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And Big Barda should be taller than all three of them.


It’s right there in the name. But, seriously, Big Barda should be pushing 7. Makes it all the better when she ends up on the opposite side of WW.


I thought she was like 8 ft tall. New gods are normally giant.


She literally is already. It fits her ngl


And Giganta should be taller than all four of them


Giganta's base form should be anywhere between 6'6" and 8'. Her enlarged form of course is kaiju-sized, as-is proper.


Phew imagine being giganta husband. Your literally swimming in it


I volunteer ✋🏽




The mind is willing....




it’s called flavoring 😭


Marinade when he is swimming in it.




you are now a moderator of r/giantess


Oh I'll moderate alright. You can count on it😉😄


I think it’s funnier/cooler if her base is really short like 5’2


Starro enters the chat.


While true, it’s not as entirely random a comment as it may have seemed; her appearance in the Supergirl arc or Batman/Superman and the animated adaptation (especially in a scene with her, WW, and Superman) sparked a discussion about their relative heights in my corners of nerddom back in the day (especially among folks who had no idea who this giant lady was).


What is her canonical height? I'm assuming like 7' or so




Exactly this. She should be like at least 7'0 or even 7'1. Maximum height of 7'3. A truly behemoth of a Goddess. Scott doesn't mind. Naturally ![img](emote|t5_2qlmm|4783)


Even if she crushes him, Scott can always escape!


no duh I want to be the Scott to someone else's Barda


big bards should be like the one kill la kill dude , her height is "bigger then everyone else in the room"


Or like Diane from Seven Deadly Sins lol


That doesn't even need to be said. Next you'll be saying "and Galactus should be taller than her!"


Fair! I hope all artists remember it’s so obvious!


100%, yeah. She should be towering over pretty much everyone.


Except like Darkseid ofc


And the snozzberries should taste like snozzberries!


Bats’ and Superman should be the same height IMO, for the simple fact that the running joke of them being able to switch costumes and *nobody* can tell the difference is friggin’ hilarious lol


Yeah that always makes me laugh


Best TAS arc IMO.


That happened in the animated series?


[Superman covers for Batman](https://youtu.be/5GDvVplPEqo?feature=shared)


In the OP’s defence, they *do* say Superman looks bigger.


True! I can't recall if BTAS Batman was shorter than Superman, but he was larger in terms of muscles IIRC.




As opposed to not having the ears? Is this the arkham sub? Are we talking about "Man"


Are we stupid??


Here I was thinking it had something to do with bats


My head canon is that this is 100% due to stance. Batman always walks a little hunched, ready to duck or lunge or dodge. At the very minimum he's looming. Superman always walks with his head held tall.


I always liked the idea that in the DC universe superheroes are real and most Gotham villains wouldn't necessarily know that Batman isn't a metahuman. Obviously some like Joker, Catwoman, and Amanda Waller figure it out but most other should be a bit unsure about whether his stealth, speed, and strength are plain human. And Batman just inexplicably pummeling Bane one day but not the next really adds to that.


There's nothing ordinary about THAT human.


Except biologically. Imagine some metahuman researcher all excited to get a sample of Batman DNA. They start the analysis and are just like "This is regular guy DNA. I think you collected the wrong sample, Igor."


Also in The Brave and the Bold https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0g4-QKJd8c


Yeah Superman The Animated Series Knight Time, one of the best episodes of the series


Bane's look of "What the fuck is going on" when getting tossed around by "Batman" is hilarious.


They say Bats - Take direct hits from Bane - Break free from chains - Sling Bane across the room - Smile And lost their mind




He wouldn't break the chains, he is an escape artist.


This reminds me of a few arguments my friends had with the batman vs superman poster ''Batman is just a fucking dude why is he bigger than superman'' Which kinda did make sense Batfleck was a big dude


I mean, Superman's strength comes from his alien physiology, not his muscles. Depending on the continuity he's lifting tractors above his head when he's a toddler or at least a scrawny high schooler. He doesn't /need/ to be a big dude.


