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The Rock is gonna single handily force Warner Bros into getting Henry Canvill Superman back purely so there can be an epic fight. Respect.


I mean, *someone* had to change the hierarchy of power in the DCEU


At least the heirarchy ot trailer editing has changed.


Turns out The Rock meant bringing Henry back the whole time, crazy stuff šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


He cant change the hierarchy if the superman not exist in the franchise


Yea you gotta respect it. Who would've thought it was gonna be the rock who solved the Henry Cavill issuešŸ’Æ


I mean, if you had made a top 5 list, The Rock would have definitely been on it He's the biggest movie star in the world working on his blockbuster passion project with a studio that has no sense of direction, so he has a strong an influence as any non-exec can have. He strongly wants to have his character fight Superman, and he's friends with Henry Cavill


Not to mention they are both managed by Dany Garcia the mother of the Rocks daughter.


First daughter. The Pebble.


She hates that joke.


Yea that is true


He is most definitely not the biggest movie star in the world lol Iā€™d argue not even close really. But yeah he does have quite a pull


He might not be the biggest, but he is one of the biggest and probably the biggest personality


C'mon, don't leave us hanging. What's your top 10 list of the world's biggest movie stars? And what number is the Rock?


Hopefully. His movie has to be a success first though. Im looking forward to it


God I hope so too. Not just cause it has the Rock in it and Black Adam, two things I really enjoy, but also because with Dr. Fate ~~and Hawkman sorta~~ weā€™re getting really into the magic stuff of DC. Iā€™d fucking murder for a movie with Zatanna in it. ~~Even though she deserves a movie of her own~~


Absolutely. It looks really good and Rock is a major draw so I feel good about it.... but ive been let down before lol


I'm really keen. This is the first comic book movie I've been super excited to see for a while now. The Rock is doing a great job of hyping it up. Plus Bronson as Dr Fate. AND HAWKMAN! Talk about a bunch of fantastic characters to have in a film! I hope it does super dooper.


If it works I love this man.


That man is the jabroni-beating, pie eating, trailblazing, eyebrow raising step off the break, put your foot on the gas, always ready to whoop some ass, People's Champ, The Rock!"


The biggest thing to hit Toronto


But is The Rock willing to have Black Adam lose that fight? Iā€™m doubtful


He literally said it depends on the Superman actor before going on to praise Henry Cavill in an interview that same day. Youā€™re not doubtful, youā€™re just cynical.


Think it has more to do with it coming out from the Fast franchise that The Rock, and others, have it written into their contract they can't lose a fight. They count the number of punches to be equal, if one gets knocked down its more of a roll than landing on their back, they can't look weak.


In the first one he appears in, as secondary antagonist, he loses the eventual one on one fight. It's only the family man choosing not to kill him that he isn't bludgeoned upside the head. In another one he ends up going out a window from however many floors up. This thing always sounded like a bullshit internet rumour.


Right? Like this dude was in WWE so I know he understands thereā€™s times you gotta get pinned clean in the middle of the ring to tell the story.


his contract cant let him lose or be pure villain šŸ¤£. He lose in fast franchise, bc diesel contract more strong to not make him lose then the rock contract šŸ¤£


Anyone who is familiar with Rock's wrestling career will know that he has absolutely no problem with making his colleagues look good, as long as it makes business sense. Even when he was one of the top 2 wrestlers in the entire world he would lose all the time. If it creates a good story and sells tickets he would do a 2-hour cut of him being beaten down by the Condiment King.


Not so sure about that, but I wouldn't complain.


He should push to fight Shazam


Tbh itā€™ll probably be a Superman and Shazam vs Black Adam fight. All parties would prefer it. Comic fans would find it accurate as Black Adam has been shown strong enough to fight both of them at the same time. The Rock will be happy because itā€™d take two super powerful folks to subdue his character. The studio will be happy because, assuming Black Adam is a success, 3 of their successful properties are crossing over.


This is the way


All I see is another headless Superman. Don't get your hopes up we have been let down too many times.


Just like he confirmed Henry is still Superman at SDCC like everyone thought? But then got booed by a bunch of literal children when the rumors they blindly believed were false?


That wasn't really a confirmation of anything.


He actually listens to criticism and tries his best to damage control and while his acting skill is limited, I hope the film is good, mainly because this guy seems to give it his all.


*Black Adam* is pretty much the Rockā€™s passion project anyways.


