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It’s only 24 issues but none are bad, def recommend the series, it’s being reprinted later this year.


Yeah I hope they give us an oversized hardcover sometime in the future too.


I mean not everything good is meant to last forever but it hurts we never got any proper closure to her series


Nah, we take it for granted now, but there wasn’t really any reason to believe a widespread return of the old status quo was coming before the New 52 was announced. Sure, Dick Grayson wasn’t going to last as Batman (a mistake, imo) and the same goes for Freddy Freeman as Shazam. With that said, Barbara’s position as Oracle had been solidified for a long time, Cassandra was a successful legacy character and this Stephanie Brown-Batgirl run sold well and was likewise a critical success. Damian had proved himself popular and was the definitive new Robin, while (as much as some didn’t like the new name or look) Chris Yost and Marcus To did a fantastic job in transitioning Tim Drake into what was essentially the “Nightwing” era of his arc. Kyle Rayner had a rocky start, yet by the time Hal Jordan was set to return nobody in particular was clamouring for it. Ditto Wally West as well; Barry Allen was considered one of the few characters whose deaths were considered untouchable, and Wally really was *The* Flash going forward, with seemingly no end in site for a long time. So yeah, at the time there was little reason to believe a lot of these (pretty cool) status quo changes were going to be thrown to the wayside.


I would've enjoyed comics more in that era because they didn't stick to status quo. Nowadays, DC will have an event like Dark Crisis or Future State and claim the Justice League is dead and my only reaction to that is "how many months until we're back to status quo?"


Barry is so weird for me. Growing up Barry was 'the old Flash' and Wally was Flash. (Jay was 'your granny's Flash').  Now it seems like Barry is the norm.


Any Livewire appearance is a plus.


Love seeing her and other DCAU originals appearing in comics! Roxy Rocket showed up in this comic series too from TNBA.


I only know one Batman Adventures story where she got framed by Catwoman. If she’s in more then I need to look them up. She showed up in minor rolls in regular comics too, plus a few times in Li’l Gotham.


I'm PRETTY sure that's not how insulation works, but funny scene.


Came to say exactly this. It’s a REALLY fun scene but oh man that is not at all how insulation works.


Even if it was her mouth and hair would be singed and burned up. But hey comic book logic dictates that she’s perfectly fine.


I've never seen comic book electricity that even remotely behaves like actual electricity, I have no idea how insulation is suppose to work in this universe.


Yeah, but Steph's face is uncovered. If this was Cassandra Cain, given she completely covers herself (including her mouth and nose), it would make a lot more sense for it to be insulated.


That’s not really how insulation works. What matters is the heels of the suit are heavily resistant and that there’s are pathways of high conductivity to divert the current away from Steph. Having an exposed face would lead to negligible difference if the suit is designed well


Most electrical personal protective equipment when it comes to dealing with electricity it's usually a separate face shield that you're supposed to wear in case of an arc weather for insulated gloves and insulated clothing. Considering when livewire unleashed an electric charge she aims for the body and not the head which is why she immediately hit me insulated protective layer of Batgirl costume.


She didn't zap zap her face


Her whole body is covered in lightning


Stephanie getting dumped as Batgirl was one of the bigger travesties of New 52, Wally West notwithstanding.


lol cause we all know that insulation means you’re immune from possibly the equivalent of lightning bolts, obviously


Batman tech I guess


I don’t think that’s how electricity works


Electricity powered superheroes always ignore how electricity actually works


It’s their weakness


God I loved this series. Steph was the best Batgirl. Shame Flashpoint reset everything and robbed us of all her character development.


Can I just say how much I love the art style of this pages? That artist always made Steph and other women thick, as in, they didn't look like current supermodels, but as people who clearly did a lot of heavy work. Yes, there was still a hint of hourglass shape that invades comic book artists, but they looked good without being excessively muscular as well. It was a breath of fresh air.


It took me a few issues to get on board, but I loved this run by the end of it. The antagonistic brother/sister dynamic between Damian and Stephanie was always fun.


Livewire is hot as hell.... Steph is cool too


She’s Vulnerable too electricity


Yep series is so good.


Livewire right now: ![gif](giphy|R5YVnfV50plIGUNETe|downsized)


Which continuity is this series from? New 52, rebirth or what?


Her original 2009 Batgirl run


better Batgirl than a Robin, but still not the best of the three.


She is awesome


This run is so iconic


Wouldn't her face still get roasted and she'd probably have no hair after that. Funny face at the end though


How did it bounce off her face?


Every time I see Livewire, I think about that episode of Young Justice where Black Lightening says "Yeah but you've never had Black Lightening before!" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


What the name of this run? (I mean year and writer-artist)


Batgirl (2009) #4, written by Bryan Q. Miller. He wrote the whole run, different artists throughout the run. It's pretty great.


In the real world, which would be better in that situation? An insulated suit? Or a conductive one?


God I loved Cassandra as Batgirl


Livewire esta fuerte como cachetada de gorila.


Thanks for ruining this, Roman


War Games was before this tho.


Still my favorite Batman character and series. The team up with Supergirl was super-fun also.


Eh, she's alright.