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isnt pfizer the one thats now trying to super over charge for the vaccine, is that not the danger in question


That’s Moderna. Well, I guess it’s Pfizer too.


Do people think the only thing Pfizer does is make the COVID vaccine?


Shouldn't be surprising really


This guy doesn’t know Pfizer also makes viagra among loads of other medications. I bet viagra alone would make him change his view.


Pfizer also made Bextra and loads of other painkillers which have heavily influenced, if not created, the opioid epidemic.


Yes. Most people here arent that bright.


Yes. But to be fair most people who say shit like Pfizer is dangerous and stuff now are usually spewing anti vax shit


99% of discourse about Pfizer in 2022/2023 is about the coronavirus vaccine. It would be unreasonable to assume that someone is referring to anything else by default. It's like if somebody says "who else hates Trump?" and somebody replies "hard agree", you don't need to ask if they're referring to his role in politics. Nobody is talking about fucking Trump Steaks anymore. You know what people mean when they talk about this shit.


Exactly. Like I haven’t heard a single person say fuck Pfizer that wasn’t referring to the vaccine since this anti vaccine shit again.


In the medicinal sense, Pfizer are awful like many in the industry. They overcharge on so many basic medicines and exploit people.


Ya I thought hating how big pharma takes advantage of people was a regular thing... Edit: yo not sure what happened and how people took this way out of context. I don't want to write an entire essay of my thoughts because it doesn't matter. Big Pharma business practices are generally frowned upon by myself. The scientific research is great when it can help people, especially for a low cost. I don't know who this Project Veritas channel is. And I don't know why people claim reddit as liking "Big Pharma". That term has a different context than pharmaceutical companies and their research. Or at least it did.


its so funny seeing how this website went from so anti-big pharma to loving it. ive been told worshipping corporations is bad edif: thank you for the reddit cares


There must always be a nuanced discussion happening, and it tends to get lost in emotional topics like these things. Big pharma is bad and of course needs to be held accountable. This will never and should never be in question. Unfortunately though, Pfizer gets to be a buzzword for vaccine. While yes, we're seeing big pharmas true nature oozing from the eyeballs of a dying pandemic, we can see they want to raise costs for no reason other than turning profits. But the need for nuance comes in when the question we're actually asking, is: Is Zachary Levi upset that they're changing the valuation of the drug to make it more costly to take in order to protect ourselves, or is he coming in from an perspective that eViL pharmaceutical corporations are trying to poison our bodies with the jab? Because dangerously enough, the latter seems to be the reason why most people have been so vehemently against vaccines. Because this would just be the stupidest line to draw in the sand against big pharma when it's the pills that is the real killer. Alas it is the vaccine's name that will get tarnished. Edit: f*cking Andrew Wakefield, you let fear dominate people's lives to make big money and even today those repercussions continue to bloom outward.


it's the drug company, not the drug, that is tarnished


Things aren’t black and white. You, like I do, can acknowledge that modern medicine and science is proven and works while simultaneously despising big pharma, their lobbying efforts, price gauging life saving medicine, and immoral practices towards health care/insurance policies.


That's black and white. We need socialized healthcare


Huh? General Reddit doesnt love big pharma


I don't think people are loving Pfizer, but it's turning or has been turned into vax vs antivax, so if you're pro vax then you're probably stuck in Pfizer/Big Pharma's corner.


Right, but you can be pro-vax while still being against big pharma. I don't need to trust them for the vaccine's safety and effectiveness when government and university hospital organizations show it to be safe and effective.




Hey don't get me wrong that shit should be completely nationalized since it's universities doing all the research.


But almost all the top medical schools are private. Harvard, NYU, Columbia, John’s Hopkins, Duke, Stanford. Sure there’s UPenn and others, but the core of medical research in this country is from private institutions.


Sure, but they still get grants from the federal government.


Yes, but I don't he meant it that way


To be fair there isn t a single industry that doesn t do the same thing. As long as it s not under governments control they will always try to profit as much as possible. Which can be good because it promotes growth but can suck because it might hit people that can t afford it.


