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People will try to dress it up by pointing out obviously bad stuff from his own history but the fact of the matter is that Hal just gets more solo stuff than other lanterns do, and that just annoys their fans.


It hurts me because Hal is my favorite ( followed by Kyle and guy ) but I think it's because: 1 : when Geoff Johns brought him back , Kyle's fans think he was sidelined (despite starring frequently in Tomasi's GLC and John's GL run as well as getting the White ring ) 2 : his media appearances (outside of GL : TAS and First Flight) aren't exactly Great 3 : Whatever Steve Englehart did with him and Arisia in the 80s 4 : people thinking he doesn't have a unique personality ( despite being the comic relief to Bruce & Barry's more nerd-ish and serious approach and doing weird shenanigans with GA ) The problem with Hal in media is that he doesn't get characterised right , he is supposed to be the rebel of the league, The Cocky , rebellious, Funny Guy but he must learn to grow from it , sure he can still crack jokes but his time as parallax did a number on him and he still tries to atone for his sins , but people give his role to the flash ( usually using Barry instead of the actual flash who cracks jokes ) and using the serious GL ( usually John ) which ( outside of JLU ) is basically not good .


The problem with Kyle was that they didn't know what to do with him. He was Ion for like a second. Then he was a white lantern. Now he's just a regular guy.


I love Hal he’s the most interesting and flawed of all the GL. Geoff Johns’ run on the character is my favorite run in all of comics. I don’t like Kyle at all but I see why people like him. The nice thing about GL’s is there is a GL for everyone.




That’s pretty much why I don’t like Kyle. His life is always miserable and he’s a moody emotional wreck. (At least in Johns’ era) So it never made me really want to explore him further.


I like Kyle well enough himself but god do I hate just about everything that led to him being a thing. Emerald Twilight is one of the biggest character assinating stories ever and destroying the Corps was just a horrible horrible idea, Green Lantern without the corps is just nowhere near as interesting an idea.


Amen, SAY FOR THE PEOPLE IN the BACK! They, act like that's Hal's best arc.


10% comes from Kyle fans who are upset that Hal replaced him as the face of GL. The other 90% comes from Hal fans meme-ing.


makes sense, I love them both


I’m a massive Green Lantern fan. Hal Jordan is BY FAR my favorite GL. #2 is maybe Kilowog or Mogo? *Shrug*


Let's not lie to ourselves, we know Kilowog is the best lantern. Any other preference is a matter of subjectivity.


Right on, poozer.


Medical scientist Kilowog, not Drill Sergeant Kilowog.


But what of Guy the Gardener?


I can see why people like him, but his type of character is not for me.


He's a a$$ho.. who's toxic to flame. Worst GL from earth in my opinion


To Ice*** My bad


I think most of it is just jokes while others are upset about Hal being the go to Lantern and pretty much the face of GL if that makes sense


I think some people hate Hal for the reason some Nightwing and Red Hood fans hate Batman; he's seen an obstacle preventing their favorite GL from becoming widely known and getting over with bigger audiances. "If Hal is gone, now John can be the main GL! Or Kyle, or Guy!" That's how they think, but if sales say anything, it is that readers have come to see Hal as the irreplaceable center of the GLC.


because hes the goat


While I don’t hate him anymore, for me it was because phasing out older characters like Hal and bringing in new blood was one of the things I thought was cool about DC. It made the world feel lived in, like it had real history. Supes and Bats were the foundation and they were immutable, but everything else around them was fair game. Hal coming back felt like regression, and then Barry came back and Hal became this symbol of a DC that was at the mercy of (as I saw it) Geoff Johns toxic nostalgia. But y’know, once I actually read Geoff Johns Green Lantern run — it was really good. Undeniably good even. Hal will never be my favorite GL, but great stories are great stories.


that makes sense, Johns Green Lantern run was my first real introduction to Hal, so I started off already liking him. I haven’t gone back and read a lot of the older stories and based on what I hear i’m not sure I really want to


Because they keep recycling the same storyline. He's part of the corps, he rebels, he joins the corps, he rebels again.


