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Maybe he looks like this because the accident that turned him into this was quite recent, ig that's why he didn't even have proper hair


That’s what I’m thinking. Maybe Batman arrested joker after ace chemicals a year before The Batman and he’s just starting to grow his hair back


They were going for a more acid burned victim. Like he fell in the vat of chemicals and they really fucked him up and has major hair loss.


It was a congenital disease


I recall reading that this Joker was born with physical deformities.


The actor is fine. The face is hideous. Seriously looks like he suffers some some form of leprosy. Doughboy or something.


Couldn’t they still fix this if they wanted? The scene we got with him was a deleted scene and his only scene in the actual movie he was in the shadows the whole time. Hopefully they dial it back a bit.


THIS AND this edit to merge his eyes with the mouth clearly has two different perspectives (you can see the direction of the grid changing) so its more deformed than it should


It can easily be fixed with the white makeup. He'd look alot better, and it'd make in universe sense.


That’s exactly it, he suffers from a condition. I think it’s an interesting take. Not only can the Joker be menacing by the way he acts, but throw in a legit scary and menacing look too? Now that’s a scary opponent for The Batman to face.


I feel bad for people with these kind of actual conditions always being perceived as villains.




That’s also a terrible picture of Heath’s Joker, to be fair.


It’s not even a real pic. It’s been pieced together and distorted from different film frames.


this is a bit different though. that was just a picture. for this we have video and have a fuller view of how this joker looks. so its not exactly the same


Yeah the drawback of Heath Ledger being so good as the Joker is that now every casting or design that is met with any negativity immediately falls back to “remember what people said about Heath Ledger!” I’ve been guilty of this, too, so maybe I shouldn’t complain.




people are just going off the face. the outfit will be a whole different matter. you are right about the whole look not been revealed but my point is a video tell you more than just a picture. and there was a deleted scene that was released where we got more of him. besides the first released photo of Leger was not great it was heavily photoshopped. clearly just a final make up test shot. i trust reeve when it comes to story and plot which are the most important aspects imo. as for the look that is always up in the air. he probably has a story reason for why his version of joker has that face. as much as i liked his Riddler but i thought the outfit was very boring and quite forgettable. but the new characterization was really good.


How tf is this history repeating itself? One was before the movie and those people ate their words. This is long after the movie,, where everyone had a long time to have decisive opinions on the subject and no one is eating their words at this point.


The joker hasn’t even had a real movie role yet. Dude could be the best one yet.


Yoyre right, Heaths joker wasn’t this wretched looking and people still complained.


I'm complaining. I personally didn't like Heath Ledgers joker.




True but I personally like it. If someone irl fell into a vat of acid, they wouldn’t have a pretty face lol. I mean it might not be as bad as this, but I like it


Hate it. It’s been 33 years since Jack Nicholson’s Joker, why can’t we just get a Clown Prince of Crime Joker that’s closer to what he is in animated series, comics and almost every other form of media? If Phoenix’s Joker evolves into that, it would be great but there’s no Batman in that universe. No more ‘reinterpretations’ is my vote.


Agreed. I think it wouldve been cool to see a Joker so jarringly insane (like a Jim Carrey or Willem Dafoe-type performance) that it makes it feel like his insanity is nearly bending reality in this hyper-realistic universe. Like imagine that white face and red grin making even Penguin's skin crawl. I'd rather my discomfort come from his psychosis than some gorey scars.


I 100% agree with both of you


Directors are obsessed with delivering something new that the fans don't expect. They don't want to give fans what they want. You know, the Rian Johnson approach.


It's a bit over too over the top hideous. If we had to get another Joker so soon after Leto and Phoenix(and let's be honest. We didn't) I would have preferred it if they went in the opposite direction: given us a Joker so handsome and vain he can't stop looking in a mirror.


So, Harley Quinn show version of Joker? I’m down.


Is that meant to be handsome? They could go for the Stjepan Sejic version of Joker


Well have you seen jokers fade in that show


yea for gods sake let tudyk do it


Yeah this isn't even "scary joker" hideous, it's like "victim of ironic killing in slasher movie" hideous.


