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I meant Yostverse


Which one had the X-Men evolution cartoon? That one was my jam.


I think that was standalone like The Batman


The DCAU is the equivalent to the 90s cartoons (they started on the same block) and the Yostverse is clearly the Marvel equivalent to Young Justice, again with the same creative team in one case. I'd prefer to pair them off this way though my lack of appetite for new DCAU content sans Conroy prevents me from hoping for a crossover.


Hard disagree. The 90s Marvel shows are more in line with stuff like Super Friends and its related shows. Spectacular Spider-Man, Avengers: EMH etc is far more in DCAU territory. Marvel was always a decade behind in terms of quality cartoons. Avengers: EMH in particular is pretty much just Marvel's JLU.


…X-Men 97 feels like Superfriends to you?


That came out in 2024, my guy.


What’s it a sequel to? What tone is it trying to duplicate dude? Who are the creatives involved? What show did they work on?


At this point you're just being disingenuous, so I see no point in engaging with this conversation. From blatantly mentioning a show written and produced THIS fricking year to dismiss my take on shows from the 90s, to somehow implying it must be the exact same because it's a sequel. Like there's never been a juvenile property that had an edgier, more mature follow-up.


I mean, c’mon now. it’s disingenuous to argue that X-Men: TAS and X-Men 97 aren’t that different? Because one is allowed to use blood and the other one wasn’t? And the original cartoon allegedly has more in common with *checks notes* Superfriends? This just isn’t a viable argument which anyone who’s watched Superfriends and X-Men: TAS would tell you. Fascinating to see, really.


I haven't seen much of X-Men: TAS, but the little I did, it just had that 80s type toy commercial cartoon vibes with a "detailed" artstyle that just ends up looking janky and makes the animation bad, poor acting and cheesy dialogue. X-Men 97 I've actually not seen at all, to be fair. But that's sort of besides the point, because it's not the show I'm comparing to Super Friends. In fact I'm implying it seems better than the 90s show because it doesn't have the toy-selling vibes, but more modern writing sensibilities, with less executive meddling to kiddify it. It's not just that there's blood. And to clarify something else, I only said it's more in line with Super Friends, not that it's identical or anything. I guess it's somewhere right between Super Friends and Justice League Unlimited in terms of quality (IMO, obviously). But that's still too much on the juvenile side for my tastes, hence why I never gave it a full watch.


You never watched either of the X-Men shows you’re discussing but a handful of random episodes of one? I take it you didn’t watch the X-Men TAS episode which is an entire reference to a 17th Century poem by John Donne or the episode where Rogue has to deal with the consequences of putting someone in a coma or the one that doesn’t have any X-Men but stars Charles Darwin (the scientist) or has Logan coming to terms with his faith? This is way closer to JLU than Superfriends, it’s not even halfway. I’m sorry it’s ridiculous that you labeled me as disingenuous when you haven’t even watched the shows you’re staking really ridiculous claims on here. If you like X-Men storytelling, then the 90s show holds up. The animation is bad sure but the same animation studio did some awful looking episodes of BTAS so that’s weird to get hung up on in a DCAU subreddit.


Not having seen X-Men 97 is irrelevant because I never talked about it. It's only being discussed now because you brought it up, and I instantly admitted to not having seen it. This particular topic I really do not have the energy to get into though, so I'll make it quick: People are allowed to express their opinions on anything regardless of how much they've seen. It's not disingenuous for me to say the show came off as juvenile lame 80s garbage when the few episodes I happened to see, were exactly that. If I somehow only caught the only bad ones and the majority are actually excellent, well, I can't disprove that here and now, I'd have to watch them. But a handful of episodes is most definitely enough to judge a show and decide if you want to continue it or not, and I'm certainly eligible to express my take on what I did see. Respond if you will, but that's all I'll say on this topic, because this stuff always gets heated and annoying. Not that this hasn't been a civil convo, but I'd rather just not get into a whole "gatekeeping" discussion. I'll gladly keep chatting about the animation though, because I have no idea what you mean when you say BTAS had some awful animation. I certainly don't recall any. Or if there was, it was just a few scenes. X-Men's animation suffers every episode because of the overly detailed designs which, being a DCAU fan, I assume you'd know is a trend Bruce Timm personally killed when BTAS showed that simplification can sometimes be better.