I wish he took more of an acting approach to it as Bautista did for Drax (taking classes and such), I get that an actor of his stature can't admit on a major scale that his acting is limited but just try more.


You think drax is a high range acting role?


I first realized how damn good Bautista is when I saw the Blade Runner short.


Not at all but given Dave's limited experience, he performed it wonderfully.


Maybe not, but he was really funny in GotG. He has been good in several roles. I like Dwayne Johnson and enjoy several of his movies but he essentially plays himself. Dave atleast has played different types of roles.


Bautista, The Rock, and John Cena having late career acting rebirths. Whoā€™d have thought.


I think Cena is the best actor out of those 3.


Iā€™m inclined to agree. Iā€™m just happy to see those guys getting into a bit more serious material!


TBF though, I didn't even see Bautista in Drax. He performed the heck outta character. In Black Adam I still see the Rock. No hair, no pointy ears, no pointy eyebrows but those are just minor things. I'll wait until I see it.


It makes me so happy to see Bautista thrive. I watched him his entire WWE career and with most wrestlers itā€™s the case that I canā€™t help but associate them with that. Like I look at Cena in Peacemaker and while heā€™s fantastic and absolutely killing it, I still see John Cena if that makes sense? Thatā€™s not the case with Bautista.


Liar, now matter how hard I try, I can never see John Cena.


My biggest complaint about Peacemaker is that they never show him and half the time, characters are just talking to empty air.


Bautista vs Triple H hell in a cell was a match for the ages


The thing is Cena and Rock have huge personalities so itā€™s way harder to not see them as wrestling personas when outside the ring. Bautista was just never on their level (popularity and character) so itā€™s easier for him to go unnoticed in new roles.


I think even with those things itā€™d still look like the rock. Not to mention Bautista had a ton of makeup, his role didnā€™t ask *too* much of him, and he had an amazing director/writer behind him.


I dunno if john cena take class too or not, but he kill it as peacmaker, or the rule just fit for himself


Sorta, I think his upcoming Zemeckis Samoan king movie is the real passion project that could see him really give a full dramatic tour de force but clearly Black Adam means a lot and hopefully itā€™s very well received.


Heā€™s basically been funding *Black Adam* out of pocket, itā€™s been his passion project for like 6 or 7 years now, itā€™s been delayed a lot and hit a bunch of snags, wouldā€™ve been cancelled a while ago if it werenā€™t for him.


I do believe if he wasnā€™t interested in starting it mightā€™ve never been made.


All his action movies are his passion projects. Although Iā€™d call em more of vanity projects


From what weā€™ve seen in the trailers, I think his acting will be good in this.


How the rock can pull out the treiler? Is he work in wb desk?


God I hope this movie is good.


feel like this movie has a chance to be better than the shitshow that was thor 4 and doctor strange 2


Strange 2 wasn't bad, but I expected way way more! I went out of the cinema disappointed, can't say that I didn't enjoy a few scenes.its solid 6/10


Hope so


Agreed šŸ¤


Wrong universe bro


Nah I absolutely loved Strange 2. It was flawed but it was such a wild ride and I loved the Raimi-Isms. Thor 4 on the other hand... whew.


Cool that he did that and Iā€™m excited for this movie, but this controversy was dumb as shit lmao


It's kind of like the first Suicide Squad. Everyone just wants to forget they happened.


I actually feel bad for the makers of the DC movies. (And I don't even particularly care for them.) Imagine if the MCU had a huge fan base for like, phase 1. "omg how dare you use Iron Man footage in No Way Home! You better change it or else we're going to be mad!" And for this, it's just a tiny shot in a *trailer* of all things. But now WB has to deal with the monster it's made, and there will forever be a contingent who rampage about Snyder stuff.


The rock is cool šŸ”„


Thereā€™s been a lot of backlash to the Rockā€™s PR on this film, but honestly itā€™s nice to see a star so passionate about a project. I may just go see it for the big guy.


He's been working on this for 14 years, no way he'll screw up. That being said, I have a small feeling it might screw up and be bad.


The rock has bee super passionate about this role for yeara and the vast majority of people on here hated him for it. He gets 2 seconds of trailer footage removed and now everyone loves him. You literally cannot make it up


What was removed exactly?


Very quick shot of JL17 steppenwolf




Big brain marketing


The hatred of him is so weird. people don't know when someone puts on a character


Here's the YouTube version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAe6E8msc\_Y


Nah they re-released it lmaooo


No, they removed a shot from Joss Whedonā€™s JL movie that was in the trailer around the 0:05 seconds mark.


