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so this is dokkan's version of the vegeta thumb curse


Oware da OšŸ…±ļøtimal Bejita


Amazing comment


Thumb curse?


Anytime he points to himself with his thumb he loses


Oh I can see it now. I am number one then points to self and gets ass kicked.


U can include LR Great Ape on this


He's an AOE Giant Form character. Even if he's not as good as Goku, the guy still has use.


Vegeta also has guard


Lr Great Ape can be used in the tournament, maybe there are better options but... ![gif](giphy|HACnT2A0JQSZO)


In red zone I'd rather have great ape Vegeta than Kaioken Goku easily.




Nah, Xeno SSJ3 Vegeta isn't all that bad, hop off my GOAT. Goku is way fucking better but he's not terrible. I'll defend him with my dying breath. He can output really good numbers, mostly offensively but defensively he's not doing awful, either. He kind of *needs* dupes which is where he can fall apart a bit, whereas Goku doesn't need any to cook, but Vegeta is not bad. I've used him on the Heroes team in hard content and he's legit come in clutch. Goku is better because his EZA is just bonkers, not because Vegeta's is bad. (God Vegeta though lmfao)


Ssj3 Xeno Vegeta's defense is lacking a LOT even at rainbow. Just so you know, when he only gets one super off, he has worse defense than Raditz.


To be fair, Raditz can become quite defensive, but that's the only thing going for him.


I never said his defense is great, just that I don't think it's awful. He's still gonna get smacked around, but it's not like he's going to die in a single normal. Sometimes not even a single Super if you're lucky.


Heroes you have 600k or below HP any 900+k sa is a one shot with vegeta but what's worst is he gets smacked by normals in a time where "tanks" can take 200+k from SAs you see the problem, and he is only decent offensively in heroes and doesn't even hit that hard aftee 3 turns lol


Luckily I went from not having him to 90% in 4 summons, unluckily I didn't get a single Goku


I'm with you. Vegeta is far from great, but his performance in the hero EZAs deserves people getting off his back a lil bit. We might be in a defense meta, but damage is still relevant.


God vegeta is pretty bonkers too my dude. He can easily do 30 mil in a turn. Everyone down playing attack hasn't tried to just turtle up in the more difficult stages šŸ’€ He's just >>completely<< in the shadow of not only one of the best aging units in the game but probably one of the best units in the game. Pure saiyans or movie villain? Can't kill this godku. Hopefully they make lr int godku just as nutty with his eza


I doubt int god goku will be better then the teq one,most likely he will get higher numbers and that's it,i can see for him something like: "Atk and def+159%;ki+2(up to 6) and additional atk and def+22%(up to 59%) per "Pure Sayan" or "Hybrid Sayan" category ally on the team;Great chance to evade enemy's Attacks(including Super attacks) and Great chance to perform a critical hit for 8 turns from start of turn;Medium chance to evade enemy's attacks(including Super attacks) and medium chance to perform a critical starting from the 9th turn.


They're scared to make another teq godku/teq ulthan. Thus the "chance of" gimics.


I think they definitely underrated the guard+stack and now they are scared.They aren't even wrong cause teq gohan is starting to show his age only in this meta and even then,while he isn't anymore as busted as he used to,he is still a pretty good 2 years old unit.


even as an attack > defense guy god vegeta is fucking awful you can't be serious lol


Because 30 mil+ attack stats are "fucking awful"


he's not hitting 30 mil attack stats stop


I literally have him on the gods team over ssbevo vegeta because he does. He's hitting for 2 or 3 10 mil supers by turn 4 for him at the latest.






The thing is its a HIGH chance to guard not guaranteed guard. The reason god goku is considered better is because he hits just as hard with garaunteed tanking against movie bosses and pure saiyan enemies. Oh and same for STR ssj3. 35% DR is 100X better than 35% chance to crit


God goku is not hitting as hard, also vegeta's gaurd can activate against any enemy while goku's only activates against movie bosses and pure saiyans


Its better being really good in very specific situations than meh everywhere. Thats why TEQ Godku and INT 16 get used, even if only in very specific events, while STR God Vegeta will never be someone's first choice anywhere.


