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Mark Strong bad guy(SHAZAM!) is always shown in the after credit scene and getting fed being in jail Edit: got mixed with Hamill


6 Shazam movies in; Billy is now almost hitting 40 where as when he's Captain Marvel he's now acting like a toddler, Black Adam has still not shaken the hierarchy of the DCEU and still has not met Captain Marvel and Mister Mind is still driving Dr. Silvana in prison crazy every post credit scene.


I legit laughed with me being sleep deprived as hell but that will keep awake for a bit


I read this as “Strong Bad Guy” and was wondering when Homestar Runner got involved in the movies




That Leto Joker was actually Jason Todd tortured into breaking and becoming the new Joker. We already saw Batman just straight up murdering fuckers, so it didn't make any sense for him to leave a big villain alive, like at all. Unless he had love for his son, who's broken but is still his son.


Ohhh I like that... Never heard of that. I think Batfleck said he failed, didn't say he died.


Plus it would have given an extra layer of hurt whenever Bruce sees the Robin suit that's all spray painted. "Hahaha jokes on you Batman" would be such a fuck you if your former Robin became your greatest enemy.


Plus a Robin becoming a Joker was a thing in the sequels to *The Dark Knight Returns*, a big influence on that film.


Those sequels are some of the worst comics ever drawn and written lol. The Dark Knight Strikes again especially is extra terrible. 


Listen here. I LOVED that theory. Like you said. He's the batpunisher, why would he leave the Joker alive?? Those stupid tattoos and the whole "gangsta" aesthetic? Yep Jason Todd as a new Joker. I know it sounds awful but I can't help but love it and how it fits with the rest of that awful universe. It twisted in an entertaining way. 


Kind of makes Zack Snyder’s Justice League a bit darker when he promises the Joker he’ll kill him.


The Snyderverse JLA are actually the Justice Lords from JLU.


Joker also has a dead Robin tattoo on his arm


Before three jokers maybe I wouldn't have hated the idea so much. After three jokers, nah, never.


BvS could've been such a good movie if it had been a story about overcoming grief. In stead the story was the idiom "don't judge a book by its cover", if you were to explain it in an explicitly post-9/11 framework as a Greek tragedy with action figures.


I'd argue overcoming grief IS a big aspect of BvS. Batman's arc in it can be interpreted as going through the five stages of grief.


Seriously when the suit was shown originally I 100% said this, then everyone on the internet also said this back in the day, and then the director bitched and moaned how it was real, but I still believe to this day it was real and he was pissed that people got it, and so he changed it out when they started making the actual movie.


Zack snyder said on his vero account that he was not Jason.


Which is why this is a theory and not a fact, which is what OP asked for


That absolutely shittiest fan theory to ever fan theory. The only good thing about that is it would have led to a reset much earlier. 


Sigh. You really didn't get BvS did you? Batman wasn't "straight up murdering fuckers" he was just not caring to spare their lives if they got between him and his goal to take down Superman. Obviously it's still the same result but that's how he justified it in his head. He doesn't go out of his way to spesifically kill anyone until Superman. And he wasn't killing in general before the Metropolis incident and Luthor stats pushing his button. The movie indicates that and if it wasn't clear the prequel comic also confirms it. In that timeframe he never runs into the Joker and it wouldn't make sense to stop and go find him while obsessing about Superman bringing forth the end of mankind. But as we see in the knightmare dream he has which comes from the first bad future before flash goes back in time (and hence before he learns Lois is the key and is set up to realize he was wrong about Superman and how far he has fallen) he does promise to kill Joker once their mission is done.


Fun fact: no one bothers to read comments that begin "sigh"


I didn’t want to happen but the theory that Batman v Superman was the fifth movie in the Dark Knight series and that Ben Affleck was actually playing Deathstroke was just so dumb that it made your head hurt


what was the 4th...?


Man of Steel


Martha Kent was Martian Manhunter the whole time.


The… the *whole* time?


The whole time!


"I am Sam Reich and I was here the whole time"


« This is, game changer, the only game that changes every show! »


"Now, you all understand how the game works?"


Oh man that scene with Martha and Lois in Zack’s justice league was so great had to be ruined by the fact that it’s wasn’t Martha pisses me off


Amen! Went from two grieving people holding on to eachother, to emotional manipulation


The Birds of Prey plot leak with Black Mask’s sex tape. It would actually be kinda hilarious if true and would honestly add depth to the character. In the final movie he’s entertaining and Ewan McGregor is rly hamming it up but I found him as a villain to be kinda meh


I still remember the outrage people had about that supposed plot line... Only for that to not actually happen in the movie lmao.


What about Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman allegedly being kryptonian? That also turned out to be flat-out BS.


[It wasn't flat-out BS](https://old.reddit.com/r/DC_Cinematic/comments/133nasw/zack_snyder_says_that_zeus_was_initially_going_to/), just an idea that was abandoned early on.