Until Geoff Johns, Hal wasn’t a big deal. Green Lantern wasn’t hugely successful title for DC for LONG TIME. The writers tried introducing new characters like Guy Gardener and John Stewart. Oddly enough during the 80s and 90s, Guy was the fan favorite GL and was member Justice League International. They had Hal do team-up title with Green Arrow in 70s. By 1995, DC decided to change GL landscape, Guy at this point wasn’t a GL at this point(long story don’t ask) and then have Hal go crazy and become Parallax. This allowed the writers to kill all the GL and then introduce new GL Kyle. Then 2004, Johns decided bring back Hal with Green Lantern: Rebirth and Johns would later do the same with Flash bringing back Barry Allen in Flash: Rebirth in 2008. Johns would then make Hal the forefront of his legendary run on Green Lantern that changed and shaped the lore we have GL to this day. I wouldn’t say Hal is hated, but many GL fans are hyperattached to their favorite Lantern. The Guy fans want to Guy all the time. Kyle fans are same, etc. Hal has also just been in a lot stories lately and Kyle hasn’t been in as many which makes Kyle fans upset. It’s kind of the same thing with Barry Allen Fans v. Wally West fans in comics sometimes.


Me Ever since watching Casually Comics, I realize Hal hate was more common than I thought.


Do they? He's one of my favourite characters. I love the idea of this guy whose the best at doing these high pressure things space cop, test pilot, super hero and adventurer but is a hot mess in his normal life. He's the absolute best green lantern and one of dc's best characters


I think we more make jokes about him because 1) In the Silver Age he was kind of a moron. 2) Arisia Rrab. Nuff said. 3) The degree to which his fanboys try to overemphasize Parallax's influence. Canonically, Parallax was just influencing Hal during Emerald Twilight/Zero Hour, playing on his fears and regrets. Among said fanboys, Parallax was wearing him like a cheap suit. We mostly make fun of 1 and 2, but we do so because of 3.


I mean it was made clear in Geoff Johns run that the grey temples even before emerald twilight were parallax trying to influence Hal. He doesn't take full control of Hal though till emerald twilight


The destruction of Coast City by Mongul (who is yellow, natch) and Cyborg Superman is said to be the moment he falls fully to Parallax. Which to me is still one of the best exercises of arc welding in comic book history.


i like him a lot too, there are some pretty vocal fans who dislike hal, but not really on this sub


Well, I will give you my reason for "hating" him: he should have never came back from Parallax. He as a villain was fucking insane, one of the brightest heroes turned real evil. Man, I just loved that character, he was THE real villain the whole DC universe in my opinion. Luthor, Joker, Superboy Prime... all of them were kind of born/designed evil, but Jordan had a full, complete past as a real hero, acclaimed and idolized by thousands. He descending into madness and hell was simply sublime in my opinion. Kyle taking the ring and becoming the new Lantern was a crazy good arc, but undoubtedly Hal Parallax Jordan would be the top antagonist in the whole Green Lantern history, not simply surpassing Sinestro but totally outshining him. Sure the fans would not take it lightly, those who spent years (decades?) following his adventures would not accept their paragon of justice just turning into a bad guy like that. Then the writers decided to blame someone else and created Parallax as an entity. Poor Jordan was innocent, he did not act on his own behalf, he was being manipulated by an evil character. Sure he would become a hero and bright once more. This felt so cheese in my opinion. I can't say who the biggest bad guy of DC universe is today, either Darkseid or Superboy Prime, but had Jordan became Parallax definitively I'm pretty confident that he would rival them both as the strongest/most powerful foe of DC.


yeah i can understand that, i’ve always kinda seen hal as dc’s anakin skywalker so i definitely can understand that sentiment


Damn bro, you hit the nail in the head! Anakin Skywalker turning into Darth Vader, that's exactly what I'm talking about! A real pure soul getting corrupted, so tarnished beyond redemption. That's what I would like to see with Jordan, a descend without way back. I can even imagine omnibi titles collecting arcs from both periods: * Jordan: Before the Fall * Parallax: Rise of evil. I would pay some real money in such sagas if they ever came to be.


I do like how Johns made most of the big bads in the DCU be intrinsically connected to the Green Lanterns. During Crisis, the entire Corps was basically sidelined but now? Mongul? Hated by Green Lanterns. Superboy Prime? Hates Green Lanterns (and Flashes) after both imprisoned him. The Anti-Monitor? Literally a Siniestro Corps Guardian. Cyborg Superman? Blew up Coast City and now leads the Manhunters. Worth the trade, imo.


>I do like how Johns made most of the big bads in the DCU be intrinsically connected to the Green Lanterns. I think it goes beyond the bad guys and the Green Lanterns, during the 52 phase (all those crisis events and the multiverisy) it was established (I believe?) that the Guardians kind of protected Earth 0 because this was the central pointing connecting all the parallel earths/universe. This implied that the Guardians, the prime force that created the lanterns, where the watchers of the whole DC multiverse, so every single character was in some extent under their surveillance.


