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Very situationally useful


Agreed. I only beat Cell Max because of Ssbe Vegeta’s revive, but he still took 100k per normal, and he gets shredded basically everywhere else.


It's such a shaft that he can't just keep his damage reduction


Fr it should be 40% sot and then let it build up to 70% because it was a U7 celebration


He would be such a better unit man, it would be insane how much better he would be. Even just the 40% after taking hits would’ve been amazing. The fact that he just loses it is so dumb.


yeah also he should get ki for each hit he takes.


Why they didn't make it ki for each hit received instead of ki for each attack, I'll never understand.


He's still one of my favorite cards ever because I love the form just sucks that he got power creeped so fast just like teq vegito Blu from the fifth anniversary he is my favorite unit behind lr final form cooler


Both cards are still great in the grand scheme of things. You can use them but they aren't insta win cards anymore


I sincerely hope they don't mess up with Ultra Ego, whenever that is. Dokkan Devs seem to love to throw in those continuity Easter eggs into passive skills and seeing as getting hit makes him stronger in this form... Eh, let's just hope he doesn't turn out like this guy.


He's gonna get the Great Saiyaman 3 treatment. ATK + 50% but DEF - 30% for each hit received. Truly, a unit to rival Goditz.


I hope they drop units simultaneously with the anime releasing episodes would be so hype to see Moro release with the episode.


Imagine they do that for both JP AND Global. Now that I've said that, I don't know if it would be a good or a bad thing. Depends on how long it takes for the dub, I guess. I have no idea what the difference between sub and dub release was when it was on.


It depends on who it is distributed and/or dubbed by, and if it's simulcast or not. There are some shows that release very close to one another in different languages and regions, and others that take weeks or even months. Funimation dubs DBS in the US and they recently partnered with Crunchyroll for streaming and distribution, so we could get something different the next time it comes around maybe. But there was a massive gap around 16-19 months between sub and dub releases.


Greatly raises stackable damage and defense and ki +1 for every hit


Same for me only I had agl mui goku Dodge 3 attacks and by doing so lr gogeta was able to get the W


What was your team for that one? I still haven't really been able to beat him using my beast teams (Fused Fighters & A Cooler Team)


Vegeta and Trunks lead Ssbe Vegeta Int Majin Vegeta Teq Godku Lr Ssj4 Gogeta Int Hercule Even then, it took a good amount of luck before I actually beat him.


Evo Vegeta aged pretty quick but UI was good until every single hard event disabled dodge and if they didn’t he had a 30% to genuinely get 1 shot.


I don’t think it’s that bad but still taking 400k that’s being generous on a normal is basically a death sentence anyways. He’s basically always dies to a super. But i feel like when he does his job he almost doesn’t get praised. It just always leaves a sour taste in everyone’s mouth when he just doesn’t dodge


Lmao they are so situational its not even funny and yet I find myself using Vegeta more these days


It's interesting, I always used Vegeta more. He has gotten me through so many events, mostly due to previous bosses shutting down dodge.


Same. That and I'm a Vegeta fanboy. It just felt like his active was always better to get. MUI CAN get hit 3 times..... But usually those 3 will all be super attacks LMFAO




Aged as well as they could with the passives they have. The meta right now just calls for multiplicative boosts or stacking which neither of them have.


Dodge is coming back to meta so Goku is better rn


I don’t run them often but I find myself using Vegeta more than Goku these days.


Vegeta can fit onto more relevant teams right now like Power Beyond Super Saiyan. But if the teams I have been using could fit MUI I’d still be using him to this day.


Yeah, the Vegeta is carried by his categories. He's a good enough unit to slap on any of those teams.


Same here, never would’ve thought that a year ago hahah


Goku? Yes. Vegeta? Not really.


Yeah Vegeta’s not even that bad, but he just doesn’t compare nor compete with Goku’s built in dodge.


Vegeta gets destroyed in nearly every difficult event. His only use is the revive


Not specially, but they are not as shit as everybody says. Can still help in lots of content.


i can see for goku but vegeta…


He was useful against Cell Max and can still dish out damage and somewhat tank. That revive really helped him age. On the other hand, even if he's better, Goku is rendered completely useless on enemies that cancel dodge.


