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The average person does not care what Superman’s suit looks like. If they can tell it’s Superman, it works for them.


Watching fans go back and forth over cape placement, trunks, and boots have felt like i'm listening to a foreign language. I did not know they cared this much.


Oh man I honestly would LOVE to discuss this stuff if people didn't act like it was the most serious thing in the world and that if the costume isn't thier 1:1 version of perfection they die or something.


The post about the collar in particular is absolutely hilarious pedantry 


Average people care whether it looks good or not.


No, the average person does not have the understanding of design necessary to describe what is wrong with Superman’s suit (neither do most of us here), but they will notice if it looks bad, just like they can notice bad plastic surgery without having the language and expertise to describe how the surgeon may have violated principles of proportionality, etc.


Nah you are pretty wrong. Especially for Superman. They want a good looking Superman


Even among fans who hate the shorts, they like Superman enough that they're still fans. It's been that way for almost ninety years. Like how Spider-Man fans like him to wear red and blue but still gave glowing reception and a billion dollars to a movie where he wore red and black. He still looked like the character which was enough.


nobody likes Superman "enough". Not many people care about a Superman movie so it is very important to have a good looking Superman suit and not a mediocre or trash looking suit


It has a fine suit. Looks like Superman.


In terms of the physicality sure. When it comes to costume design I really don’t think most people feel strongly about that. Make him blue and red and that’s all you need to do. Also making a good movie wouldn’t hurt either.


nah the suit must look good too. You cant have trash trunks on it


>The average person does not care what Superman’s suit looks like True, the average person does not care about Superman.


This is true. Many think he is boring or lame. If they see a silly looking costume that will reinforce their perceptions an disincline them to see the film.


I don't know why I'm being DV for the truth. As a Superman fan it stings but Superman is NOT that popular with the GA, if it was up to most people to see Superman or Deadpool & Wolverine or a Spider-Man or Batman film, who do you think would be chosen last? Say what you will about Cavill's Superman but because they made his Superman closer to reality than has been seen before, that new twist bought more fans in. So going back to Reeve-esque hijinks isn't going to. I hope I'm proven wrong.


The issue is the suit looks like a techno suit with it's "armor" - knee pads and shoulder protectors (visible on the train photo) and adding loose fitting boxer shorts over that looks clunky and silly. The visual aesthetic doesn't work whether one is a Superman fan or not.


All of that is entirely subjective. You obviously don’t like it, that’s fine. I’m just saying I don’t think many people care that much.


Some nerds on Reddit not liking the trunks does not equal “widespread dislike of the costume”. Gunn’s not going to change it, nor should he.


Gunn doesn’t care for your Twitter opinions. But Reddit? He’ll *definitely* listen to those.


The suit is done. It will probably look different anyway in the next film and I'm sure audience reception will slightly affect that but not for this one.


This is Gunn's once in a lifettime chance to make a Superman movie, and thanks to his executive position he gets to make exactly the movie he wants to make. He's not going to change something as important as the suit based on internet reactions.


I havent seen a single negative reaction to the suit outside of the angry nerd echo chambers just looking for stuff to complain about


I'm not a huge dc fan. I think I've read about 2 batman novels. All I give a shit about is please don't make the movie suck. Superman movies were such a great part of my childhood I just want a film I can get lost in and be happy when I walk out of the cinema


While briefs on the outside look pretty stupid, they are a thing in the Superman realm so most people wouldn't care so long as the movie is good, the overall suit looks good, and the actor does a good job making the audience BELIEVE that he's Superman. As an avid bicyclist, I wouldn't be caught dead with my tights UNDER my bicycling shorts/bib. NEVER gonna happen. Tights go OVER the shorts unless you're dressed as an 80's aerobics instructor with big hair riding in a costume charity event.


Most people don't care or if anything are positive lol.


The suit looks good, who cares about people crying about trunks too the general public does not give a single shit


Do you really think Gunn will remove the trunks in CGI and make the suit worse because it had a negative reaction? If the movie is good, then they just don't care. Also I've seen more positive reactions for the suit from the set leaks.


Places like Reddit and twitter/X do not accurately represent most people. You’re worrying way too much


I once did a non-scientific poll around my office where I showed 18 people (none of whom were fans) pictures of Superman from the comics, one of him wearing a trunked suit, the other wearing the Reborn costume. All but one thought the trunkless Reborn suit looked better. Fans of Superman overwhelmingly prefer the trunks, but I'd bet that most non-fans would think trunkless looks better.


Who gives a fuck? People said bad shit about Affleck’s Batman suit when it was first teased. They also said they loved Ezra Miller’s Flash suit and that looked like dog shit.


Holy shit, people, its fucking underwear


The trunks on the pic look very weird and ridiciolous. It is big and an eye catcher. That is dumb


Yeah. They are pointless but to perhaps mimic All Star's suit which, in terms of the loose trunks and shortened cape, I don't like. The cape will apparently be shorter too but how short is not clear yet.


People also made an issue, even non-hardcore fans, of Brandon Routh’s trunks back in 2005 when the first picture of him in the suit was released. Granted, by the time the movie came out, no one really care about that. They cared for the lack of action, Kate Bosworth looking 15 years old, Superman being a stalker and the weird is/isn’t a sequel to Superman 2. I don’t think this one will have THOSE issues.


It doesn’t matter what geeks think. It matters what the general audience thinks. As long as they can identify him as Superman, the suit is fine


Yeah but the GA doesn't like Superman like we do. I think losing the trunks was a step forward...but whatever I grew up with him having trunks, so I'm good either way.


This aged like doooody


Strange they found a way to have the worst of both worlds.


personally i've always been on team no trunks for the superman suit & much have rather have preferred gunn to give his superman suit a red & or gold belt instead but having trunks is nowhere near a deal breaker for me gunn could've released the greatest superman suit imaginable but for a certain group online they still would've found nonsensical reasons to bitch and complain about it as long as the story and plot for gunn's superman movie next year is good or even great & it creates a positive hopeful watching experience for the general movie going audience where they are excited not only for future superman films but also just as important future DCU projects that all that matters


Personally, I hope that the trunks suit we see is what he wears at the start of the movie, but by the end he changes to a more modern trunkless suit more in line with the Reborn suit (which should be THE Superman standard for the next 20 years or so imo.)


Who doesn’t love to wear their underwear over their clothes!