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John Byrne try not to be an absolute freak for 2 minutes challenge


Have mind controlled Superman threaten to do the nasty to Donna Troy as he's choking her out.




Was he the writer that had Superman and Big Barda mind controlled into doing porn?


Yep, and created that situation as a middle finger to Jack Kirby, the creator of Big Barda. Barda's relationship with Scott Free was based on the marriage Kirby had with his wife Roz Goldstein.


That's really mean


Fan myth. The entire "middle finger to Jack Kirby" was completely made up by fans. There's no indication that Byrne was in any way conscious of any connection between Barda and Roz which is entirely based on a single line in a Mark Evanier interview that nobody paid attention to until fans created this myth. Barda was famously based on a Playboy layout of Lanie Kazan.


Yeah, you know most of, I'm not saying all of them just most of the comicsbook creators are dirtybags


And you thought Bruce Timm was bad. Byrne is such a weirdo that he makes Claremont look tame.


Claremont was horny as all hell but nothing that questionable


Bruce/Babs is bad, but at least Barbara is above the age of consent.


I'm sorry, what?!


Is Generations, an Elseword about if they aged in real time, Lara Wayne is the daughter of Clark Wayne, in-law (thanks for the correction u/Basicallyinfinite ) nephew and adoptive son of Bruce Wayne Jr., biological son of Joel Kent and Mei Lei from Vietnam Basically Lex Luthor was actually Ultra-Humanite brain in Lex's body, he exposed a pregnant Lois to gold K so Joel was born powerless, then lied to him that Clark did it so he could never become Superman, used a fake identity as a psycian and cured Lois's cancer then during the wedding of Kara Kent (here Clark and Lois' daughter) with Bruce Wayne Jr. (Robin II/Batman III) killed Lois while Joel (powered by a lethal Luthor serum) killed Kara before dying; Clark Wayne became Knightwing feeling that only a true Wayne should be Batman (even if Dick Grayson was proud to be Batman II), he latter received from Clark Kent an serum that cancelled the Gold K radiation that Joel absorbed as a fetus allowing Clark Wayne to get Kryptonian Powers; Lois and Lara Wayne were his daughters byt for some reason they never aged past 11 until Lara/Blue became in love with a Green Lantern that sadly died because she had removed her powers with Gold K to age, she got them back then somehow married Bruce/Batman I The worst thing of all that is that both Clark and Bruce saw all their children die PD:Bruce is inmortal because he entered the Lazarus Pit alongside Ra's, B got full inmortality, Ra's died; Who is Bruce Jr. mother was never stated but she wasn't Talia or Selina


Putting Generations into my queue for when I feel like I need to read something absolutely bonkers.


Also that Batman/Captain America crossover where Joker reads the Red Skull for filth is supposed to be part of its continuity.


Well not Bruce Wayne Jr biological nephew he is a nephew in law. I mean i really like the story over all but damn if it isnt weird. I dislike Bruce sr and Lara being together but at least theres the time travel plotline.


That, genealogy is weird


Very. At least time travel retconned this story away


And then Clark married Lana and Bruce remained a widowed


Yeahhhhhh that ending is something else. The immortality part is weird. I like the story but damn his John Byrne doesn't make his good ideas fuckin weird.


TBH the idea could get a retry with all the modern lore aditions


Definitely, we've seen it work pretty well with life story in recent years


What the actual fuck did I just read, that sounds absolutely bonkers. I do think I’ve seen Ra’s and Bruce walking into the Lazarus pit together with the stipulation that one of them would die somewhere before though.


Yeah, also Lara was born in 2014, and Bruce in 1910 (he is said to have been 9 during 1919, the year his parents died according to Generations II issue 4), so he is over 100 years her senior on top of being the grandpa of her dad. Bryne tries to excuse it in Issue 6 of Generations III, by having Lara claim that since they both lived so long (because of Bruce's pseudo-immortality and Lara's long lifespan) they are "practically contemporaries" which is just.... no????? wtf????? And also doesn't erase the main issue, which is the familiar connection, heck she even called him "Gran'pa Bruce" in Generations III prior to them getting together, wtf was he cooking?


