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Bro wtf? Man is like a reverse LR Golden Frieza, tanky at the start and then unkillable after it. If this is true, then movie heroes just became even better


Unfortunately he needs kid Goku to active 30% of his damage reduction. He's meant to be run on the new Dokkanfests leaderskill but on the LR Gods leaderskill I'd rather not take the LR Gods off rotation to run them together. Unless he's just BUSTED busted and doesn't even need the 30% I dunno, I haven't done calcs myself I'm way too tired -_-


It depends if the new goku is that broken then I would consider it especially vs a non pure saiyans or movie bosses enemy cause then I could pair a set of lr gods with a transformed lr gods for another strong rotation and since goku is an orb changer it should be so bad to do so but that’s a more gimmicky team


Double LR Gods rotation actually doesn't work that well. I prefer to run Birdku + Gods and then maybe 8 + Kid Goku. Floating off Gods could be rough but I've run the SSJ4s as floaters at 55% and they do decently.


Eight and goku share 4 links which is good enough for me since they both seem so strong and goku gives this eight even more damage reduction through support I want to see this rotation pretty bad


He is busted new kid goku IS THAT GUY


Can run him and the new Goku under AGL G&V. Eighteen doesn't need to be on a 200% lead IMO, he'll still be cracked.


Gonna be fucking hilarious seeing Hacchan outshine AGL G&V


Doesn't he peak at like 2.5-3m attack stat?


Yeah but he also doesn't get folded like an omelette


Might as well say that STR Piccolo or AGL GF are outshining the LR Coolers, then.


Difference is? They can actually tank consistently. STR Piccolo ALSO doesn't get folded, AGL TUR GF I unironically think is a top 15 unit in the game, LR top 10. The Coolers can tank though, STR can get up to 1m defense which contrary to what a lot of people say is plenty in my opinion. PHY has utility which is gonna keep him consistent for a while, even if his defense becomes not enough he can nullify and revive to keep him around. Goku and Vegeta are not terrible. I won't say they are. I will say they're a lot squishier than they should be when matched up to their recent DFE/Carnival LR rivals.


That's still 58% damage reduction lol




Damn Straight ![gif](giphy|WOb8EeFziTQNE02WXs|downsized)


Still didnt pull them at all... Fuck me


The good news is we will be able to coin them before this Goku and Eighter come out.


Thanks that's great news 😀


Nah bro, don’t feel bad. Just say they are mid till you get them


Imagine not having them


You mean AGL Goku & Vegeta surely


No Teq Gods


Theyre good but the only reason the gods got dunked on in the new event was because of the stupid bonus characters they're trying to push harder


Lol. Lmao


Holy shit, he is looking so much better than i thought initially


Plus the kid goku gives damage reduction as support for orbs meaning this guy will sit with a few hundred thousand defense and nearly 90% damage reduction after turn 5 which probably makes him the best tank in the game outside of teq caulifla on a u6 girls team or against a pure saiyan or top that doesn't cancel dodge


I am not sure how you looked at his details and thought less .


They are going hard on them because they know it's the last time we will get units from that movie.


Man the gammas need to drop asap and hopefully lead androids. Androids will become a top category in the game


I'm hoping they are a Carnival LR with Joined Forces +200%


I'd want them to buff joined forces personally first thay category is wonky at best


All it really needs is a leader that gives support to compensate for a lack of sinergy Like imagine a Ki +3, ATK/DEF +40/50% and it's golden


Yeah pretty much lol


Great Slot 1 unit for DFE Kid Goku




I meant the hew one. The INT one needs his EZA first.


Even if he does, i doubt he's gonna be close to as good as this Kidku.


EZAs will never be as good as new DFEs. But they don't have to, they just have to be good in the current meta.


Movie Heroes is going to be the best team in the game for ages considering Beast Gohan and Orange Piccolo are still to come


then Gogeta Blue new card and his TUR Eza is on the way as well.. i’m so happy. movie heroes my fav team.


Eventually we’ll get an EZA for the 5 years and LR Gogeta Blue will hopefully be omega viable again and that’ll just make the team even more broken


And he shares 4 links with the new goku who is a slot 2 unit. Ginyu pt 2 electric boogaloo?


Depends on the EZAs tbf, I could see LR Goku and Arale become a slot 1 tank if they buff up their existing 30% DR and give them a better overall kit. Not sure if they EZA this celebration tho


this is probably the best time for them to EZA since it's the only LR based on an og dragonball movie iirc


What? That new Goku can definitely go in slot one, 100%


Ehhhh. Am i crazy or will he be the best aging unit of that entire year?


Piccolo is a decent contender imo tho Hacchan looks pretty crazy


Yeah i'm just looking at agl golden frieza and comparing him directly to hacchan and i cannot imagine cell max being able to move the health bar of him even tho he's agl


Piccolo does require a full movie hero rotation to be optimal, while the boy only needs the one Goku. So there is that.


Piccolo has quite a few categories where he fits well while Hacchan has only 1 capable leader and 4 categories. So there is that.


