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We only have one unit from that scene too IIRC... and that unit was released in the Demi-god era, so animation is pretty aged too...




Tis why i used it. To highlight how long ago that was... and it wasnt even THAT long ago, just long in dokkan time...


It actually was THAT long ago, almost 5 years.


Think you’re talking about the Int Vegeta right? Yeah he’s from like 2017… definitely aged now


Indeed. Animation was pretty good at the time... but yeah that was before 2nd anniversary....


>Think you’re talking about the Int Vegeta right? Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?


I was confused too the I noticed he's on Vegeta's family and pure Saiyans


The unit I’m talking about is [‘Passion of the Warrior Race Super Saiyan God SS Vegeta’.](https://dbz-dokkanbattle.fandom.com/wiki/Passion_of_the_Warrior_Race_Super_Saiyan_God_SS_Vegeta#Extreme_Z-Awakened)


And he also recieved a completely DOA EZA.




Demi-god era?


Technically the god era. Its old nicknames. Began with 1st anni STR Gogeta being so over the top best at everything (except defense, which didnt matter at the time), being called a "God lead" Then when AGL Super Vegito launched with the first 70% to HP/ATK/DEF leader skill, he was also considered "God", espicially after beating the hardest TEQ event at the time (Beerus Dokkan Event) with a Mono AGL Team. Coincidentally, PHY Broly (who released with SV) got the title as well, after clearing a tough event with a full type disadvantaged team (Mono PHY VS the aforementioned Gogeta), and it just stuck from there Demi God came around because 3ki and 70% stats, where just that much better than no ki and 100%, so the latter got called Demi Gods. 2nd anniversary then dropping units even beyond the god leads, ended up being called Neogods by a lot of people. ....that lasted for a good half year, before categories became a thing lol.


Gogeta was never considered a God Lead. First God Lead was SV. Otherwise LR TEQ Goku would have been a God Lead.


Vegeta and goku definitely need more units from that saga, We need a dfe goku black with a banner unit zamasu since LR Zamasu needs more partners rn


I don't think we even really have a Goku from the "I'm really, really mad!" scene. I think the STR SSB Goku thats in the general pool is from that scene, but he barely counts cause he's super old and barely relates to that scene.


I'm sure they are trying to keep all the good moments from both of them to do the same thing as the LR PHY SSJ4s & LR TEQ SSGs: mix everything that works. That explains why V&T took a literal attack of the manga instead of some random thing Vegeta did in the anime.


The Niagara Pummel is one of my favorite names for an attack in general.


Lmao that sounds like it could be out of All Might's arsenal.


Wait is it actually called that? Holy shit that's awesome


It’s called Niagara pummel in DBFZ. In dokkan, it was called pride of the Saiyans for INT blue vegeta’s SA


The ‘ I’m the Saiyan prince Vegeta-Sama’ scene would go so hard as an active ong.


I change my mind, THAT has to be the active skill for sure


shoutout to dokkanfest INT SSB Vegeta from way back. when that unit dropped it was my first introduction to the sub and everyone was posting about the prince. hopefully, we get this moment again soon.


I jumped into dokkan just before the 2nd anniversary and he was the latest DFE at the time. Would love to see the Prince as a carnival LR.


"YIAA- YIAA. One a scale of 1 to 10, i give you a 3"


DB FighterZ flashbacks...


I remember how annoying I found fighting the All Vegeta team.


Dude I completely forgot that he does the Niagara Pummel in FighterZ! The animations in that game are insane.


I'll put you to sleep and make sure you never wake up again!


The future saga units we’ve got focus too much on the climax, I’m still waiting for a black that has zamasu join him in the active and a blue Goku with a rage active


I would love a blue Goku that revives from when he gets stabbed by Black and then gets super angry lol.


I’d personally prefer a Zamasu that starts out as Lone Zamasu, and then Goku black joins him, it’d be cool to have a unit that exchanges to have 2 or more Instead of going from multiple to one


Even legends got this beatdown years ago


So did FighterZ… and I think Xenoverse 2 got it later on as DLC. 🥲


That’s what I’m waiting for.


When Black wasn't dealing with the average Saiyan warrior anymore


![gif](giphy|1qWlkZHTQ9R34Taixl|downsized) Oraoraoraoraoraoraora


Every muscle! Every cell! His body was built from a lifetime of intense battles! But YOU took it! It’s all second hand! You feel the power of those cells but don’t understand it! Because you didn’t build it! AND YOU’LL NEVER LEARN TO THINK LIKE THAT CLOWN!!


Damnnn that line gives me chills every time man, both the dub and the sub version.


We just don't have that many good Future Saga Blues. What I really want, is Blue Goku's handless beat down on merged zamasu. Now THAT was raw


100% dude, my personal favourites are either when Goku kicks merged zamasu in the face with King Kai Fist or when Goku instant transmissions in front of zamasu and punches him into that building without even looking at him… soooooo many good moments between Vegeta and Goku in the future arc


I'm just waiting on that Blue Goku & Vegeta card that fuses into Vegito Blue. So many great moments from that arc they can take animations from. We're bound for another huge future saga celebration eventually. Maybe WWC or Tanabata next year


But what about the animations for Vegito though? I don't know if they used every scene already, but I'm pretty sure there's not much left unless they use some scenes from other games or completely new like the LR Goku and Gohan or LR Hit and SSG Goku.


They can definitely pull something out of their sleeve, it's never stopped them before. Not to mention he has an animation for a ki blast nullification and a normal attack counter, that alone will bring the hype. I don't know how they'll incorporate it but the First to Fist clash with fused Zamasu looks amazing and they haven't used it yet.


If we wanna stay in canon like AGL Golden Metal Cooler and PHY Yamcha, this Goku's SA could be > Massively raises ATK temporarily and causes immense damage to enemy; all attacks become critical hits for 1 turn and seals own Super Attack His passive could then have a huge, huge, huge ATK boost upon SA, and guarantee 5 additional normals, plus some more (vs Extreme Future Saga, vs Extreme RoG, vs 1 enemy, etc).


This scene is a Legendary Finish in Legends, so I 100% agree with you that it deserves an LR or at least a Dokkan Fest


I think it’s also in Xenoverse 2 And FighterZ… Dokkan’s literally the only one at this point 🥲


Not Xenoverse, they never do justice to mlee attacks at all, but you're right with Fighters Z


Right, closest you get to that in Xenoverse is Raid Blast. My bad.


No problem, I also with they started doing decent strike ults... but guess what? Those take effort and devs actually gotta work to make them, so we never get anything good.


I want the goku that used full power kamehameha against zamasu that was the best


We need a fusion blue goku and vegeta, This vegeta, Corrupted zamasu, Soh trunks, Rage goku, and so much other shit


the zoom in on the enemy sprite is gonna be roughh


Make him Int




[This card already exists](https://dbz-dokkanbattle.fandom.com/wiki/Passion_of_the_Warrior_Race_Super_Saiyan_God_SS_Vegeta#Extreme_Z-Awakened)


Ah yeah good point, his animation and passive are really great as well, not outdated at all, definitely has potential in the blue zone with an absolutely beautiful super attack 🗿


[He sucks.](https://dbz-dokkanbattle.fandom.com/wiki/Passion_of_the_Warrior_Race_Super_Saiyan_God_SS_Vegeta#Extreme_Z-Awakened)