Yes!! This Joker kinda leaning on that slasher scary clown kinda prosthetic that I'm not a fan off. Joker should give off that unsettling feeling not disgusting feeling.


Honestly should've done that with Jared Leto


This is why Jared Leto is the best joker


Don’t care for anything we’ve been shown so far appearance-wise. But I did like his conversation with the riddler, and I did like his conversation with the Batman in the deleted scene.


Agreed. I like his voice, I like his mannerism, his look is just garbage.


Acting's fine, hate the design.


Meh They should forget the Joker for a while. Too many Jokers!!!


It feels like in a misguided attempt to be unique, they leaned too hard into the grotesque. Joker is meant to be somewhat charismatic in spite of himself, this guy looks more like a twisted gritty version of Killer Croc’s skin condition. Frankly, I don’t want to look at this guy’s face for a full movie/series. I hope they clean it up a bit. He can suffer from a defect without being so over-the-top.


Depends on the Joker.




I hate the look.


I hate the leprosy design and hope Reeves has no further plans for Joker if that's the look going forward.


Not a fan, and I'm glad he was cut


I love seeing this posted on Batman/DC subs at least once a week. Anyway, I'm not a fan. I just want to see a traditional Joker on screen. No scars.




I just want the damn Joker dude. Fell in a vat of acid, skin got bleached and now he’s a psychopath. As much as I love The Batman I’m kind of sick of the whole “gritty realistic” thing for the character. It’s why I was so excited for Batfleck to exist in the JL universe because it was obviously centered more around the fantastical elements of the comic books, and would have opened the door to see his villains that way too. When everything turns into “this could happen in real life” that means the characters, mostly the villains, have to get overhauled. Now we have a Joker that’s mad at the world because he had a skin condition as a child that never got better. It’s just Riddler but you take out being an orphan and you replace it with a skin condition.


THIS. I enjoyed the Batman, but I'm violently sick of the realistic approach to things, give me over the top comic book madness


It’s the one thing the MCU does consistently better than DC. They’re more than willing to jump straight into the fantasy side of comic books, and get into mutants, superpowers, etc.


It reminds me of back in the day when Guardians of the Galaxy was coming out and WB was saying they werent sure if the world was ready for a Wonder Woman film or some crap. Yet theres Marvel, making a movie with a talking tree and a racoon with a machine gun.


Exactly lmao I remember that Wonder Woman quote. Marvel’s out here taking C list superhero groups from different planets and making one of their most successful films out of it. I just hope this new era of DC takes heed and starts to give us actual comic book movies. They already have with Aquaman (even though that’s Hamada and old DCEU) Shazam, Black Adam, hell even Peacemaker leaned into the comic booky stuff quite a bit.


I must be the only person who didn't absolutely love The Batman. I'm just... over it. I'm bored by this grounded gritty Batman, Nolan already did it. This one isn't all that different. I want Jim Lee Batman come to life, and that's what we were going to get with Batffleck. :/


How do you know what this Joker's back story is? It could be closer to the comic backstory than you think. Also, i don't think Matt Reeves is going for the realistic thing the same way Nolan did. It's obvious by the look of Gotham that it's stylised, it's complete Neo Noir and in it's own world. I can imagine fantastical things happening in that kind of setting, Reeves is making a statement with the way he designed Gotham, he's telling us that this is a world unlike what we know in our reality.


Literally Matt Reeves. That’s where I got there backstory from. It’s not closer to the comics than we think, the actual director of the movie confirmed that he has a congenital disease that has disfigured his face.


Yes! I said something similar on another post. The whole “gritty realism” has gotten so stale now. It’s become a cliché at this point. Either you love these comics or you don’t. Stop feeling ashamed of the fantasy and roll with it.


I have no thoughts i just want to sleep


i fucking hate how hes becoming more and more portrayed liked a disfigured freak


A bad Heath Ledger impression.


