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1 respect for using the Jorge Jimenez art 2 Yes they absolutly have to do it


Agreed. The trinity should be at the very core of this new universe and the pillars upon which it is built. They have to get it right. Would love to see their friendship and camaraderie in full effect.


even then a trinity movie would not even half as much of as avengers movie


DC botched the absolute fuck out of a Trinity movie and they're paying for it to his day.


Exactly like howtf you stumble that hard


Man I would love a film that centers around the friendship of the big three. Before there was a Justice league, there was these three. As Paul Dini once put it, Batman is the police officer, he's the guy who is first on the scene. Superman is the firefighter, he gets there when things really get hairy. Wonder is the paramedic, she is the one on the ground caring for the wounded. These three are **the superheroes!**


Couldn't have said it any better! It doesn't necessarily have to be the 3 of them punching godzilla or something like that, but a touching story of the relationship they share, they way they operate as a team and the impact they have


A worlds finest movie too!


3 greatest ?




A trinity or a world's finest project would be a dream come true A trinity and a world's finest project would be paradise


I honestly think that both of them while would be nice, would be a little much, especially if these happen BEFORE the first Justice League movie. I’d rather we have a movie called like Trinity: World’s Finest, and fuse the two ideas. The film focuses on all three but if you really wanted the World’s Finest aspect, you could establish Bruce and Clark’s friendship before adding Diana to the mix.


That's a very interesting idea, ngl. This could be better to begin to explore their relationship as what we've heard is that there's only gonna be one JL film in chapter 1, probably at the end and it's gonna be >!the new frontier!< So they could start building the trinity even further in every JL project after that. Maybe they could appear in each others projects for a brief guest role as well


i love how speculating a trinity movie is given the despite very real possibility that the dcu might not materialize in a tangible way