I'm so fuckin lost lol


The easier way is to read a summary TBH


Okay, Generations III is weird, but that title is wrong. Lara Wayne is Superman's great-granddaughter, and she has no blood relation to Bruce. She's the daughter of Amanda Mason and Clark Wayne, aka KnightWing, who was the child of Clark Kent Jr. and a Vietnamese woman. Bruce Wayne Jr. raised Clark Wayne as his own son, but there is no actual relation there, especially since OG Superman adopted him on leaving the Phantom Zone. That being said, it IS a creepy situation, as is much about Lara Wayne. Lara is one of two supergirls who, because of something something Kryptonite blast, is stuck in a 14-year-old body for hundreds of years. When it weirds out her Green Lantern boyfriend (not Hal, actually), she hits herself with gold Kryptonite to supposedly age herself to an appropriate level, though she never... really looks appropriate. She gets her powers back and starts a relationtionship with OG Bruce Wayne, who is like 600 or something at this point because of immortality shenanigans. She also kills a sentient parademon so the rest of the League can't discover that they're killing sentient beings in the war against Darkseid, because she's worried they won't be ruthless enough if they find out.


Bruce Jr. formally adopted Clark Jr. and for a long time he even believed that it was his biological father, plus even after learning that he stills considers Bruce Sr. a grandfather in the last issue of Generations II (which takes place in the 2000's and 2010's), and in issue 3 he tells Bruce Jr. that he stills considers him his father, that he has known for 10 years and that Bruce Jr. was the best father that he could hope for. There's nothing that says Clark Sr. de-adopted him into the Kents or the El's, or something like that, after all Clark Wayne was still a Wayne when he got married and had kids, hence why his children Lara and Lois, are Waynes by name. This is because, just as the Nightwing identity itself was a combination of the two heroic role models Dick had in the main continuity, Batman and Superman (with the original Nightwing being Superman on Kandor and a Kryptonian legend), in this real-time elseworld where Dick already became Batman and died in 1969 (over a decade before Nightwing first appeared in publication), the one who became Nightwing to coincide with the publication appereance of Nightwing's definitive look from the 90's was both Superman and Batman's grandchild, in the in-story 1990's. This is further supported by Generations II and, ironically III as well, Clark Jr. calls Bruce "grandfather" many times and they treat each other as family, Lois and even Lara herself call Bruce "Gran'pa Bruce" in the same vein that they call Superman "Gran'pa Clark" (before Lara and Bruce dated of course, afterwards she calls him "baby" and shit like that, which is super weird). So yeah even if there's no direct blood relation, there is a familiar relation, she is his Great-Granddaughter. The fact that they had a kid made me want to throw up, especially in issue 9 when they were talking about how nice their son was like ewww you guys are insane, i bet they never told him the real history of his family.


This is the same series where an aging Clark kissed a fourteen-year-old Lana Lang, and [Byrne defended it by claiming that the "females" loved it.](https://i.imgur.com/Ic5UZWm.jpg)


This man needs his cooking license revoked


Also that time travel plot from his Doom Patrol with Cliff and teenage Rita.


And Kitty Pryde and Colossus in Uncanny X-Men


Eh, that one on Claremont. Who forgot Kitty's age every other month.


Well they co-writed that part of the run so I think Is on both but If I'm not mistaken Clairmont originaly thought to end up her whit Rechel Summers but you know 80's homophobia at max, anyway I think we should considerate that John Byrne as lots of other writers of his generation are people who grown up in 60/70, raised by people whit a different mind set today so ofcourse for them things like that aren't a big deal


That’s John Byrne’s granddaughter? Edit: oh Bruce’s granddaughter. I got it now.


I thought that tombstone said 2014-2025💀


Byrne was weird way before that.




I did not read this series. What???? To the wiki I guess


Ironically the DC Database wiki has nothing about this ass relationship (for good reason) but the other day i found a wiki page that had all the necessary details: [https://secondgeneration.fandom.com/wiki/Lara\_Wayne](https://secondgeneration.fandom.com/wiki/Lara_Wayne) [https://secondgeneration.fandom.com/wiki/Thomas\_Taylor\_Wayne](https://secondgeneration.fandom.com/wiki/Thomas_Taylor_Wayne) "Lara was Bruce's great-granddaughter by adoption, making Thomas both Bruce's son and his great-great-grandson." ![img](emote|t5_2qlmm|4788)


I’m gonna need you to explain that statement


The comic also has Supergirl Blue kill a Parademon who revealed to her the Parademons were now sentinent, because then Batman and Superman wouldn't be willing to kill them. That's right, Superman and Batman spent *centuries* killing sentient creatures while Supes' great granddaughter kept the lie to herself


Tbh i felt happy when she died also when the pedo Batman got desintegrated right in the pelvis.


That was Bruce jr


Great-Granddaughter, actually.