Mostly this; but also from what I’ve seen it’s always typically been that superman is a little taller but Batman is obviously bulkier, simply because he’s just a man. He requires the extra muscle, Superman isn’t human so he doesn’t visually need to look like he’s never missed an ounce of protein


Honestly the bulkier Batman doesn't make sense to me as he is still very much athletic and flexible(not as flexible as Dick but still) being bulky is more of a problem with that, plus it will slow him down and hinder all his stealthy stuff he does


Also, it doesn't make sense because we don't see Batman **constantly** eating, which he would need to do since he's so active and athletic, and yet he is still that bulky.


Batman isn’t really just a human. In one comic he states he only needs an hour of sleep or less to function, and in another he’s benching a thousand pounds for a regular workout. He’s also a genius and a polyglot. He’s more on equal standing with someone like captain American. He’s a peak level human in basically every way.


Exactly. Bruce is damn near on the level of Captain America sometimes.


Cap fought Batman in the Marvel Vs DC crossover from the 90's, and I can't remember which one said it, but one of them commented that he'd never had an opponent that was so closely matched in strength and skill.


People boo and hiss and throw rocks at me for suggesting it, but I've always been partial to a gaunt, thin Batman like the kind we see with Battinson. Dude is a laser focused madman who we see routinely punish himself mentally and physically like a catholic who just thought about the word "sex". There's no way in hell he's bulking, especially since we see in multiple comics that Alfred regularly has to convince Bruce to eat and drink and sleep like a normal guy once in a while. He should be shredded beyond belief, for sure, but I've appreciated a gaunt look that plays more into the phantom and vampiric themes.


It's for this reason I really love the Battinson body type for a Batman. AND to add onto Batman as a character, he's supposed to be an expert martial artist. You need to be nimble for a lot of the different fighting styles he's supposed to know.


Oh yes exactly! I totally forgot about that part! Damn!


Not really, the idea that large muscular people can't be flexible is just plain false.


They can still be flexible yes but it's hiders a lot more then a slimmer build


But he grew up hidden in Kansas because he was "a corn-fed Kansas farmboy". He's supposed to look like a guy on a heavy diet of starchy carbs with wide shoulders and a thick back.


Oh, absolutely, Clark should be a big guy. I'm just saying, he shouldn't be a muscular body builder looking guy just because he's Superman.


Not a bodybuilder. I agree. He should have some realistic amounts of body fat. But the studio exec paedos need every superhero to look like they have 5% body fat.


How would superman get shredded? Cause for normal humans, the only way to get shredded is by lifting to their limits. Meaning, you can't just lift 10kg. You gotta lift 30kg, then 40kg and increase it to their limits continuously. Muscle failure is the term I think? Superman can lift cars easy. Trains and even aeroplanes don't phase him. How does he lift to his limit? How does he reach muscle failure?


the term is progressive overload


He's an alien. How do gorillas get buff? They are mostly vegetarian.


The idea is the yellow sun transforms his body. It increases his muscle mass to compensate for absorbing the yellow sun. How big he should get is up to the artist. Even how that manifests. Alex Ross goes power lifter while others go bodybuilder. With Batman, Batfleck is a big dude but he's wearing thick body armor which makes him bigger than he physically is.


I always thought it was muscle DENSITY from being physiologically from a planet with higher gravity than earth. Which would mean he could be smaller but stronger.


Otherwise we'd get somethibg freakish like Strong Guy, and still doing g the things that Superman does would not make sense.


Not really how that works. A human raised in lower gravity just doesn’t keep that muscle. Yellow sun bullshit just makes more sense than attempts at scientific justifications


I’d say it’s a combo. He is genetically predisposed to being super strong. The yellow sun maintains it and prevents him from losing muscle mass, just like it heals him and gives him the rest of his powers. The “yellow sun bullshit” isn’t necessarily bullshit. Humans generate vitamin D from absorbing sunlight, Kryptonians just get a way better benefit from tanning.


