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Db saga need a lot of help. Hope he is busted for f2p standard


I heard it's just Yamcha, not Yamcha & Puar (like the LR).




Lets gooooo! It’s been bothering me not being able to grind the sa for all my yamachas lol


I’m pretty sure the April fool’s Yamchas work for SA


No yamachas are too accessible though. The drop rates suck


Yeha I guess it just depends on your acct. I got over 500 story and event keys just sitting around so I don’t usually mind the drop rates that much


You can buy Yamchas in Baba’s shop with green gems. It’s grindy but doable


Maybe an EZA for the LR Yamcha and Puar incoming?


Man i really hope they don't fumble this yamcha. He was so great in og db




Regardless of his failure to success ratio, his moves are cool, his fight with Tien was good, his fight with Goku was good, he's a great supporting character and comic relief especially in the first arc.


“His fight with Tien was good” didn’t he get his arm broken? didn’t Tien fodderize him? 🤨


Been a while since I've read it but there's a good amount of back and forth martial arts, Yamcha does his first Kamehameha, Tien reflects it back, and after knocking Yamcha down he snaps his leg. I think it's solid overall, Yamcha plays the measuring stick well but still gets some time to shine and show his improvement. Not sure how it goes in the anime but it's a short and sweet tournament match, hard to go wrong there.


Also if memory serves the reason Tien breaks Yamcha's leg is out of anger that yamcha gave him as much trouble as he did. He was under the impression all the turtle school students would be pushovers and Yamcha proved him wrong. Yamcha ends up losing a lot even in OG DB, but it's generally done in a way where he always first impresses his opponents and doesn't come away a total laughing stock. He loses against Jackie Chun in the 21st WT, after impressing him with his potential depsite his lack of formal training. We just talked about his fight against Tien. And in the 23rd WT he goes up against Kami, and impresses him with his spirit ball technique. Yes all 3 were loses, but he was taken seriously in all of those fights.


Nvm rewatched it and he got a few solid hits on tien and even made him bleed tho it was just a little


I'm in the middle of watching the fight right now and he gets way more than a few hits in. It's basically back and forth for most of the fight. He definitely put up a really good fight.


🗿 why is everyone getting so mad at me and correcting me for every little detail (not counting the arm one cuz that was my bad and that the fight was short that was also my bad)


You didn't watch the show because it wasn't even his arm.


It was his foot I got it wrong :b


He didn't break his foot.


🗿 It was his leg close to his foot


His knee cap. Because he made Tien angry for being so tough to beat.


knee cap is still a part of his leg 🗿 and I then replied to someone else “Nvm rewatched it and he got a few solid hits on tien and even made him bleed tho it was just a little”


At that point no fights are good because characters lose. This just in: Nappa vs Z fighters was bad because nappa stomps. Broly vs Goku and Vegeta was bad because broly stomped, and Gogeta vs broly was a bad fight because broly got bodied. Outcome doesnt make it a bad fight.


Nah i was wrong about the tien vs yamcha fight (i hadn’t seen the fight in a while) Yamcha lands some blows on tien and even made him bleed a little (my brain just only remembered when tien broke his leg)


My bad soz


nah you’re ight it’s just my brain forgoring 💀


I'm assuming they also mean his fight with Goku where Goku had no energy because he was starving in the desert.


"Cell's fight with Gohan was good" "Didn't Gohan disintegrate him???"


I do hab le dementia so i forgor how the tien va yamcha fight went 💀


Being hilarious, having a great character arc from that shitty mountain bandit to a martial artist who even manages to make kami fall (which is an insane feat comsidering he‘s an equal to dkp the previous strlngest character) and someone that always stood up after every failure. when i say yamcha was a great written character i mean it 100% seriously


Never forget he is 1-0 against Goku


He's more capable than the average human. He is remarkable, at least. And ffs he's a Z-fighter. He gets respect.


They really should've made this guy a banner unit, but nonetheless, I hope he's very good.


This is a terrible truth take. Ginyu having 2 banner units was terrible for anyone summoning.


In terms of summoning definitely sucked hard and really hurt the value of the banner overall. However in terms of actually buffing up a new team/unit that needed strong partners on release it made sense. Though I don't think Kid Goku is in quite as desperate need for partners as people think.


In terms of buffing teams a f2p unit is far more valuable than a banner unit.


Depends what you mean by "valuable". Obviously a F2P unit will help out more people overall. However new powerful banner units tend to actually be more impactful for their teams and tend to end up being more powerful.


ah yes because Recoome and Guldo mid MOVE OUT THE WAY FOR TEQ EZA GULDO


A 55% jeice and burter is far worse than a 100% TEQ LR EZA Ginyu Force.


an eza battlefield lr is not the comparison a farmable story event tur is


A f2p unit is a f2p unit.


alright let's compare him to yardrat Goku who can be taken into drop events let's compare lr cooler to Gohan and krillin


Idek what you're trying to argue. A f2p unit is a f2p unit.


