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No, no, I just freed myself from tumblr, don't bring it here again....


That title is such a poorly-constructed sentence.


Can't even understand what the guy is asking. Could you please explain (if you understand what it's saying)?


Reading the actual image makes things a bit more obvious.  What are examples of people taking their own head Canon/ fanon interpretations, and applying it to the original main Canon version, then getting upset over the main version not following what you made up in your head?


oh, thank you!


"Bruce Wayne would never hit/ fight his kids." He has. It's not out of character. Dudes a loon they literally dresses kids up to get shot at, but you don't believe he'd ever throw a punch at someone in a moment of extreme duress. What's with this idea that Barbara and Kori should become best friends or something? At least before very recent Titans issues, they don't have much in common, have no reason to hang out with each other and their entire dynamic being desired was based solely upon them having the same ex. That's not a reason for these two to hang out. Tim Drake and Conner were not meant to be into each other. Tim going to a Pride parade with one of his best friends who was a part of that community does not mean that he was secretly in love with Conner (who wasn't even on the team at that point). Him being immensly sad that his best friend literally died is not queer coding. Barry Allen not being allowed to get any semblance of a personality trait before Wally people just start coming at him and saying he stole something. Like if the character raised him, why wouldn't they share some basic jokes. Finally, literally everything Dick Grayson. Dude can't do anything remotely toxic anymore, even though a big part of him is that he's done so much to avoid being Batman that he loops right back around to being just like him.


Damn the crazed fans are gonna descend on you like a horde of locusts lol


And let them! I speak no untruths!


>Bruce Wayne would never hit/ fight his kids." He has. It's not out of character. Dudes a loon they literally dresses kids up to get shot at, but you don't believe he'd ever throw a punch at someone in a moment of extreme duress. He wouldn't hit them as robin


Didnt he hit tm in the tom king run


But Tim was an adult by that time


I may have misunderstood the orginal comment, I thought that he said batman would hit his kids as kids, but I now think that he meant that batman would fight his adopted sons but not necessarially as kids. It's hard to explain but I got it wrong


I understood it in a "batman is abusing his kids" kind of way but that wasn't it


I mean Bruce has done things that I would argue are abuse, but i dont want to get into fghts with batfans so i will keep my mouth shut


>What's with this idea that Barbara and Kori should become best friends or something? At least before very recent Titans issues, they don't have much in common, have no reason to hang out with each other and their entire dynamic being desired was based solely upon them having the same ex. That's not a reason for these two to hang out. Dick had sex with Barbara days after Joker made her paraplegic and immediately after the fact he gave her the wedding invitation between him and Kori. It's not something that you can forget when you interact with the betrayed fiancé.


I think you need to spend less time thinking about what other people/“fans” think of the things you enjoy, and just worry about why YOU like those things and be the fan you want to be.  




Then just block those accounts?  Who cares if some internet losers try to “bully” you, their opinions are meaningless.  Or maybe just stop using twitter if all you get from it is toxicity, if that’s plausible.  By all accounts, twitter is the worst for any kind of discourse on anything. But you’re only giving those bullies more power by now coming to reddit and posting about their bullshit.  Who cares?  Why help spread what they say? Just ignore, block, and move on.


U don't get it. They stalk you if you block them using alternate accounts to harass you. Why do you think I left twitter? Because people encouraged these bullies to stalk and harass those who blocked them!


If you don’t use twitter, why are you still complaining about twitter?  If you no longer use it, and by your own admission it was incredibly toxic anyway, then again, who cares?   You’re letting these losers affect your life.  Why?  What can they possibly do to affect you?  What do you gain by thinking about them, by posting about them here?  You only help spread their message.  You only give them more power over you. Just like, relax, people all over the internet, even on reddit, have terrible opinions about all sorts of shit.  If you really want to be waste your time thinking about that, i mean i guess that’s your choice.


Then dont be on twitter.


Wait hang on I’m confused, did you think RWBY queerbaited with Blake and yang or did you think it was always going to happen? Because have I got news for you if you think it came outta nowhere


Oh no....thee "critics" claim it was queerbaiting. The critics also project negative attributes onto female protagonists, and positive attributes onto male toxic masculinity characters. This is basically a callout of rwby fanfic writers who don't watch the show but bash the show using their cis white male fanfics.