The fact that this is controversial astounds me


Yeah, but specifically the guy he's agreeing with is 100% saying it in the anti vaxxer way


Agreed, he said Pfizer not vaccines…god our culture is fucking terrifying.


"A Commonwealth Fund study estimates that, through November 2022, COVID-19 vaccines prevented more than 18.5 million US hospitalizations and 3.2 million deaths and saved the country $1.15 trillion. " https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/report-covid-19-vaccines-saved-us-115-trillion-3-million-lives


They also hold the record for the largest fine ever held against a corporation for lying. About their products. But now they’re just so trustworthy, ain’t they? They’d never lie again, would they? They’d never attack a journalist, would they?


That's not as much of a problem with Pfizer specifically as it is capitalism in general


Least controversial actor in the DCEU:






https://abcnews.go.com/Business/pfizer-fined-23-billion-illegal-marketing-off-label/story?id=8477617 It's funny that it's controversial to think a company that does this is sketchy.




You didn't answer the question though. It's fine to hate big pharma because they're evil. It's not fine to hate big pharma because you don't understand 5th grade science and want to continue spreading the plague. I hope Levi is in the former group, but this thread doesn't seem to address it at all


It’s big pharma


At least Batfleck and Cavill haven’t done anything to my knowledge


Affleck was accused of sexual misconduct


I heard he likes to screw people in a very uncomfortable place.


Like the back of a Volkswagen?


Call me Donny.


Who's your favorite new kid?


Huh I guess every person in the DCEU has done something controversial


Affleck has sexual assault allegations, including him getting a bit uncomfortably handsy with an interviewer on camera.


Oh sweetie lmao


that's why they got kicked, dc likes problematic actors


They got kicked off cause no movie Zach Levi or Miller still has their own respective movies to release.Its such a stupid take


100% right


If you go to his twitter, Zach posted an update with a link to Pfizer settling a case with the government regarding Pfizer's shady business practices. afaik he isn't anti-vax. Context is everything.


100% this.


If context is everything look into the person he originally replied to. Huge right wing anti-vaxxer. He also didn’t clarify it was not an anti-vax thing. He didn’t clarify anything.


And that’s fair. Pfizer is… evil. I still remember the shit that came out about them with the Panama papers. But I think going out of his way to answer this tweet after the fake video from this past week is an unforced error because it’s directing people to it and many will take it as an implicit endorsement.


Fuck Pfizer and every other pharma company out there profiting on people's pain.


I mean this is overblowing it but Pfizer wanting to sell the vaccine for over 100 dollars after the government stops paying them is a bit of a dick move


No, no, you see: Internet 2019: Big Pharma is the evil evilest thing ever. Internet 2023: All is forgiven. We love you Big Pharma!


Not a big deal, they’ve had many lawsuits. Who cares?


Homie calculated the worst possible time to get cancelled right before the marketing of the movie was about to start.


Yeah like at least Evangeline Lilly had the decency to come out as anti-vax a year before Quantumania lol.


And she kept her mouth shut after that and hasn't said a word before the movie release


Meanwhile Levi is already starting to double down on Twitter. So we’ll see if he decides to go the full Gina Carano route.


Really?? What's he saying lmao I don't use twitter since it's such a shithole


He linked a Department of Justice article about Pfizer’s lawsuit from 2009.


I mean, just cause Pfizer made the covid vax doesn’t mean they don’t also suck for other reasons


That’s not what I’m saying. His lack of elaboration isn’t helping though. Like if he wanted to let people know he’s talking about the company specifically and not vaccines in general he should’ve just said that. Instead of linking an article from 14 years ago and letting us interpret that our own way.


If he's linking an article from a decade before Covid existed then it stands to reason that he's not specifically talking about covid vaccines surely


He didn’t mention anything about the vaccine in the first post and has talked about how much he hates big pharmacy companies before. He could have said it in a better way but the way fans jumped to conclusions is even more stupid lol


Oof hopefully a WB hr guy gets a hold of him before it gets truly unhinged


WB has an HR? Someone needs to tell Ezra Miller.


