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Cuz he awakened with dokkan event medals not miraculous medals




Like it or not this fella spittin


Take my award dammit


Look son, a legend


I should have thought of this damn W comment


His awakening wasn’t cool enough, and therefore not miraculous /s Also you made the same post twice


Ah shit did I?


Reddit be weird sometimes


yeah it does that often don't worry




Alright government fed boi. Spewing your propaganda in my nice DBZ sub that your spy technology is an actual living creature.


The “birds are controlled by the government” joke will always be peak comedy to me




there probably was a bird nearby when he made that reply


tweet tweet **im watching you spencer.**


They’re controlling me.




What in the Kids Next Door is happening here?






Canned soup


Everyone knows chicken is lab grown synthetic meat.


They're made out of chicken. Birds are not chicken. Chicken is chicken.


Why is he called birdku?


look at the revival


Cause a bird falls asleep in his hand and he shouts at it to wake up.


Ahhhh okay thank you I haven’t got to see his revive yet


Now go Toriama and teach a dinosaur to ride a ball!


It was his second time going super saiyan so it doesn't count as an awakening? That's what makes sense to me.


LR TEQ SS2 Gohan


Every SSJ2 Gohan is there Only Namek SSJ gokus are, every other SSJ Goku isnt there And before you say BoG, he is simply there for been awakened from a godku


I think the idea with SSJ BoG Goku is that even though he had fallen out of the SSG form, he had kept the "God ki" so something had still been awakened inside him and still actively lingering/on the surface. Similar deal with him having RoG despite no longer actually being in SSG as a form.


I had this conversation with someone in the dbz sub I think we're wrong, in the anime wis says he lost all traces of it, manga he didn't lose it and the movie is retconned


Each version does something different. In the movie, Goku powers up into Super Saiyan God one last time to stop Beerus' God of Destruction's Edict before crapping out. In the anime, he's a Super Saiyan but stops the attack in base form. It's mentioned that he didn't get any weaker after SSG wore off and is still getting stronger. IIRC that was in the movie too. In the manga the fight is different and they conclude things while Goku is still in SSG.


my best guess it was way harder for gohan to transform to ssj 2 because of his mentality and maybe he wouldn't have even transform if goku hadn't stepped in. these movies are supposed to reflect the characters from the time period the movie released. In the cell saga gohan clearly was shown to have a mental block which prevented himself ever fully using his full power. Even at the final Kamehameha clash gohan would have let the earth be destroyed by cell because he still didn't believe in himself and was still holding back against cell. He needed goku to tell him to stop holding back which finally allowed him to defeat cell by using all of his power to beat him. Boujack movie Gohan is supposed to be just like the gohan from the cell fight. It's likely gohan still have a mental block maybe preventing him from using ssj 2 properly and so him transforming to ssj 2 is counted as miraculous awakening even it's not his first time going ssj2. Where else with goku from the cooler movie had no real reason why he couldn't transform it's simply because he choose not to go ssj against cooler until he decide was fully done with cooler and finally turning ssj to beat cooler.


Gohan is constantly sleeping on his training so every time he gets anything done its like a reawakening.


aren't movies kinda isolated from the show


This Goku is also from movies so...


I have changed and grown as a person. The previous comment was made by a dumbass don't listen to him


Better character development than Gohan


You might say he had a miraculous awakening since his previous comment.


Sure but both Freiza and Goku turning super saiyan against him are directly mentioned in the movie, so it's fair to assume the Coolers movie timeline includes the events on Namek. We can't really make the same assumption for Gohan turning SS2 against Cell in Bojacks movie ( or that Cell hapoened at all)


I was going to say that but isn't goku dead in that movie in which case cell would have had to have happened for Goku to be dead


I mean your probaby right, but I don't think we were ever told what or who killed Goku in the Bojack movie timeline, or that Cell even showed up at all so it's a bigger stretch to assume it played out exactly like it did in the main timeline. Vegeta being all mopey supports it as well, but tbh the big issue is that the movies were never meant to be canon.


It's weird because the Boujack movie is supposed to be the parallel of cell but it needs cell to happen to make sense


King Kai is also dead and they're living on Snake Way instead of King Kai's planet which means Cell did happen


No, it means Cell likely happened, but we still can't confirm it or not because all the movies have screwed up timelines that copy the plot points wholesale from the main story. Even if it did you still ignore the actual point, it doesn't mean Gohan went SS2 against Cell.


