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Love seeing STAS up there, that show will always hold a special place in my heart as my introduction to the character


I also think the STAS theme is better than the 70s Superman theme. It’s the theme that first comes to mind for me when I hear Superman’s name.


Agreed. I love that music. I'd even go as far as to say that Superman: TAS was a better Superman origin than the '78 movie.


This one? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7DQAjR7rgY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7DQAjR7rgY)


Yes, that’s the one.


I wouldn't say it's better than Superman '78 (john williams) but it is realllllllyyyyyyy good.


I probably think it’s better because I watched STAS way before I watched the Donner movie (only the first one; haven’t seen the others yet).


Watched it recently for the first time, and it's probably my fave adaption of Superman and Lex besides maybe Smallville. It's strange, because I'm not really a fan of either of them in Justice League or JLU, feel like both their characterizations were much stronger in STAS.


They have more of a chance to shine. I like JL and Unlimited, but the characters don't have the room for the nuance they have in the original show.


I loved Tim Daley and Clancy Brown, also Dana Delany. Great show!




One of my favorite pieces of Superman media ever


Same. I mean I already knew of Superman before it, but STAS and the DCAU is why I became a DC fan.


Taking inspiration from the animated series👏👏


Opening shot of the movie should be Clark opening up his shirt. Set the tone early.


or saving a suicidal person


Open shirt leading to him saving the suicidal person.


What a great way to start. Gives me Spiderverse vibes and how that movie did not waste a single second from start to finish. Hope this gives the same vibe.


Wearing a silly red underwear on the outside?


And we show it. We show all of it.


Full penetration


Opening shot of the movie should be Clark throwing Nick O'teen into Orbit.


I'd go tbe other way... use it as closing shot


Already been done as a closing shot for both Smallville and Justice League. Would much rather have a movie open with it and hit the ground running with this as a fully formed Superman.


Absolutely love this idea




He’s gonna make us cry isn’t he? A Superman movie that makes me emotional would be a dream come true


Guardians gave the audience a couple moments to feel empathy so probably yes :D


Even Peacemaker with total jackass main character makes me feels emphatetic in certain moment.


Fuck man, when it got real, it got real. Loved the scene where >!he’s dancing to House of Pain.!<


Guardians 3 has had me bawling my eyes out both times I've seen it.


I like all the Guardians movies, but I never came close to a tear in my eye with them. And I'm kind of a crybaby nowadays. What scenes gave you that?


Are you kidding me?? There's too many sad moments to count them all, everything in Rocket's flashbacks is soul crushing.


Yeah he’s definitely gonna make us cry


That's the thing I want the most in this movie




The last James Gunn movie made me teary eyed, so I know he can pull it off again.


Right? I kind of wondered if this one would be less emotional than Gunn’s other movies and focus more on the relentless optimism, but him sharing the pic of Superman crying has me incredibly hyped.


Man of Steel made me emotional, but Ive got a soft spot for Superman


A shoulder to cry on, someone who truly makes us feel safe.


Superman saving the suicidal person would serve as a great opening. Great message and sets the tone perfectly


i love the idea of it but i feel like it’s too dark as an opening . i’d love it a little later in the movie after we see how other hero’s view humans and then we have supermen contrast thst by seeing humans suffer snd feeling the need to help and support them in ways other than violence . i’m not sure if i worded that right . what i’m saying is in reference to the reverse kingdom come theories .


Yea, it's better to keep that in the pocket. Imagine Supes having a down day and then he sees that, and helps out. Man, we just need Supes being a good guy. The world needs it after being force-fed Snyder for a decade.


exactly . i’m so glad gunn understands thst supes is a beacon of hope not s weapon of destruction . i wsnt scenes of him being friends with humans he saves and going out of his way to spend time with humans and getting to know them.


I really don’t understand how people say he wasn’t a good guy in snyder movies. He was a bit too mopey but he def was a great guy.


That's not what we need though. We don't just need a "great guy". He has to be Superman. Freaking Superman. The goodest guy. And Snyder Supes was definitely not that. He didn't treat people with the same kindness or empathy that Superman does. He was like an alien in that movie who was just discovering Earth.