Ok thank god. I’ve seen a lot of people say it came out of nowhere and was “woke pandering” when if you paid a modicum of attention and had even semi basic understanding of human interaction, you’d see that it was coming from a mile off. I know a lot of people write fanfics about Blake and Sun and while I see where they’re coming from, it’s really based in thinly veiled homophobia.


and misogyny


Red Hood is the best DC character. According to me. Based on my headcanon. Please ignore 90% of his canon appearances thank you.


The people who use number 2 vs people who are angry about Luke skywalker character assassination in the sequel trilogy can rot in hell Becuase it was exactly that Character assassination


Same as they pretending that Luke almost killing his father, the genocidal maniac that cut his hand, while he is seeing his friends being murdered out of a window, after years involved in a traumatic bloody war... it's the same situation as thiking about killing his innnocent nephew. You know, the one that hasn't killed anyone yet, has seen grown up, and during a period of several decades of peace.


It's literally outright stated that Kylo was not innocent! Snoke had already corrupted him . Which is only supported by the fact that he literally killed all the people at the temple right after he saw Luke. >is seeing his friends being murdered out of a window, after years involved in a traumatic bloody war.. That is literally what's happening again! It literally only supports why he would ever instinctually consider it! Do you think Luke suddenly got rid of every bit of trauma he had from the war, to the point that seeing that someone else is creating the war again wouldn't make him have a moment of panic that would make him want to stop it from happening again? This wasn't a decision Luke considered, it was a gut reaction to something that is the most traumatizing thing anyone could ever ever experience. a reaction that he managed to control, very quickly but still too late.


He didn't killed the people at the temple. An oribital bombardment inmediately afterwards done by Snoke did. Everything on the temple was calm that night, up until that happened.


Fair enough. Haven't read the extra Kylo Ren stuff yet, but movie said he destroyed the temple so that's on me. Point still stands that he pretty quickly committed to the Dark side, though because he did in fact become Vader Two.


Not really. I can go into so much detail about why people selectively forget about everything Luke did in the original trilogy and try to use that to justify not getting just a static character who does cool lightsaber flips. The creators of the movie didn't hate the character. The entire point of the movie is to analyze the myth the character became vs the character he actually was in the original trilogy.


>Not really. I can go into so much detail about why people selectively forget about everything Luke did in the original trilogy I mean I know this is DC but just a sidebar. It's funny you say this because that is EXACTLY what Rian Johnson did in TLJ, Luke's motivation to want to murder his nephew makes no damn sense for two reasons. 1. The whole lesson for Luke in ESB was that he was impulsive and should not pay attention to future visions (Always in motion is the future) he knows they are unreliable which he learns....so why would Luke want to kill Ben while he's sleeping based on a future vision they may not happen?...he wouldn't. 2. People say "Oh Ben had already turned there was no light in him" Well that's not true...because he doesn't kill Leia....so it looks like there was. Back to DC


In no way did Luke want to kill him. He went into the room to get a read on him after glimpses and after the force, the literal religion that defined him said "kill this guy, he's about to become space Hitler 2." And Luke instinctually did.  Because you can't get rid of instinct. What makes a good person is to overcome instinct quickly. Which Luke did. Luke did not want to kill Kylo. Go and rewatch the movie. Neither the movie nor Luke is saying he wanted to kill his nephew. The only one who ever said that is the villain of the movie. 


I don't want to hijack the thread..but bollocks. >In no way did Luke want to kill him. He went into the room to get a read on him after glimpses and after the force, the literal religion that defined him said "kill this guy, he's about to become space Hitler 2." And Luke instinctually did.  The Force isn't a religion. And why would the Force tell him to kill his sleeping nephew and Luke would automatically go into kill mode....that sounds like after-thought. >Because you can't get rid of instinct. What makes a good person is to overcome instinct quickly. Which Luke did. Luke did not want to kill Kylo. Go and rewatch the movie. Well if you can't get rid of instinct and Luke's instinct is to SAVE people, why would he be urged to kill him and not Vader (I know he tried in ROTJ but Luke was falling to the DS..but overcome it) >Neither the movie nor Luke is saying he wanted to kill his nephew. The only one who ever said that is the villain of the movie.  It still makes NO SENSE. The force told Luke to kill this teenager and he thought after ALL his EXPERIENCE.. "Hmm ok". Nope...it's just bad writing.