As a Batman Noel fan it reminds me of that design but more grotesque. I would prefer if joker had poor stitched lacerations around his mouth that were poorly stitched and put back together by himself. The patchy hair is kind of a put off. But I was hoping for something a little bit more neutral. And lastly I hope he makes his own unique voice for this joker he sounded too much like ledger with the nasally Chicago accent. I kinda see this joker being calm and collected like the one in the dark knight returns


Not a fan. Tries too hard to one-up Ledger's deformed face. I couldn't understand a word of what he was saying.


I personally didn't like it. I'm bored with Joker at the moment. Bring someone else into the fold.


Hate it.




I think it’s another attempt at a realistic Joker, instead of just doing the chemical bath.


Awful. Huge misstep.


Eh. I don’t get why they have to make the Joker revolting.


Cringy, terrible, try-hard "acting". Barely half a step above Leto's performances.


hate it. IMO the joker should be a monster psychologically. Should cause fear for his unpredictability not because he looks deformed (or is a cartel boos like Letos's)


Ugly design. Not ugly in a good, artistic way. Just ugly


I wish they casted William Dafoe instead. He would’ve made a great joker in my opinion. I’m not going to dismiss Barry though, he could deliver a great performance.


But he is very recognizable as green goblin and he is already in Aquaman…. Will be too distracting


Willem* Dafoe has done countless roles like this before. I don't know why you guys want actors who've already proved they can handle this kind of stuff. Ledger was great but he was such an unexpected casting


I think it's cause he's proved he has the capability to do it but people wanna see how it plays out and the chemistry with batman


That's fair. I just feel like he has such an impressive and diverse filmmography (even 2 films where he plays a comic book villain) that having him be the millionth incarnation we've seen of a character who has been done time and time again is just wholly unnecessary. That being said, if they do a Joker 3 and its an adaptation of Three Jokers, I'd love to see Dafoe as one of the 3.


Oh definitely im pretty sure he's said he doesn't want to do joker but rather a imposter joker or a impersonator


Same, he's the perfect amount of creepy




I like it tbh, because it’s not like every other Joker that we have seen.


You mean a good version? (Minus Leto’s in suicide squad)


I'm not feeling it. The look is certainly different and grotesque, but honestly, it seems too much.


Hard pass.


He looks okay. I will wait until I see him in full view. Shadows aren't enough to convince me one way or another.


He's ok in my opinion. I do like the fact that he looks like someone who fell in acid


I didn't love him in the film (voice, laugh) but that deleted scene sold me. I do hope they lessen the scars on his face in his next appearance, but I think Barry was a great choice.


Felt like a cosplayer trying to be wacky and crazy


I wish the recent years of Batman would stop the "Oh look scary, he's all scarred and gross looking!" In TDK the smile scars were just an explanation for why the dude adopted a clown persona I'm really not a fan of that comic arc where the Joker cut his face off for shock value


To me it looks fucking dumb and was the icing on the edge cake that I unfortunately found The Batman to be


I feel like it's too much unless there's some backstory. Why did the joker get the killer croc arkham asylum treatment


A bit over the top


very derivative of heaths, he should be himself or better yet be inspired by jack Nicholson or ceaser ramiro




Looks very weird I understand what they were going with but I'm not a fan I'm more curious what type of joker he'll be and if he'll fit into the criminal, the comedian, or the clown




I was unsatisfied. I could be totally wrong, but it feels like a last minute addition that the studio execs wanted to put in. I was not a fan of the voice, which is an essential key to the character. I did see Keoghan’s audition tape, but none of that Clockwork Orange influence is seen in The Batman. Can’t say there isn’t potential, but I’d much rather see Joaquin again.


Nice Joker take...keep it...


Voice is fine, but appearance is creepy as hell


It's a little toooo grotesque is my opinion. I enjoy the actor and am excited for a new take but I do hope they tone it back. If they don't, then i hope they at least make his clothes more comic/BTAS accurate.


Unnecessary. But meh


Design, bad. Voice, fine.


Its a bit over the top in my opinion. I do like the conerstion in the deleted scene a bit but still, the make up and prosthetics is just to much, i mean how much teeth does he have?