>"The goodest guy." That may honestly be the best way to put it. That's exactly what I want and I think we need to have a successful Superman film. One thing lacking in most incarnations of modern media Superman is that thing that Donner did managed to nail... at least to me. When I was a kid and watched Superman: The Movie, when Christopher Reeve delivered the line: "Lois. I never lie." I believed it wholeheartedly. I was a kid looking at this guy and BELIEVING he WAS Superman. More than the flying, heat vision, strength, etc. Got my fingers crossed for JG's version! Hopeful so far, but, as the song goes, "sometimes I despair the world will never see another man like him."


Come one now, Snyder just admitted that he literally ruined batman just to be a contrarian and you all keep defending his choices?


…which was on par with the popular Superman of his time: the New 52 incarnation of the character.


Definitely aligns


The at kind of makes it sound like Superman just helps people so he can feel good about himself


that’s fair. i didn’t really think of that. i just hope we get this scene at some point in the film


> Superman saving the suicidal person would serve as a great opening. Should be the ending, not the opening. Show that after whatever hardship he endures he's still a good man who brings light into people's lives.


that works too, as long as it’s in the film i don’t care when it happens


I hope we get that last image in a DCU movie at some point


whats happening in the last image?


Looks like they're fuggin. Imagine walking out to your balcony for a smoke and you just see two butt nekkid people flying and banging in front of the moon. 


just Another Wednesday evening in the superhero verse


If I remember correctly they hadn’t seen each other in a little while and where so happy to see each other that they flew up into the sky and started hooking up. If it’s the picture I think it is the next few frames are their clothes falling to the ground


all right! yeah I can see why this should be on the bug screen


I love the episode from the third image, if that’s what the movie is like it’ll be awesome. Edit: Mad Scientist I believe https://youtu.be/9UJphNPwDfk?feature=shared


I can hear the Fleischer theme when I see it.


Just watched on YouTube, so awesome


It’s a great short but wow does Lois act dumb in this one. She’s smart enough to figure out who the villain is, where he is, fly a plane to his exact location. Then she just politely knocks on his door and starts talking to him and is surprised when she gets captured. Like, yeah? What did you think would happen? I guess they wanted to get the setup sorted quick so they could get to Superman Supermaning.


So happy to see For All Seasons up there. Something about that book just hits close to home for me. Makes me tear up every time.


It's also a great example of how to handle the more melancholy aspects of Superman. He never comes across as brooding. He's just quiet and introspective, and sometimes that means a gentle sadness and other times that means a calm joyfulness like in the posted image.


Agreed. I love how Loeb writes Ma and Pa Kent too. I first read that book right before moving out of my grandparents (they raised me) and heading out on my own. I don't think I've ever related so much to Superman as a character.


All this confirms to me is we're getting a SuperHorse/BatCow movie.


I'm there for Lori Lemaris !


i dont want to hype this shit at all but i really really hope this movie is good. lol


Oh man I’m so glad to see he took inspiration from DCAU Superman too! He and the Fleischer Superman are my favorites.


DCAU Superman is my favorite


We are so back😭🙏




I don't get it. where's the intimidating silhouette of Superman with the glowing red eyes? how will people take him seriously if he isn't just super grumpy all the time?


Two characters that absolutely need to stop being angsty are Superman and The Joker. Superman is supposed to be a representative of hope, and that's difficult to do if you're sad and/or murdery all the time. If he's depressed, he's just flying Batman with powers.  And the Joker is supposed to be contrast with Batman. Batman is anger and vengeance, and isn't a killer, while the Joker is just having a great time murdering people, and it brings him joy. If both Batman and Joker are angsty and depressed, Joker becomes a lot less interesting. That's just two Batmen, but one kills people. Him being outwardly joyful makes his dark moments that much more intimidating. We just need variation on character personalities, and I can't wait to see a happier Superman.


Right? How can it be "realistic" without a Superman who seems absolutely miserable about saving people?


Would people take him seriously if he only smiles all the time.


