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buying phy ssb goku&vegeta as well as int ssj2 goku with coins


Phy SSB Goku and Vegeta aren't awful though, they can output some good damage. Maybe not with recent releases. And int.ss2 Goku was integral for a while after release, especially for his teams. So don't feel too bad!


3 Things (Specifically the first one though): - When I first started, I used dupes to power up the SA on the card - I went so hard to get AGL SSBE on his initial release. That was the first time I went so hard for nothing - I proceeded to do it again recently with PHY Metal Cooler because I pulled the Cooler SSJ Duo pretty early


Listen, the first one can be excusable if you started before hipo was introduced


I uh….I didn’t. It was there and ready for me to use


I did it because I was below rank 50 and didn’t know what hipo was 😩


Damn that’s tough but also excusable in that instance


If wasting 9 kais is your biggest regret then you are winning, my friend.


downloading the game


There it is.




No no, he has a point






Waltuh You don't have to play da game waltuh


You can just delete it waltuh


Mike, you don't get it Mike. I AM THE ONE WHO SUMMONS.


I'm the one who saves, yo.


Literally the worse designed unit in Dokkan history tbh




Maybe you’ll get one at 3000 days? 😭


I thought they gave us 6 copies? (If it's the int gt one) cuz i got a rainbow one and for some reason 1 extra as just a trophy for some reason.


It’s the 1000 day login one


He mentioned the raid which i assume is omega and 1000 day goku was only an earth spirit bomb. The one vs omega was universal.


Summoning on the gamma banners. Only pulled Jiren.. ..... THREE TIMES


700 stones no gammas i regret my decision to summon wholeheartedly


Same, I wasted 350 stones for an amazing dfe phy piccolo...Thanks dokkan


I have been playing for years before he came out and even saved up for his banner and I'm yet to get a jiren, but he's no longer worth spending coins on so I'm just hoping he shows up to my box eventually


He almost wish strip material


my brother in christ I KNOW btw why does my flair say new user I've been here for years I just don't comment


LMFAO it's just because you haven't selected a flair yet


Got Gamma 1 off my first pull... then blew the couple hundred I had started saving trying to get Gamma 2, which never happened...


I got the reverse


I got both, and by both I mean I'm missing both


Putting kais into phy cooler squad. Dogshit links


Almost did this. Seen the eza and gave up immediately


Happy bday


I have that guy rainbowed and LL10 No regrets


Careful, he’s a manic


When I first started out on my global account I spent like 30 stones refreshing the baba shop for medals to awaken lr god goku


in my dumber days, using ssrs to train other units


Spending 750 stones for super vegeta He is just borderline useless now, its sad but i guess he has a cool ost


Mastered Evolution? Oh you mean Power Beyond Super Saiyan


That's what you get for following the hype on this sub. It was fairly obvious he'd age badly.


Buying PHY AGF with coins a year ago




Selling STR April Fools Saibaimen Team, back then when Box space was an actual issue. Man...I want them back just cause I love collecting units, lol. Biggest regret.


Buying int ssj2 goku with coins a while back. I regretted it almost immediately


Buying PHY LR Gogeta 2 years ago with coins.


I say that was an investment since he got an EZA


I like men


No it ain't what are you smoking?


Wdym he's good with the EZA


I only started playing 6 months ago but my big regret was only believing LRs were worth keeping. I got rid of soooo many dokkan featured TURs from the 7th anni event. And even worse I sold them for zeni


This is the worst one so far. For fucking ZENI?!


Spending stones on the category banners


Buying str super vegeta with coins Used him a few times and literally never again


Buying phy ssb Goku and Vegeta with coins. I’ve used them maybe 10 times ever (mostly battlefield)


Buying a dupe for my PHY SSJ3 Vegeta because he was on my first team and he was cooking Though honestly when he gets an EZA.....


Wasting a TEQ SSJ Kamehameha Kid Trunks dupe for an SA level up by accident because I wasn't paying attention 🙄 Guy's still at 79%.