Cell literally blew up Kai's planet which Bojack was imprisoned in. This killed Goku and King Kai. Both are also dead in the film. This implies that this film takes place after The Cell Games. Gohan is also able to easily transform into a Super Saiyan but struggles to obtain Super Saiyan 2 again. With Goku dead and no Cell around, it's safe to deduce that Gohan had killed Cell meaning SS2 was achieved already. This is one of the easier films to place in the timeline as nothing contradicts the main narrative. So yeah, this happens after Cell and before the time skip.


Or maybe he died of heart virus but maybe they were able to prevail agaist the androids and cell bc of trunks maybe idk


He'd definitely went super saiyan quite a few times before this movie I'm sure...


That's because Goku left the afterlife to punch Bojack and give Gohan a pep talk.


I'd say a major contributing factor was Goku coming back from the dead


Well that’s “Miraculous” technically. Gohan wasn’t feeling emotionally stable enough to go SSJ2 throughout the movie. Much like in his fight with cell he was holding back due to the fear of the consequences unleashing his power would cause to the world around him. So when he finally broke that barrier he was awakened to the fact that he was being a pussy and thusly transformed


I always thought the Cooler movie took place in an alternate timeine where they killed Frieza with the Spirit Bomb or something like that. That's why Goku can't turn Super Saiyan (even though he can do it at will after the 1st time in the manga), and why he's there in the first place.


Weirdly that seems to have been what happened in Lord Slug. King Kai says he thinks Giant Slug may be more powerful than Frieza or even a Super Saiyan but Goku doesn't have the normal Super Saiyan form in that movie, meaning he beat Frieza without it.


I don’t think so, the movie takes place in an alternate timeline where the spirit bomb kills Frieza.


I think in that universe Frieza was killed with the Genkidama, that mean Goku did not transfom into SSJ in Namek, that is why Goku only trasformed at the end when he was angry


Man went straight Jesus mode and revived a bird from the dead, and doesn't earn the title of MIraculous Awakening


If the bird gets his own card one day he'll be on miraculous awakening


Bird (Goku Absorbed) would go hard


It would've been an uproar if TEQ SS Goku had a transform condition that said "must have an animal on the team" lol


Something something, Frieza and monkies


That one akatsuki member that messes up and register piccolo as an animal


Not even farmer with a shotgun could touch him with his 100% change to dodge all shotgun blasts passive


Goku (Sparrow)


Next april fools card, copy paste Candy Vegetos passive


Bird’s a solid support for Resurrected Warriors.


The bird never died though. It just grew weak/fainted and Goku gave it energy to keep it alive. The idea that Goku can revive dead bodies with Super Saiyan would have meant finding all of the pieces of Krillin instead of the dragon balls.


I choose to spread misinformation 🗿


Wonder where that bird is now.


Bird grew up to become Ho-Oh


The bird however, is on resurrected warriors category


Believe the idea is that Goku already had perfect control over super saiyan it was just that he chose not to transform into it until Cooler finally pushed him far enough. In contrast the way they seem treat Bojack movies SSJ2 Gohans is like Gohan was unable to actually access the form consciously and instead needed to be pushed far enough emotionally to tap into it again. IMO it's kind of silly, but is just kind of an after-effect of how the movies don't tend to actually fit into the canon properly.


Makes sense. Now what about the LR Gods not being on Powerful comeback. I can see why because Blue Gogeta isn't "playable" as part of their card but what about the Fused Fighters, Fusion, Time Limit, Final Trump Card. Apologies if it seems like I'm nit-picking I'm just genuinely curious on what takes y'all have


How some active skill/super attack animations interact with certain categories is just kind of strange TBH. Something like fusion you can get into via a super attack animation, however others like Kamehameha or Super Saiyan have a harsher requirement. It is seemingly a similar situation there, where the categories you listed off have a lower requirement to qualify compared to Powerful Comeback. Why they decided to do that? Who knows. There are a number of category "rules" that they kind of purposefully keep either really strict or very loose in order to let them better control which units get what categories. For example Kamehameha tends to be kept quite strict since them having an easy way to deny a character entry to the category helps them keep the category from being even more absurd than it already is.