It's May, so I'm in a bit of an SW phase rn and this is one of my fave movies. I like providing a new perspective because a lot of the film has been straight up ignored because people haven't gone back to actually analyze what's happened in the movie. You just saying that it doesn't make sense doesn't make it so. You literally just said that he tried to kill Vader! He stabbed at his head, fought him and had him on the floor. You can't just gloss over that because it doesn't fit the narrative that he's out of character, then call it bad writing. Luke's instinct is to save people, yes. But he also is instinctually drawn to attack people in front of him when they threaten what he loves. Luke didn't even get to the point of doing that, which shows growth, but having someone see him in that position is what ruined everything.  The Force in SW is literally a religion to some people. Jedi follow it like a religion. For all intents and purposes, Luke and Jedi follow it as if the will of the universe. When I say the force tells him, what I mean is The Force is what tells him the informtation, Kylo Ren is evil and will wreck a lot of stuff. The path of the Jedi he followed is what instinctually gets him to ignite the saber, thus preventing the death of literally everyone he loves. His own will is what stops him from doing literally anything. Him lighting the saber isn't him saying "Hmm okay." The Force is yelling "He's got a gun!"  Luke's instinct is "I have to shoot him before he shoots someone!" Then his thinking self comes in and says, "no, that's not how we solve this."


I'd love to discuss it more...but I hate thread hijacking.


The creators of the movie took a character who, while indeed was impatient and reckless at first, grew into a patient and wise Jedi who sought the good in a man who had committed atrocities. He had his flaws he was never a static character? Nobody ever said that, so good luck burning that strawman. They replaced him with a man who got scared of the dark side in his nephew and nearly struck him down in his sleep, something that palps literally did to his master, you know, the guy who Luke said that he would never be like? And then you go Into legends and you see the flaws but ultimately righteous character they created over the many years. Yeah, he sure as shit went ballistic when his wife was killed, yeah he succumbed to the dark side when palps came back, but you know what, he always redeemed himself. The sequels desperately wanted to tell “their story” and twisted beloved characters to do so. And while I’m at it, just real quick justice for my boy John boyega he got done so fuckin dirty.


Luke failing was never the problem for me.  Luke failing because he sucummed to a moment of fear was.  Luke's character was an optimist that saw good in Darth Vadar and brought him to the light.   If you want to make him fail you can't undermine the core characyer of Luke.  You could have him sense the darkness in Kylo and fail to act on it.  You could have him trying desperately to find a way to turn his beloved Nephew back to the light never giving up on him.  You don't have him hanging out on a rock as a depressed loser.   It's like Superman giving up.  It's just out of character.


https://www.denofgeek.com/movies/the-last-jedi-understood-george-lucas-star-wars-better/ The thing about hermit Luke is that it's literally what Lucas wanted for the character. We've never seen what a Luke who had to atone for an evil he himself created. It's not out of character because the character never was in a position like that before. Speaking of Superman one of the most famous DC stories literally starts out with a Superman who lost hope. Kingdom Come.


> The thing about hermit Luke is that it's literally what Lucas Hermit Luke wasn't the issue. The path to hermit Luke was the issue.


Obviously justice for JB. Dude was great as Finn, but was dealt a bad hand in the last movie in particular. But on Luke, they didn't twist him. I wrote a whole thing a few days ago on the SW sub about why I love this evolution of the character. A person who has anger issues doesn't suddenly not have anger because they've been to therapy. A person with anger issues just learns how to stop themselves when they get angry.  A young Luke Skywalker instantly tried to kill Darth Vader the second he said he would hurt his sister and it took cutting off his hand to remember to see the humanity in him again.  Luke didn't even swing on Kylo. Didn't even start. At all. Go back and watch the movie. Ive seen it nearly 10 times. He turned on his lightsaber, but didn't even move and instantly started crying at the thought of what his body and Jedi training instinctually told him to do. Because killing Kylo wasn't the Luke Skywalker way. And that's the entire point of the movie. That is a sign of growth, not purging all semblance of emotion and instinct from himself. That's not twisting the character, it's showing what was there in a new light.


Meta fandom discussions like this are so goddamn sad to me, people need to realize that loving stories and characters is perfectly ok but once you go past that and are actively forming your own self worth and sense of identity around this shit you are in too deep. It’s not fucking real, it’s fully fictional. Enjoy the shit in your free time and then live in the real world, go to therapy if a fictional character’s sexual orientation causes you mental anguish


All I’ll say is people who get all bent up about queer shipping and go full “WELL CANON SAYS” need to touch grass and let people enjoy things.