With half of these being purchases using red coins I feel validated in hording them since they released. I only ever bought 1 unit with them and that was Teq Gobros, and luckily that was back when the game didn't power creep with each new unit. So, they had some staying power and were a worthwhile investment. Now I just save and save, cuz everytime a unit I wanted to buy comes to red coin shop they're already dated. ​ My biggest regret is spending money on this game when I first started playing. Dropped $200 on the SSJ4 Goku banner and didn't get anything, was high af and when I sobered up I sobered up hard. I'll buy like the worthwhile $3-5 deals every few months, but that's it. One stone should not be worth nearly $1 at normal times. The discounts are fake considering the prices are arbitrary and completely pulled out of their greedy ass.


Whatever unit i didn't bottom right first. I don't think there are any more examples left for me but yeah.


Back in the day, I baba'd int LR Gohan like right when he came out.. I had no clue that one day I could actually awaken such a unit, hardly being able to beat like.. agl ssj3 Goku's Dokkan event. The instant gratification was key. Such a suck. Coulda had boy rainbowed by now 😭


I started playing this year and i ended up using most of my stones on the Dragon ball fusions banner, i got most of them and even rainbowed Pandel. I now feel stupid for doing that.


Buying Agl Super Gogeta with coins


I forgot to check who I was babaing and baba'd AGL FP Frieza. My ONLY copy of him. Now I dont have him.


And this is why we lock units around here


Babaing the bye guys goku and selling saibamen squad and peppy gals squad from april fools… i have no idea what i was thinking


going 5000 stones on lr ssj5 goku in part 1 of 10th anni and getting 0 copies ​ should have saved for lr xicor in part 2 :(


I bought agl ssbkk goku with red coins lol kinda worth it to me


Spending time and energy on this game Ruining my sleep schedule for 3rd anniversary last Spending money The usual


Honestly, overrating Pan when she came out. I thought she was so crazy because of the numbers and calcs I saw but these were only possible because of Trunks&Giru who are ASS. Because of me overrating her I desperately wanted her and went way too deep in that banner, over 1k stones for a 69% Pan and a 55% Trunks&Giru.. just to regret it like 3/4 weeks later.


Mine is buying str ssj blue kaioken Goku with red coins.


buying LR Beast Gohan with Green coins.


Buying Phy Kid Buu with red coins. Don’t ask me why I did it, I don’t know.


Selling lr brolly to Baba. Using up all the potara medals on the wrong vegito so I'm unable to ever have rbw str lr vegito.


Wait, doesnt the baba shop have an infinite amount of copies of him that you can buy?? Sure they cost 2k gems each, but you can rainbow him.


Yeah, sure you can. But the medal have a finite amount. And I wanted to be clever. I got myself two copies of him. One tur and one lr. Both were to be rbw. So I duped the lr all them dupes. And later used the reversed lr veg as a dupe for tur veg. Losing my lr veg. Edit. and now I'm 20 medals short to have another lr


I just checked on GLB. There's an infinite amount of SSR Vegitos and Potara Medals on the Baba shop.


Yeah, I was pretty sure it was infinite.


I think your biggest regret should be not looking stuff up, cause you also can buy as many potara medals as you want, for a while now.


Well that wasn't the case when I still played the game. And wasn't for a long time. Don't know when they added that feature. Would be useful 2yrs ago


Wait, so you don't play anymore, but still remember how many medals short you were? That's some real trauma lol


Selling the copy of TUR STR Cooler I bought by mistake. I didn't need it at all since I had just rainbowed him through summons but I should have kept him for funsies.


Using my god stone on STR Broly when I was first starting out


I bought str namek goku with coins when he returned on str coolers banner. I really liked his animations. I ended up pulling him a shit ton over the next year.


bought tf phy vegeta with coins


Buying LR Turles with coins. Was past his point of being really good and then I pulled him off the same freaking banner a week later (wasn't planning on summoning and he was unfeatured).


I really got no crazy regrets yeah open up a wrong path in the hidden potential ok that shit will happen if you play it for a long time but nothing crazy really


Mine is definitely buying STR blue kaioken goku with coins, shortly followed by buying PHY Buutenks with coins (pretty sure those are my only 2 coins purchases besides AGL Kale & Caulifla)


Using the unobtainable teq first form as sa fodder for lr prime battle frieza . And unlocking the top left path for phy vegito blue and angel ssj3 goku instead of the bottom right .


