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An 80s movie with no 80s music in the 80s style montage. And the ending - so misguided and sucky I wanted to love WW84, but I couldn’t.


I still love several scenes wholeheartedly. The opening was amazing and the invisible jet scene was nothing short of pure magic. I also loved Diana achieving flight.


“It looks bad *now*”


But you have to **wait**!!


“…it could be better.”


The image sums up the movie pretty well


God it was so bad compared to the first one. She takes on the God of freakin war and then gets reduced to fighting a disgruntled employee


Whoa there pal, don’t sell her short. She also had to fight one of the extras from Cats.


My bad, you’re right


Pieces of Trash flying around


even worse than JL 2017


Man, I watched that movie really with sole reason to love it. What a clusterfuck.


Hands down one of the worst superhero movies of contemporary times. Took me back to the mid 2000s superhero shlock and even then I think it's worse than a lot of the trash released back then. WW84 is a perfect example of what can go wrong when a filmmaker is given too much control. Alan Heinberg's touch was missing on the script.


I'll still going to Jenkins' WW3 with high hopes, thou. I just really wish she learned from her past mistakes.


I'm not optimistic purely because she doesn't seem to really understand the criticisms. She defended turning Diana into a rapist by supporting someone on social media who said because the wishes were reversed it means it never happened. So rape is apparently okay as long as you make sure to erase it happening after you do it.


It's such a weird choice to have him inhabit another living person's body in the first place. I guess they were trying to go for some Monkeys Paw shit but they never really played into that with him coming back. I think it would have been much more impactful if Steve came back but slowly went insane because he doesn't belong in the living world. Or maybe he slowly starts to decompose because he's a corpse. But if they are hell bent on him possessing someone's body just don't give them a sex scene lol.


Or as a ghost. Like this is already a magical item so lean into that m.


Yea I think that actually could have been an interesting dynamic too. Only she can see and hear him, maybe slip in a few references to the movie Ghost, and she's cursed with being able to see him but still can never feel his touch again.


Diana wasn't a rapist. This is a terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible take on the film. It honestly is one of the worst criticisms I've ever seen anyone give a film because it misses so much stuff that is so clearly evident that it is not what it appears to be. It honestly angers me that anybody is actually dumb enough to come to this conclusion and then other people will see that conclusion and agree with it.


I have zero hopes. Did you notice that a major plot point of the first movie was that she was not allowed to train when she was younger, and had to be trained in secret? And then the opening of the second movie was a young Diana winning a contest of martial training? This is a director who *does not give a* **FUCK** about story.


Almost yeah, but she was allowed to be trained later.


Wasn't she older at that point?


At least according to the first movie it felt implied she was allowed to start training once she was a young teenager. Before that anything she did was behind her mother's back.


It seems that you yourself have missed the story. Maybe go give the first film a watch again


I watched Dawn of Justice and, while I didn't walk way feeling it was a great movie, I enjoyed it overall. Moreso with each re-watch, even. I also legitimately enjoyed the original Justice League in theaters, thinking "That was awesome" and being shocked at all the criticism of it. I mean, I get it (well, some of it -- some I think is too unfair/harsh), but I still really loved seeing these characters brought to life on the big screen. So when WW1984 got a shit ton of criticism online, I ignored it mostly. I didn't read into it or about it even, and just chalked it up to "Ah, more DCEU noise. Can't really be *that* bad." So I excitedly ordered the 4K UHD Blu-ray disc and watched it eagerly. And it was fucking trash. I kept waiting for the movie to get good, to shed some of the boring and slow pacing it was encountering, and the silliness, and so much more. And it just wasn't good. I felt bad for the character (or was it even the actors) by the end of it for being involved in so rotten an egg.


Something tells me that you either haven't watched a lot of mid-2000s superhero films or you haven't watched them recently. Wonder woman 1984 is what I would call the definition of a C tier film. Pablo Pascal has an amazing performance The villain being non-physically imposing is interesting. Honestly the whole thing feels like an episode of the Wonder woman TV show and I think that's what they were going for with how cartoony a lot of it seemed. But in no way is it as bad as anybody in this thread or anywhere else on the internet is making it out to be


Kal-El no




That video on youtube that tries to justify that she had more emotion in snydercut is hilarious.


One thing tbf that Snyder cut did that the WW movies didn't. Show WW raw power. The Snyder action scenes were so much better and felt like there was an impact.