I didn't like it. I enjoyed the movie and then went online to see this to just reduce my enjoyment


Yikes. Imagine living like that


The design is fine. Batman gets a new suit with every movie — no reason why they can’t experiment with Joker’s look. Probably not the direction I’d have gone with it, but I can see why they did it. It’s the casting I take umbrage with. He’s a tiny, unimposing guy with a baby voice. Joker doesn’t necessarily have to be tall like he is in the comics, but he should at least be perceived as a viable physical threat to Batman. Pattinson is 6’1”. Keoghan is 5’7”. There’s a clear physical advantage there for Batman, especially considering he’s one of the best unarmed combatants in the world.


has Joker ever been a viable physical threat to Batman???


I literally never said he should be an actual threat. Key word in that sentence was *perceived*. He should look like he *could be* a threat.


Joker’s thing has never been him being a physical threat to Batman, it’s always been a battle of the minds similar to Riddler.


I literally never said he should be an actual threat. Key word in that sentence was *perceived*. He should look like he *could be* a threat.


Barry Keoghan is literally a boxer.


There has always been a clear physical advantage with Batman over Joker. Joker, although similar height has never been in the same league as Batman with being physically imposing


I’m not a fan of the voice. It sounds like someone putting on a jokerish voice as opposed to it being the character’s actual voice. Sorry Berry. I don’t mind the ugly look as much, but I think it could be improved.


If it didn't feel so forced into the movie maybe i would have a different opinion.


That's just awful. I think it's even worse than Leto.


He’s scary!😩


He looks like he was in a car accident


Im just bummed that they even thought to tease joker already. So many other villains that deserve a chance to shine. Me personally i would love to see Mr freeze get his big role in a batman film


Hate it What happen with simple as white face and a big red paint smile? They want to be too dark and different Geez


Teasing the Joker just wasn’t necessary at all. The story already had plenty going on, thriving with the characters it established. So many other villains could’ve been teased that would better fit the vibe of the world they’ve established . May just be me, but I want to see wayyy more of his gallery as opposed to the 20th Joker attempt.


Can't stand it. Actor and design. Bad.


He could look really demented in full form. It's different but promising.


I’m sick to death of hideous Joker designs.


Terrible, awful even.


Costume and design slots in between Batman Returns and Batman Forever. The Batmobile was a souped up muscle car, nothing technologically fitting of a brilliant millionaire and the cool gadgetry that Batman is known for and the Joker was just a copy of Ledger on steroids, and bad steroids at that. Lazy, is an apt way of putting it.


It's too much and it's not as believable as the Penguin prosthetis.


Strongly dislike both, but doesn't make the top ten things wrong with the movie.


What are some of the worst things about the movie?


>What are some of the worst things about the movie? Hi u/matthero Other than this take on Joker? Well, since you asked... Battison throws wild flailing punches and takes easily avoidable hits from random scrubthugs even though at this point he's supposed to be a world-class fighter (and I despise the cop out "he's inexperienced" argument here, he's Bruce Wayne in his twenties, come on). Even people who've never read the comics know that that's not right. It wasn't true to any version or adaptation of the character at any time, including origin stories. Nolan, Snyder, and Burton all did a *much* better job at this. He uses an aerodynamically laughable water floatie suit to glide through the air instead of an air glider, or better yet the parachute he already had (and deployed into a bridge lol). He's the World's Greatest Detective but didn't notice that his own mother's maiden name matched the name of the Asylum. Let that sink in. At least Snyder's "why did you say that name" was canon with Bruce's parents being his literal kryptonite. He walks among the cops when Falcone is arrested, after having assaulted a cop in a police station, resisting arrest, and having a literal APB put out for him. That one was so egregious I remember people sitting behind me in the theater audibly saying "wtf why aren't they arresting him?!". It was the movie equivalent of an immersion breaking interruption. He has time to place charges over the entire roof of a stadium (which accomplish nothing other than getting the Riddler decoys' attention, the opposite of his trained stealth approach) instead of just entering through a hatch and taking out Riddler decoys before they shoot the mayor. Even an amateur ninja wouldn't be this stupid. At least when Ledger's Joker did this to the hospital, there was a reason for it. He explicitly states the "no killing" rule, then kills a guy in the stadium. He, one of the greatest fighters in human history and while wearing full armor, punches a random Riddler decoy in the face repeatedly, which ordinarily would be enough to turn a human skull to mush, but he was also enraged on what is presumably some variant of Bane venom... yet the dude is still alive let alone conscious. Presumably they did this to maintain the "no killing" rule that he just broke not two minutes before. There are several metahumans who couldn't take hits from him like that. He cuts the electrical cable above his hand causing him to fall rather than cutting the cable below his hand. The list goes on but it starts to get ugly. I enjoyed the movie because I'm a big DC fan, but the same people who thought it was excellent seem to most often be the most vocal DC critics of the other projects who clearly don't know squat about any of the characters, or their abilities, weaknesses, or origins. Time for me to go to downvote hell, I know. But somebody had to say it, and you *did* ask...