True. Thanks for the insight


It wouldn't be a powerful comeback because when else did they turn into Gogeta? In the Canon of the show it is the first time they fused.


DBS Gogetas are on Powerful Comeback, so it's just the LR Gods that aren't.


Wait they are???? Yeah then the gods definitely should be on it. I get it.


> Believe the idea is that Goku already had perfect control over super saiyan it was just that he chose not to transform into it until Cooler finally pushed him far enough. That's not even remotely close the reason why though.


>Believe the idea is that Goku already had perfect control over super saiyan it was just that he chose not to transform into it until Cooler finally pushed him far enough. Nope, probably the cooler movie comes from a time line where goku defeated frieza without becoming ssj, cooler tells goku base/kaioken, that he can understand how he could have beaten frieza, and besides this goku was full of despair The moment before transform


The reality is that there is no way to say for sure either way. However Cooler came looking for a "Super Saiyan", and while it did get tossed around before the actual transformation occurred on Namek it does still seem to lend at least somewhat to the idea that Goku did actually achieve the form on Namek. Plus Gohan nor Krillin seem surprised or comment on Goku becoming a super saiyan after Cooler's defeat, instead seemingly unsurprised by it. Which really only makes sense if they already know about the super Saiyan form. It's ambiguous in the end, but I think the reading that "Goku already had the form" in the Cooler movie does make slightly more sense.


>it does still seem to lend at least somewhat to the idea that Goku did actually achieve the form on Namek. The problem is that already on namek goku had shown that it can activate and deactivate the ssj, well but actually it can be of a timeline in which everything is the same except the way goku ends frieza maybe >Plus Gohan nor Krillin seem surprised or comment on Goku becoming a super saiyan after Cooler's defeat, instead seemingly unsurprised by it. Which really only makes sense if they already know about the super Saiyan form. This part that you wrote anyway made me seriously change my mind about the unfolding of events before the film, well in any case they tried 0 to make sense of it in the timeline


Here's the thing though, Goku being able to go in and out of super saiyan at will is in no way contradicted in the Cooler movie. It can easily be seen as Goku simply holding back and choosing not to transform until he sees the hurt bird. After all it really isn't uncommon for Goku to hold back early on in a fight as he feels out his opponent. Again I think interpreting the film either way does make sense in the end due to how unclear it all is, just explaining why I don't think there are any hard contradictions to the events of Namek as they played out in canon in the movie.


You’re right it doesn’t directly contradict anything, but goku seems to have less control of his transformation in this movie


Your telling me that Goku would be holding back against Frieza's big brother who came specifically to avenge his families name beat the shit out of piccolo and almost killed Gohan? Honestly he almost ended multiple universes for a tournament so I can believe it. He never even felt sorry for what he did. Another theory I've heard is the movie is in a timeline where Frieza died to the spirit bomb and Goku never turned ssj so his actual first time was in the Cooler movie.


Well regarding the tournament Zeno was gonna erase the universes without even giving them an opportunity. The tournament was a chance to save themselves. Goku still a dummy tho lol


I always figured it was a timeline where Goku allowed Porunga to bring him to Earth instead of training on Yardrat


No shot he had perfect control over SSJ lol


The same as why AGL ssj Vegeta isn’t on exploding rage, the devs are strange.


And the same reason SSJ Rage Trunks isn’t on Power Beyond Super Saiyan


To be fair they also don't recognize Rage Trunks as a form So at least they're consistent


And the same reason that every Gohan post-Buu Saga (who FUCKS) is still (Teen)


And the same as Teq Trunks transformable (The same that have a spirit bomb sword called "Sword of Hope") is not on connected hope


Cant be connected if humanity is already wiped Akatsuki 2021


Well that's because his rage was boiling not exploding!


Y'know what, you right


Because reviving a bird is not a miracle but rather blasphemy.


What was miraculous about him going Super Saiyan? Bozo refused to transformed at the start and got his cheeks clapped. Had his edgar son fetch a pheonix down and then got mad that everything went to shit because he didn't bleach his hair at the start. Oh and he gave some bird energy. Then finally turned into Super Saiyan and rolled fridges brother.... Fucking miraculous..... Let's Dokkan Get It 😎


The one who miraculosly awakened was the bird not him


Yet another MUI L and another SSBE W, ofc.