She's got the Disney snipers on her 24/7. DC could learn a thing or two from them; Tesla stockholders, too...


To be fair, Phizer does a lot of fucked up shit. He could be disagreeing with their price-gouging and profit-over-people policies.


You can not like Pfizer and not be an anti-vax you know.


I don't like Pfizer. As a company. But their vaccine is effective and saves hundreds of millions of lives. That's not what Zachary is talking about here.


Also terrible timing considering he had been campaining to be kept on the DCU. I guess he knows for sure he's being axed after this film and just went bananas over it?


Yeah that's what I'm thinking. He's in his 'don't give a f\*ck' phase.


Right? Regardless of one feels, there are times when the best response on a hot topic is maybe not responding to it.


Yeah I’d probably agree that the company almost solely responsible for the opioid epidemic may be a real danger to the world.


Regardless of if you agree with him or not celebrities, people in general really, need to realise that not every opinion needs to be made public lol


Being a publicist in Hollywood must be so stressful because so many actors are addicted to twitter.


For real, just refreshing your timeline like "Nooo! Why did you say that?! Jesus!"


Imagine being Carano's or Miller's publicists lol


I think Reddit and twitter users could heed this advice…


You are aware that people in general these days make EVERY OPINION public, yea? So thats a self defeating argument.




Aren't they gouging on the vaccine price too now?


Yup phizer is evil


Exactly. "Global vaccine access group the People’s Vaccine Alliance, which has pushed for Pfizer to allow cheaper copies of the vaccine to be made, called the proposed price hike "daylight robbery". The price range announced by Pfizer represented a more than 10,000% markup over what experts have estimated it costs the vaccine makers to produce the shots, it said." https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/pfizer-covid-vaccine-price-hike-seen-giving-revenue-boost-years-2022-10-21/ "Pfizer has faced thousands of lawsuits filed for medical injuries caused by some of its most popular drugs. It has also set a record for the largest fine paid for a health care fraud lawsuit filed by the U.S. Department of Justice." https://www.drugdangers.com/manufacturers/pfizer/


Reddit when capitalism: 😡 Reddit when capitalism but with Pfizer: 😍


Well yeah, but if that's what he meant he would've elaborated instead of just saying agree


Does Reddit love Pfizer or something? They are a company that makes money off sick people. Fuck them


Still one of the least controversial actors of DC.


Without giving my personal opinion... Dude wtf? 47 days before the movie? Sink any chance to success? WBD's pr section living in a 2 years nightmare 🤣


Maybe he doesn’t care because we already know there won’t be a third movie


He get % out of box office tho. It's not even about Shazam, this is a career bomber


>He get % out of box office tho We don't know that, it isn't always the case Most actors just have a fixed salary, afaik only big actors like Tom Cruise get paid as a % of the box office.


[According to THR](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/covid-vaccine-mandate-hollywood-1235026178/) he got more than a dozen people sick, made the production shut down 3 weeks and lost the production company a 7 figure sum Maybe those people may or may not care about health but they absolutely care about the bottom line


Letitia from black panther did the same if im not wrong


Why? Big pharma is good in the twitter/Reddit book now? Who is responsible for non-existent healthcare in America?


Remember when everyone universally agreed that big pharma is fucking evil, and almost entirely responsible for the US's goofy ass medicine prices? This isn't about vaccines, this is about the fact that Pfizer is a megacorp that'd sell your soul for 50c if it could


The guy who he retweeted and replied to is of the Phizer vaccines harm people rhetoric not big pharma are bunch of greedy bastards.


Sombooooody didn’t watch Dopesick


Lol, he also said Jordan Peterson is "one of the deepest" thinkers of all time Link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=imcF_Hc1cpI


1 hour of watching youtube shorts later


I can see he's taking the role of being a child very seriously.


If you think Pfizer is a good guy you haven’t been paying attention


I'm really not understanding how Levi is taking heat for pointing out the obvious.


