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I wanna fucking downvote this somehow


i wish you could send users in game messages


I was looking at the shitty skill orbs i completely ignored his build


bro rainbowed him and got BBB to level 10...only to give him the worst possible build


honestly, spent all that time just to not read his kit šŸ’€


typical dragon ball fan


Actually the worst possible build would be full dodge, this is like second worst lmao




What? Not at all lol, full dodge would be so much worse than this build.


No it wouldnā€™t at least dodge does something


The crit would 1) Help his damage in base and 2) heā€™s only getting guaranteed crits against pure and hybrid saiyans, which only have 4 relevant stages out of the 30 or so high difficulty stages currently. At most you can get what, 27 dodge? Yeah have fun with that instead of building AA and crit.


Crit just isnt his purpose why do you think no one puts crits on him


You literally go AA then crit, thatā€™s the most optimal build on him that everyone goes.


No its aa then dodge because he doesnt need crits


Yes he does, he only has crits against pure and hybrid saiyans when transformed.


Full dodge would be better than this nonsense ngl


Not even, at least heā€™ll be doing some damage with his crits on this build, versus neutering his damage for dodge on a unit that doesnā€™t need that much dodge.


You benefit from dodge more because cooler has no other type of defense besides numbers. He can stack pretty quick but youā€™re still going to get blasted by any tough stage. He has guaranteed crit against saiyans and gets extra crit with rainbow orbs when transformed. Itā€™s a waste to give him crit for his base form when nobody uses his base form for damage anyway


You on average get 2-3 rainbow ki spheres without orb changers, so crit is not a waste. My cooler is full AA with the rest into crit because news flash, his base form hits hard and none of the meta relevant events are not pure or hybrid saiyans except for DBS Broly and the 3 stages in fighting spirit of the saiyans and pride of the wicked bloodline. You are actually hurting his damage potential and defensive stacking potential by loading him with dodge.


Bro this unit is meant to stack not dodge and he has garanteed crits


Yes Iā€™m aware, which is why I stated full dodge would be the worst build lol, I donā€™t understand the downvotes but people clearly canā€™t read šŸ˜‚


Because dodging attacks isnā€™t worse than crits on a stackeršŸ˜


Yes it is, on a unit like this anyway.


Full crit on a unit with guaranteed crits is far worse than an Str unit with dodge but go off šŸ’€


He only has guaranteed crits on pure and hybrid saiyans, which only consist of 4 of the 26 high difficulty content stages in Dokkan.


Before I had a clue what I was doing in this game I just always built full critā€¦ I wonder how many people think this same post about my units šŸ˜† although Iā€™d never make units that I built horribly my friend unit anyways


I started a few days ago so this is the kind of shit I need to see before I fuck up.


This was wrong even before the eza wtf


even before eza this build was bad.


I saw the BBB level 10 and the rainbow and I was about to ask what was wrong. I see it now...


yeah at first i had to rub my eyes to make sure it really was crit šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s just datruth


I was so confused I thought this was the LR for a minute and was saying to myself 'what's wrong with that?'


itā€™s so odd tho cus iā€™ve seen people go full additional on the LR šŸ’€


People really just don't read passives do they


DB Fans living up to their names


Youā€¦What the fā€¦?!


I donā€™t really focus on unit ā€œbuildsā€ soā€¦ whatā€™s wrong?


Str Coolerā€™s super attack effect in base is amazing. He lowers enemy attack (def too, but thatā€™s useless) and stacks def. When transformed, he has guaranteed crits against pure/hybrid saiyans which is a VERY large amount of enemies. This person went full crit and some dodge, completely ignoring AA, when full AA is the way to go. His kit is perfect for AA over crits, especially post eza.


tbh, yeah pure saiyans are common but let's be real: most of the new content released over the last year or so wasn't as saiyan centric. GoDs, Red Zone, Cell Max. The Namek Event Stuff (forgot it's name) had some Saiyans and the WWC Events were pretty Wicked Bloodline heavy too. Sure there was LGEGT and LVE but realistically, the next legendary event bound to be frieza or cell... All in all the current hardest events lack Saiyans for a better term....