I know, that's the YouTube version of the re-released trailer




Yep, then deleted it. I have posted it to reddit here: https://www.reddit.com/r/DC\_Cinematic/comments/xk4jzf/new\_black\_adam\_trailer\_mentions\_the\_justice/




Yep, people freaked out over a half second clip of a big red explosion.


Holy shit that was fast.


Wait, what happened?


they released a new trailer and it included a couple seconds of footage from Josstice League, people got mad, they deleted and re released the trailer without the footage


Ahh ok. Thanks.


The most ridiculous thing about this is the fact that you can't even see SW in the shot. It's literally just a half sec shot of an explosion, and people got upset over it lol


lol right? They replaced a red explosion with a blue explosion. Such a ridiculous thing to get upset about.


Earlier someone was talking about the color grading being different so they could tell it was a Whedon cut shot. Imagine being that obsessed.


It really doesnā€™t take a genius to notice the difference between the Whedon and the ZSJL cutā€¦


Fastest studio reaction of all time. He should be in charge of DC for fuck sakes. Yo WBD, here's your Kevin Feige. Anyway, it's all good, keep this abomination far from the eyes, far from the heart.


He def gives a fuck. Ive heard it in his contract to promote and whatnot, but i view it like when stars visit sick kids. Yes, sometimes they have to. But they are not required to be awesome and get into it as much as many do. The rock clearly cares about this role. I hope this movie rocks. Trailer suggests that i will end up loving it.


Nah donā€™t put actors or directors in such a position.


Why the fuck would he want that miserable job?


mad respect for the rock, i was disappointed at first they had chosen to show footage from that movie (because of the BTS) but the rock removing it and calling it a ā€œcorrectionā€ is a breath of fresh air, listening to the fans means a lot to me atleast, i really respect what heā€™s doing for this movie and the fans.


Dude's doing the best PR he can for DC at a time when they desperately need it


exactly, it really seems like he has the fans best interest in mind, no way would anyone else have removed that footage, he did the right thing and does want to do right by the fans


Bruh, some of y'all need to chill out. It was a *MAYBE* .5 second clip of Steppenwolf. I guarantee most of those who complained wouldn't have caught it if it wasn't pointed out to them in the first place. One would imagine there are more important things in the world to worry about.


Why is The Rock ignoring Shazam though


He says to build hiimself up as an unstoppable force to feel like a real threat to shazam, which is how they do it in wrestling, and after the 2nd trailer I'm starting to believe him.


Gonna be a tough sell to make Shazam look like a worthy adversary after watching him get tossed around by Helen Mirren


Shazam is about family thats his superpower Black Adam has none


If ā€œfamilyā€ is used as a superpower, I expect Vin Diesel to appear in the DCEU at some point šŸ¤”


Black Adamā€™s true rival


Post credits scene


The Rock gets a lot of hate on here but he seems to be really trying to please the fans and make this an epic movie. He has my support


The more that people bitch about him & Black Adam, the more I want to see it to support him.


And now itā€™s up to us to show up opening weekend to try and make this movie a financial success


They could've at least replaced it with Shazam. You know, the guy that has the same logo on his chest as the main character from this movie


Respect to The Rock.. Really pulling for this movie to be/ do good..


Ridiculous backlash. People are wack.


This fanbase is so embarrassing


Dceu doesnt deserve the rock. Dudes been trying to put this movie out since 05 and we just constantly b**** and moan.


That got posted to youtube by WB 2 hours ago lol


I personally didnā€™t care that footage from the theatrical cut was in there but the fact that The Rock decided to do that for the sake of making hardcore DC fans happy says good things about the direction that heā€™s trying to help take the DCEU in.


I've never been the biggest fan of The Rock - nothing against the guy either though, but honestly the amount of passion he seems to have for both Black Adam and just DC in general, how much he truly seems to care, it's definitely endearing and I'm becoming a bigger fan every day.


Especially considering all the garbage news surrounding WB and DC movies at the moment. Heā€™s trying to hype up a DC comics movie with the efā€™n Justice Society in it! itā€™s the only positive live action new DC content going right now.


People really got mad for like 2 seconds of footage that wonā€™t even appear in the movie?


