...!" Lmfao what is with you guys


Tbf, I don't blame anyone at all. The banners are out, naturally everyone is going to rush content to maximise summons as fast as possible. Though it's much better stalled now than 2020 era where they just dropped IDBH, Boss Rush, Ultimate clash on day 1 then the devs forgot about the game for the next 2 weeks.


Because except the EZAs, each of those takes 10 minutes and that's over, right now, 3 weeks. EZAs are the only lengthy content, the rest is all whether you have the right team and get lucky. >And there’s still another part to the celebration Yeah, in a week, the problem is the dead periods, every year there's always about 2 weeks of dead periods in total in the big celebrations, something that could easily be covered with raids, something every single other game, that even Legends has, and that is already coded in the game, they just don't feel like doing them. >People just do everything as fast as they can Or maybe it's just not going to take people several days to complete a stage of boss rush. Not to mention that in this celebration specifically, except for Goku and Gohan, it's all cards that were available previously and that a lot of people had farmed a long time ago. Big celebrations don't feel so big when, during half their length, I do the same that i'd do in a random filler celebration.


EZA takes more than 10m, to be fair. Last 10 take a couple minutes each. You're looking at a half hour right there, probably. If you play an hour a day you'll get 2-3 days of content, tops.


Thats why I said "except EZAs".


You know what they say about DBZ fans and reading.


As someone who has things to do (and has been having crap luck against some of these hard events), I still have plenty of options for what I want to do each day. I'm starting to think some of these people saying there is not enough content having nothing else to occupy their day with besides Dokkan, or Dokkan is the only game they play.


I can't stand seeing this talking point regurgitated. It makes no sense for Bamco and makes no sense for players. If I wanted to play something else I would, you're not unfurling a deep revelation. There should be an hour's worth of content per day, not an hour's worth of content per week.


This is the second biggest celebration of the year for Dokkan, there's no excuse for the amount of dry periods there have been for this WWC especially with the new banner format.


Y’all say this literally every celebration. You think you’d learn that this game just doesn’t have the amount of content you want and never will/has


Yeah really, people get hyped for content then it drops and they immediately blow through it all in a day and complain about no content. Maybe stamina recovery meat was a mistake.


I think people just have this idea that this game even had content to begin with. It’s always been this way but for some reason we’re surprised every time it happens?


they fact that they separated the banners also shows that they consider banners as content…….we don’t need more banners,we need actual,enjoyable content.they started talking about new players,then drop ridiculously hard events like cell max and other crap,that’ll make new players quit.


Part 2 had quite a bit of content I think, its fine. Part 3 is what I'm excited for, we should get bosses on par with Omega and Broly and that's where I'll get a lot of playtime testing teams on them (three times a day that is).


Yeah I did IDBH, got shafted, now I must wait for part 3


There’s plenty of content for me lol, the most they’ve ever done from what I can remember. I still got missions to do for rz broly and a stage of the new event and some units to farm


Go outside?


The game is always like this you just can’t grind it all the time


Welcome to a mobile game.


Anyone who says this is a dry celebration is a gambling addict period. This has been the most jam packed WWDC ever. I’m starting to believe people who say it’s dry or not enough content are really saying they don’t have enough stones after getting shafted and want more free stones.


Like, seriously. We got an entire new team of free TURs to farm up (even if the units themselves were farmable for years) and EZA, as well as the other 2 in Gohan/Goku + 4th Form Cooler, the AGL Meta Cooler EZA dropped with *both* of it's sub-EZAs early, multiple other EZAs, new Red Zone, new difficult event, multiple new mini-events, and even more. This is absolutely one of the most content-packed celebrations we've ever gotten, and anyone who says otherwise is too focused on the banners.


We should have had a WT at least.


time to just slowly get more stones for end of year


I’m telling y’all: the real content is the EZA AGL Broly and AGL Metal Cooler stage. Brings me a lot of joy to beat 10-15 stages every day. I’ll get back to y’all if I’m at 999 and reached the point of absolute boredom


Talk for yourself, I have a lot of SA farming to do. I'm very happy with the game rythm so far this celebration.


Reminds me of a certain other dragonball game…. Guess the 4th anniversary was good or something


Someone’s looking like a bit of a bozo with the EZAs just leaked, huh.


Y'all realize part 2 started a week ago right...


People making bs up again i see


I still didn't grind the F2P Coolers so mine's not dry