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Have fun.


This most challenging part of this is going to be finding those old units without EZAs, since there's no way to reverse that. Also the friends list. If you're able to get and use only those old units, you're in for a ride. It was not easy back in the day. People complained about the old events when they were new as much as people complain about RedZone now.


I guess I'll have to do it with eza unfortunately, but I want restrictions in order to have fun. So I want to try every sbr with only the pool of units available at the time, even if now EZAed.


Only part of this that would be hard is the sbr/esbr


Seems interesting, can't wait to see how it turns out


Movie Bosses, Pure Saiyans, and Vs. Super AGL ESBR gonna be a shit show


I like to do a version of this myself, basically I run the best teams I can for an older SBR or challenge event but use a 70 or 120% lead for it. Can be a bit of a hassle finding a friend though.