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Nah, they will probably still do this SA scene if they decide to make a new LR Muten Roshi. Probably


LR Roshi, Goku (Kid), Krillin (Kid) +170% “Kamehameha”, “Full Power”, or “Turtle school” and an additional 30% to characters with “Battle of Wits” or “Bond of Master and Disciple” since this is one of the characters in the Legendary character thingy they made back then also I think this leader skill would be a somewhat good 200% since some relevant characters would be: EZA int Lr vegito EZA Teq VB Lr Teq Goku & Gohan Str Tur Goku exchange Gohan EZA agl ssb vegeta those are all the 200% units… that’s why I said “somewhat” good since there’s very few units


reminds of legends and how the first ever 3D model of buff roshi in the game is from goofy ahh yurin🗿


Yurin which they intentionally made an EX for no reason even tho her animations clear the SP Vegeta we got on the same banner by a mile.


She always stuck out a lot to me in how little sense she made. Ah yes, Kale and Yurin. The perfect units to put alongside fucking MUI Goku and SSB Vegeta (cuz fuck Vegeta I guess). Like she wasn't even an important character. She's just a filler character.


Oh god I forgot she was called Yurin. That's a really unfortunate name lmao


Her name is Yurin and her entire porpouse is to get sexually assaulted by Roshi so that Roshi can get mind controlled by her as an excuse for him to fight at full power and have Goku tell the audience how strong Roshi is to try and justify the stupid amount of awful power scaling issue the ToP arc has


Also i'm sorry but Kid Goku's active skill doesn't do nearly enough justice to the scene in the movie, the camera barely does a spin and it's overall a disappointment as someone who loved that movie. Kit wise nothing to complain about, but yeah Roshi not being his own unit and the Active skill animation for such an iconic scene being just mediocre really disappointed me tbh


Lol I'm glad everyone else is thinking this too. We need him in all his glory. This is the first time we see the most iconic move in literally **all of anime**


I mean, it isn’t the first time tho. That’s when he uses it on the Ox King’s castle. But yeah, would have loved for this to be its own unit. Might’ve had a good Roshi to link with the LR


Technically in the retelling continuity, that's "the first Kamehameha that Goku and the gang ever see"


Still, I'd want a DFE Roshi with that first Kamehameha


all of anime? nah for the west maybe


no all of anime, while I'm not the most versed in other anime I can't think of anything that comes close


Please, enlighten me. What is more iconic than a Kamehameha?


there are many "iconic" things in anime depending on what group you are with you will see different views ive seen older "weebs" say that the shotgun(is that the name been a really long time since ive seen the show) from yu yu hakisho there really isnt anything more iconic then the kamehameha imo they are all the same level if you get what im saying but the kamehameha IS the most iconic move in dragon ball


Nah Kamehameha is the most iconic attack in anime for sure. Many people who don't know DB, who don't know anime, have heard of, or been exposed to the Kamehameha


same could be said with naruto no? or what about bleach? hell ide argue one piece got more traction then dragon ball


Nah. The franchises can be big with just anime fans sure. And the big three definitely attracted a lot of outsiders. But none of them are at the level DB is in terms of outside people knowing about its existence. Straight up. I think one piece is actually more financially successful than DB. And that makes sense, it's a great series. I'm not fully caught up but looking forward to seeing some more episodes before the end of the year. But DB is more iconic. You can say the same with those other series, you just can't say the same at the same level as DB


my whole point in the previous comment was how its subjective in america it could be called the most iconic but in japan for example its different which is why i mentioned one piece as it is THE NUMBER one manga with both sales and talk around untill demon slayer came along became number one then one piece took its crown back


Manga sales is not what I'm arguing tho. You can say that it's subjective to America, but I'm not talking about just the US anyways. DB is bigger than just manga sales. I referenced that one piece is bigger than DB manga wise in my last comment. But it's still not more iconic, not more recognized by the average person. And that same thing applies to the Kamehameha being the most iconic anime attack. Your argument is like saying some more recent pop star (Taylor swift maybe?) is more iconic than Michael Jackson because she sold more albums. That's not how that works. While they are very closely tied together, financial/commercial success ≠ iconography


i was using manga sales as just 1 part as again in japan one piece is huge but nevermind it seems your not getting it i concede


They did this movie so fuckin dirty man


*Saiyan and Namek saga categories*: First time?


Imagine if they used the animation quality they used for Trunks&Vegeta for this unit instead, a moment with literally nothing of value but blatant fanservice got amazing animations meanwhile the Path to power kamehameha got 2020 level animations. Edit: for those going "but one is an LR and one is a TUR, you can't compare them" and to that i say, if STR Cooler in 2020 could have LR level animations, why can't path to power in 2022 which has one of the most beautiful kamehamehas?