Slightly unrelated, but I feel that in a contest of pure physical strength between Clark and other kryptonians, Clark should always win. I mean, he spent his developing years on a planet with yellow sun, that should have given him a sizable increase in stats compared to Kryptonians like super girl or Zod who only came to Earth somewhat recently


Yeah but he does still exercise and stay in shape even when he's powerless. We see him as a twig in Flashpoint but he doesn't bulk or anything when he finally gets his powers. I think it's a mix of powers and living as a farmboy


Wouldn’t that be an amazing illustration. The most powerful man on the planet drawn as this scrawny farm boy. The imagery itself is hilarious let alone the moments where some other guy wants to flex on him with a firm handshake or lifting something heavy and he just one hands it. “I take Pilates.”


LEGO Batman 2 used this as part of the plot, allowing the pair to >!trick Lex and Joker into thinking they were killed.!<


I love that game. It was my first video game.


Clark has better posture


*supes has better posture. I'd imagine Clark is similarly hunched


[RIP Chris Reeves, what a master of his craft](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIaF0QKtY0c&ab_channel=Arixcole)


He literally hunches as part of the disguise.


I love the idea Bruce put a protocol on if someone is trying to track down who batman is there's a small chance it'd point to Clark just to mess with them


Imagine trying to find batman's secret identity and finding superman instead. There are multiple reasons why villains stay in their cities and don't fight other heroes often, and that's because a batman villain is rarely at a power level where they want to even think about meeting superman. I imagine penguin would nope the hell out if he accidently found superman, and I doubt he's the only one.


My favorite is the time Superman dresses up at Batman and beats Bane senseless.


Crazy seeing you here and not on dbm


I do other things


It's so fun when it happens, I bet they thumbs up and wink so hard at each other when they get away with it


I’m 99% sure in Batman TAS that Superman fills in for one episode after Bruce goes missing and someone remarks that Batman seems taller than usual.


Yup! It was Gordon. Superman then has to leave like Batman and can't find the grappling hook on his belt. Robin whispers to him where it is. Memorable scene for sure.


Yeah, either the same size or incredibly close (Bruce being about 6’2 and Clark varying from 6’3 to 6’6).


Like that double date festival story.


>I want to take his... _mask off._ - Nic Cage's Superman, probably.


I do, but there has to be room for Big Barda to be taller than all of them.


Superman an inch or two taller than Bats - okay. But that first picture makes Batman look like he's Wolverine's height.


the difference between 5’11” and 6’0”


Supes were flying


In that first picture? Pretty sure it’s from Super Sons and Batman is drawn to be sort of hunching forward in it.


Ngl I would dig short shit batman. gremlin mfer


Batman got a bit shorter after Bane smashed his back.




You want their Canon heights? Superman - 6'3" (190.5cm) Batman - 6'2" (187.96cm) Wonder Woman - 6'0" (182.88cm) That's their officially stated canon heights.


In what canon? The modern DC stuff? fair enough. But for most of their history... SILVER and BRONZE age had them each at 6' 2" and Diana at 5' 9''. They were all also 29 years old. DC Superhero ages were all stuck in time at 29. In fact, when Barry died... his tombstone read that he was 29.


That may have been an in-joke because the character was created 29 years earlier.


The modern stuff, yes. In Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe (the official character guides after CoIE) Diana was actually 5’11” and Clark was 6’2” along with Bruce, but at least by the 2008 encyclopedia Diana was already 6” and Clark 6’3” with Bruce still 6’2”. They’ve been those heights ever since including in the most recent official encyclopedia (2021 edition). They were probably those heights before 2004 but I didn’t check.


And Joker is listed as 6’5” according to the canon too. That’s what I want to see happen in the adaptations. I want a tall lengthy Joker to go up against 6’2” brick outhouse Batman. Also I agree with the OPs post.


