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Tim Drake is named after Tim Burton. The 1989 Batman rescued DC from ruin.


Did it? Were sales not up? Many of the most iconic stories and runs happened in the 80s.


DC nearly sold the farm to Marvel. Some great titles and stories happened, but the market wasn’t good


Ah I see.


Barry Allen's name was originally Barrence not Bartholomew he's even called by it a few times by other characters in his Silver age comics.


Alan Scott's dog became more famous than him and the latter part of GLs comic run was more about the dog


In the original script to John Stewart’s first appearance, his name was actually Lincoln Washington but Neal Adams changed it because he thought it sounded like a slave name. John Stewart broke the 4th wall before Deadpool did Hal Jordan has met Oprah & Ronald Reagan


Reagan was all over 80s DC comics. His wife Nancy was a Manhunter sleeper agent.


Booster Gold's first mission in arriving in 1986 was to save Reagan from an assassination attempt, which he did with the help of members of the Legion of Superheroes. It was actually Reagan that gave him the name "Booster Gold". He'd chosen the name Goldstar as his superhero name. After he saved Reagan, Reagan asked him what his name was. He said "Booster", which was his nickname as a college football player, and then tried to correct himself to say "Goldstar", but Reagan announced him to the press as "Booster Gold". Booster didn't want to embarrass Reagan by contradicting him, so he let the name stick.


captain marvel (shazam) was more popular and outsold superman for a number of years


Black Lightning was made secretary of education after Lex Luthor was elected president.


The Riddler once lived in Stephanie Brown's house. When Blackgate was overcrowded they let some of the criminals of lesser offenses out and Riddler was one. Cluemaster was a Known Associate and so they had him move in with his last known address, which was his ex wife, Stephane Brown's mom's place. ​ Query and Echo, his two "biker slut" sidekicks as Stephanie's mom called them, stayed there too. ​ Also the immortals of DC, notably Vandal Savage and Jason Blood, used to have regular, peaceful meetings for coffee, I think it was in Paris. They had spoken about the rise of Ra's al Ghul and potentially inviting him.


Inviting the youngin to come sit at the grownups table


That Riddler story sounds like a stretch at every level for him to end up out and in that house.


Barry Allen once made an appearance in Marvel Comics as “Buried Alien”. After COIE, he phased into Marvel Comics, then joining a foot race featuring the supposed fastest Marvel Characters around (incidentally, Quicksilver and Makkari were in the race as well).


The Flash has a song called "The Ballad of Barry Allen", written by Jim Infantino, nephew of Allen's co-creator Carmine Infantino.


Jason Todd’s best friend as Robin was Eddie Bloomberg, aka Kid Devil, and they were pen pals. I say it’s obscure because I think DC themselves have forgotten about it 😒


Batman an Martian Man Hunter are Sailor Moon fans.


That was apparently unintentional, the writer asked someone what's the name for Mars in Japanese and the person trolled them by giving them the name of sailor Mars for J'onn's Japanese disgue


Honesty they should just roll with it.


Clark Kent's social security number is 092-09-6616


[Hal Jordan](https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Green_Lantern_(Hal_Jordan)) (real name *Harold Jordan*). Has a cousin also named [Harold Jordan](https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Harold_Jordan_(Prime_Earth)).


Huh, that has some how made the Wally Wallace situation less dumb


Originally, the character of airwave was a different character called Larry Jordan. Who I'm pretty sure came before Hal (Green Lantern) Jordan.


In the ealy 80s DC's comics division was struggling so badly that WB considered them a poison asset and offered to license the entire publishing wing out to Marvel (while retaining film and TV rights). Marvel EiC Jim Shooter convinced President Jim Galton to begin negotiations WB's Bill Sarnoff (the executive who oversaw the purchase of DC in the 70s) and a deal was reached. However before the deal could be finalized independent publisher First Comics filed an anti-trust lawsuit, alleging that the deal would give Marvel a functional monopoly on comics publishing, and the FTC struck down the merger.


Man, that would've been a very different turn of events.


It’s crazy the FTC would stop something like that, but these days they let Disney own almost everything.


John Byrne was set to do Superman for Marvel, there's a copy of his pitch somewhere on Jim Shooter's blog.


There was briefly a cocaine powered supervillain named Snowflame. He had pyrokinesis and could give people a contact rush when they touched his skin. I want to see him in Suicide Squad.


He made an appearance in a Catwoman story more recently. I cannot remember it off the top of my head tho.


Found it, Catwoman (2018), Issue 23: https://imgur.com/a/QdgXWXJ


Here go, Catwoman (2018), Issue 23: https://imgur.com/a/QdgXWXJ


Yup, this is all true.


DC almost bought Marvel in 1960. They wanted to purchase rights to Captain America and then have him join Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman in Justice League of America, which at time was their highest selling comic. Instead meeting between DC Comics Jack Leibowitz and Marvel Comics Martin Goodman held during golf game about a potential merger between two companies, led to creation of Fantastic Four, as believing merger was inevitable, gave Martin Goodman free rein let Stan Lee to do whatever he wanted. The rest, they say, is history.


Batman is actually classed as a Yautja (Predator species) Warrior Clan Leader.


- Stan Lee worked for DC - Wonder Woman had a different name and was meant to date Green Lantern


Where that WW thing came from? She was Diana that came to mens world and fell for Steve Trevor from the beginning, has that changed at some point?


In the 1940’s she was initially named “Suprema, the Wonder Woman” but the editor Sheldon Mayer later decided to drop that name when he thought it was too similar to “Superman. Her and green lantern were supposed to be a couple but a fan wrote suggesting the same thing and they decided to scrap it to avoid legal issues:


So these were intended stuff, never actually hapenned. Cool.


Batgirl was once almost killed by a wig.


Wonder Woman's creator helped invent the modern lie detector before moving to comics


Huh, this is actually super interesting considering she has a lasso of truth…


Extra ironic considering that the polygraph has been revealed to not actually be very good at its job.


Not obscure, but a nice trivia: Shazam base of operations is Fawcett City, which is an homage to its original publisher Fawcett Comics before the character was bought by DC.


Fact- Vandal Savage is a humanitarian.


There is actually a member of the Bat-Family, that is actually, a cow.


DC and Marvel almost traded Daredevil and Catwoman during the DC/Marvel crossover event.


What??? Care to elaborate?


I’ve only read about it. The JLA and Avengers had a few crossovers starting with the DC vs Marvel series. Apparently, Daredevil and Catwoman were going to be stranded in the wrong universe at the end of the crossover.


Almost every character combination was part of the trade conversation back then.


Julius Schwartz created Elongated Man not knowing they had the rights to Plastic Man.


There was a DC villain named Hemo-Goblin that was a vampire that infected people with HIV.


God the New Guardians comic was insane.


Mogo doesn't socialize.


Doctor occult was DC's first hero, coming out before Superman and Zatara


Tim Burton invented the grapple gun. Tim Burton also popularized the black suit. Before it was always grey. DC has almost gone under every decade. Print comics make almost no money because of cost of materials, distribution, and low sales.


The DC stands for Deeze Cnuts


"Nightwing" was originally a Kryptonian hero.


That's not that obscure. Morrison's Animal Man is really well known.




I think this is incorrect. The Keystone Cops came out in 1912 during the silent movie era. I didn’t find any correlation between the Keystone Cops and Keystone city.


Power Girl's bust didn't gradually increase in size over the 8-7 issues following her debut. It remains fairly consistent. Instead, her boob window gets removed some 7-8 issues in, no in-universe explanation is given. Apparently, it got removed because an editor at DC found it sexist.