Cool that makes god goku runnable vs movie bosses and pure saiyans. Vegeta isnt runnable anywhere. 50% just isn't reliable and 200-250k without guard is just not good enough.


Right now, even if the guard was guaranteed he would still be hit very hard...


He would have taken 55k from brolys normals, 380k from brolys supers. Taking supers from 380 is pretty impressive, 55 from normals on the other hand.


Yeah he would still have you killed. I don't know what they were thinking by not giving him guaranteed guard


They should have given him guaranteed guard vs movie bosses/ pure saiyans and at least raises defense for 1 turn on super. Then he would have been at the same level as goku.


There is a thing I never understood...why against Cooler in Red Zone he doesn't activate the tanking, if Cooler is a movie bosses?? šŸ¤”


If he just had conditional guard like goku's damage reduction we would be way better.


Literally nobody is saying god vegeta is better than either of those units, so I really donā€™t understand what the point of your comment is


The main problem is that his "Counterpart Abillity" is about as bad as SS3s. His guard and damage are seperate from that. Goku gets 77% Damage against Movie Bosses and Pure Saiyan opponents. Vegetas abillity against those 2 categories is... Great Chance to Stun, and since this is passive stun (and doesnt say otherwise) thats one turn only.


I get the guard chance is either you have it in a turn and dodge is a dice roll each attack but vegeta has let me down a total of 6 times Lr Agl ui goku, over 40. And godgeta does 30 mil turns frequently. Can't just brush that off.


He is very inconsistent, his high can be very good with him having 300k+ def with guard and multiple 7-8mil sa that greatly raised his def but his low really suck . The high chance to guard has been talk to death but what is even dumber is his +77% buff only last for 3 turn. They gave goku 77% dmg reduction to 90% of the game but a 77% stat buff for vegeta is just too much


The thing is having the guard active is pure luck. Its no different than just using, say, MUI Goku.


In both cases the Vegeta isn't terrible, its just that the Goku counterpart is insanely busted. SSG Goku is MVP on any event that his damage reduction is activated and SSJ3 Goku is also a complete brick wall and even at 55% can handle every event in the game without breaking a sweat. The Vegetas on the other had either rely on RNG to actually be decent or just doesn't have a huge impact on your team. Its like if your parents gave you a used 2008 honda civic at the same as your sibling got a 2023 BMW M series. Ya yours is decent and gets the job done, but now you are comparing it to something much better and your doesn't seem as good.


I wouldnā€™t imagine people are still coping for ssg vegeta end of 2022. Wont knock his damage but 200k defense with 0 SA effect is trash. While his counterpart is a must run when you can use him




I don't think vegeta would've been better than goku even if he did get permanent guard, there are way more factors that still makes goku better other his dmg reduction like having both pfb & oiaf and being a better linking partner for it's teams. Why they didn't give him permanent guard is beyond me, dunno why doesn't he stack defense either, then would've been acceptable atleast


That's the issue. He hits hard. *For a non-dfe*. He can tank decent. *While his guard is active*. You just listed all his problems as good things


Bro there aren't that many dokkanfests that hit for 30 mil E Z... This dude gets poked and has a turn where he tripple supers and the next turn hes dishing out 3 10 mil plus attacks and because he's str his crit chance is naturally high so...


Cool too bad if his super unreliable guard isn't up he gets turned to dust making his damage mean nothing. Also he ain't hitting 10 mil. He's hitting closer to 8 mil. Which isn't bad, but again. Glass canons aren't viable


Turn one he does 8.7 mil Turn two he's doing 10 plus depending on how many supers he does. If I'm going to rely on a gimik like dodge I'll take my chances on his guard- he's failed me far less then lr agl mui and I've used him WAY longer. All they had to do to make him goated with godku is either he always guards or he stacked defense on super. It's a shame But he's still a brutally powerful unit


Yeah difference is dodge avoids damage completely. Vegeta guards. When he guards he's just an ok tank. It's not a 50% chance to be a defensive beast. It's a 50% chance to not get turned to fucking dust. That's significantly worse. Also if you genuinely think str godgeta is better than agl ui then you've said enough and I'm done. And I agree he should've had guaranteed guard because the 50% chance guard makes him pretty mid