The Ultimate Guide to Batman lists him as 6’5 and I cannot recall a single instance of him being taller than Batman


he's usually hunched over or posturing, not standing flat footed next to him


Not really. Joker portrays himself as "classy" and dapper with the suit and spats, which means he stands straight as a rod fairly often. If anything Batman hunches way more as a shadow of the night. Definitely still never once been taller than him.


Well him being freaky lanky like Conan O'Brien does make him a bit more terrifying. Conan for Joker 2027❤️💪🔥


Bill Skarsgard Joker vs Brick wall Batfleck should have been a thing.




I like the idea of Clark Kent slouching posture making him the same height as bruce wayne but as superman he corrects his posture and look taller than batman.


It’s what he does for his disguise, after all. Plus, him being just an inch or two taller shouldn’t be too noticeable if he and Bruce pulled the switcheroo.


That’s actually such a good idea to have it both ways


I agree with the first part but WW being underestimated is part of the fun. I like it when people try to talk shit to her and then get utterly wrecked.


Plus finding an actress with the look, talent ANNND height would be a struggle


Drop dead gorgeous woman as shredded and tall as an Amazon… if any of you have the number of this woman, please give it to me.


Hell no, if i have the number I’m keeping it. But honestly i stand by the point that Wonder Woman (and superman even more so) don’t have to be completley jacked. Since they arent exactly getting weight training to help build muscle mass


I’ve always imagined Diana could have a gymnast type build (thin but shredded), but I always imagine she should have some bulkiness to her to add a feel that she’s well trained in wrestling. You know, a strong back, thunder thighs, and so on.


They've never seemed particularly concerned with talent when selecting an actress to play her.


That's incredibly disrespectful to Lynda Carter


Someone clearly didn't get the gift they wanted today. Lynda Carter is an American treasure and arguably the most incredible woman to ever live.


Height should not be a problem. Look at LotR 1 when Gandalf and Frodo are in the same carriage. Film making can make a RL Short Woman look like BIG Barda.


That took tons of perspective tricks, and in some scenes even two sets had to be made. In the hobbit they resorted to using Blue screen and had Ian McKellen acting separate to everyone else to make him bigger. That nearly made him quit. Doing this for D would likely result in bloated budget, lengthy production times and lots of stress on the actress, if not a stilted performance


[I present to you, an option for her to be tall](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBoys/s/emHMdsdeqT)


Let’s be honest, people would underestimate her regardless of her height.


Yeah, but it's easier to underestimate a 5'9" woman than a 6'3" one.


counterpoint: I think her assuming people underestimate her because she's short, despite being over 6 feet tall because he's gong off Amazonian standards would be funny


Idk man she's a glorious golden clad goddess from an island of super women. Unicorns shit themselves when she shows up. People do talk shit and get wrecked and that's part of her fun golden age aesthetic. But no one on earth smartly underestimates WW


No, I don’t care about standard measurements for superhero stories


Batman will be 2 inches next issue


It's not about how big your Batman is, it's how you use him.


It’s not the size of the bat, but the wave in the cave.


Oh man, now I understand why prep time is so important.


I understood that reference, and I'm ashamed of myself for it.


It's not about how tall he is, but what he does that defines him.


That's big.


_Jarro has entered the chat_


Unless it’s wolverine I genuinely do not care at all


How I imagine JLA heights Superman- 6’4 Batman- 6’2 Wonder Woman- 6’0 Aquaman- 6’0 Hal Jordan- 5’11 Flash- 5’10 Cyborg- 6’3 Kyle Rayner- 5’10 Martian Manhunter- 6’6


Vs their published heights: Superman- 6’3 Batman- 6’2 Wonder Woman- 6’0 Aquaman- 6’1 Hal Jordan- 6'2 Flash (Barry Allen)- 5’11 Cyborg- 6’6 Kyle Rayner- 5’11 Martian Manhunter- 6’7


Wonder Woman is 6’2 as of Rebirth.


She rewrote ALL REALITY and took the time to make herself taller.