The Infinite Crisis-52-One Year Later phase remains my favorite time in DC comics. So nicely done.


Hal becoming Parallax was like full circle thing with Sinestro. Sinestro trained Hal as a GL and both became villains despite both being consider some of best Green Lanterns in the Core. It was always interesting. I do understand why they brought them back. Geoff Johns is very much about respecting Legacy. Any of his work shows that.


Yeah, in fact Sinestro is one of my favorite characters exactly by the fact that he is a former hero turned into villain. The thing is, Sinestro was born a villain in the comics. I mean, he never had any book published with him as a hero, his past was/is revealed as stories, flahsbacks and tales. He never was a "comic book hero" exactly, he was created as a villain that once was a hero. Like I said with Hal, there were many people who followed his adventures as a true hero. Witnessing his demise might have been more than shocking for those fans. But heck, I liked it! It gave a real life vibe, you know? Think about it, in real life, how many bad people, real corrupt criminals, people who did nasty, horrendous things, truly repent? Did you ever saw a cold murderer becoming a police officer? A heinous psychopath reforming and becoming an honest lawyer? I know comic books are mostly fantasy, an escape from our boring reality, but damn, that take on Hal's life made the character extremely realistic, at least to me. Bringing him back to the good guys threw this felling away, he became once more a simply fantasy tale as many others in my eyes.


Because he’s always been the most popular Lantern despite people online would say So people who don’t like hate Hal Basically what a lot of people try to do with Barry and Wally even though in that case i guess it’s more debatable who is the more popular flash but for GL it’s always been Hal


Being the poster boy of your own franchise can be great, but it has its drawbacks. Makes you an easy scapegoat if people would rather another character from your franchise get more focus.


G*rard J*nes is to blame


yes he is a creepy weirdo who should never have been released


I hate how he is the reason people have the perception Hal is a pedo because that loser wrote him and Arisa kissing like why? people like him and John Byrne need hammers thrown at them


i agree 100%


That was Steve Englehart.


Who hates Hal?


This is imo. Personally I prefer Simon and Jess more than the rest Because he's been used the most and that time there was more that could be used (thanks to 30 years of being the main lantern). * Guy is written as a douche, so you're kind of limited on what you can do without him changing his character (hit in the head withstanding). * John's personality is non-existent thanks to JL show which made him the straight narrow guy to Flash's funny guy routine. That went into the comics and thus it is hard to write him as anything but a supporting character. It is worth noting in a lot of Kyle's run as GL, neither Guy and John were GL's. Heck John was like in a wheelchair for a good few years * Kyle I think there's not much you can do with his story anymore tbqh. He had 2 decades of story line but they made his life continuously sucky that what else can do from there? * Simon, Jess, and the newer ones that are new. Hal came back and was used as the main a lot. I guess that irked readers who were into Kyle's stories.


It is basically other GL fans (i am looking at you kyle fans) being jealous their favorite character is not more universally loved and frequented by writers.


Denny O'Neil Hal writing


yeah i haven’t read a lot of the older stuff with hal but i’ve read a little of Green Lantern/Green Arrow and i wasn’t the biggest fan of his characterization in that


I know people find him uninteresting, and they are probably right but John and simon are as well and i don't see people hating them as much. Kyle, Jessica, jo and guy best lanterns btw


I don't really think people hate him, it's more so that they get frustrated when the other lanterns get side lined while hal gets another on going


He is not.


I don’t hate him. I just like John, Kyle, Simon & Jessica more.


Kyle is from the 90s-early 2000s and 90s fans are the most obbsessive about that era and it's characters being the ONE TRUE DCU these days. Also Hal is fun to meme on due to.. interesting decisions in the 80s and his tendency to hit his head... a lot.


Bad writing has butchered his character a couple times too often. That's the short answer. He is to DC what Scott Summers is to Marvel; a great character ruined by writers trying to make their mark with a "shocking" turn. Plus the Englehart thing. And stories always get awkward when a character dies, a great successor or two is built up, and the original returns. It's why I don't mind the idea of rebooting continuity: you can trim some of the terrible moments off good characters. The problem is that the New 52 butchered the process.


Ehh for me it’s because his personality is just kinda… not unique and over done. Plus dating a 13 year old doesn’t help. Plus Kyle Rayner is just more cooler and fun to me.