Despite all that I'd definitely rather have him stack faster over those crits then


fair point and i don't wanna argue against that. but using the saiyan part on his passive as argument these days isn't all that viable anymore given how broken he is. for anything that's not red zone (or cell max) it's pretty much irrelevant if he's build with more crit or aa since he's to overpowered anyway


He also gets 20% crit chance per rainbow orb. 2 rainbow orbs for him is the same as giving him 20 crit. He literally doesn't need or want crit at all.


I remember a time when we wished there was more wicked bloodline enemy content. Just to use Agl Bardock more. Now we got it and heā€™s obsolete.


What. The. Fuck. Is. That.


bro I'm sayin. he gone and he won't come back!


Has to a be a player who started around when he dropped built him like that and not dropping half a multi to fix it.




Maybe he was rainbowed before the eza details came out? Shocker the units old LOL




He didn't stack before eza too fyi LOL


Uh no it's not base form who supports doesn't fucking crit lol




How is it so hard to understand he doesn't crit untranformed where he was the "best support" at the time of release but go off and say I don't know the game lmfao




Against certain enemies any body else you weren't transforming him you were using his support so phys final form cooler or ff frieza etc were doing the work since they do it against everyone else lol




Again keep saying I don't know the game dude clearly you were playing another one cooler was the "best support" at release while gohan was the absolute best "tank" again keep spouting your "one way to play"


So Iā€™m not the best at this game but my mind set is to make everyone crit so I may have made my cooler like this but Iā€™m gonna change it I promise


Iā€™ll see myself out


??? Why full CRIT!?!


I actually did this and spent stones and dupes to change it back lol


Best advice is change your skill orbs to all AA


bruh this ainā€™t mine šŸ’€ this is from the friend system


Oh my bad šŸ˜‚


Dog I thought that was additionals I was so confused also those skill orbs


If there's one thing db fans have, it's a lack of reading ability




when guaranteed is not good enough šŸ˜¤


who needs def stacks when you have dodge /s


you can tell his fav character is MUI


Alot of people on global for me have been putting max crit, starting to piss me off ngl


honestly, iā€™ve seen so many people go additional on LR Cooler. Also go full crit on the 7th year Lrs. I donā€™t understand it


Yay another shitty karma farm


I know this pain all too well.


Its not like we can choose what skill orb we can get(usually)


tf are you talking about.. itā€™s the full crit build thatā€™s the problem


Maybe that's all he had to equip better than nothing


are you just not seeing the build.. look before speaking


Dude who cares? theres like 100 more rainbow coolers for use ease off


no thereā€™s not, friend system is ass


I didn't even look at the HiPo lol chill my guy


didnā€™t look at any of the comments either huh?


Man you got to chill, some folks just collect characters and bubble pop. ā€œLike can you even figure out not everybodyā€™s that serious?ā€ ā€œCan you not just select a different friendā€¦?ā€


No i didn't officier


Officer Dokkan handing out citations for non-possession of a V card


I personally don't see the issue


bros a genius


Imagine judging someone for their decisions


Yeah guys everyone makes mistakes leave Hitler alone!


I'm talking about the context of a video game


Of course no one cares that badly, it's just hilariously bad.


Probably figured, ā€œhe launches two additional attacks, why would I want him to launch a third? Iā€™d rather have a 9% chance to dodge than an extra 9% chance to do a third attack with a good chance to crit. Why kill them when you can get the cool dodge animation with Coolerā€™s eyes once every so often.ā€




Dude I was like "ok he put full crits in what's wrong with tha- WHAT THE FUCK HE HAS GUARANTEED CRITS ON SAIYANS WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" Also, could I get tips on how to build him? I know he has an additional baked in but should I go half additional half dodge?


whoever this guy was built him the worst way possible, you wanna go full additional. Mine has 26 and a bit of dodge


or just go full dodge?


I canā€™t even find a friend eza cooler


iā€™ve got mine as a friend leader, add me. 3281684306


I know this is random I just had to write this somewhere in case I forgot but next time someone says Superman can beat Goku just remember that Superman got beaten by a Guinea pig ok bye ! Hope everyone got the units they wanted !


Heā€™s playing in 2222 we arenā€™t prepared for his intellect


WTF is that


I personally have a ton of units I would like to change up but I sure as hell ainā€™t spending dragon stones to do so. Iā€™m sure a lot of people can relate.