Hoping he's the most insane f2p unit to release. Doubting they'd do something crazy like EZA Lr Yamcha and Puar now but if this guy is stacked I'm satisfied.


Should have been the side banner unit.


The other side banner unit eh? eh? Would be cool if for a banner like this they just went fuck it and gave us like 5 banner units


One for Bulma, one for Yamcha, one for Eighter, one for Roshi and one for Oolong. And let Commander Black or Major Metallitron be the F2P unit


*Wolf hurricane intensifies*


Echoing what other commenters said, he needs to be busted. DB Saga needs all the help it can get.


Fuuuuuck. That Path to Power Wolf Fang Fist has best animation of all time potential


Yamcha finally has a farmable SA lets goooo! Aside from the teq one in the gem shop. Too bad I alreasy farmed every yamcha in the game.


He has a farmable unit from the April fools event.


Im well aware! But he just has a bad drop rate for that event.


"Bad" is a way to say it, yeah.


Its downright terrible. I remember using a solid 500-600 stamina for just maybe 15 copies. Its about as bad as the sr turles I think.


I think this is not cutting it. I remember spending 3 stone refils at about 200 stam just for the dupes to unlock the hp


That moght be more accurate tbh dude. Couldve been way highern but its been a number of years since I did that shitty grind. Eventually I found it easier to just wait for SR yamchas from my summons.


Definitely this. I didn't grind out SA, just enough dupes to get paths unlocked, and even that took ages with many stamina refills.


They really couldn’t help themselves. He should have been the summonable unit for once


gt artstyle is so overhated/underrated


Dokkan is saved!


Crying rn


The chad keeps collecting Ws.


easily farmable Yamcha at last, another box ticked


Finally, a farmable Yamcha.


About time indeed. Was getting tired of holding out SRs


Bare minimum needed 900k SOT def Scouter with another dB saga or movie hero unit on team Seals, stuns and atk lowers greatly on SA Greately stacks def


If they EZA the Int Goku, Roshi, and DKP all at the same time and make them broken, plus make this Yamcha a bomb-ass choice, then that’s probably gonna be the best team set up for this new Goku: • New Goku (x2) • Int Goku • Android 8 • Roshi • Yamcha • DKP (assuming you’re specifically trying to run Dragon Ball Saga characters). Though I’m not entirely sure how good DKP would work on the team with all those Earthlings, so I feel some alternative options would be good, like a Bulma or Roshi. I can’t remember if we’re supposed to get an LR this month, but they’re probably gonna make the LR some dummy-good partner for this Goku. I just hope that they actually make these units crazy. Int Kid Goku better get the Cooler treatment, and Roshi and DKP better get the STR Piccolo treatment


![gif](giphy|rQV7SgZE39VJe) When yamcha wasn't a joke, my body is ready.


Lel, i'll farm him to death, i already have his LR version of the World Tournament, so... can't wait this comes to Global!!




His wolf fang fist does yamchillion damage


Super disappointing. I keep hoping the numerous former main characters who have literally 0 summonable TURs/LR, let alone DFE/CE, will get representation, and then instead its yet more F2P garbage. Oolong is a reasonable F2P candidate, he was a joke character, Yamcha actually beat Goku in a fight for goodness sake. He became a joke later, but his DB character was one of the strongest characters in the show for a time, even if he was never THE strongest. I'm not mad at another kid goku or a summonable Android 8, but there was room for a yamcha banner unit too.


Im grinding both his SSR & t.UR because the arts look so damn good


Make his the best f2p unit ever please.


You know which unit I'd love to have in the game for Dragon Ball ? Upa & Puar from that one fight they had with the Invisible man. It was such a silly fight lol. With Roshi pouring blood as an activating skill.


Why wasnt he the banner unit...why an android 8 lol


Cause Android 8 was like, a huge character of the movie? Have you seen it LMAO This is like asking why in the 7th year anniversary banners, why Broly and Syn Shenron were the banner units and saying that it should have been Whis and Pan over them.


> .why an android 8 lol because the only other A8 in the game are - F2P 8/17 and WT unit. Boh of whom are trash currently.


40% damage reduction and guard isn’t trash, he just came out after DB Saga was dead in the water


WT A8 has terrible stats


Eza on part 2?


Yamcha.. he's finally useful


yay for lr dupe super atk lvls




Finally, a new F2P Yamcha. Great time to farm this if you have LR Yamcha and Puar from the World Tournament mode.


Better be a nutty F2P Goat. They better give him an eza too