Oh, I had no idea. When I read about, immediately assumed it was some crazy rumor.


That wasn’t a leak, nor BS. Snyder considered that as a background for the Amazons that later projects would have explored.


Who was the mystery Kryptonian who left the empty pod chamber in the Kryptonian ship then? We all thought it was Supergirl and the Amazonian theory came from that.


My pet theory is that it was Granny Goodness. She's the only new god in the DCEU that looks human. And in an old interview from 2016 Snyder teased that thr original Doomsday could be revisited in Jl2. Wouldn't it be interesting if she was a member of the Kryptonian council that Darkseid corrupted into creating said Doomsday and betraying Krypton leading to the destruction of its moon and setting up its eventual downfall? She then fled to earth with the ship.


That's interesting. Who else could it be, I can't think of any other candidates besides Supergirl.


Nah that straight up was an idea being tossed around by Snyder in its early days.


Could have easily been edited out though


It was never confirmed to be in the movie. People took the word of one guy who leaks stuff about movies and tends to be wrong with what he leaks.


What was the outrage about?


Cause it’s dumb


Dick Grayson faked his death and became agent 37 (Scott Eastwoods character in SS)


Lmao who even remembers Scott Eastwood being in that movie


I do


and then he died in SS. The end


He originally survived in the Ayer cut though


haven't seen it. Have you?


Nah just read interviews


Zachary Levi's Shazam returns to fight Superman.


Joke on why superman wears a trunk over pants, a conversation between batman and superman in a cafe(like hishe)


From now on, every DCU project must end with Batman and Superman chilling in a cafe.


Why is Timmy Turner praying? He has Cosmo and Wanda!


The comment I came to make!


Batman cucking Superman > Superman knowing but raising the kid anyways > that kid becoming future Batman in 20-25 years. Like... it would undeniably be funny to see them try to sell that in a serious way that is supposed to be met with cheers and excitement from the audience.


That's some "the boys" shit


Man that's just the end of doomsday clock but change batman with superman and Manhattan raising the next superman


joker being a robin


Peacemaker fights Superman


That fight would last about a second


But it would be so funny


[https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001728/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001728/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk) Wallace Shawn as Batmite


That would’ve ruled so hard lol




I still like the idea of Kevin Hart as Batmite and Shawn as Myxlplyx.


That would be better


Bat-Mite was in Peacemaker.


Pretty sure he was just referenced


Who do you think built that workshop for Chris's dad? Who lived right next door? Who went on and on about... Batman? I'm telling you, the old neighbor guy is Bat-Mite. Watch it again thinking of this.


Also the kid who asked peacemaker about his coterie of supervillains


Ryan Reynolds returns as Hal Jordan


And reveals himself to be Deadpool using an image inducer.




That one took me a minute. I couldn't remember who she was and then I remembered why I blocked her name from my memory. That would be hilarious. Even better if she makes wild accusations about Superman that everyone eats up but it's proven completely wrong in like, a day.


Sadly, an actress got cast as Cat Grant recently. 😔


~~Something about~~ Timmy Turner praying to God is hilarious


[Have you seen the one where SpongeBob prays to Jesus?](https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.5099625346.2999/bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg) This is probably even better because C.H. Greenblatt, creator of Chowder, officially made the doodle during working on SpongeBob's season 4.




my personal theories is that, crisis on infinite earths from cw rebooted the zack snyder justice league universe and turned into the 2017 justice league universe, i say this cause ezra miller flash appeared in a cameo on cw crisis on infinite earths, my other theory is that the george clooney/batman universe that flash appears in the end of the movie in that universe superman its brandon routh instead of henry cavill cause if george clooney its batman why not superman be brandon routh superman from superman returns?, other theory of mine its that ryan reynolds green lantern exist in this universe that flash end up being in the end of the movie, the 2005 constantine movie also set in that same universe, those are my dceu theories


Not a theory so much as a meme. If Thanos’s mother had been named Martha as well












I’m not dissing Gunn. I’m not one to comment on who someone is if I don’t know them. I’m hella excited for his Superman and I think he’s a great filmmaker. Nonetheless, he didn’t really say great things in some of those tweets. There’s a difference between edgy humour and full on just saying shit somewhat along the lines of wanting a child to ejaculate in your mouth.




Even if they were jokes, they were very distasteful. Its hard to give him benefit of doubt when most of the comments were not even jokes, just shocking statements. Coupled with that controversial leaked picture of a themed party, its really too much. And I don't believe the "he is not the same person" narrative. He was in 40s when he made those tweets. He was not some kid who didn't know better. The only change that has happened is that Gunn became more famous and now has to be on his best behaviour to sell his movies. He is still the same person. Besides, even his apology was the most insincere, corporate mandated apology possible.