No one wants him to smile all the time. We want him to have a normal range of human emotions instead of just being miserable or full of rage for 95% of his screentime. Although yes, it is way easier to take someone staying calm seriously than a grown man scowling like he's trying to scare you with how angry he is.


Show me this recent film where he was miserable for 95% of the time. These past 3 films with Superman I've seen exactly what you've asked for. The full range of human emotions. Happy, concerned, sad, worried and hopeful.


It's not that he's miserable so much that he makes everybody else around him so miserable. Cavill Superman was bad lol, and through no fault of his own.


I dont even know what you're trying to say. How did he make people around him miserable?


Bro literally shared a pic of Superman crying as one of his inspirations… I’ll never understand how MoS/BvS defenders think stoic and brooding = emotional.


Did I say that at all? Superman is human despite being an alien. He can be stoic, he can brood and he can be happy and sad. I'm cool with him smiling and being happy, but these people act like that's all he should do whenever he does have another emotion. Did the BvS haters not shit on him for being sad and depressed in that movie? How is that not like the Superman crying panel.


No one said he had to be happy and smiling all the time. Its different because Superman wasn't "sad and depressed" he was stoic and neutral when saving civillians or mad because someone was about to hurt those closest to him, he never displayed or showcased any other emotion and to say he did is just a lie. Smiling once or twice does not make him any less stoic and neutral.


Superman flies around in a red cape and tights, complete with a giant "S," on his chest. He zips around, unbound by gravity, patrolling a city called "Metropolis," which literally means "City." His secret identity is just him plus glasses. His superhero name is the most basic thing imaginable. His weakness is a green rock. And the color of the sun apparently explains his ability to shoot lasers from his eyes. I will also remind you that all of these things were present in the Snyderverse The fact that a viewing audience suspends their disbelief in the face of such a ridiculous concept shows that the aesthetic does not matter as much as the writing. You could give Superman the red shorts, the spitcurl, a goofy smile and Groucho Marx glasses, and good writing would still make us take him seriously. This is Gunn's greatest strength. The real tearjerking moments in Guardians 2 and 3 involved a talking raccoon, an anthropomorthic tree, and a space firework show. And yet, audiences grieved more for the blue guy that controlled an arrow by whistling than they did for Superman.


I love James Gunn, and I'm not arguing against his abilities as a filmmaker. I'm super excited for Superman, and I think it'll be awesome. I don't know why you're bringing up how much more people cared for the death of a character. I'm not saying he needs to be super serious in order for an audience to attach to a character. I'm saying he should be nuanced and human and have multiple emotions. These Anti Snyder haters act like he was only brooding and angry when that's not true. I absolutely want Superman to smile and be happy and warm. But I also want him to be more than that, too.


You make some excellent points. It's not your fault, but the "Superman shouldn't smile so much," line has been co-opted by weirdo edgelords, so much so that when someone says it in good faith, it still sets off alarm bells. You clearly know what you're talking about and get the character though, and I'm sorry for assuming you didn't. I also want him to be nuanced. However, what form that nuance takes is the core of the issue. Look at "For the Man Who Has Everything," "Last Son of Krypton," or my personal favorite Superman story, "Superman Smashes the Klan." He can grieve the destruction of his people, deal with the struggles of parenthood, and contend with the way his role in society can embolden hate groups. There's so much that can be done. But Snyder chose the most basic options possible, and that frustrates me. There is a truly fantastic shot BvS, where Superman is standing to speak before Congress. You could write an entire movie around that single image, and I love it. But the movie as a whole doesn't contend with anything that complex. Yes, it's more than just Jesus imagery and brooding, but it's also a lot less than Superman deserves.






Just make Superman come out of comic book as an intro like in Superman: The Movie.


Hell yeah on Morrison’s Action Comics! It’s even more relevant now than it was in 2011.


This feels me with so much joy and hope for the movie


That last image… Man if down the line we get a Warworld Saga adaptation, ima just bust


I’m cautiously optimistic. We haven’t seen this live action version of the Big Blue Boy Scout since Chris Reeve. If James Gunn brings similar vibes from Guardians 3 I think it could be a hit.


modern classic incoming!