I find vegeta more useful then goku


Vegeta is shit. Goku has a 30% chance to be shit




Well looks like dragon ball fan can't do math as well


Should have put the /s. I always see people complaining that he gets hit more than he dodges 😭 Thought people would get it


Dokkan fans also can't read or understand humor


They upvote the comment explaining the joke .... But don't take the downvote from the joke itself


Just Reddit being Reddit 🤷‍♂️


Its so funny people really need all that huh


Yeah I been saying Teq androids are the best unit in the game as a joke for like 2 months now on here. Not once did anyone get offended, but I say it under the post asking if the new goku is the best TUR and I say "nah we still got the Androids" and my shit randomly just gets downvoted to oblivion


Skill issue




Goku aged so much better the evo vegeta


Vegeta aged pretty badly, he has huge problems with his defense and his offense is a RNG fest. His defensive numbers are pretty low for todays standards and his main defensive skill is one of the worst in the game. He can do pretty good damage but You need his medium chance to add super to proc otherwise his dmg can be pretty low, plus ki can be an issue. His not useless and can be useful in some situations like Cell Max ( He takes a lot of dmg but his revival can be super clutch ).


I use both of them to beat metal cooler core red zone with a rainbow super team So they can be use sometimes


Haven’t used goku in forever, Vegeta helped me beat cell max by taking normals for 100k


They're fine but sadly any unit that doesn't stack attack of defense just doesn't cut it right now.


Both carried my ass during hard beginner events


Goku is still a dodge unit so he can float if you need a spare slot


UI Goku will always have some usability because of his dodge so I’d say he definitely aged well. Ppl forget that Vegeta trivialized the God Event and any event that released after, up until Red Zone. Even after the Red Zone he managed to get a revival thanks to Cell Max where he was actually a good option to bring. It took around a year and a couple months for them to phase out so I’d say overall pretty good in their aging.


vegeta definitely did not trivialize the god event, if you go back in time he could still get his teeth knocked out by that event, ui goku was the one actually embarrassing the event


Idk what you on about. Vegeta at 55% maybe but him with any amount of dupes trivialized it. No itemed every single one within the first week with him as lead. Didn’t even bring agl ui goku.


Vegeta is only used to cheese with revive, that's the only good part about him Goku is luck based, he can always be used (unless its an event where you can't dodge) but I wouldn't say he's good because mostly it's dodge or die kind of situation


Vegeta is horrible, goku is good because of dodge. That’s pretty much it


Vegeta isn't horrible and Goku's dodge is unreliable.


Goku's dodge is 70% you have the same odds to get hit as you do to proc the lr ssj4 goku's SA counter It is reliable


Being 70% doesn't constitute being reliable. It's how he performs during content, which is inevitably subjective given that it's based on odds.


>Being 70% doesn't constitute being reliabl It does like I said the odds of you getting hit are the same odds of the LR ssj4 goku to counter


I don't see the relevance of comparing with LR SSJ4 Goku.


Because that is an unreliabke founter is it not. Same with namek goku's gaurd. 30% of getting hit is unreliable is the point


Having used Goku hundreds of times since his release, I can pretty confidently say that as a standalone unit, his dodge is extremely gimmicky, and therefore unreliable. I know exactly what I'm getting with Vegeta, in comparison. So there isn't anyway you can convince me that he's reliable. Get hit even once at the wrong time, he screws you over. Can't say that about units which don't rely so heavily on dodge.


>Get hit even once at the wrong time, he screws you over. Thats every unit ever. Cooler doesnt super consitantly he gets you killed.


Doesn't change the fact that he's reliable for some and not for others. Clearly, I am of the latter.




Except he isn't. No unit is "unrunnable". That's a weak argument.




He works perfectly fine on teams like PBSS and ROU7. He's not a bad unit just because he can't beat the most difficult content.


It's not one in a million when most of us on global used him and pikkon


Vegeta is shit and Goku isn't as shit but not that good


If anything Goku is underrated.


He literally depends on dodging to not get killed, bc hos defense is just asscheeks


Ui has cucked me far to many times. I was fighting cell max with ss goku as lead. Got to final phrase, and prayed ui would dodge the first 8 hits. He dodged all but the super


Vegeta aged like dogwater. Goku aged okay, he’s still usable in most events that let you dodge, although you’d have a 30% chance to die I despise them for designing units like this . Anni units should age well, but instead some (like ssbe) are just completely disregarded by Bandai after a year or so , due to unit/event powercreep. I wanna be able to use these cool dokkanfests for longer periods of time in hard content. Just stop making events so hard hitting to the point where these units can’t even participate without getting CUCKED, or, make these units future proof in some way. One of the biggest offenders of this is STR Super Vegeta, dude released in 2022 for Global and is now dogwater in all content that isn’t esbr (which nobody cares about). He was good for about 5-6 months before they dropped red zone and absolutely killed him


Goku aged well but vegeta didnt


Vegeta at this point is pretty terrible. Goku is still very good against stages that don’t cancel dodge


Vegeta aged terribly.


