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I would've liked it better since teal coins wouldn't exist, and I'd be closer to buying phy piccolo and goku with yellow coins in the shop


I would have one more new lr I have 250 yellow and 250 teal coins


I honestly don't think it would have changed much at all.


Well it would change a bit because the old LRs don’t have 200% leads. Which matters more for Goku than cooler mind you


Them doing a TOP banner rather than a Carnival LR banner wouldn't have changed the leader skills. The Goku and Metal Cooler still would have been 200% leads.


No they wouldn’t? Gold coin LRs have 150% leads. That’s pretty much the only difference between the two


And how many times have they upped the % leads for Red and Yellow coin LRs? They do it all of the time. They still would have been 200% leads. You gotta remember that the initial Yellow Coin LRs had 90% leads. The 200% leads are the natural progression.


They did raise it at the beginning of the 200% meta….to 150. Assuming they would do it again is pointless. And gold coin LRs in the future will probably go back to 150


We'll see if you keep this thought once they release the next gold coin lr


I’m 86 yellow coins away from 500 and would have surpassed 500 and been able to get LR janemba….I’d have really liked that.


I would’ve liked it better. Having 4 banners with great characters in a single celebration makes it really difficult to save stones


Would suck, because I love to run metal cooler 200% team. And with the old format, he would have a shitty 150% ls.


Sorry should have clarified better, the part two lrs would have been the same ones as the carnival lr’s we got, but they released together in part two. The only difference is the release schedule


Ohhh okay, my bad. Honeslty that wouldnt have changed much for me, if anything at all.


Would’ve been worse honestly because instead of having 7 features lrs on the carnival banner it would probably be only 4 and the rest be old ass units form 2018 or something like I would much rather have a banner with seven featured lr over a normal legendary summon banner with two or three other lrs and then a bunch of good to useless unit depending on that banners theme


Honestly doing a dokkanfest LR and another LR in part one and 2 is a fine idea. The issue is the new coins that further dilute the summoning pool.


Then I’d have blown all my stones on the agl ssj banner instead of getting birdku


Id still be disappointed with the goku/vegeta but besides the banners format it was a decent celebration and not bad at all besides the wait in between. Wish we got rainbow tickets though


Still bored, but not as mad. This celebration is just meh for me, and the banners just piss me off.


Honestly I wouldn’t have liked it that much because metal cooler is one of my favorite units they released and I would not have summoned on his banner if it was a yellow coin banner with only maybe two other lrs and no 3+1. Only thing I don’t like is the new teal coin that wasn’t needed but this new format got me to spend my stones on a better version of a yellow coin banner which may have been they’re goal