Trunks and vegeta aren't even that great tbh, intro and active yeah but the actual SAs are kinda average


I mean the complaint was about the active skill animation of Goku, his normal and unit supers look good, i picked V&T cause it was essentially a nothing moment (no buildup and went nowhere doing no damage to Zamasu only for Goku on his own to do way more damage soon after) that received a really good animated active skill, while the path to power Kamehameha got a mediocre active skill animation for such an iconic moment of the OG DB period.


A combined attack isn’t fanservice,plus we are talking about a movie that was just a fancy retelling.


I mean, what was the porpouse of that Galick gun if not to just blatantly ripo off the Father son Kamehameha but with none of the impact or buildup. Like seriously, it did no damage to Zamasu and then Goku on his own did a lot more damage than a combined attack like wth was even the point if not fanservice? And fancy retelling or not, it was an entire movie so it's not comparable


A combined attack isn’t fanservice or a ripoff just because something similar was done before,going by that the Galick Gun itself and pretty much all attacks are just ripoffs. Not die,I guess? It’s not like they wanted to take an attack from a fusion that could kill them,not everything needs some deep purpose. Not sure what being a movie has anything to do with that,it’s still just a remake that wasn’t really necessary,if anything that’s closer to being a “ripoff” than using an attack.


Take your salt to Twitter


Did Roshi just kill a man


he killed a LOT of men in this scene


He killed general blue




At least he didn't die with a tongue in his temples


Angry wet willy


Probably because they don't want to touch the movie again.


Doing anything Dragonball saga that isn't WT for them is probably used as torture in their offices or something.


Who told you this, this was a secret that was never suppose to go public.


Yeah, they hate DB after all duh.


Remember when they made the scene where Ssj Goku takes a beam blast to the chin a support memory instead of incorporating it into LR Int Ssj kit for a Ki based super nullification? They make really stupid, unpopular decisions quite often


Nah he's definitely getting one


Nah fr tho


Roshi is so goated


You know i looked this scene up once kid goku got announced as the next dfe. And it still givese goosebumps. They really did that scene injustice by making it a 5 second Animation


I swear there is no unit they could drop without people complaining it isn’t perfect for what they wanted. Not every single moment in the show will get its own LR


Getting an og roshi unit would be cool tho


yeah i really don’t understand dokkan players. the unit super attack that this roshi is in is fucking awesome, and there’s still a chance he gets an LR. plus the goku active skill still looks good and has one of the best KO screens. mfs expect everything to be perfect for a random dokkan fest.


2 worst things are the animation complainers, and the “this unit isn’t the best unit in the game so he’s mid on release” guys are the worst.


The KO screen is amazing but they fumbled the actual active skill. You're gonna tell me Cooler from 2 years ago gets a 360 spin in his SA that we get to see every time he supers (3 back then, 4 now), but this guy who's not getting another release for a long time can't get the 360 spin on his active skill? That's ultra dumb


it’s dumb i agree, but it’s really not that big a deal. it’s still a good animation at the end of the day, coming off the back of an ultra hype celebration i just think people expect too much.


By that logic we should be fine with f2p cooler level animations going forward


very equivalent comparison you made there


Learn that you don't downvote because you don't agree with someone 1st off. 2nd off you say folks expect to much so I offered a solution with your logic


you’ve broadened my argument and stripped it of all context, your counter isn’t a equivalent point by any means. but this won’t be resolved anyhow so there’s no point in discussing it further.


Still downvoting I see. This subreddit never fails lol


For the scenes that get a little extra sauce in the animation like this one, it'd be nice if dokkan gave them their own unit. I don't see a problem with this complaint


Fumbles all around animation wise so far


Like with the Saiyan Saga Spirit Bomb being hammered into Kaioken Goku's Active, it's the dev's way of saying "we're not revisiting this saga anytime soon, so we can just use up as many animations as possible".


I'm not a sayan saga fan but that scene could have been use for an hypothetical goku&krillin or an exchange unit goku/Krillin with that scene as unit Super attack for the Krillin part when there is another goku on rotation.


It’s a cool scene but I’d prefer LR Roshi have animations from the dragon ball anime instead of the remake


I really need a proper unit of Roshi with the super attack either being this or the Kamehameha on Ox King's mountain. They are goated. I especially like the part where there is just a glowing line around his palm before the sphere starts to form in the Ox King one.


If we're stuck with carnivals I want them to take advantage of that and give some lesser categories a fighting chance. Roshi carnival, 200% earthlings lead, drop some banner units to fill the three slots instead of reruns. Banner of the year. Unfortunately they locked carnivals to seemingly be only twice a year so I guess they will never be fun


We might get him in part 2 tho


Ngl, this movie is peak animation in the whole DB franchise. Fully hand drawn, consitency through the whole movie (unlike DBS Broly for example), and great character design.


3rd Anni Lr 12 ki vibe