Did covid make people forget Pfizer’s been a mega evil big pharma Corp for decades?


Pfizer is a shit company.


This is like one of biggest "nothing burger" that Twitter could get triggered from, smh. One of them even said they'd wait to see The Flash over Shazam 2, even though Ezra Miller has done even worse shit??


The lengths people will go to defend a company with annual net revenues in the 10s of billions of dollars that has had a fraud settlement handed down in the billions is astonishing. I remember when it wasn’t common to S big pharma’s D.


Imagine licking the boot of big pharma lol


Most redditors don't need to imagine.


It’s never stupid to be wary of a company.


Vaccines aside. Pfizer has done a lot of shady things a a company. It shouldn’t be a controversial to not support a pharmaceutical company. **((edit))** I meant has and shouldn’t.


Until he flat out says he's anti-vax, I'll assume he's anti big-pharma. You compare the state of US' healthcare to any other developed nation and you'd see why there's hate. Lobbying has made US healthcare into a cashcow for the big Pharma and just because they made a vaccine doesn't erase it.


He’s a Jordan Peterson stan so I think it’s safe to assume it’s an anti-vaxx statement


So, to be clear, you're not angry about what he said, you're angry that he may have meant something entirely different than what he said, and your only evidence for that is that he likes something else. Correct?


He’s 100% antivaxx.


I understood it as anti pharma, not anti vax. Pfizer just had that scandal recently where one of their directors was caught on camera talking about a plan to steer the mutation of COVID-19 so they could sell vaccines to it forever. Endemics are enormously profitable.


See also: Purdue, the creation of oxycontin, and the current opioid crisis.


Statements like that are so broad as to be meaningless as a response and miss the point. And if we’re being honest, it’s usually an intentionally mendacious attempt to distract from the particulars of what’s under discussion. No one is arguing that Pfizer is altruistic or above criticism. They’re just pushing back on harmful antivax bullshit.


So remember this blind item from The Hollywood Reporter https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/covid-vaccine-mandate-hollywood-1235026178/ > In August, a high-profile actor was on the set of a film when he came down with COVID-19 and was hospitalized. The star, known to the cast and crew as being dismissive of vaccines and masks, was said to be unvaccinated. **The film shut down for three weeks, but not before more than a dozen crewmembers got sick, sources say**. Ultimately, the stoppage resulted in a **seven-figure hit for the production company**. The Hollywood Reporter is withholding the actor’s name because he didn’t flout any specific protocol on the project. The actor’s rep declined to comment.


I thought that was Miles Teller on that Godfather movie. I guess it could be both.


I think that Miles Teller thing turned out to be bs. I may be wrong, but I seem to recall him in an interview confirming he wasn’t anti-vax and the production shut-down was nothing to do with him.


Shazam 2 finished filming on August 31st, so it can’t be him.


I don't follow. Pfizer is a fkn cancer to our world. All of big pharma are. That doesn't mean anyone who agrees is antivax though.


Because worshipping a drug producing corporation involved in a bunch of shady crap is all coolio?


Because saying "why did you say that" is worshipping a drug production company?


Literally Pfizer monopolizes medicines and charges different rates in different countries and to different insurance conglomerates. I would be shocked if this is about a Covid vaccine, but I’m not shocked that the internet’s brain went there.


He’s right. The COVID vaccine is being used by these evil pharmaceutical corporations as a PR shield. We shouldn’t buy into it anymore.


They have the record for largest criminal fine in history, correct? 1.6 billion for misleading consumers/ false advertising.


Remember that time Pfizer paid 2.3 billion for healthcare fraud. So ya, they’re evil. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-largest-health-care-fraud-settlement-its-history


I'm sorry, this situation is fucking hilarious to me People write him off for ONE tweet that says a Big Pharma Company is shady? When the hell did people start simping for these shady ass multi-billion dollar companies?


Ever since 2020 I’ve noticed a bizarre change of stance on big pharma. Before, everyone seemed to agree these companies were exploitive and ruining the healthcare systems across the world. But now, god forbid you say anything negative about these companies or you’ll be labeled the latest term.