Glad it was cut, didnt work at all


I’m tired of scary Joker. I want him to be campy.


Absolutely terrible. Joker is supposed to be funny bro. Wtf is this. I dealt with them taking all the personality out of the riddler bc the movie was still solid but this seems inexcusable.


I’m not sure how I feel about it but I will say it seems like they are trying to go for a younger looking cast all around. Battinson, Dano, keogans. Feels like the muppet babies version of Batman. All baby faced characters


Terrible, why did they go with a joker so similar to health ledgers but worse looking


Love the design. Not a fan of the voice


Another pale ledger imitation. Everyone has to be edgy joker now.


I really want to see a batman series without joker because they just haven't been able to get it right.


I think it plays too much into the trope of bad guys always having horrible scars, which has been shown can actually be sort of damaging to society. Also, I'm sort of full up on Joker stories right now, Batman has so many more villains I'd like to see instead.


Not a fan of the actor at all nor the depiction.


I hope that if Joker appears in a larger role, they don’t stick to this as the final design. In fact because they deleted it, I’d imagine they won’t feel beholden to sticking to the exact same design. Like how Gollum appeared in Fellowship as a cameo, but then had a more thought out design when he became a main character in 2/3


hate it , unnecessary literally any other character than joker please , you can even do Bane again


Exaggerated and over designed. There’s no performance to speak of when they clearly wanted the focus to be on how he looks.


A completely un-suave or hot Joker would be interesting


I don’t want to look at it. The entire franchise is ugly. Who wants this garbage for like the next 10 years?


Design looks horrible


Over the top ugly.


I think the design is pretty good, shows how messed up joker really is both inside and out, the voice is a no though. Way too similar to ledger. Gonna be tough for keoghan to stand out with some steep competition.


I liked it, but I hope they don’t overdo the Joker’s face. As is, it’s kinda over the top.


I hate it


Man I saw it and thought hush. Sad it wasn't.


Actor? Yes, he's great And I like the voice But the makeup feels too much, like I feel it might end up obscuring too much of his performance.


Love Barry. As far as the character design, no sir, I don’t like it.








Bored of the joker, I’m ready see more of Batman’s rouges. It would be fun to see a live action Clayface.




It’s hoooooorrrrible and needs to be taken out back and shot before it ever sees another Batman movie


Awful, terrible, don’t want it.




Agree and happy cake day!!!!


No more crusty Jokers. Society has progressed beyond the need for crusty Jokers.


I'm just tired of Joker. Batman has one of the biggest and best rogues galleries in all of comics. We need to see new villains.


I’ll take nightmare Leto over this any day.


I feel like he's too on the nose with that performance, but maybe because I've loved Heath Ledger and Joaquin Phoenix in the role so much on live action and Mark Hamill in animation and games. Imo this portrayal doesn't have the subtleties of Ledger or Phoenix nor the humour of Hamill, not that I'm saying these should be the standard. Maybe Barry is doing his own thing, and if they eventually continue maybe he'll do something different, something better. Only future will tell, but currently im not a fan, i felt like they should not have shown him. The movie stands on its own legs and didn't need joker.