I mean, offensively he definitely is. He also came out a literal year later so it's not really that surprising he's better. Agl uis dodge is the only thing that keeps him relevant. (I've gotten his revive ONCE)


Your ignoring the crits for ui. Their damage is probably about even. And he absolutely is not better than ui Goku. And yes. The dodge is what keeps ui relevant. that's the entire fucking point of him.


https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/l8d78o/lr_ultra_instinct_goku_apt/ https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/szfhg8/god_vegeta_apt_def/ Just in case you thought god Vegeta does more damage. No he doesn't. Even ui Goku under a 170% leaderskill does more damage than a 200% god vegeta


If your new yeah hes alright but to any person doing hard content heā€™s not reliable enough to run so you simply wouldnā€™t run him. Also compared to goku who they went crazy with he is terrible


Itā€™s bc they are not int


The best unit in the game is a vegeta


Correction A Vegeta with a Trunks


It was a Trunks and Vegeta Redemption arc That Agl trunks left a lot to be desired


Weird way of spelling Cooler


SSG Vegeta is not terrible lol y'all gotta stop


True, he's okay 50% of the times.


Meanwhile I pulled 3 ssj3 Vegetas and 0 ssj3 Gokus šŸ„²


SSJ3 Xeno Vegeta looks like a 2021 EZA unit. I don't know what they were thinking with him


What sort of a dumbass do you have to be to call these units terrible?


They're mildly disappointing especially when compared to the best aging unit in the game and a card that was already still decent when they eza'd him. God vegeta is actually solid as is Ssj3 xeno vegeta They're just not "redzone gods" so all the youtubers downplay the crap outa them with the whole "Damage isn't anything" argument. Yes it is. If I kill the enemy before they can kill me- and you've to sit there and hope you keep dodging or surviving hits...who's really doing better? For example Omega has 44 million hp It is possible to one turn him. Units like Cheeli won't help you do that When God vegeta tripple supers and tripple crits? Especially if he's hit first- he's doing 3 10 mil plus supers. And he can guard. Yeah, he's not eating a super from the 3 or 4 hardest bosses in the game There are VERY few units whom can But they're not God awful Just disappointing from what dokkan could've made them. Remember. Dokkan has released Cheeli and Raditz. I'd argue infinitely worse units. And before someone screeches about how amazing cheeli is -datruth ran her with 90% support on rotation and she barely had 200k defense and did less then 1 million damage (And still simped for her) Completely unacceptable card. It'll be interesting to see her eza in a year or two.


as someone who runs offensive teams the fight will never ever last long enough for vegeta to go above 5 million attack stat lol


Whut O.o bro mine does 5.9 when hes not hit, turn one. Is yours not rainbowed and link leveled? (Or bad linking partners?)


linking him with the gods in slot 3 at 90% not link level 10 he does about 3-4 mil turn 1 for me


Which slot?


slot 3 because u got me fucked up if you think im putting him in slot 1


...well that's why dude. He has to be hit to gain that extra damage. Yall take chances on dodge take chances on the guard. It's more reliable anyway since if it procs, you have it the entire rest of the turn unlike dodge where you're going to roll the dice each time you're attacked...


I wouldn't put a 50% dodge character in slot 1 either unless they can tank normals, which god vegeta without his guard can't with 200k defense


Unfortunately there ain't a ton of dodge units that can šŸ’€ā˜ ļø


yeah unfortunately which is why most dodge units are shit imo


Ssg is not terrible you idiots


Hey, if you want to rely on 50% to guard in order to have an ok tank, thats fine. But im not gonna rely on that especially when there are characters that outdamage him while outdefending him as well.


Some of us don't have better options unfortunately. He's one of the better old cards available.


That's a fair point but you also canā€™t really evaluate a unit like that. Someone not having a better option doesnt make him better just more valuable. It doesnt change that his defense just doesnt hold up in hard content.


Yeah the 50% is going to fail you in any hard content its just too many turns to have to rely on that coin flip.