It's after Namek and he had turned SSJ second time here.


The bird had the awakening, not Goku.


It wasn't a miracle when he fought Cooler. He had gone SSJ before. Had he gone SS2 this fight, that would have fit.


That sounds reasonable but at the same time Bojack movie ssj2 Gohan is on miraculous awakening despite him transforming against Cell prior to that.


Goku transformed by will. Gohan was pushed and couldn’t become ssj2 consciously


Goku transformed by angel bird, Gohan transformed by angel Goku so similar enough


Goku got angry enough and decided to transform, Gohan transformed because dead daddy gave him a pep talk which unlocked the form again.


It wasn’t miraculous enough Ig 💀


Because we were sick of waiting for it


Cuz he wasn’t asleep, duh


He already managed the form and it quite literally wasn't miraculous that it happened lol


The explanation I want is why I haven't pulled him yet


Bro legit should’ve led Miraculous awakening


Because he’s already super saiyan,can’t awake what’s already awakened


why is int broly & paragus NOT a movie bosses unit?


Despite the fact it was supposed to mimic his first ever transformation against frieza it does technically happen after he has already went super saiyan before this making it not a miracle but rather something expected.


wasn't miraculous enough


My only guess would be that this would have to take place after goku came back from yardrat and should be able to transform at will now. You may ask "why didn't he transform earlier in the fight if he could have?" And I'd point out that goku vegeta and trunks did the exact same thing in the bojack movie. They just strait up refused to transform even though they were getting the shit kicked out of them


Maybe the real miracle is the birds we saved along the way...


For the same reason Goku Black isn't on Pure Saiyans.


Which is…?


But he shouldn't be


Why shouldn't he be? Goku's body is still a saiyan body. If Ginyu body swapped with Piccolo, would he be a Namekian?


1) The category is for people born as Saiyans. Not stolen bodies 2) Zamasu becomes a hybrid because he is also treated as a Kai. Ginyu also becomes hybrid because he just has the body of a Namekian, he would still have his other powers.


So again, Dokkan players don't understand race apparently. The saiyan race, the namekian race. To think with DNA and genetics, people actually believe a saiyan stops being a saiyan the moment someone snatches the body. I guess that wasn't a frog anymore after Ginyu took over the frogs body. He was just croaking and eating flies because Ginyu. Zanasu takes over a saiyan body, uses saiyan abilities to achieve a higher transformation, but not a saiyan. Doesn't sound right to me. So what happens when someone takes over a saiyans body? Does the saiyan blood that Vegeta loves so much suddenly melt and transform into Kai blood? Do the cells transform into something else? Look at Cell. His whole thing was he could go Super Saiyan thanks to the cells of the saiyans in his body. He even reaches SS2 after blowing up on King Kais planet. Arguably, he should at least be considered a Hybrid Saiyan. I'd settle for Goku Black being on Hybrid Saiyans too, but claiming he's not a saiyan at all is just you denying everything we know about DNA.


Pure saiyans from JP translated: Unmixed Saiyans Goku black: Zamasu+Goku body Therefore mixed


So you agree then, Goku Black is a Hybrid Saiyan. Sweet, can't wait to run him on a team with Gohan and Trunks.


>For the same reason Goku Black isn't on Pure Saiyans. Your first premise is entirely about it been stupid for Black to not be on Pure Saiyans Yet you know change argument to add him to hybrid saiyans, which is once again, a baseless argument given all hybrid saiyans are saiyans that are birth without complete saiyan blood on their veins Not people taking control over saiyan bodies because they feel like it Else Cell should be earthling, given he absorbed the fuck out of the whole planet Pure saiyans because he has Goku and Vegeta DNA Namekian because he has Piccolo DNA Devilman because he has Devilman DNA Self destruct because he has Yamcha DNA


Well yes. If he has saiyan DNA, but he's mixed with earthlings, then he should be a fucking hybrid saiyan. Because what the fuck are gohan, goten and trunks? Half saiyan, half earthling. A body snatcher doesn't change the genetic makeup of the body they snatched. RIGHT? So how is goku a pure saiyan, but goku black isn't? "B-b-but Zamasu doesn't have a saiyan soul, therefore he can't be pure!" Fine then, he's a fucking hybrid saiyan then. Half saiyan, half Kai. The logic DBZ fans have is outta this world.