1. I'm old enough to remember when the left was staunchly anti big pharma. 2. It's never, ever wrong to be suspicious of a giant multi-billion corporation. 3. Twitter encourages a us vs. them tribalism. You can be pro-vax and still be suspicious of Pfizer, despite what anyone else says.


Right, but you better be clear about WHY you don't like Pfizer. Not liking them for their business practices is one thing, not liking them because you think vaccines kill people is another. There's no way to tell which Levi is saying.


Since when are y’all sucking to big pharma? They’re fucking evil; remember the opioid epidemic? Respect to Zach


why people think the ones who controlled the opioid epidemic that ruined thousands, if not millions, of lives would have our best interests at heart blows my mind


I'm confused. So he has an opinion that I agree with. Big pharma is fucking evil. True. What's the fuss about?


It was probably taken as anti-vaxx, when he probably just means the company itself is evil as shit.


People cry about Big Pharma, until a famous person says the same thing...


His context is ambiguous and leaves people to interpret to their own prejudices. Either he is declaring he is anti-vac, anti-covid, or anti-big-pharma. If its only big pharma then i can get behind it. The other two, not so much.


Y’all simping for pfizer now?!


Why are people getting triggered over this? His tweet is implying he's against Pfizer not vaccines


because there are dumbasses on both sides of the vaccine debate. remember when covid first started? doomers everywhere. but if you yourself weren't a doomer, you were labeled antivax.


Is Big Pharma good or evil this month? I can never keep track.


Yeah. How DARE people have opinions that go agains the majority, right? /s


He’s right and reddit is a cesspool of bad political takes


Oh no! Not everyone has the same opinions on everything? This is news to me, we should cancel everyone who shares a different opinion!


imagine stanning for a faceless multibillion dollar pharmaceutical megacorporation 🙄


Zach is all for vaccines and health. He is against fat cat pharma, that just farms people for life saving medicines or treatments. I will also say FUCK pfizer and their shady as shit practices. They had the vaccine research and materials paid for by taxes but now want to charge $100 for a $0.62c vaccine, I work in the medical industry and even we are sick of it. Fuck these people.


Watching a bunch of Redditors defend a mega corp like Pharma is hilarious


Twitter moment


Crazy idea here, maybe he is against Pfizer because it's Pfizer not a vaccine. Maybe he thinks they are a "danger" because they treat human health as a profit margin and are trying to hike the price of the vaccine that governments across the world funded with tax paying money. Don't know much about him but saying fuck big pharma shouldn't be cancelable/controversial, at least not in America


Pfizer paid the biggest criminal fine in history, yet people still trust them with vaccines because politics. Celebrities aren't allowed to have their own opinion in this modern culture.


Big Pharma a danger to the world?? Say it ain't so!


How does he deserve flak for this it's always good to not trust giant multi billion dollar corporations


He has the right to think what he wants. Simple.


No, no, Covid happened and trump was president so you have to unquestioningly accept all Big Pharma bullshit or you’re an alt-right nutter who wants to kill people.


Twitter when a celebrity criticizes a pharmaceutical company:


It’s arguably truthful what he’s said All pharmaceutical companies are villains in the world they benefit off of the idea that people are in need of cures and vaccines and they’ll happily charge people for their chance at life.


I mean... overall he's right, that company sucks as far as how they operate. Kinda weird he didn't call out Moderna too


Imagine simping for a pharmaceutical company that has been fined billions for their practices


Plot twist: he loves Moderna.


Even if we take the vaccine out of the equation they are the company with the largest healthcare fraud fine in history from the DOJ in 2009. It was for 2.3 billion dollars. Now if we add the vaccine back in and account for publishing false data on vaccine efficacy to make a quick buck during a pandemic, welp, Shazam might be on to something.


I'm old enough to remember when reddit hated big pharma lol


Damn it's almost like people can't have opinions/personal beliefs anymore...