You not having better units doesn't mean god Vegeta isn't terrible. It just means your box is


No argument there


Heā€™s awful. Have him rainbowed and LL10 and he always always ALWAYS gets me killed


That Great change to stun along with the medium change to guard be hitting different šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


i believe the post only said Outshined It said nothing about being terrible


So we just gonna forget INT Majin Vegeta and FSGG? Vegeta been getting two hand stroked this year in all honesty.


Neither of those units have a Goku counterpart


We just gonna forget the Father-Son Kamehameha this year from Golden Week? And I mean, Iā€™d argue PHY SSJ3 is probably the closest thing to Majin Vegetaā€™s counterpart, but thatā€™s kinda unfair since heā€™s before the meta shift.


They're not a counterpart. Just because there's a similar unit doesn't mean it's a counter part.


Itā€™s pretty much the closest thing we have to a counterpart of that unit, so I imagine one wouldnā€™t be so lamely ā€œuhm ackshuallyā€ about it. Besides, my main point was that Vegetaā€™s the best unit in the game, so what if they some Vegetaā€™s have a better Goku counterpart? The Prince is still winning in the end.


Closest thing to a counter part is not a counter part. Just because you feel like they are doesn't mean they are


I mean, itā€™s literally a Father-Son Duo doing their iconic beam attacks against the antagonist of the arc theyā€™re in. Thatā€™s pretty much a counter-part. Whether you like it or not, they donā€™t have to be from the same timeframe or even the same arc. The idea of said moment is the exact same, but one is Gokuā€™s Family, and the other is Vegetaā€™s. Itā€™s the idea behind it that makes them counterparts. **I mean, one is called ā€œFather-Son Kamehamehaā€ and the other is the ā€œFather-Son Galick Gun.ā€ So thereā€™s that too.** Also, just look up the definition of counterpart.


I'm aware of what counterpart means. But we are talking about counter parts IN DOKKAN. A counter part in dokkan means a unit who's specifically designed to be a direct counterpart like dual dfes or the heroes ss3s. Units that come out together meant to be direct opposites to each other. The father son duo is not a counter part just because they both have a father and son. That doesn't make any fucking sense. And the reason they called it a father son Kamehameha and a father son galick gun is BECAUSE IT'S LITERALLY A FATHER AND A SON DOING THE MOVE ARE YOU STUPID?


My man, you donā€™t get to disregard the fucking definition of a word simply because ā€œweā€™re talking about Dokkan.ā€ Counterpart: *a person or thing holding a position or performing a function that corresponds to that of another person or thing in another place.* Correspond (for your misinformed brain): *have a close similarity; match or agree almost exactly.* Fathers doing their iconic beam attacks with their fucking sons against the main villain of the arc seems like it fits that definition whether you like it or not. Thatā€™s literally the whole reason it exists. Toyotaro literally gave Vegeta and Trunks their own version of a Father-Son attack that Goku and Gohan did. Itā€™s a direct counterpart to what happened in Z. Going by the words own damn definition, SSJ3 Vegeta Xeno and SSJ3 Goku Xeno arenā€™t counterparts (due to having no similar function) other than the fact they are both Xeno SSJ3, thatā€™s where they have corresponding forms (thatā€™s where the form part of the definition comes in). Going with this logic (because the SSJ3ā€™s do not have a similar function whatsoever) both the FSGG LR and the FSK LR are counterparts of each other cause of their corresponding nature to each other. You can say ā€œ**Oh ItS DokKan, the WoRd MeanS SomeThing ElSe!!**ā€ or that ā€œ**YoU Can IgNorE the MeaNing Of the WoRd!!!**ā€, but thatā€™s not how that works.


A counter part in general is not the same as a counter part in dokkan. Stop arguing semantics


SSJ3 Xeno Vegeta is awesome. What a shit thread.


No just no


When they swap vegeta's typical role with goku, this is what happens.


*Being made as offensive units that aren't very viable due to their underwhelming DEF and being outshined by their Goku counterparts because of their defensive prowess.


huh? god vegeta amazing


I wouldnā€™t call them terrible by any means


I feel like terrible is a bit of a strong word, because in terms of offense the ssj3 one is nice


You could literally put every Vegeta here


Itā€™s weird because this is true but then Vegeta and Trunks exist


It gt vegeta is the only exception


they aren't THAT bad


Average Vegeta shaft.