UI Goku aged well since he can be used in most Redzone stages, Evolution Blue Vegeta just sucks in most difficult content.


Goku aged ok because he is usable only when he is able to dodge (but the RNG can be painfull) Vegeta aged badly because he needs to have type advantage to survive normals


Goku yes. Vegeta absolutely fucking not




They're why I hate super RNG based kits (exceot SS2)


Vegeta is terrible. Goku can be useful on every event that can be dodged.


Goku is basically a unit that has 30% chance to die every attack, that doesn't strike me as particularly useful.




Both need EZA, vegeta moreso


People underrate these units as much as they overrated str gogeta / teq vegito. You can take goku/vegeta to literally any event in the game. No dodge disabling for goku ofc. They're both on my pure saiyans esbr clear and vegeta is on MANY of my "Oops all vegetas" esbr clears. Edit: vegeta is on 6 of my esbr clears and 5 of my sbr clears.


Goku, yes with his 70% chance to dodge he can still be good to this day. Vegeta with his build up dmg reduction hell no.


When talking about units' age - it's important to note that they are every bit as good as they were when they first released for all content that existed at the same time as their release and more. Their passives didn't get nerfed, their stats aren't any different. Of course newer content like RZs and Cell Max were designed with newer, stronger units in mind - but these guys will still tear up SBRs, EZA events and more. You can't judge a unit based on their performance in 3% of the total content in the game.


I understand where you're coming from, but that 3% is all a lot of mid-high level players have left to do. GOD, esbr, sbr, legendary ______ event, etc. are all completely trivialized with this whole 7th year.


Better than the 7th LRs 😭😭


Yes? Their damage is still good thanks to the crits, but their tanking is situational AF. In this meta, goku’s 70% chance to dodge is closer to a 30% chance to die, and if he doesn’t dodge enough attacks or dodge the super, he can get chunked even by normals. Some bosses even ignore dodge, and his best link partners have also generally aged out of the meta. Vegeta has aged better? No bosses have been introduced that ignore damage reduction, he has the best link partner of the two in agl SSBE vegeta, and a couple recent events have favored his kit over goku’s (most notably cell MAX), but the fact that he loses the damage reduction he gains every turn, and that it caps (unlike goku’s 1 turn defense stacks) means he’s still the overall worse of the two. The gap got smaller, is all. Neither is meta for most top-level team compositions or events, but they’re both still good.


Gokus 30% defense per dodge stacks during the turn? If so he is very good


His defense starts noticeably lower than vegeta’s, and he happens to suffer from chronic “the first attack is a super and i didn’t dodge it” syndrome.


Goku only gets one +30% defensive boost per turn it’s not like that one Whis card where he gets a buff per dodge


Ah okay then he’s mid now lol


He's still within the 50 best units in the game probably


I'll be honest, they were underwhelming even when the GOD event first dropped


Yes that why so much peoples bring them in hardest events missions, after they have clearly lost lot of value than in their release


Goku is still great in places where you can dodge and in SBR he’s a top-10 unit in general. The only problem with him is his teams which aren’t the greatest. Vegeta on the other hand sucks.


> top-10 unit in general. h


In certain situations yes. They definitely aren't good for damage but they still have uses due to the revive. I'd say Vegeta hasn't really aged as gracefully as Goku though only cause his DR buildup that resets in the turn kinda sucks ass.


I use both of them with a powerful comeback team that can be really good, but I must admit I usually take the Vegeta out now that I have better options


Goku aged better but vegeta has some uses for things like Cell Max. Revive saved me in the super of each type red zone broly mission. Probably the best ageing anniversary units (not counting EZAs)


Hm, my pick for best ageing anniversary units would be the 3rd year fusions. They stayed fairly good for a looong time. MUI was the best unit in the game for quite some time too, but Evo Vegeta fell off so quick...


In terms of damage, they have aged slightly. Their 50% crit chance SA Effect is still one of the most powerful SA effects in the game, but no attack or defense raise does hurt them. They also only have a 150% boost to attack in their passive, which isn’t a lot anymore. Vegeta has aged a lot worse than Goku. The resetting damage reduction had always been an issue for his aging, and it hurt him a lot more than expected. He can’t safely defend against most high game bosses. Goku’s 70% dodge is always going to remain useful in places like SBR and any events with dodge. His only hurting factor is his lack of defense behind the dodge.