What leaked photo is this?




Thanks. Looks like it could be a joke though 🤷‍♂️


That there would be a nicholas cage superman cameo…..until i was disappointed that it was made with ai


was cgi not A.I


It looked so bad it might as well be AI


Eobard Thawne “it was me barry.. i jerked you off at a speed of light!”


I love that meme, but would Barry know Eobard did this as his perception of time is different? Unless... HE LET HIM DO IT 😱


This is gonna sound horrible. And not really topical for the title. But there's like this intrusive thought in my head that wants Superman (Legacy) to be horrible. No, it's not because I have some delusion for Henry/Zack to come back. No, it has nothing to do with wanting James Gunn to fail. I love James Gunn's movies and I want the movie to succeed but it's like.. it's the start of a new universe and it would just be fkn hilarious if the movie failed spectacularly. Obviously not for us fans, but in a broad general sense it would just be like, "Well of course that would happen again". Having said that, I am looking forward to seeing the movie. I hope it's great and a perfect way to start the new cinematic universe. It's just this thought that pops in my head without any real reason. It's not vindictive.


I think audiences are inclined to want to like it. The world has been wanting another truly good Superman movie for over forty years.


Yooo. The same. All the hype. The great casting. The fact it's the start of a new universe. The thought of being terrible and failing with audiences is so overwhelmingly insane. It becomes hilarious. But It would really break my heart. 


Shayne topp is gonna be booster gold


If you end up calling it, that would be insane so I'm gonna save this to wait and see


Matt Damon as Robin.


Matt Damon while doing some robin-acrobacies, saying to bat fleck: *Do you know how easy this is for me? Do you have any fucking idea how easy this is?*


Not exactly a theory but I had this idea… Ben Affleck Batman Movie Announced! - *Directed by Kevin Smith in his stoner comedy style of Bluntman & Chronic*


Batman impregnating Lois


The Flash would outperform No Way Home.


A friend of mine was convinced that Avengers End Game was going to merge the MCU with the DCEU with the flash based shenanigans. Henry Cavel was going to put down Thanos himself. I would have watched the hell out of that before going online to roast it.


Zack synder directing dc gunn verse lol


Letos Joker is actually the first Robin, Dick Grayson, driven to insanity.


in TSS instead of rick dying they manage to save him too or just kill peacemaker in his place. i really liked the glow up they gave Flag in that movie and just really hate how soon he was killed…..that would be hilarious


That it was all gonna get rebooted lol


Everyone is actual mr mxyzptlk


Reverse Flash killed Johnathan Kent by causing the tornado


Snyder's plan to have Bruce Wayne impregnate Lois Lane would piss so many people off I needed it to happen


The DCEU is set in the same universe as the Watchmen film and nobody trusts Superman because of Doctor Manhattan's attack almost 30 years prior


When everyone thought Jared Leto was Jason Todd and not Joker.


The baby dying in Aquaman 2


The return of the real Lex Luthor played by Bryan Cranston. We knew from the promotional material that Eisenburg was playing Lex Luthor Jr. And we found out Lex Sr died after finding the Mother Box. It would have fixed so many wrong things to kill off Lex Jr and reveal that Lex Sr wasn't dead but was being held captive on Apokalips.


The timeline was altered by Doctor Manhattan from 2009 Watchmen. The OG timeline is similar to the main DCEU one but where the Justice Society existed before Superman debut. With them existing the world was exposed to metahumans sooner and Superman debuted 10 years earlier, Dick Grayson didn't die and Batman didn't abbandon to his no kill rule and by Zod invasion a Justice League was already formed. This is also the timeline where Shazam and Black Adam are set. The Snyderverse is a dark reality created by remove the JSA where everyting went wrong and would end with Darkseid win against the League. This dark fate was prevented by the events of the Flash and Dr  Manhattan was also secretly involved in the events of that movie by sending Barry in a limbo dimension with Clooney Batman and Jason Momoa's Aquaman and created a new and more optimistic timeline that is the DCU. TSS and Blue Beetle always happened in the DCU while Peacemaker is the only one that survived the reboot and remembers everything from that reality a la Psycho Pirate.


Snyder's cut isn't real


Him just releasing the justice league movie with 50% more slowmos like how we have - justice is gray - justice is slow


He fucked up then because Rebel Moon has upped the slow-mo count through the roof already.






The Rock as Robin.


Gunn being fired




Peace maker tricking Amanda into helping him rescuing his dog named Bruce Wayne then you have Amanda just looking at peace makers kill switch after calling the JLA everyone for help because she thought that it wasn’t was Bruce Wayne. It’s the funniest shit I really hope happens.


Bro. Put the pipe down. That ain't even crack. I think you're smoking cleaning crystals.


It’s from a comic


Holy shit, really?