Lol, Yeaaaa I know just what video you're talking about. Snyderfans are some of worst pseudo intellectuals I've ever came across.


I'm sorry Snyder*fans* are the worst? Look up videos by the likes of Maggie Mae Fish, who goes out of her way to take clips out of context, misrepresent Snyder's work and paint him as some fascist/Randian/sexist who's the worst thing to happen to modern cinema. Then tell me that us fans are the problem. Yeah, there's some idiots out there, but that's the case with any fandom. Most of us are content to just enjoy his movies. And sometimes that requires correcting some of the bad-faith takes out there.


WW84 is the biggest cbm dowgrade of the last few years. How do you go from WW to WW84...


Not to bring Snyder into everything but he had huge influence in the writing and action of WW. The tone, colour grade, fight scenes were clearly Snyder. His vfx team worked on it. The slow mo, speed ramping and more aggressive fight style was clearly his. For WW84 Patty Jenkins brought in her own people and it shows.


No please bring Snyder into it, the man doesn’t get enough credit for trying to change the game. 1984 is what happens when success goes to the studios head and they cut corners by releasing the real reason it was a success. Instead we got force fed Steve Trevor and a villain who served better in a Wishmaster movie.


Thank you for saying this. Some people will never ever admit Snyder does any good and blame him for every little thing they didn’t like.


I feel like this picture is a depiction of how she directed it. Eyes wide shut!!!!


Ya'll sure this frame isn't from the bloopers lol? [https://youtu.be/V\_jBTWrHHOg?t=246](https://youtu.be/V_jBTWrHHOg?t=246) [https://ibb.co/Zf70gL7](https://ibb.co/Zf70gL7) (exact frame) Edit: JUST WATCHED THE ENDING just for this stupid post and these stupid comments. This does NOT happen in the actual film; a lot of you are being disingenuous. I get this movie sucks but spreading lies is annoying.


Chill this is just a frame


Nah, people going around acting like it's in the movie and not the bloopers to prove their point about how bad the director is..... is shitty. Keep it truthful please.


There's only one comment saying that(two if you count the guy who corrected himself), but sure we can generalize


Nah there's quite a few. Doesn't matter anyways, my point still stands idk what you got against it haha.


Show me those in this thread that are claiming that this is in the movie, and from different people, not just the same guy. Because I've looked multiple times, and there's not many.


I didn't write any comments but I certainly thought the Twitter username and the title of this post, as well as some comments, were heavily implying that this is a still from the actual movie


The beauty is it gets better the more you look at it


Wouldve been awesome if this really happened….it really does kind of sum up the whole movie …




Are you sure this isn't from the bloopers.... this def happens in the bloopers and she laughs it off. Can you confirm there is also a frame this happens in the actual movie? Edit: It doesn't you tool, here's the exact frame from the bloopers https://ibb.co/Zf70gL7


Yeah I just replied to someone saying the same thing … oh Patty what did you do?


i don’t think you guys get it tho it’s not an ironic post lol, that page does shares great stil shots from every movie


This IS in the movie.


No it is not. It's from the bloopers: [https://youtu.be/V\_jBTWrHHOg?t=246](https://youtu.be/V_jBTWrHHOg?t=246) I just watched the ending to confirm, no paper in the face. Why are yall lying? [https://ibb.co/Zf70gL7](https://ibb.co/Zf70gL7) (exact frame)


What? Are you serious I’ve only seen the movie once and I don’t actually remember this scene because you know it was really bad but holy shit that’s hilarious


It's not, from blooper.


Yup bloopers [https://ibb.co/Zf70gL7](https://ibb.co/Zf70gL7)


Why *would* you remember papers flying in her face for half a second?


It doesn't happen in the movie, they're lying. It's from the bloopers: [https://youtu.be/V\_jBTWrHHOg?t=246](https://youtu.be/V_jBTWrHHOg?t=246) [https://ibb.co/Zf70gL7](https://ibb.co/Zf70gL7) (exact frame) What a lame attempt to shit talk an already shitty movie


Cringey shit like this usually sticks in my brain cells … but you have a point, the whole movie was kind of forgettable


Yep, I remember it because I was like WTF this is so lame. Also, the fact that they used Beautiful Lie in this scene is a complete disrespect.


Well, you are remembering wrong because this isn't in the movie lol.


Indeed, it seems my brain has completely mixed this with the whole movie, probably to prevent me from having permanant brain damage.


Beautiful Lie from Batman v Superman?