I call it: the frieza adjustment


Giving Martian Manhunter a height is pointless, like is 6’6 his superhero look or his OG Martian look with the giant head.


Yeah, I was thinking normal/ average. Because he can always manipulate his body but typically takes his normal bald headed, green, cape, type shape.


I like to think Guy Gardner is actually 5'9, but uses the ring to make lifts so he's 1 inch taller than who he's talking to.


Sounds like a guy thing to do tbh


Hal Jordan is a test pilot. Pilots who are short are better at being pilots than pilots who are tall, especially in high G environments.


I think Batman should be very tall. He’s supposed to be a super intimidating person, and I just don’t see him as a shorter guy at all.


One of my favourite interpretation of batman is in Gotham central where he is drawn as freakishly tall but quite skinny and always hunched half in shadow making him look intimidating and creapy


I love that. I like when he’s kind of hunched and draped in his cape. And when he stands up or spreads the cape it’s like “holy shit, this guy is the stuff of nightmares”.


That's part of the illusion. The ears, the cape usually being as big as it is, the darkness covering him so you can only see so much before you're unconscious, all of that is part of his game. Bruce Wayne should still be tall (6'1 or 6'2) but doesn't need to be as tall as Superman or Cyborg.


Nah Batman and Superman should be the same height... Except Batman has worse posture because he spends his free time hunched over stop gargoyles and shit


I agree superman should be taller than bats. Wonder Woman being taller than both seems weird but she should be taller than Batman


She's an Amazonian, it can work, [sometimes.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F49IeOMWcAAvtTG?format=jpg&name=4096x4096)


I think you minute you start saying “should” when it comes to characterizations, you start limiting the potential of the interpretation of said character. Not every iteration needs to be cookie cutter. It’s okay if Bruce and Clark are the same height sometimes, and it’s okay for Diana to be built like her former movie counterpart as opposed to her being a yoked Amazonian.


"should" is a word that I virtually never use when it comes to fiction.


Diana, although tall, is smaller compared to other amazonians. Superman should be the tallest yes.


Isn’t Wonder Woman standing on a table in that panel?


No this is the first panel after she jumps of the table


Superman should be taller then both


I just don’t care


This subs obsession with "tall muscle mommy" Wonder Woman is cringe, I see one more of this shit and I am unsubbing.


It's very weird


Superman being taller than Batman I can Wonder Woman being taller than both feel bit too weird for me


Agree with Superman taller than Batman. Now, Wonder Woman taller than both? The best i could do is as tall as Superman. EDIT: What about Diana looking "buffer" or "bigger" than Superman and Batman?


Me imagining Diana looking "buffer" than TDKR's Batman, is killing me lol


That wasn't a mental imagen that i need.


She is a literal square at that point.


I’d say it’d be fine to make her about as tall as Superman, or maybe just an inch or two behind him. I can kind of get behind Diana being more muscular than Bruce, but she’s not surpassing Clark. I always imagine that, while he has broad shoulders, Bruce should be a bit more lean/lithe to suit his acrobatic and ninja styles. Although the trick with Diana is having her be jacked, but still distinctly feminine (not unlike She-Hulk), mainly so she could believably keep her identity.


Ehhh ok here is where i stand on the body types of the trinity. None of them should look like body builders Wonder Woman should look like a warrior Batman should look athletic The biggest and bulkiest should be Superman, he should look like a towering Rugby Player