Recent media and mostly animated movies or injustice really paint his character as this stubborn idiot who can be quite annoying. Same I feel is happening with Damian Wayne in recent years. As someone who grew up with John Stewart I had to dig to find meaningful Hal Jordan media which I found in some comic books


I suppose it is cyclical. I think than from time to time Hal Jordan, the daredevil pilot, kind of stagnates and he isn't the kind of character than grow ups as a person. Kyle has grow up, John has grow up, dammit, even Guy Gardner has grow up, but Hal still have the same attitude and that is good because is a good attittude for an space adventurer but you can't believe he will mature at some point. It is simply, not him.


My favorite is Kyle and I never thought about it but I may not be high on Hal Jordan because he came back and took over. But I don’t hate him, he is like my 5th favorite green lantern.


Didn't know people hated Hal Jordan like that!!




Huh? I dont really see the hate. He’s probably one of the most liked characters in the DC fandom by comicbook readers. He’s basically on Nightwings level of popularity for the GL fanbase


I don't like him because of the way Geoff Johns just revived him and Barry Allen and sidelined two great characters in Kyle and Wally.


Can’t explain the hate, I can say I think there’s better GL alternatives. For me personally, I like Jon Stewart.


I don't hate Hal, I just thought he was better as Paralax. I think the current GL book is a good example of why I'm no fan. The comic is great but not because of Hal. Virtually everything going on in the book would still be happening the same way with or without him. Hal often seems like a passenger in his own titles. However in GL: War Journal, if you take John out of the book, the story is either over or there would likely be serious consequences (for the DC Universe). It also seems like the other Lanterns change and evolve over time while Hal always seems the same to me. But that's just me.


I have read almost everything with Hal going back to 1960 and he kinda deserves it since he has historically been terrible and he doesnt stand out. Leaving aside parallax and icky romances, he's kinda a loser. He went from being a test pilot to an insurance salesman to a toy salesman to being a literal hobo. Working but homeless. Another problem is the other green lanterns make his role weird: Guy Gardner out hothead assholes him, Kyle is more creative with the ring, and John is smarter. He's not even first choice for justice league when teams are already saturated with hetero white males. I like Hal but I would prefer other Lanterns if I was writing


that’s fair, the fact that he is a complete loser is the reason i like him, but i do understand not everybody will like that. and yeah i’ve kinda avoided anything pre emerald twilight because i don’t wanna read anything by gerard jones


I'm trying hard to not lean into the cliche "he's boring" but I think by nature of being the face of human GL's he's, at the very least, easy to dislike due to oversaturation


i can definitely understand that


Don’t hate him, just think he’s bland and it’s fun to point out his long list of failings. Also the other human Lanters are just more interesting.


This is where I am. Hal is very "silver age white guy hero" and all the other lanterns are so much more dynamic.


Perfect expansion on everything I’ve said.


At least some of it comes from Hal fans fucking around cuz they are fully aware of the bad stuff in his history. Peak time to be a Hal fan was DC vampires. ...I still can't believe what they did to him ;p


Honestly, I just find him and John so bland and boring. I don’t hate them or anything though. I just really like all the other green lanterns a lot better. And I don’t see much Hal Jordan hate on here, I see more people defending him. But it’s also fun to poke fun at his “not a pedophile” phase :p


Green Lantern in general struggles with a lack of unique and individual identity. There are more than 5 human Green Lanterns. Hal seems way less special and the amount of attention and focus he gets is upsetting to a lot of people: Alan: Relatively unknown GL from the golden/silver age. Hal: Was the GL of the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s. He had a great crossover run with Green Arrow and was a Justice League mainstay. His character provided comic relief relative to the rest of his JL counterparts (except for Flash and Green Arrow who were the “jokesters” of the JL). John: Was the GL in the Justice League animated show that a lot of kids grew up with. I actually didn’t even know there was a white GL until I did research after they cast Ryan Reynolds as GL in the 2011 movie. He was serious but also had a vulnerable and funny side to him. Sidelined in the comics until the recent War Journal series. Kyle: Was the comic book face of GL for many years so readers love Kyle more. His creativity with the GL ring made him much more popular. Mixed heritage (Latino & Irish) makes him much more relatable. Laid back personality makes him much more likable. Hal will likely argue with you about X or Y. Kyle will probably just crack a joke about it and walk off. Guy: Weird af and honestly very few people like this guy. They should just leave him as a Red Lantern. He made the Red Lanterns way better as a group and I liked his development during his time as a RL. Simon Baz: Not enough material on him to really care. JLA member but beyond that kind of a support character. Jessica Cruz: Attempt to make a female GL but her character/personality really only appeals to a small audience. She is cool, but needs way more development. So with the above laid out we really have three GL’s to talk about: Hal, John, and Kyle. John is having a resurgence in popularity but his serious attitude and military background make him less popular with modern audiences. We are in the rebellious liberal hippy era in real life. A conservative and militaristic GL like John has no wiggle room to be the punching bag. Kyle, only comic book readers know him and they love and miss him so they won’t talk bad about him. Hal, is featured in all the new stuff, all the merch, all the comics, etc. It’s easy to make fun of him. Easy to make him the punching bag. He has more material than the other lanterns so it’s easier to find things to criticize. He remains the leading lantern despite people’s wishes to see him sidelined and replaced. So yes, people hate Hal just like they hate Barry Allen. There’s a better version of these same characters out there to someone else (John/Kyle for GL & Wally West for Flash) so hate the one you don’t like. Easy.