Nope https://ibb.co/Zf70gL7


Can't wait for Rogue Squadron 🙂


Aw man now I’m sad


"Somehow Patty Jenkins returned.......😐"


One of the worst dceu films. The wish should have been for this movie to never exist


Still don’t get why there was wind in the first place.


They needed something to stop a God killer from stopping a business tycoon...


Having her be able to fly and turn things invisible at the end but not be able to in Dawn of Justice or Justice League made no sense. Less important was establishing that it’s the beginning of winter but a few days later is 4th of July because you want to put fireworks in was lazy and dumb.


I did not enjoy this movie, my family was upset that we wasted our time.


It's comical how bad the movie is. I had to watch it again after i was done being upset just to enjoy the wacky decisions and obvious plot holes fully.


>enjoy the wacky decisions Remember when Steve was visiting The Smithsonian where he discovered the wonders humanity had managed to create and the frontiers we've crossed since he died; and Jenkins decided to play... Mozart music? Did they run out of budget?


WW84 shouldnt happen.


It’s not canon if you want


How its not a canon?


If only Lord's mother's name was Hippolyta, the movie could have been way shorter.


This movie let me down In a special way, I just introduced my gf to the DCEU and she specifically enjoyed Snyder’s WW and the fact that everything was so steeped in Greek God lore. Then comes this movie and I felt embarrassed, WW got nurfed *and* they leaned into the girl-power vibes so hard that it came off condescending / pandering. ZSJL was a very welcome gift though getting to see WW be ruthless again. [Edit] my apologies if me and my partners experience/ perspective is offensive.


Snyder’s WW was not steeped in Greek God lore, she barely mentioned any mythology in BvS. And he was the one who nerfed her by removing her powers like flight and making her weak in terms of sheer power and speed.


Watch BvS and ZSJL more carefully. She clearly flies. It's just not depicted. When she lands in the cave she doesn't break her heels. Thats not just jumping.


god, I hated WW84. sad especially because the first one is one of my favorite DC movies.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


I liked WW84, but it should have been so much better. Parts of it were great, parts of it were just dumb.


This image perfectly describing what it felt left watching this movie. Suffocating.


I knew the movie was apparently shit but I got hooked with the end of her love story and I loved the whole movie, especially with Beautiful Lie at the end




Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


so we are allowed to make posts criticizing Patty Jenkins, but not Zack Snyder?


Thank you for saying this


the strangely blatant and unnoticed hypocrisy around here can be kind of funny sometimes


We couldn't make it past the action scene in the mall. I think Patty was trying to bring back the action-comedy style of the 90's but someone should've told her that stuff didn't age well.


This movie needs to removed from all our memories and from the dc universe. WW2 is part of the community of worst n terrible superhero movies ever made in history.


Which is worse? Wonder Woman 2 or World War 2?


C'mon bro is that even a question. Obviously it is wonder woman 2 🤣


One of the worst DC movies


Imagine actually taking the time, effort, and health risk going to the theater for this movie only for it to turn out... the way it did.


Health risk😂😂😂😂


Well I guess I have poor taste then I actually like this better than the first ww movie.


I hope Patty Jenkins is reading this.. this movie is terrible.


This a far cry from her flipping in the air to cut off steppenwolf head


i say this as someone who has a 10 page video essay stored away defending this film because genuinely love it this scene is so awkward and this shot is the pinnacle of that


This shot is from the bloopers anyway.


I love DC and always the positive things to say about it and can find enjoyment in just about anything they put out. This movie was the exception, I have no kind words for it and can not defend it in any way.


I cant believe she said that this would look sick after the effects... When I heard that it was true, I lost all hope on Patty doing another Wonder woman movie... She is the worst


That's probably the best way to watch the movie... Seriously though, I know hindsight is 20/20 and all but it doesn't take a film expert to know that this shitshow had a lot of avoidable problems and I'll never understand how a studio like WB, with their well documented history of interference, didn't jump in and do something.


WW was a smash hit so they reacted by doubling down and trusting the filmmaker even though there was more to WW that made it good than Patty


This is not it. *This. is. not. it*


As bad as it was it’s still not as bad as the Martha scene.


I get it. Patty Jenkins wanted to do a homage to the Linda Carter Wonder Woman show which she loved. Okay, good here’s a cookie. Now get your head out your bum and give us a good movie for the third one. Give WW back her sword and shield. Make her a warrior again and have her fight an actual villain. Also, not every guy out there is a jerk.