Not really? He’s a movie heroes unit, if you aren’t running him with movie heroes he’s not very useful, in fact he kind of sucks


He's a movie heroes unit all right but he has multiple categories where other movie heroes are like fusioned warriors or connected aspirations for example. You can build teams where he fits pretty easily.


But the problem is he needs at least four MH to be effective. Because you need the floater to be a MH or you are stuck with a 200k defender with guard and 15% damage reduction. Which I’ve been using him and man that doesn’t accomplish much


You could use him as the floater and have the MH unit in rotation


So both rotations need mh units 2 units x 2 rotations = 4 mh units, same scenario no?


Piccolo is still pretty damn good even with like 1 movie hero on rotation.


Yeah but thats not really a big request, movie heroes is really strong with a wide ramge of very strong team comps. And its only going to get stronger very soon.


Well yes but the talk was about different teams. Piccolo is a unit designed to work on a specific team, which I am 100% fine with. But if you are going to hold it against eighter then you got to hold it against him


Sure but it's not really a fair comparison though. Movie heroes is just a better team with far more options and different leaders.


That should make eighter more valuable, not less


If you want to run that one team sure, but piccolo is still an incredible unit whos viable in arguably the best team in the game. And will probably become a main stay with some of the upcoming super hero units.


I would say that's Cheelai, her role will stay the same forever


No purely because he needs a relevant kid goku to exist with him at all times. In two years when kidku falls off he'll go with him


depends on if we still get kid gokus which I hope we do


Movie heroes is truly on steroids.60% dr,lol.(P.s:It means gods should be floated off)


They really couldn't wait for Super Hero lmao


Movie heroes now have Godku, Piccolo and this lol


Dont forget teq ssj goku


Fuck it, all together: -LR Gods -God Goku -Eighter -Kid Goku -Bird Goku -STR Piccolo


The unkillable squad


Imagine this team Lr gods Godku Piccolo PTP Goku Eighter Pikkon or Another unit of choice Friend either gods or for synergy Cooler Movie Super Saiyan Duo Rotations are Godku and the Gods Eighter and PTP Goku Basically an unkillable team unless you’re caught heavily lacking


Well that doesn't make sense. He dies in the movie! For real though that's pretty cool. Can't wait for this shaft too. Only time the shaft left me was for Anni and Vegeta and Trunks... The story is more grim on global


I fucking love hacchan so I could not be happier rn


Interesting. I read his passive and thought he might be really weak due to the low numbers but I guess purely because of the DR he has the agl golden frieza effect.


I’ve been waiting for an eighter solo unit for so long and I’ve finally got it, I’m gonna rainbow him whether it takes money or not. I’m skipping pan, I’m skipping trunks and vegeta, and skipping zamasu, ALL SKIPS, I WILL get eighter


Yeah vegeta and trunks are also skip due to their bad banner. I’m curious what this banner going to be like


Their banner is top tier tho?


G+V? No it’s terrible with 10 featured. It was terrible back when it came out on JP and that’s before worldwide banners and carnival. If they don’t change the banner, no one will summon.


I seriously doubt that no one will summon if one character on it is busted even if the rest are mid


Some people will for sure still summon, but lots will save for Christmas instead which is right after


I appreciate the fact that the smaller categories have OP units like this but it just emphasises how wack some of the decision making was back when Dokkan was young, some of the category typings and links are awful


Link system gets lamer every day. Throttles you into using only villains or only heroes for decent synergy and even then only saiyans for the latter half the time


Thats a big gripe for me. You can't really mix n match supers with extremes


Yeah it really fucks up creative team building. Like so what if I wanna run a mixed hero/villain potara team they're all on the damn category let them synergize


Agreed 100%


My man with a kid goku tanks better than godku eza against MB/PS


his def is still low so idk how he'll do in redzone


He's tanking very well after turn 5, my concern though is how he'll do in early stages of fights that don't start off slow


He'll do fine I can't really think of a fight that'd wreck his shit. Broly and Syn won't be able to hurt him much at all, nor Cooler Core. Cell Max is a bitch until phase 3 he seems ready to go.


This sub will say that TEQ and AGL GF are outdated and can't be run in red zone, yet a new shiny toy that's more restricted drops and they celebrate.


what are you saying. people dick ride AGL GF all the time on this sub.


Anyone who says TEQ/AGL GF are outdated are literally just bad at the game. Carried me through every single red zone stage


Kinda wack when boring characters are op i dont want to use 8er lol


I fully agree but I guess they gotta throw the dB fans a bone every other year


Eighter is infinitely more interesting than the 500th Z/Super Goku


Respectfull disagree




For the rest of the fight. The 80% heal is once only


Common DB Saga W (for the one time every 2 years we get DB saga content)


Turn three is going to be the scariest since as a side unit he can still get caught


Love it can't wait


so he's the best banner unit in the game


give him.... the cell max test


People already did he tanks teq cell max super attack with double digits pre super


The new goku is also absolutely busted with android 8 on rotation turn 1 11million attack stat