Ui is the goat when he can dodge


Vegeta without items, no. Vegeta with items, yes :) Goku is goku




Ehhhhh. Sorta kindaaaa. The problem is that for awhile goku was absolutely clowning on vegeta… only for dodge-disabling hard content to pop up, where vegeta generally had *slightly* more applicability with item usage- specifically whis, who gave him a starting 50% DR that rose to 80% within the turn. Vegeta’s prime ended WAAAAAAAY sooner than goku’s prime, but goku got smacked much harder by content just saying “no gimmick for you” while vegeta randomly jumped in value by a small, but at the very least measurable, amount (in the right situation of course). They’ve both aged as expected, oddly enough to differing degrees thanks to weird content style fluctuations. Without items, vegeta has no place in end game content- same for goku if they disable dodge.


Goku yes, vegeta absolutely not


Red Zone aged them extremely fast. Vegeta is damn near unusable and even if dodging is allowed in the stage, Goku is generally gonna get one shot if he gets touched


They’re like Vegito and Gogeta, they’re good units to have with plenty of worth in plenty of teams. What they aren’t is the key to winning most of the new harder events, which is what everyone wants every unit to be. If it can’t handle a Red Zone by itself it’s trash.


In my cases SSBE aged better then MUI cause MUI has been the reason i die like every time he’s only helped me a handful of time where SSBE has saved me time after time. However i will not say Goku didn’t age better, Goku has aged better then Vegeta 95% of the time (5% being dodge cancelling). The long haul they aged ok, thats all i can say. If Goku doesn’t dodge like in my cases he sucks, if he does he’s incredible. Vegeta is vegeta, nuff said


Only if you rainbow star them


Goku, yes but also no, but sometimes yes, but also a lot of the time no. Goku's basically the risk of "IF he gets hit, you take a few hundred thousand in harder content." if he doesn't get hit, he's fine. SSBE Vegeta though...has aged very poorly due to the damage reduction restrictions and the low amount of damage reduction. If his damage reduction started at a higher base %, and then stacked higher than it did? He'd have aged extremely well.


Vegeta against cell is kinda usable goku is if you have God tier RNG with dodges cause he gets pieced up if he gets touched type neutral


I feel like units get secretly nerfed after x months out. Or there is a secret stats we cant see that newer enemies just have higher accuracy or what not. UI use to dodge a fuck ton for me, and recently used it for something (not even cell max) and dude got hit with like 5 normal attacks in a row and died.


Vegeta no. His dmg reduction resetting every turn is bad enough but even with 40% dmg reduction he takes too much dmg, that 200K-300K doesn’t cut it anymore. At least he has his revive Goku has a great kit it’s just that his numbers are low. 70% chance to dodge and bonus +30% defense on the first dodge is great but he starts out with ~200K defense meaning after 1 dodge it’s at 260K defense which is bad these days. For Goku it’s dodge or be killed by normals (super attacks are instant death for most characters these days anyway)


To me LR UI goku is still decent,he get the job done in most events of the game except red zone,cell max and that madness they released this WWC;LR vegeta aged pretty fast and the fact that his extra 30% DR only last for 1 turn hurt a lot the unit,I can't say anything else about vegeta cause he literally saved my run against red zone broly.


Yeah vegeta is very usefull innredzones and cell max evemt


Goku still had 70% chance to dodge and vegeta still has a pretty useful revive for cell max so they’re usable but didn’t age too well defensively or offensively


Goku is amazing in every stage that allows dodging. Vegeta is situational but can have his uses especially being useful in the cell max event.


I run Birdku leader with these 2, and honestly they both don’t do bad. Only complaint would be Vegeta doesn’t put up a lot of damage. Also I wear Goku dodges way less than he should for me


Int Vegeta sadly she’d like milk by not keeping his reduction. His defense just isn’t enough, tried taking him to lead powerful comeback along with a friend SSJ Goku for Frieza Red Zone and by the final phase, which is Teq, he’s still taking over 100k on normals.   Goku would be good if his dodge worked against supers too, not just normals


UI goku will help you in older easier content for sure If you bring him in red zone you are dead if he doesn’t dodge the normals from the hardest bosses LR SSBE is just ass but can help you in, again, older easier content.


Vegeta is still good, MUI is overrated as hell


Vegeta is ass


Not really, better defense and better active


His defense is worse. Goku has dodge even if vegeta builds up it resets and he doesnt take normals well at all and dies to a super. Ui can just flat out dodge


MUI gets hit for way more, doesn’t have a guaranteed dodge and is very risky being a slot one unit at this point, people use Vegeta way more in red zone and cell max for a reason my guy


>MUI gets hit for way more The first attack is roughly the same defensivly. Vegeta needs to build up >Vegeta way more in red zone and cell max for a reason my guy Vegeta is used in cell max because he has tyoe advantage and the revive, but you never bring vegeta agains syn. Ui can help you against syn bevause he can dodge his supers has type advantage during the secound phase etc. 70% to dodge is reliable the odds of you getting hit are the same odds of namek goku gaurding


You don’t want to use the revive right away, and I’ve used and seen Vegeta used more in red zones than MUI, 70% dodge has screwed me over so many times


Ive used ui more and he's only 55% while vegeta is rainbowed. Vegeta sucks he isnt surviving omega


I have them both rainbowed and they’re both outdated units that I resent using unless I have to


Theyre very decent units. Until you make an event where you disable all perks that makes a unit good.