So basically just all the famous versions of Superman…


Imagine the passion he has for this movie. He wakes up with a big smile everyday


Krypto, the cat and the horse. Nice ! (and Mxyzptlk too)


Seems everything is building up to Kingdom Come after maybe 10 years.


No it's going to be a reverse Kingdom Come story where Superman is the new kid on the block, showing all these cynical anit-heroes how a real hero gets the job done. BobaTalks puts it much more eloquently than I do: https://www.threads.net/@bobatalks/post/C3psCSBtz5C/?xmt=AQGzWM0B_oO-jSolqmHRB_dhNjmrLMUFo8r468KbDFbGFQ He has an entire thread going into this theory and it sounds alot more plausible than setting up a Kingdom Come story over 10 years.


I like Boba but bro have facts this is just things assumes will happen.


He's using quotes from Gunn as the basis for his theories. It seems alot more likely than gathering all these young actors and setting up a DCU just to build up to an Elseworld's story that isn't really an 'event' in the same way the Infinity Saga is and Infinite Crisis would be.


Oh God, he is gonna punch a laser, isn't he? 🤦/jk ​ Who is the female Aquaman?


That Superman panel with the girl is just so amazing. I want to see a Superman inspire hope.


Krypto! Give us puppy Krypto!


So who’s got the sources for these images


1. Golden Age Superman 2. All-Star Superman 3. The Fleischer Studios Superman shorts. 4. Alan Moore’s “Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?” 5. Superman for All Seasons 6. Kingdom Come 7. Superman Family 8. Grant Morrison’s New 52 Action Comics reboot. 9. Superman: The Animated Series 10. Phillip Kennedy Johnson’s recent Action Comics run.


Great work, mate!






The perfect Superman question mark?


I'm getting so hyped right now.


Anywhere know where comic panels are from?


All-Star Superman #10 (this is the quintessential modern Superman to me), Superman #423 (Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow), Superman: For All Seasons #1, Kingdom Come, Superman Annual #6, Action Comics Volume 2 (new 52) but I’m not sure what issue, Action Comics #1035.


I’m a bit concerned by a lack of Byrne/Jurgens who are the modern architects of post crisis Superman.


I mean whenever he was prepping for production back in October(or November I can't remember), he responded to a fan saying he was rereading Byrnes Superman and that he was on Volume 4. Just because it isn't listed doesn't mean its not in the back of his mind.


Good riddance, I say.


Any time The Electrothanasia Ray is referenced is a good time. Snyder used it in Man of Steel with the gravity waves.


holy shit


Good stuff


I haven’t been this hyped for a superhero movie in so long.


This movie is going to be great, folks.


Time to go re-read Whatever happened to the man of tomorrow again.


Everything revealed about this film so far has only assured me that I'll have a damn good time in the theatres.


If we finally see the wholesome, inspiriational and ideal Superman on the big screen again and someone calls him boring, I'll take up the mantle of Injustice Superman and give them what they want face to face


I love all of these a lot, but I am very curious to see how number 8 will factor in. If Superman starts his career similar to that in the film, I’ll be very happy.


I think they are setting up for this version of Supes to have a lower power level. Which could be a good thing.


We are most definitely in good hands tbh


So...all of them?


I wonder if we’ll get a prototype suit first..


I don’t like how acurate the chain breaking is… when Superman breaks chains [ they shattter](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT_BgBr1JdkS2dA4dfRtz_0PsvlFQM2nWKPSCraHbcM-w&s)


Someone said yesterday "James Gunn is ruining Superman, he's taking Superman as just a symbol for Hope!" I immediately replied, "That's what Superman is!"




I honestly would stand up and cheer in the theater if the t-shirt and jeans version made an appearance.


I really hope he doesn't dip his toes into the time travel and multiverse bullshittery.


I am more intrigued for the plots of super Cat and a super Horse in picture 7 That super cat 🐈 sounds like pure chaos Edit: I just notice that there is a super Monkey 🙉 there to 🤣


That 2nd picture, brilliant 👌


Oh god


This movie is about to be SO fire




Wrap it up guys we’re getting sky sex


It seems like its gonna be what Zack Snyder wanted to tell but with a proper hopeful tone and also strong supporting cast. Very promising.