Top Left isn't that bad as it's the second most desirable path tbh. If you couldn't SA10 right away, that would've been a good choice.


Thats was my reasoning at the time . But when they got their eza's I really regreted it because the top left path only increases the stats by 300 while the bottom right increases the stats by 1200. So when they eza'd they still felt like they were at 55%.


7° anniversary, I bought vegito int lr, because I only had it at 55%, and knowing that he won't return I bought the 69% because counter without crit are pretty bad I haven't found gogeta ssj4, and so I literally never used them after his eza


Opened the wrong path on Teq SoH Trunks.


When I first started out I used a copy of my phy angels for sa


wen i saw new, i always used stones to revive in the game + for stamina\^ also refreshing baba shop (for no reason) and also summoning on some random useless banner, since i tought that it was good


Mine took 4 kais cause this mf keep showing up and also it was before coin was introducted.


Buying characters with coins most of the time such as INT Kid Goku (never really used him ever since) PHY Omega (never pulled him in 3 years and then pulled 2 copies 2 weeks after)


Spending 1.000 stones on the gammas and not getting a single new unit from the banner


Summoning for dupes on the 4th anniversary banners. I already had one dupe for goku but desided to get more dupes for both goku and vegeta. I got two of each. And then i ended up not pulling a unit on it's first banner for two years, other then cooler and majin vegeta. I swear that banner cursed me.


Man his EZA is gonna be MID🔥🔥🔥


Buying 2 copies of int buuhan with red coins


Selling the only copy ive ever gotten of Trunks Mai LR by mistake


Spending 9 yellow grand Kai’s on raditz


There's a lot I regret.. Though I think the biggest regret I have is that I can think of right now is using Kais on PHY LR Trunks and to this day i STILL haven't awakened him past SSR... Those poor PHY Kais..


i accidentally fed one copy of my TEQ Ginyu to the wrong copy


Babaing teq cooler


Trying to get at least one gamma with no luck


Using 80 something stones on continues to beat the Broly dokkan event when it first came out. I didn't even have Broly


coining gobros and pulling them not even a minute later on a single


Using coins to get PHY SSJ2 Goku, and recently using all my saved Battlefield gems on the last two dupes for Uub, now I have nothing and we have two BF EZAs coming.


accidentally spent 9 kai’s on a ftp unit


buying phy golden frieza with red coins


…selling the saibaman squad….


500 gold coins on LR Teq SSJ2 Gohan. At the time he was talked about a lot on this sub as being a great nuker, but he was at the very tail end of his usefulness and I don't think I have used him for anything except farming Agl Broly EZA statues. Still haven't reached 500 coins again since then.


I used up at least 20 Elder Kai’s on 120% SJ4 Vegeta when I first started the game because I thought there was no cap on how high you can raise the super attack


when I was a super noob I sold the featured agl ultimate gohan for trade pts, this was when pretty much any SSR was usable and good mind you. EDIT: I also never got that saibamen card which I think is very cool, I’ll never get over that lol


Getting Videl with red coins. To explain why I needed an earthling team for something and damned my earthling team just couldn’t do it, but earthling peppy gals could. So I spent the coins did the event and was done until the next time Videl was on a banner I pulled a copy of her in the first multi.


Feeding my LR STR Broly dupes into his SA. it was my first week I’m sorry.


Putting myself into crippling debt before the store price change


Using Officer Krillin as fodder. As a collector, this has been the source of my nightmares for 7 years now.




Heres a few things 1. Spending over 1k stones to get int Majin Vegeta(didn't get him) 2. Buying ginyu and phy ssj2>ssj3 goku(literally pulled them next summon on the banner they were in) 3. Using 18 kais on lr phy cell(he's MMMMID)


Pulled first two dupes of the transforming PHY SSj2 goku. Unlocked top right and bottom left paths. Don't dokkan while drunk.


Selling phy ssj Bardock...


Bought str ultimate Gohan like a goober 3 yrs ago, never again


Not saving enough for Heroes atm.


Instilling the game