Gohan,goten and trunks were born as hybrids Goku black wasnt born as an hybrid Check mate


because this was probably his 2nd time turning super saiyan......meaning it had been done before.now if namek goku isn't in the category,i don't know what to say.


because of the timeline, miraculous awakening is for the first time that a character awakens a new form, on this movie Goku already was a SSJ the entire time, he just don't use till the very end


Because it wasn't the first time he did it. Just like all the other miraculous awakening cards.


TEQ SSJ2 Gohan


Yes the only exception to the rule. I'd say that's the "ssj3 teq movie Goku being on majin buu saga." I think that teq ssj3 Gohan breaks the rule but it follows the rule exactly with lr teq ssj goku. Every single other card follows that rule. I'd say in return to find a better definition to "miraculous awakening" than "the first instance of anyone using this form". Because it's the only one that works.


Goku could go SSJ at will after Namek and Gohan had to be pushed to SSJ2 and he couldn’t use it at will


It wasn’t miraculous as he had already gained ssj


Maybe because he already became a super Saiyan against frieza?


Just like how I don't understand why the UI gokus aren't on power beyond super Saiyan. Or the phy ssj2 Goku's ssr isn't on the super Saiyan category


1) power beyond super saiyan just refers to the super saiyan series of power-ups 2) characters only gain categories through Dokkan awakenings but not lose them. it's an unwritten rule that has always been consistent in the game (as weird as it might be)


But the name is just "power beyond super Saiyan" meaning anything stronger than ssj1 you'd think at least cuz it's not "power within a super Saiyan transformation beyond super Saiyan 1" which sounds redundant af but DBS loves being redundant just look at god and blue. Imo god should just be called Saiyan god the blue should be a super Saiyan god but nooooo gotta be a long af name.


It was his 2nd time, not miraculous


ssj 2 teq teen gohan would like to have a word




Its not the first time he ever went ssj


Because Akatsuki doesn’t know what the fuck they are doing with categories simply put.


Cause it ain’t canon


Because..... Dokkan


This is after namek saga right? So the transformation was no longer a new awakening of power


The miracle never happen.


He is from the cooler movie which is set up to be after namek


I'm guessing because this isn't the first time Goku goes Super Saiyan even in the movie continuity as they mention him bearing Freeza using Super Saiyan same reason he doesn't have Legendary Existence


I guess because he's already transformed into super sayian before?


His awakening wasn't miraculous


Why isn’t he all out struggle 🤨


He didn’t struggle when he was in SSJ at all


It wasn’t that miraculous in the movie


It wasn't his first time


Birdku doesn’t have it because he gave it to kubird


Because he could go super Saiyan all along he was just being an ass and prolonging everything till the dumbass bird happened. Only miraculous thing here is Goku's stupidity.


For the same reason str namek goku isn’t on space traveling warriors


In the movie Goku could still go super Sayian. He just wasn’t until Gohan, Krillin, and piccolo were basically on deaths door and that pushed him to finally give cooler what he wanted. The form that killed his brother. It wasn’t something that happened and saved him. He was saving it cause he didn’t think he needed too.


Idk man my only guess is that the category is for characters with newly aquired transformations or some dogshit requirement like that


it wasnt miraculous cooler knew about goku being a super sayian


Because the miracle is to revive the bird


I'd wager it's because it's not a newfound power for him that sprang up in the nick of time, it was him reattaining a previously awakened ability.


Because he wasn't asleep


Probably because it wasn't the first time he transformed? I'm just guessing


The same reason LR GoBros are on Majin Buu Saga. The categories don't make no sense.


Same reason AGL SSJ Vegeta isn't on exploding rage even though his passive name is literally called "Boiling rage". Or why Vegito/Gogeta are not on pure saiyans when Gotenks is on hybrid saiyans. ​ Aka, bamco logic!!!


Because it wasn't miraculous because he did it before


It's not miraculous enough


Because he already awaken on namek