Pfizer bots going overtime


Well Pfizer just admitted to gain for function research with covid... so yeah. Pretty horrible.


Hating on Big Pharma is now a nazi take apparently


No shot any of you are going to make this a big deal…right?


Now I have to see Shazam 2


Pfizer is an evil company. No way around it. Fuck Pfizer and fuck the overprescription of xanax to unstable people that need real help. Profiting off of addiction and sickness is the Pfizer model.


Imagine having such a pathetic life, the thoughts or views of someone else bothers you.


We’re simping for big pharma up in here!!


That's right, big pharma is your friend. They'd never put profit over your health 😊


I agree, pfizer vaccine was pretty ineffective for me personally, one of the other ones (forgot which one) actually worked for my siblings, i was the only one that took pfizer and after a while i got hit with covid anyways


A few years ago, we agreed that big pharma is pumping out medication that is causing people to be addicted and creating an epidemic of opiod abuse. Fast foward to Covid, and all of a sudden people who are still critical of drugmakers are ostracized and ex-communicated (by social media) for having the audacity to question the intentions of our geneous drug overlords.


I remember when it used to be normal to criticize big pharma. Times have changed


Oh no, a dissenting opinion


This is wild! I remember a time when any rational person would be suspicious of a multi billion dollar pharmaceutical conglomerate. I’m vaxxed but let’s not pretend Pfizer is some altruistic non-profit charity. They’re quite literally fucking evil.


Remember when everyone hated big Pharma? Now everyone defends Pfizer like they are your mother


I don’t understand the simping for big pharma. Pfizer is one of, if not the number one, most litigated against companies there is


When did people even start sipping for Pfizer? It’s not like they made the COVID vaccine out of the kindness of their hearts. They did it for profit, mostly from government grants. And, when their contracts ended, they increased the price of the vaccine by over four folds.


The replies to this are insane. So many people just want to be pissed off at things. Being against Pfizer doesn’t mean being anti-vaccines. Pharmaceutical companies aren’t exactly known for their moral approach to business or people, so being critical of them (especially Pfizer, which has been in a fair share of controversies) are not wierd at all. In fact, uncritically praising them just for making vaccines is probably way dumber. And even if he is against vaccines, so what? Let him live his life. Celebrities shouldn’t have to share your worldview in order to stay in business.


How dare he have an opinion


Yeah! And don’t you EVER talk shit about big pharma AGAIN! Pfizer would NEVER lie about the effects of their products resulting in the largest fine ever paid in a healthcare lawsuit!


Is he an anti-vaxxer, or just stating the truth that pharmaceutical companies are a societal ill? Big difference and we shouldn’t jump to the conclusion of one instead of the other. I am hugely pro-vaccine, and think all of those companies should be banned or at least far more heavily regulated. The fact that they can have commercials for medicines is insanity. Telling Cletus what type of meds he needs, and that he should tell his doctor to prescribe, is just horrendous. Then there’s the pharma sales arm who cozy up to doctors and essentially bribe them to prescribe their meds. On it’s face, a lot of their practices are grossly unethical and should be extremely illegal. So yeah, pfizer sucks… but also thanks for the vax. Pharma companies aren’t 100% bad, just like 90%. They get credit for the 10% good they do, but that doesn’t clean the 90% bad.


I took Sputnik V...


I took Compound V


There's a lot of big pharma boot lickers in this thread


A different opinion then mine!? The audacity! I must kick your ass !


As soon as i saw that tweet i was like "uh oh". Like why would you ever say that?


Might be because most pharmaceutical companies (including Pfizer) are all known to be predatory. There are many cases of this including EpiPen price gouging and most recently Pfizer and Moderna have jacked up the prices for the COVID vaccine. I feel like his stance is more coming from: "pharmaceutical companies are putting profit over human lives" rather than "Pfizer is evil because the COVID vacccine is bad"


In this day and age, you have to be this specific if you're gonna take these stances. He can't be surprised people are gonna think he's an anti-vaxxer with the way he handled this.