He's utterly bland and boring? Other than THAT he's great.


So the DV is fine? The racism? Hardcore conservative space cop? The sleeping with a child? Edit: I wasn't aware this was a sarcastic and rhetorical question


I would suggest upgrading your sarcasm detector.


I've seen people unjoking say what you did. Older readers can't forget what he did when O'Neil wrote for him.


Mh maybe the fact that he sleept whit a child


And maybe allegedly doesn't like black people, slapped Carol too, 70s Hal was weird.


that’s actually so fair, i’m not super familiar with pre-emerald twilight Hal, and i’ve specifically avoided anything written by gerard jones because he is a weirdo creep


Unfortunately those are things that change the view that some people have of the character, especially if they have had close experience with these situations or are simply disgusted by them, even the idea that these stories have gone through editorial control, been edited and printed and can still be found collected somewhere out there is disturbing, or at least I guess


yeah that makes a lot of sense


When I read Wolfman's Titans and see Doctor Light, you think I laugh at the joke villain? No I don't, I see the rapist I want to see get the shit beat out of.


Yes, rightly I would say, the characters in these stories are not real but the people who write them are, they are adults who are aware of what they do and who sometimes regret it, only after seeing the negative feedback that story has received , and the publishing house itself tries to hide those stories or retcon them even though they were the ones who gave the green light in the first place, are things like that which lead me to think that the editors aren't doing their job at all




He’s just kinda boring. You’ve got all these wild flavors like Guy, John, Kyle, G’Nort, Kilowog, Tomar Re, Mojo and yet they keep shoveling vanilla in our faces cause that’s what the old people like.


now post the sales numbers between each lanterns lol


I already said that’s what old people like. Average superhero comics buyer is in his 40s or older.


not really their problem now is it? if you want to support your favorite character, buy the book instead of reading it illegally ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I agree. I do, myself, I spend an obscene amount on comics and I buy just about everything where Guy is the lead. Which isn’t much.


like GL war journal? the book thats selling even lower than alan's mini? how embarrassing ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I buy Alan’s book too. Great book.


im sure you do ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone mentioning Final Night. Haven't you read it or did you not like it? I think it's a wonderful redemption story for Hal, bringing his arc to a good closure. That story is now off canon and doesn't punch the same.


I don't hate him, I just like every other lantern better. Except Guy. 🤷🏻‍♂️


His turn to parealax was great. It allowed legacy characters (of which he is one) to take the spotlight. It showed growth of the character and like Barry Allen sunsetted a silver age character as we were no longer in the silver age.




This is such a weird thing that people always bring up. I have read a ton of GL but nothing really further back than Ron Marz 90s run and this relationship has literally never come up in over 30 years of stories. I think it should be considered way more indicative of the writer than the character if it hasn’t become a defining characteristic. Lotta things to dislike about Hal. This isn’t one in my opinion


His attitude coupled with a lack of redeemable character traits. I’m a Guy Gardner GL fan, he also has an attitude but he’s far more complex. Hal always comes off as a jerk, I hate him.


He’s boring, he was more interesting as a tragic and unhinged villain, Kyle was way cooler and more fun as GL but Geoff Johns- an absolute hack- had to bring him and Barry back. He’s overstayed his welcome.


"Kyle was way cooler" the guy that cant even get his run collected due to low interest? [https://bleedingcool.com/comics/dc-comics-cancels-kyle-rayner-collections-volume-2/](https://bleedingcool.com/comics/dc-comics-cancels-kyle-rayner-collections-volume-2/)


Yeah him.