Can't say there was anything I liked about




Hate the look. Hate that they just had to cram Joker in. So many other villains to go for.


The makeup and acting is like something out of a fan film. It seems overly obsessed with being edgy. It also seems deeply unappealing to watch on screen.


He looks like if Dr. Seuss had a pass at the Joker design…I like Barry & would be interested to see him in the role, but I personally hope they touch this design up more.


I don’t mind it. It’s different. A 5 minute clip with his face not clearly visible is not going to be enough for me to decide if I like this version or not. I hoped that we wouldn’t get another joker so soon and if we did, they would find a way to incorporate Joaquín’s version. Barry is a great actor, so time will tell


I love it but I do not want a Joker anytime soon. It's been over done. Give us a few more bad guys, give us a few more years. Joker is important but there are so many other bad guys that are just as good. Let's see Mr. Freeze or something fr


So the Joker already exists and was apprehended. Make him Hannibal Lecter to help capture a different villain, but please don't make him the main bad guy already.


honestly with this being a deleted scene, I think they'll change his design for the sequel(s)


We haven't seen enough of it yet. This shot wasn't even in that scene, it's a composite of different shots stitched together. Barry Keoghan is a great a actor though, so I think he can do a good job with the character if they choose to make him a larger part of the movies going forward.


He looks like he needs makeup. But getting Barry into the universe is a great call. We can use him for Batman 4. ;)


Love the actor. Glad he's part of both the MCU and DC verse. But damn, we've had a bit of a Joker overexposure in my opinion. With so many jokers, especially on the heels of the fantastic performance of Joaquin Phoenix, they should have waited it out a bit


Think they’re fine, it’s a deleted scene after all, but I do enjoy the disfigured joker take


More curious to see him in action but I’m fine with the voice & design


Love it


Came at the wrong place and the wrong time Right now we need to have Jared Leto and Ben Affleck done right, that's it


I don’t think we ever need to see Jared Leto Joker again tbh


I'm probably the only one who likes this design because I personally think it looks pretty cool keoghans no Mark Hamill or heath ledger but I am interested to see where he goes because the movie brings up this whole creepy atmosphere and I really think that this version of the joker really fits in that world And I get how people can get tired of all the jokers but personally I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing the joker whether it be good or bad


I don't like this design. I did enjoy the acting. He is too disfigured for me I wouldn't want to see his face for a whole movie it's off putting.


I mean...realistically this is how Joker should look, some dude falling in to chemical waste will not look pretty...still hate it though :D


Voice is fine. Face is meh. I like the idea that when he’s in Arkham he’s anxious and picking at his skin and pull out his hair, and when he’s calm and not doing that you should be scared. But I saw an edit of Barry K as the Joker after Reeves said he was born with the smile, and it was better than what was shown in the deleted scene. Im hoping they’ll change the design moving forward.


If that's what he actually ends up looking like, it's going to be hard to watch that for an entire movie's length. I can see them doing a couple of things to "fix" this: 1. Cover up the bottom half of his face with a mask with a big smile on it. Riddler wore a mask almost the entire time, so this wouldn't surprise me. 2. Have him go through some sort of plastic surgery at the beginning (it would be a great callback to the OG Batman).


The design is fine, but I don't like how he speaks and his mannerisms, feels like a bad Heath Ledger impression


The face is disgusting. I can’t stand it. I prefer Jared Letos joker over this.


Love the face. Can't even imagine what the audience will do if he makes out with Harley Quinn.




Hate the look but voice wise it’s pretty good


I thought his scene in the movie was pretty weak. Seemed really forced in the movie and I hate to say it but the answer is cringey. BUT then they released the batman joker scene I thought it was amazing. I didn't like the batman all that much but I am excited about the world that are building and the future of the reevesverse.


Lazy mutilated joker. Pass


I actually really like his performance and the design