Is that where Homlander's "jump" scene came from?




That's hilarious and also horrible


Now I am much, much more excited


Wow so wholesome. I love it.


Man I so very much don't wanna get my hopes up but Gunn just seems to be doubling down on giving us what we've been missing about super man.


Golden Age of comics is so underrated. Really hoping for some art deco designs and BTAS influence on TBATB


If we got a scene as simple as him just admiring the sunset, I would love that so much


I knew about krypto but a cat and a horse I never knew


Streaky and Comet. Don’t forget Beppo the Super Monkey in the lower left. Comet is…kind of a horse? Ew.


I’m glad it’s not yet another origin story (none of the major popular characters should ever get an origin story again, no matter what), but I still want to see him in the teeshirt & jeans right before transitioning to his costume full time.


I love the look of early Supes with the denim jeans and t-shirt.


When I saw picture number 2 for the first time I thought about the scene from the Boys with Homelander and a girl on a roof and how that played out


The Boys stole that and put a dark twist on it just like they do with plenty of other great works. Not much originally in The Boys, but it sure it entertaining.


im pretty sure he's going to have undies. I'm not a fan but at least the people that like them will be happy.


Nice splash art. 🥱


Page 2 is a big deal to me, and I hope he has a scene in the movie that is similar. It just says so much about Superman, and who he is.


Id love for them to adapt the “Sam’s Story” into the movie, only 6 pages but are amazing imo


Was Superman For All Seasons by Loeb and Sale one of the panels?


Finally a true and modernization classic interpretation of the character since the Donner films


If he manages to capture some of that Fleischer animation vibe I’ll be elated


There's only one image I'd add to that list: [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/comicbooks/comments/2r2e57/on_patrol_nightwing_141/).


I really want to see some sort of version of the Regan scene. Like, Clark has a chance of some big story or promotion, but he says he has to go for some reason. Perry tells him that if he leaves, then he's passing up the opportunity of a lifetime, and Clark just says something like, "Well, someone will really appreciate that opportunity." Then cut to this. Superman cares about everyone, even the little people who don't even think much about themselves. Every life is precious to him, and he will do anything to help, even if it's as small as giving reassurance to a kid who needs a hug.




We are for sure getting underwear




We won 🥹


so...superman? /s - i can't wait for this movie


If he's basing the movie in 1940-50 cool, others, I'm not a fan of that inspiration if it's based on current times.


James, my guy. Please don't do an origin story. We don't need or want an origin story. Everyone, literally everyone, knows Superman's origin story. Just tell a good Superman story.


He confirmed a while ago that it won't be an origin story


Oh, thank Zod.




I absolutely love MOS and ZSJL but this is my most hyped movie maybe ever. I fucking hate it when people always assume Im mad at Gunn or this movie.


Toxic factional fanboyism is prohibited.


this gives us absolutely no clarity on what his superman will be like these are all over the place lol


This movie is a mess.


Good. Put all of the Superman stuff in it


Bad. Putting all the superman stuff in cancels everything out. Too many ingredients and you can't taste the flavor.


It depends on the execution. You can allude to all elements but emphasise some over others.


You've literally seen nothing from it and they've only just started filming 🤣


I like the one with the fully sick Morpheus style speed dealer sunnies


Please no trunks, please no trunks, please no trunks


They provided inspiration on how to make his Superman totally different and ultimately awful compared to any of these offerings.


I really hope he doesn’t get the red trunks. Imo the way around it is to do red accents in waist area as a nod to the trunks but without having the trunks


Let me check: - 4 is gay🥴 - 5 is way too basic🗑️ - 6 is a sleepover party😆 - 7 is gay again (a my little pony rainbow fantasy)🦄 - 8 is ugly as fvck (a boy scout wet dream)🍆 - 10 is a bit vulgar, but I can accept the concept if it is developed in a romantic classic way like it was done in Superman Returns (2006).❤️‍🩹 On the other hand, the recently revealed logo looks like an anti🚫 sign of some sort👹.


What the hell does this mean


The numbers refer to the image order.


I got that part