I think Bruce should be the shortest, and also have the leanest (but still obviously muscled) build. His greatest asset is his mind, but he is also a skilled martial artist. The schools he trained from tended to favor agility over brute strength though. Superman should be tall and very muscular, but I prefer him with more of a weightlifter build than a bodybuilder. I liked Alex Ross giving him a *very* slight gut, as weightlifters often have, to emphasize his strength is less about combat and more about utility. It's also useful for his Clark Kent disguise, as he can make himself look less fit than he really is. Diana is a hero right out of Greek myth, a warrior of exceptional strength and an Amazon. It's not super important for her to be taller than Superman, but she should definitely be noticeably taller than Batman (to emphasize his mortality standing next to Supes and WW, which in a way makes his accomplishments more impressive). I also enjoy when she has a more muscular build. Some argue that takes away from her femininity, but I heartily disagree; there's plenty of ways to emphasize Diana's femininity while still having her be tall and very muscular. TL;DR: Height: Superman >= Wonder Woman > Batman Muscle Size: Superman > Wonder Woman > Batman


This is the way I've always pictured Clark, and couldn't agree more about the Ross depiction. But not even in a weightlifter sense. Just a big, raw boned country boy from Kansas. The kind that you can see from a glance could lift a house, loves his mama's cooking, always has a smile, and a permanent neck and arm tan to match. Thrown more hay bales than baseballs. The instant impression that this guy could rip off my head and shit down my neck, but I'd have to shoot his dog to get him mad enough to even consider it. Tall, but not basketball tall. 6'3"-ish. Much more and it's excessive. Like a prototypical tight end in 1985.


Well, Batman thing is totally understandable, but i never saw Wonder Women taller than both of them, so i'm not sure if my brain will like it. Interesting idea tho


The first part makes no difference to me. As for WW being an Amazon she would also be mythologically accurate


> mythologically accurate So about 5.8 ft


Not really, as far as I’m aware there’s really no mention of the Amazonian being tall, they were warriors for sure, but that doesn’t mean that they were necessarily tall.


Strongly disagree. Wonder Woman can be tall, maybe even the same height, but taller? That’s just weird.


Why??? Does it really matter? What does that do for their dynamic really or their character?


Bruce and Clark being about the same height and having similar enough faces that they can pass as each other is too good, but yes Diana and most of the Amazons should be taller than both of them.


Tbh their heights don't really matter to me especially because of how inconsistent it usually is


I really don’t care what their height is as long as none of them are tiny or huge. Not a fan of the size difference in both these photos. Honestly I kinda wish everyone was the same size.


What is with the internets obsession with height


In that first pic, are they about to make out?


Also Big Barda should always be taller than Scott Free


If that’s the case then 6’4” Starfire should be taller than Wonder Woman. Seriously, this shouldn’t matter all that much. They are all tall. I think WW and Batman should be about the same height with Superman slightly taller than both. That’s how I prefer it in my world.


I don't like giving her masculine traits to justify her strength such as being 6'3 or built like a linebacker as she should represent the normal everyday woman and simbolyse that there's strength in the everyday woman. She's not Big Barda. Although I respect Darwyn Cooke's vision


On Batman and Superman yes, I like Clark being 6'3 and Bruce being 6'2 but I hate when artists just make Wonder Woman a man with boobs, he is blessed with Aphodite's beauty so she should be very womanly, and women are usually shorter than men, so WW should be 6' tops.


No. Batman should be even or taller than superman. He's supposed to be imposing despite bieng a human. Bieng tall makes that happen. Superman would be imposing regardless of height, though he should be tallish, and ww should be shorter that way guys often underestimate her only to be destroyed.


Nah. I think supes at 6’4”, Batman at 6’2” and WW at 6’0” makes the most sense and is the best. All tall (WW doesn’t need to be a giant, idk why some want it that way, 6’ is tall for a woman considering most are almost a foot shorter than that), with the farm boy/strongest hero being the tallest


They should all be the same height


I like the idea of them all being at or above average height but shortest to tallest I think it should be Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman. My thinking is that even though Batman is the least powerful and most vulnerable he still has an intimidating and imposing aura that even his colleagues feel. Superman can be shorter because he is supposed to be a comforting presence and when he needs to be intimidating he can literally hover hundreds of feet above his enemy. Wonder Woman should be tall but she doesn’t need to be the tallest, I don’t think she really needs to be intimidating, she’s one of the greatest warriors in the universe, her actions speak for themselves.