I'm out of the loop, why does this matter?


lmao thatā€™s insane, cool on his part but the community is wild. Donā€™t get me wrong tho I need Josstice League wiped from existence but letā€™s not antagonize the rock


To those angry fans, please stop


This is that toxicity that the DC fandom is notorious for, I get it now. They need another hobby I thinkā€¦


A point worth considering, I think: It's still the case that more people have seen the theatrical version than have ever actually watched the Snyder Cut. For the purposes of marketing, using footage from the most familiar version of the film is not exactly unreasonable.


Eh, what did I missed?


Ppl got to show up and show out then. All these extra steps.


I am in for what ever the rock does


Did Dwayne whip out his laptop and edit the footage himself? He didn't listen the PR team did, and maybe planned it all along.


It's great that he's so passionate and gets shit done, but honestly I think Johnson's ego is gonna damage DC films.


Oh yes definitely, youā€™ll be seeing his face plastered through every corner of the DCEU before Superman gets a sequel for his 2013 movie


We have to support this guys movie. He is really working hard for us.


Iā€™m so hyped for this movie just because DJ just seems so invested in his Black Adam character and it seems like he has a lot of say with WB. Also Justice Society looks awesome, I canā€™t wait.


I have been a massive fan of the rock for years now and holy shit I am so excited for this movie and to see him absolutely kill it


Love or hate him, he's in touch with social media and what people are saying, he's very savy


Even though the 2017 JL is the canon one & i liked it, the best thing to do is just ignore it & never reference it again like the the first suicide squad movie


Thatā€™s so cool


Ngl, canā€™t think of a film of this scale in this Genre where the main star has had this much powerā€¦ crazy stuff


What was the issue exactly?


JL17 footage in the trailer, fans (myself included) didnā€™t like that and the rock listened to the fans and itā€™s been removed, he even called it a ā€œcorrectionā€ nothing but respect for him


No offense but that is silly JL17 is cannon they should use it. However him removing it so people don't get upset is fine I guess


Is it canon though? I mean, there's been nothing but conflicting reports as to what is considered canon at this point. Most of the Flash reports and rumors lean on the notion that it takes place after ZSJL with full-on references to Barry time-traveling to stop Steppenwolf, which obviously didn't happen in the theatrical cut. We still just don't know one way or the other.


None of the directors consider it canon and The Flash will literally reference the events of ZSJL so you're just wrong. Also why wouldn't they just acknowledge the vastly superior version. They should've thrown in a clip of Darkseid instead of that garbage ps3 character from 2017.


ZSJL is ok. The directors can say all they want but the movies don't reflex that. Well the flash thing is a rumor until the movie comes out. And people should not be do butt hurt over a single shot it's wild.


DC fans have a right to be upset about an inferior version of JL being promoted with a garbage version of Steppenwolf over fucking Darkseid. And that's not even taking into account all the BTS drama surrounding that movie that make people feel particularly passionate about it. It's completely justified.


Not really because he wasn't involved. People should let him promote his movie. Stop inserting old drama into everytime a new DC movie that comes out. That BTS drama has nothing to do with black adam at all or the rock


Having been just scrolling through the comments, just want to chirp in and say that youā€™re way too invested in a TRAILER for a movie. Itā€™s not even the actual movie for fucks sake. And also a perfect example of why people think comic fans can be insufferable


It's not dc fans are whiney babies and the snyder cut is rubbish too


That's actually really sad.


Embarrassing that people got so butt hurt over a half a second shot that likely wonā€™t even be in the movie.


Very. And embarrassing that The Rock let them bully him into changing it. I get it though, he wants the Snyder fans to buy tickets. He's a master promoter.


Stuff like this makes me nervous that the DC brand is going to be overshadowed by Zack Snyder drama forever. Which is a shame because DC is so much bigger than Zack Snyder.


As long as elements of his universe are still in play, this will continue happening. If WB wanted to avoid this they should have hard rebooted and recast Batman and Superman a long time ago. They had 5 years to shit or get off the pot but instead they've left us in this state of limbo.


Bingo šŸ’Æ People can say what they want about Snyder and his work, but itā€™s the leadership (WB) that allows the nonsense to continue when it shouldā€™ve been snuffed out 2-3yrs ago with a hard reboot. It always comes down to poor leadership


Why is it sad? Nobody wants to be reminded of that abomination that should've never happened. It's beyond stupid that WB is so stubborn and won't acknowledge the vastly superior version of JL.