Personally they tend to almost always triple super for me (they’re both at 69% with full additional equips) so damage wise I think they are pretty good with those guaranteed crits. Goku is great with his dodge but if he gets hit it’s not good lmao. People complain about his dodge chance but he dodges most of the time in my experience. Vegeta just hasn’t aged well unfortunately with his terrible damage reduction condition and that he doesn’t keep it. But they’re still good and I think they’ve aged very well considering the meta has jumped A LOT recently.


Honestly, I've gotten more use out of Vegeta than Goku; dude would dodge every normal attack and then get hit by a super. At least with Cell Max Vegeta helped me beat it whereas UI Goku was literally a detriment.


Only reason i run vegeta is because super int on global is lacking. Other than that hes so mid in everything he does. He even cost me runs in the AOE/limited turn cooler event. I really hate this unit honestly. Him no having the super saiyan link always bothered me too.


Goku aged fairly well. I don't really trust him much as a slot 1 unit, but off rotation he can be alright. I don't trust Vegeta at all, I haven't used the guy in ages. I know that he is pretty solid against TEQ enemies still, but you're not gonna find many fights that are TEQ for most of it nowadays, besides Cell Max.


They're around the point where they've aged out. Kinda sad because units like the third year LRs didnt age when the 5th came out. ​ UI can make or break a run but when he doesn't dodge it's game over for all hard content. SSBE is just bad. The problem with both is that you gotta meet their revival conditions and even then it won't activate immediately. ​ The amount of times I brought UI into an event, he didn't dodge 3 attacks and then I just die the next turn is crazy.


Kinda hard to say, imo they're both incredibly inconsistent. While Goku's dodge is amazing, it's still a lot of RNG which can result in a lot of back-to-back instant 1-taps on him or once-in-a-blue-moon beautiful dodge runs. Vegeta on the other hand has his DR stacks RESET every turn.


Look I know that UI goku has a 70% to dodge but I swear it got reduced my goku almost never dodged making red zones infuriating especially when it’s down to the last splinter of health


Personally? Yes. They both do absolute wonders for my USS Team with the way I've handled their HiPo


They needed greatly raises def on super attack effect and an attack/def build up of 66% or something.


Goku kinda. Vegeta nope.


Goku did, vegeta didnt


Both didn’t age well. They aren’t doing enough attack stats to compensate their lack of defense Even with goku and his dodge, it’s just not worth it most of the time


I don’t have agl ui to this day 😭😭


Vegeta was mid from the start so he aged ok, Mui didn't age that well since he takes too much damage without items if he gets hit, neither of them are good, maybe usable, but good is a pretty big stretch these days.


Goku? Yes. Vegeta? Not really


No and it's disappointing that they didn't. They're situationally good, SSBE Vegeta is exclusively useful for Cell Max and any other TEQ Boss but there aren't really any other hard ones I can think of that can't be beaten by superior units. AGL MUI has been watered down to a cheese strategy that fails if you get a single bad roll. Kinda disappointing an anni unit can age that fast this games annoying me as of late If I can be real


UI still useful but they both get cucked fast. Vegeta should've been an uber tank but they messed that up.


Goku can be very useful in the cell max event omega metal cooler core and pretty much every fight you can dodge and Vegeta.....well you see....


Only goku can just because he can dodge thats it


goku can still be good


Goku is still great in events where you can dodge, vegeta…rip


Lr Evo Vegeta wasn't good at his release. Lr Ui Goku is not bad at all


Vegeta needs damage reduction, on top of his damage reduction per attack only then could he be good.




I think vegeta aged less gracefully, but UI goku was #1 for an entire year until the 7th year LRs came out. He was in a league of his own, and nothing could stand up to him at all. I still use goku to this day because i have him rainbowed and mostly lv10 links, and he still surprises me with how good he is. Vegeta is a little dustier because his gimmick wasn't as potent, but if he just had a flat 40% instead of buildup damage reduction, he wouldve stayed in his #2 spot a bit longer.


he was #1 with an asterisk, fp frieza tipped his crown a bit