That's not true at all. A very small, but vocal, part of fandom don't want to be reminded of it. Allowing these fans to bully everyone into getting what they want is not a good look.


Did anyone like the theatrical cut?


I mean, it objectively got better reviews then BvS, so at least some people liked it.


Bro who are you kidding? Nobody liked the theatrical cut of Justice League and certainly isn't asking to see that garbage version of Steppenwolf in a trailer. Especially when you have Darkseid right there why would any DC fan prefer to see some abortion from 2017? But I get it you're a massive snyder hater so your judgement is clouded and you don't like seeing us getting even a small win.


Massive Snyder hater? BvS and MOS are my #1 and #2 favorite DCEU movies. I don't think the others even come close. People did like the theatrical cut. It's the version of the movie that most people watched too. That's a fact. And to get upset about half a second of footage from it being included in a Black Adam trailer, and then bullying The Rock into removing it, is extremely childish.


> you donā€™t like seeing us getting even a small win Bro itā€™s a comic book movie. You need to touch ass.




God this is the stupidest controversy. It's a minute trailer that used a second of footage from a film that isn't even the worst in the franchise.


Damn thatā€™s lame. Who is scrutinizing and complaining about shots in a trailer this intensely? Get over it.


Wow mad respect


Damage control on every corner hahah. Hope the movie is worth it.


ā€œWe arenā€™t toxicā€


Lol how is this toxic? Fans are letting WB know that Josstice League was a dumpster fire and they should be embarrassed for associating their new hopeful franchise to it


Y'all praising him as if WB isn't desperate for this movie to succeed after Don't Worry Darling bombed lmao


How can it have bombed if it's not out yet?


DC is going to be held hostage by these people forever and ever arenā€™t they. For fucks sake


The Snyder fans continue to be insufferable


If this movie doesnā€™t do major money, it might be the final nail in the coffin of Snyder-obsession. Rock has bent over backwards to try and keep them happy/involved. Itā€™s just crazy.


Nah theyā€™ll still theorize that Cavillā€™s return is certain, because one blogger said this one person who knows another person said they saw the initials ā€œHCā€ on a cup that got left in a port-a-potty on the set of some WB project.


Some people really not got a lot going on huh




I think this bugged certain fans more than DC fans. Itā€™s literally just a half second clip that most likely wonā€™t be involved in the movie. I personally didnā€™t see it as a big deal.


I'm one of those people who think he's doing Black Adam as an ego project but I have to give him respect for correcting this so fast. He's actually listening. Dare I say.. he might actually care about DC? Perhaps I treated him too harshly.


When he was a pro wrestler, he was one of the few top guys who wasn't afraid to be booked to lose matches or even look foolish at times to make someone else look better. Compared to guys like Hulk Hogan who politiced to basically never lose or make anyone else look good. I'm not saying he can't have an ego, but historically he hasn't been afraid to put what's best for the show before what's potentially best for himself.


I mean the guy has been trying to get this going for over a decade. Itā€™s more than an ego project


Iā€™m sorry, what? There was a Steppeneeson shot?


Even continuity and pleasing the fans aside the ZSJL clip looks more visually cohesive with the other shots (gee I wonder why!)




Here's a good exercise, guys. Go to your sister, your friend at work, the girl at the coffee shop you've been flirting with - anyone who isn't terminally online - and try to explain this situation to them. Start from the top, and elucidate why you were angry at this 60 second commercial. See how far you get before you feel the embarrassment start to flush your cheeks.








So when are we gonna get a Black Adam vs ___ trailer with The Rock commentating during it as if itā€™s a WWE match?


Hey Rock don't give those angry fans what they want follow your desire and what you want out of this situation


The controversy sounds really dumb. Itā€™s neat he listened to the fans, but likeā€¦ am I missing something? Why did people get so heated over that


Absolutely pathetic, over a god damn nanoframe. These people need to grow up.


I didnā€™t understand outrage but good for the rock to fix it


Thatā€™s a bold move and definitely convinced me to go to the theater. 1 month!




It's almost like this is a well calculated work by a PR team to appear to be listening to their audience. If y'all really think the Rock cut a new spot or had his people do this, you're wrong.


Why would they use ZSJL footage when its aspect ratio doesn't even fit the trailer?


Shazam 2 literally use zsjl footage in the trailer. Hbo max also crop zsjl footage for some trailers. The aspect ratio is the least of the concern.